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Old 09-23-2006, 11:51 AM   #1  
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Default ((I need to gain control))

Hi everyone.

I dont know if you guys remember me. Its been about 8 months roughly since Ive been here.. Ive had some life changes that has stopped me.

Anyways.. I didnt have the faintest where to even put this post.. So Im crossing my finger and posting it here!
I lost down to 124 lbs and started having low sugar problems. So I kinda slowly gained up to 133 lbs.. LOL I had to keep something sweet with me at all times.. Well this was hard. Because sweet being sugar. Not replaced.

Anyways I stayed at 133lbs for the most part.. well my husband went into the hospital and was in there for a week. They ended up removing his gallbladder.
He comes home not smoking.. Which I was happy of 22 years of smoking and he stops..

However, I didnt want to quit smoking at all.. but to help him out I stopped smoking. My first time stopping (it was the hardest emotional thing I have ever been through LOL)... I sweated, paced, it was just terrible.

Its been 2 weeks and 3 days since I stopped smoking and I have gained 5 lbs. Which puts me up to 138lbs. I need to get my sight back to losing that weight. I know it aint much.. but its very depressing when jeans get tight. They do tend to get tight when you gain 14 lbs

Anyone here that has smoked that has battled this problem? What did you do and how did you gain back control???
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Old 09-24-2006, 06:40 AM   #2  
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Well, I am not really in the same situation you are because I havenīt smoked for such a long time.

I was an on/off smokers when I was between 19 and 22 years old. I am a recovered alcoholic and I got sober 16th October 2003 (with 23 years). I started smoking again around 20th October 2003. I smoked quite a lot (10 to 40 cigarettes a day). I am on the road of recovery from ED since this April.

42 days ago, I stopped smoking.
And it was terrible!!!! I stopped drinking, takig pills and bingeing- but smoking was one of the hardest things.
I tried very hard to stay with my eating plan and kept my food journal. My eating behaviour was a bit messed up in the first weeks, but it gets better. And I have a quite ambitous sports program, that helped me a lot.

I havenīt gained weight until now (and I hope it stays that way!). Ok, I havenīt lost weight either. But I guess that is because of my insulin resistance because I stopped losing weight long before i stopped smoking. (Even if WEIGHT LOSS wasnīt a thing I wanted to quit....).
But I guess my metabolism is slower now....

I donīt have physically carvings anymore and my mood swings are gone. But the first weeks were awful! I still have carvings in several situations like sitting with a cup of coffee, unpleasant social situations, when I am angry....Itīs a weird and scary feeling because it was my last "crutch".

And itīs harder for me in the morning- it gets easier after lunch. The hardest time is after breakfast.

I heard from several people who smoked longer than I did and stopped that the worst things are the first four weeks. Then it gets easier with each day. And that was exactly what I experienced.

I hope your husband feels better now!

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Old 09-24-2006, 06:53 AM   #3  
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Maybe that is helpful:

Things that work for me:
- posting on this board
- keeping a box with money saved from not smoking
- having a calender for the first 100 days non smoking (it was made by a government agency which is promoting non- smoking) with tips and semi- funny cartoons
- buying a treat every now and then (in my case, itīs used books...)
- exercising
- always remembering what you gain with non- smoking (no, not weight!! More like quality of life, non smelling rooms and clothes....)
- washing the clothes (so that nothing smells like smoking)
- putting away all smoke accessoires
- acting like a Diva, let everybody participate in my mood swings (I was too friendly for such a long time!)
- kicking something (a ball preferably)
- thinking that I am a non- smoker with a short smoking episode, not thinkig of myself as "a smoker"
- if the carvings are really strong, I have a coffee with milk (interestingly, it really works for me)
- hand- wringing (it really helps to keep your hands busy. Ok, itīs weird)
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Old 09-24-2006, 07:53 AM   #4  
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I remember you! I think you may have to just begin again. You're at a little different starting point but you know what to do.
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Old 09-24-2006, 01:10 PM   #5  
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Susan.. lol I am so glad you remember me! I hope it makes since that I do know how to diet but at the same time you are coming out of a controled area.? So, I am just now getting to the point I dont feel like I need a cig as bad but at the same time my habits haunt me! I will just have to "really" try to kick this thing in the tush! lol

Kate- Nice to meet you! Congrats, on stopping smoking! I admire your strength! To have gave up all (smoking, drinking, pills) those things. You know what I told my husband the other day.. I have a new found respect for alcholics, smokers, people that have true addictions. Never once did I understand why they had a problem.. If cigs are like that I couldnt imagine how other things affect the body. I smoked roughly a pack a day sometimes alittle over depending on whats going on.. lol Since I was 18.. So that is roughly 12 years.
Any addiction is an addiction to me. It is just hard for me because I know how to diet (yes).. but the "habit" area is a very very hard thing to walk through. I need to re-start up my logging, and keep me a diary.

You have a good list there.. and I wouldnt have thought of keeping a box saved with money! I do know that it is saving us a month 160-180.00 a month. So that is a pretty good large chunk there.
Participate in moodswings- I have those every Hubby says that I have become a extremely nosey and grouchy person since I quit smoking.

Anyways, I do the coffee thing too.. Good thing I had/have it.. and gum.. My first 3-4 days I was at the gas station looking for no-calorie gum or something super low. Just to entertain my jaw muscles.
Your right though.. Some situations you just have a flat out hard time with.

My hardest thing is getting the "not wanting to aways fill my mouth" with something to entertain it.

I know what you mean by smelling the smoke on clothing. I got my fall/winter clothes out the other day and they smelled so bad! Rotten cigs. LOL Its so weird how you can walk into a store and smell a smoker a mile away.
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Old 09-25-2006, 04:17 AM   #6  
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Nice to meet you!

About gum: I found out that chewing gum makes me hungry (donīt ask why...). So I had sugar free bonbons in the first days
And another strange fact: itīs harder for me to watch a movie where somebody is smoking as standing next to a smoker.

But it seems that when you give up an addiction, you gain a oversensible sense of smell according to your drug of choice. I can smell if someone has smoked or drank alcohol even if he is 3m away. Hey, I am a police dog!!

What really helped me is to think of it as a detox. Nicotin is a poison and the first weeks were a detox. After that your body got rid of that stuff and the physical problems are over. That means on the other hand, that you canīt just say "Ok, I am just smoking ONLY ONE" because that would mean re- piosoing your body and having to do the detox again....You have to start at Zero again. And remembering how hard it was the first weeks keeps me from thinking: Oh, just one....
Unfortunately I canīt explain it right.....

My mother told me that I behave HORRIBLE. Ok, that is over after two weeks, but I notice that my behaviour changed somehow.
Normally, someone would be unfriendly or ignorant or whatever to me and I would accept it, smoke 1- 25 cigarettes, have a box of ice- cream to calm me down and forget about it. Now cigarettes and ice cream are gone (ok, ice cream not really- but the Family-size-box-just-for-me is gone) I have to find another way to cope with that.
Itīs really that you use your mouth to smoke or eat instead of saying your opinion- it was in my case.

Well, I have to find another cup of coffee before I finally start to work....

Good luck with non- smoking today!!

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Old 09-26-2006, 09:50 PM   #7  
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See and thats just it.. I couldnt survive doing this again. The mental part of it all,
call me a baby.. I just couldnt do it again. Something like that having that much control over
me.. Nope, cant happen. lol
Good point with detox.. I have done detox's with other things.. So it will be very easy to associate it.

And your so right.. we are like a police dog.. lol We do gain a oversense of smell. I dont know how many times I have repeated something smells. I had to shampoo when i got home today. Cig smell has to be in my carpets.

I think I spent more money in my teeth whitener then anything. Stains, ect. Now all I have to worry is coffee .. Im trying the sipping through a straw and see how that works with stains..

lol @ the ice cream. I get to craving it too and I will go into the store and find me the 15 cal
pop sticks, or the 70 cal fudge bars. Though Im not sure if I want to go back to the 15 cal pop sticks
they had to many carbs in them.

I have went 2 days without gum.. I am trying over here.. to take one habit and flip it for another.
But, I have done really good these past 2 days though.

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