3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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kelijpa 05-18-2015 10:08 PM

Delphi thank you, I use an app called lumen trails for logging in my weight, i could make a calendar to track my period, it works good for me, it also has a bunch of stuff I don't use, but it has a neat little thing for keeping track of where you park your car, which has come in handy a couple times :lol:

:wave: Jacqui I only went up about a pound over the weekend, so happy about that.

Joy I really feel like I need to get that book...

Best to all :sunny:

kelijpa 05-19-2015 05:37 AM

l 5.2 pounds

5/8-176.0 weekly WI
5/15-174.1 weekly WI

Best to all :sunny:


CakeGirl75 05-19-2015 08:39 AM

I am joining so late but wanted to catch at least the end so I can be ready to start June on time!

My goal for May is 10 pounds (or 238).

Hope you are all having a wonderful May and enjoying some lower numbers on your scales! :D

Delphi 05-19-2015 09:21 AM

kelijpa ~ Thanks for the heads up. There are so many apps these days for just about anything. I use Runkeeper to track walks/runs (or at least I did when I was actually distance running) It served its purpose though. I think I want to move into another tracker type device now though. There are so many on the market. I loved my BodyMedia but they were acquired by JawBone and they are just pushing their products (which I hear do not work) and they really aren't supporting the BodyMedia anymore. One look at their facebook page is enough to see how unhappy people are with their products. Sooooo, I'm in the market. Thinking about an apple watch once they get all the kinks worked out but I'm still looking.

Seemyfeet ~ Definitely get a second opinion. There are specific tests they run for RA. Though without a good doctor there may be a lot of conjecture as to what diagnosis you get. RA as are all immunological disorders mimic each other. Your lab work, symptoms and family history will give a better picture of where you lie. I'm not a doctor (nor play one on TV) but I am a medical transcritpionist and I know my lab work. I knew exactly what to look for when I went to see my Rheumatologist. Educate yourself and be diligent in your research. Always ask for copies of your lab work, xrays, MRIs and your medical record. That is your right as a patient free of charge. Good luck. Let us know how it goes. :D

Cakegirl75 ~ :welcome: Its never too late to start. So glad you joined us.

As for me, TOM is sucking all the life out of me. The first three days just kill my energy levels. I'm trying to "fake it till I make it" but sweet baby Jesus, its hard. Anyone here have children? I have three boys, 8, 11 (turning 12 next week) and a new 15-year-old who thinks I should let him get into that moving 2-ton death machine parked in the driveway and drive to the store..lol. You take the test and get your permit, then will talk about bubble wrap and driving..lol! In any case, I gotta get off here and get ready to listen to my doctors moan, grumble and grunt. Sure hope you guys have a wonderful day.

SW: 242
GW: 232

05/01: 242
05/02: 243
05/03: 242
05/04: 242
05/05: 242
05/06: 242
05/07: 240
05/08: 239
05/09: 238
05/10: 238
05/11: 240
05/12: 240
05/13: 238
05/14: 236
05/15: 236
05/16: 235
05/17: 235
05/18: 236 TOM :cry:
05/19: 236

gardenerjoy 05-19-2015 09:48 AM

Way to go, Jacqui_D!

Welcome, CakeGirl75!

Sum38: 4 lbs
Synderella: 10 lbs
ShaMac: 9 lbs
SeeMyFeet: 5 lbs
Crow: 4.6 lbs
EmilieMarie: 4x/week planned meals
Candidcamster: 7.5 lbs
Noggs: 10 lbs
wantochange: 5 lbs
atmos: 3 lbs
Turtle11: 4 lbs
stilettolife: 4 lbs
kelijpa: 5.2 lbs
Jodaleeb: 3kgs, 1200-1500 cals/day
SnowWolf: track measurements
thin_is_my_destiny: 8 lbs, cleaner diet
nonameslob: 2.5 lbs
AngelOnHorseback: 10 lbs
PollifaxFive: 4 lbs
stepbystep: 4 kgs, daily weigh-ins
nickilaughs: reach 177 lbs
EnglishMcTeach: 6.6 lbs
Delphi: 10 lbs
gardenerjoy: work through 1st part of The Diet Trap Solution
momtopands: 5 lbs
JenDestiny: get out of 300s
Jacqui_D: 9 lbs Bonus goal: 2 more lbs
rainbow84uk: 4.6 kgs
CakeGirl75: 10 lbs

gardenerjoy 05-19-2015 09:49 AM

May goal: work through 1st part of The Diet Trap Solution

Foundation Strategies I'm practicing daily (adding one every 3 or 4 days):
1. Read my list of advantages of losing weight
2. Eat slowly while seated
3. Give myself credit during the day
4. Read my response cards (tips, tricks, and talk-backs to sabotaging thoughts)
5. Weigh Daily (see below)
6. Build "resistance muscle"
7. Manage hunger and cravings
8. Eat according to a schedule
9. Eat according to a plan

May 10: 84.95kgs
11: 85.05kgs
12: 85.5
13: 85.75
14: 85.65
15: 85.5
16: 85.5
17: 85.55
18: 86.00
19: 85.6

SeeMyFeet 05-19-2015 01:35 PM

Hey thanks for the concern Delphi. I do know what's up and had the obvious lab work done and it looks convincing to me and the gp, unfortunately. I don't know what, or if, this rheumaton is thinking. Anyway, I asked for sulfasalazine, so we'll see if that helps...I'll be looking for another specialist, because this guy only wanted to talk about movies (!) during the office visit, and yeah, he left it to me to pick out the dmard--if I wanted one (!).

Anyway, I'm not reporting an update today because the wt went up :( and I'm bummed about several things. Hope to have a whoosh soon.

I have 2 boys, Delph--one just turned 15. He's asking for his own (expensive) car already, but not showing much interest in practicing driving!

well....I'm gonna go look for that wt loss juice Jacqui's been drinking!

Jacqui_D 05-19-2015 02:53 PM

I have lost another half lb and I am amazed and elated! :dance:

Thanks Joy! :thanks:
Delphi, Thank you, and you know, the (only) good thing about TOM is that the whoosh fairy is usually close behind, ready to put her "whoosh-them-away" wand to some stubborn lbs! :angel:
SeeMyFeet, lol! I wish there was a magic weight loss juice! :coffee2: Fortunately, the Slow Carb Diet or at least my modified version of it (I don't think I could stick to the book version) works for me. I could kick myself for ever going off it, and there was no reason to! Ugh! Anyway, I'm glad you are in-the-know about your RA, have started to treat it, and are looking for a different rheumatologist. As far as your gain, don't sweat it! You know you haven't eaten enough extra calories to put that weight on in fat, which means it's water, and water comes and goes. No big deal. You've been under a lot of stress. And you aren't giving up, so it will straighten out. Don't let it stress you out more. You got this! :hug:
Keli, only a lb is fantastic! Great job! :broc:
:welcome: Cakegirl75! Glad you jumped in!

SW: 220
GW: 209
CW: 210.5

5/1: 220
5/2: 220
5/3: 220 Started anew
5/4: 218
5/5: 217.5
5/6: 218 TOM
5/7: 216
5/8: 216
5/9: 216 Cheat day
5/10: 215
5/11: 215.5
5/12: 214.5
5/13: 213.5
5/14: 213.5
5/15: 212.5
5/16: 211.5 Cheat day
5/17: 213
5/18: 211
5/19: 210.5

kelijpa 05-20-2015 05:25 AM

l 5.2 pounds

5/8-176.0 weekly WI
5/15-174.1 weekly WI

Best to all :sunny:


Synderella 05-20-2015 08:02 AM

Fantastic Job Everyone!

Sw: 240
Gw: 230

5/1: 240
5/2: 239.7
5/3: 239.6
5/4: 238.6
5/5: 238.1
5/6: 238.3
5/7: 237.7
5/8: 239.6
5/9: 239.2
5/10: 239
5/11: 238.3
5/12: 238.7
5/13: 238.6
5/14: 237.7
5/15: 237.8
5/16: 236.1
5/17: 235.6
5/18: 235.2
5/19: 235.5
5/20: 235.2

Jacqui_D 05-20-2015 08:13 AM

Yay Keli and Syn! Keep it going! :cheer:

I'm 10 lbs down total today! It's not much but it's a start, and it's 10 lbs less than I weighed last month! :yay:

SW: 220
GW: 209
CW: 210

5/1: 220
5/2: 220
5/3: 220 Started anew
5/4: 218
5/5: 217.5
5/6: 218 TOM
5/7: 216
5/8: 216
5/9: 216 Cheat day
5/10: 215
5/11: 215.5
5/12: 214.5
5/13: 213.5
5/14: 213.5
5/15: 212.5
5/16: 211.5 Cheat day
5/17: 213
5/18: 211
5/19: 210.5
5/20: 210

CakeGirl75 05-20-2015 08:43 AM

Thank you for the welcomes!

05/19 248
05/20 248

Need to up my exercise!

gardenerjoy 05-20-2015 09:44 AM

May goal: work through 1st part of The Diet Trap Solution

Foundation Strategies I'm practicing daily (adding one every 3 or 4 days):
1. Read my list of advantages of losing weight
2. Eat slowly while seated
3. Give myself credit during the day
4. Read my response cards (tips, tricks, and talk-backs to sabotaging thoughts)
5. Weigh Daily (see below)
6. Build "resistance muscle"
7. Manage hunger and cravings
8. Eat according to a schedule
9. Eat according to a plan

May 10: 84.95kgs
11: 85.05kgs
12: 85.5
13: 85.75
14: 85.65
15: 85.5
16: 85.5
17: 85.55
18: 86.00
19: 85.6
20: 85.55

Delphi 05-20-2015 09:47 AM

:bravo: Jaqui on the 10 pounds. You will be in onederland before you know it.

I'm just passing through this morning. I had a late start but fortunately today is the last day of school for the boys, so I might actually get to sleep in a little for the summer. TOM is making life crazy and the scale is reflecting that. I will catch up with you guys later. Have a great day.

SW: 242
GW: 232

05/01: 242
05/02: 243
05/03: 242
05/04: 242
05/05: 242
05/06: 242
05/07: 240
05/08: 239
05/09: 238
05/10: 238
05/11: 240
05/12: 240
05/13: 238
05/14: 236
05/15: 236
05/16: 235
05/17: 235
05/18: 236 TOM :cry:
05/19: 236
05/20: 238

Crow 05-20-2015 10:09 AM

SeeMyFeet, I second the idea of getting a second opinion. If you come out of an appointment feeling worse than when you went in then you need a new guy.

CakeGirl, welcome! It's never too late to jump in, and every pound you lose is one you won't have to worry about next month.

Delphi, I have two teenaged girls (16 and almost 14) and a 2 year old boy. None of them are interested in driving except for LittleMan.

Jacqui, woohoo on the 10lbs! You're making fantastic progress.

178lbs for me today, so my month's goal is definitely in reach. My new attitude has done me a lot of good in all areas of my life.

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