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Old 06-06-2006, 04:40 PM   #16  
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Today tues 6/6 I will remain binge free....
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Old 06-06-2006, 07:07 PM   #17  
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Hey everyone...
I have a binge eating problem too, but it is at a very specific time in the day. Right after I eat lunch. I feel totally in control of what I eat for breakfast and lunch, but then I HAVE to have something sweet. One thing leads to another and I've eaten 1,000 empty calories. I was wondering if anyone else has this same problem, and if so, do you just restrict sweets altogehter, or do you allow yourself a small treat? I'm debating on whether or not to try and give it all up or to get something pre-packaged, like a Lindt truffle, and just eat one...any suggestions?
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Old 06-06-2006, 08:42 PM   #18  
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hey i'd like to join. i've been binging almost everyday for about a month, and i really want to stop and take control. today was almost a good day, and then a friend called. for some reason, when i'm on the phone, all i want to do is eat...and that's what i did, 700 calories worth.

anyways, even though i'm a day late, i'd like the rest of my week to be binge free.
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Old 06-07-2006, 05:02 AM   #19  
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Good morning!

Here I go again: yesterday wasnīt great, but binge- free
I am maintaining my weight, what is a good thing, but I really would like to loose again....

I realized that I am not drinking that much. Drinking is important, or? I just made a huge pot of tea for today. Maybe it helps somehow.

The weather is going to be warm (or hot) in the next days. That is a good thing because I will be able to sit outside and do my learning things, but itīs bad because the "What the heck should i wear??" question comes again. Tiny little T- Shirts wonīt work for me, and my inner thights have a close relationsship (you know what I mean?), that makes wearing a skirt hard. Painful.

And I am stressed- I am wondering what drives people that they always come to me and say: Do this- but you have to do that. And donīt forget....

IDGRL2005 and pimpishboo:
I really donīt know a good answer to your question, IDGRL2005. I have a problem with sweat- things as well. I eat a small amount of them, but it has to fit in my plan. So if I eat sweats, it counts as meal. I drastically cut down my sugar intake (a thing I havenīt realized before...), but I still eat them. I havenīt binged for 5 weeks, but I havenīt lost weight in the last week. So maybe eating sweats is bad. Or not
I know that I wouldnīt be binge free today if I would have been more harsh with myself on the question.

ellis: Hi

purplepansy912: Good luck for...yesterday (?). And for today. And the day after that....

I hope everyone is having a good day today!

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Old 06-07-2006, 11:25 AM   #20  
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Hi Everybody!

It's already Wednesday and this is my first post in the binge-free thread! The smilie/emoticon binger is BACK!!!

I had a binge Sunday but have been good on Mon and Tues! I'm feeling much more in "control" today----binge-beast didn't even try to snag me as I passed his cage this morning!

I've also been using the dreadmill daily. WOOHOO! I think it is probably the most potent way to sedate the binge-beast!
I read an article that claimed that binge-eaters, like alcoholics and drug addicts, have less dopamine receptors. One of the best ways to increase dopamine receptors is through exercise. So, I'm giving that a try. One more good reason to submit to my FEP (forced exercise program).

Kate~Congrats on your binge-free day AND on maintaining your weight! You should be proud of yourself--I am! From personal experience and from reading the incredibly smart posts on the maintainers forum here, I know that maintaining can be even more difficult than losing! WTG!

pimpishboo~ I don't usually eat while on the phone cause I've heard how other eaters sound. CRUNCH, CRUNCH, CHEW, CHEW, gurgle, etc.... It doesn't really bother me, but I can see where others may get offended so I don't do it. Kinda like flushing the toilet while on the phone. I just don't want anyone to feel that I'm focused on other things---rather than talking with them!

IDGRL2005~ Oh, YES! I can definitely relate to the time-released binge urge! Mine is in the afternoon! What works for me---when I am good and actually do it---is to avoid my binge zone (kitchen) and distract myself by keeping busy. If I'm physically hungry, distraction doesn't usually work-- it is very crucial for me to make sure that I've eaten enough for lunch ---including protein, fiber and a healthy mix of carbs and fats.

Fruitful~ You are NEVER hopeless!!!! Walking would be a GREAT way to start making positive changes. It can help improve depression and may also help contol bingeing! I know I can feel a DEFINITE mood improvement after exercising for a few days! PLEASE never lose your smile Keep smiling even when you don't feel like it-fake it till you make it! You'll feel better!

Ellis~Hello you all powerful wonderful moderator! I hope you're having a great day!

Hey there coffee drinker! I hope you're having a good binge-free day!

Sweets definitely trigger a binge for me. It is a very rare occassion that I can eat just ONE of a sweet thing and be satisfied.
So, I try to avoid them and am better able to control the binge urges!

to everyone!
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Old 06-07-2006, 12:33 PM   #21  
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Bongiorno, dah'lings! We're heading into Italian week here in downtown Ottawa, and that is the extent of my use of the language.

Elizabeth, welcome back!! I'm so glad you're "back in control".
It's so true about exercise. It works for depression, too. Briefly.
"Flushing the toilet while on the phone..."

Oh, Kate, I so know what you mean about "what to wear in the heat". Talk about a dilemma. I always hated them, but I wear a lot of capri pants now. And my upper arms are huge, so I can't wear sleeveless tops...
Someone should invent something to stick on our inner thighs so they don't rub together when we wear skirts...

pimpishboo, welcome! Eating on the phone: This is obvious, but what about just gum?

IDGRL2005, welcome to you, too! The afternoon is a killer for me, too. I've found that if I have a good breakfast, a mid-morning snack (around 100 calories), lunch, and then a mid-afternoon snack (again, about 100 calories), I can get through the afternoon. You're tired by that time, and from the sounds of it, you're probably hungry.

fruitful, welcome!! You're not hopeless, hon. You just need a little change in attitude. You CAN do this... this isn't about being perfect. It's about doing the best we can, and if that's only a small improvement, then that's still huge.

Purplepansy, how did it go yesterday?

Terry, good going, girl!!

LeaLee, thank you so much for putting up with me. Are you on track, or what?

I had a good day yesterday, and I'm hoping for another today!
Good luck, everyone!!
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Old 06-08-2006, 01:44 PM   #22  
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Helloooo...... It seems quiet in here! Come on, where's everybody?

I did ok yesterday. Ate too much in the evening but didn't really binge. I've been grazing more in the evenings. I've found that when I watch tv the enticing commericals are like the

I did get on the dreadmill and actually did some walking!
I went this morning for a tennis lesson and FRIED like bacon in a frying pan. I could almost hear my thighs sizzling when the instructor asked, "is it getting too hot".

How's everybody doing? Here's to a binge-free day
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Old 06-09-2006, 08:04 AM   #23  
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Today 6/9 I will remain binge free and on my plan
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Old 06-10-2006, 11:41 PM   #24  
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Hi all! Sorry I haven't been around, we moved last week and it's been so hectic. We just got back online today! I am ashamed to admit that I have fallen off the wagon very badly! I am hopeful to jump back on, and coming back here is so definately the right way to start! How are ya'll doing? I hope you're doing great!
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