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Old 01-19-2008, 08:33 AM   #31  
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Good Morning My Sweet Friends,

I'm sorry I couldn't post this week, things got so hairy at work and I was so sick with this cold that the days all melded into one big loooooong drag. Mentally I feel better today but I'm still coughing like crazy.

Today we have Karate and a birthday party for my DD's classmate...twins lol. Then its off to the supermarket for food, and of course there will be cooking and cleaning, laundry in between. BTW Its COLD outside...burrr.

Sassy girl, I'm glad you are feeling better.... hey...did you ever consider getting a SAD light to help with the blue feelings? It seems you go in spurts with being blue and this might help get you through the winter months. I'd like to get one but keep putting it off... How's DH?

Cathy... my long time friend. How's DH & the boys? I'm so glad to see you back here posting, I really miss you. You are an inspiration as you realize it or not. Keep the exercise up... your persistence is going to get my large carcass up one of these days

Heather I know exactly how you feel about losing the weight and the body image you are struggling with. Body image is exactly what did me in. Even at 150 lbs, I saw a fat person. I gave up trying to reach that perfect weight (what ever that was) and thats how I gained 100 lbs back. So....exercising the mind is just as important as exercising the body. Keep working on your body image girl.... you are soooooo beautiful and NOT FAT. Take it from some one who knows and wouldn't BS you. Be proud !!! we are very proud of you.

Amarie welcome, its really great to have you here. Just let me say that these are the sweetest ladies on earth, but I'm sure your realizing that already

Hope LOLOL channel your inner cathy...thats perfect. I get days/weeks where I don't want to clean a thing and then poof.... I'm a whirl wind in my own home. how ya doing today? did you find your inner cathy?

Buddly baby.... I'm so sorry for all that snow, I really don't mind a little snow but after the 3 snow fall ick...i've had enough. Watcha doing this weekend? how are the girls?

Well my fellow Chicklets.... time to make DD breakfast...clean the kitchen and shower because we are off to karate.

Have a blessed day

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Old 01-19-2008, 01:27 PM   #32  
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hey gang

Well I gave up on really cleaning house today like I should have (who cares anyway LOL) and just picked up and cleaned what I HAD to, along with washing clothes of course (are there ever no clothes to wash???) and decided to walk instead.

I did 3 miles using the Walk Away your Waistline dvd and used the walk belt

I am thrilled to say that my scale is finally down another pound this morning. The scale has has held steady since Thanksgiving and even tho I was thrilled not to have gained during the holidays, I've really been looking for a loss to show up, sometime, somehow, somewhere so that makes a total of 21 lbs down as of today. It could not be any slower but before finding my thyroid problem all it did was go up and up doing the same things that I'm doing now - so as long as it moves down I can't complain about how long it takes me

Y'all are toooooooo funny with your "inner cathy" comments

Leenie - it's good to see ya! I sure hope you are just about done with that cold!!! it sounds like you have another busy day ahead of you! It's COLD down here in Louisiana so I can NOT even imagine how COLD y'all are! yikes! hope you get to feeling better!!! stay bundled up out there Dh and the guys are GREAT GREAT GREAT! thanks for asking. It's duck hunting season so they are all happy about that

Hey Sassy - what ya up to today? are you off this weekend? or having to work? hope all is well.

Well my dryer is buzzing which means I have more clothes to tend off I go.

hope everybody has a blessed day!

Last edited by cathyxxx; 01-19-2008 at 01:33 PM.
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Old 01-20-2008, 10:54 AM   #33  
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Good Morning,

Cathy thats awesome you did the 3 mile watp AND AND AND another pound bites the dust congratulations. Can you believe my Christmas tree is still up. I don't know when I want to take it down, I just love it.

Well this morning was busy. I've already cooked my dinners for the week and DH's lunch. I chopped up a bunch of zucchini, onions, peppers.... cooked some cauliflower, made mashed potatoes and roasted a chicken and a spiral ham........ I'm Pooped !! with a capital P. Now its laundry time uggggh. lol.

thats about it for me... hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.

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Old 01-20-2008, 10:09 PM   #34  
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Hi all

Hope your all doing well.

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