3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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WardHog 06-07-2010 06:59 AM

Binge-free challenge ~ June 7 - 13
Hi everyone!! Welcome to the binge free challenge!! You can come in here and post your weekly successes and struggles and keep track of your binge free days. You can also vent about anything and everything you feel like getting out. We are here to share our feelings and to encourage and inspire each other. No negativity! We are strong chicks and I KNOW we all can do this!! And we don't have to do it alone, we have each other to get us through the rough times.

ALL chicks are welcome -- no one is excluded! If you are trying to lose weight, not trying, maintaining, recovering from an eating disorder, in the midst of one, or have ANY kind of problem with food, we would love to have you join us!!

Let's have an awesome week!! :D

LataJones 06-07-2010 09:52 AM

Working on Day 11. Have a great day everyone.

tater tash 06-07-2010 10:34 AM

Starting day 3
Enjoying a serving of egg whites, toast, and sliced strawberries now. Thankfully summer classes begin today on top of work to keep me distracted.

Congrats and Good luck to everyone who has made it to today and are making it through.

foxxy511 06-07-2010 11:02 AM

Over two weeks binge free! And I hear ya Tater about classes being good for keeping oneself distracted! I have classes and I'm also studying for my Praxis test that I'm taking in July so focusing on those things are really keeping my mind off of "When can I eat again?"

I've been having that "fat" feeling recently though (which means TOM is probably around the corner) and I hate, hate, hate feeling like this when I haven't done anything to deserve it!

In other news, I decided to run outside yesterday and I did 3.25 miles in 40 minutes! I think my endurance surprised me, haha. And I actually liked it. I run on the treadmill in the gym, but I don't enjoy it as much because it's so monotonous. I might run outside more often!

I hope everyone starts the week off right!

TheBunneh 06-07-2010 11:29 AM

Day 1.

Today I am finally forcing myself out of this pit I've allowed myself to slip into. And I'm going to ignore the little voice in my head telling me it's too late to post here, or that no one wants me to. I haven't exactly been binging the last few weeks, but my nutrition is totally screwed up and I've eaten NOTHING but junk. I'm not sure I've had more than a few servings of vegetables. Uhg.

I'm moving across the country this week, I still have bunches of stuff to pack and the movers are coming tomorrow. And my husband and I leave for the three day trip Wednesday morning. I'm stressed, depressed, excited, and exhausted.

I'm afraid I may have gained weight over the past month or so, but I can't worry about that now. I just have to get my eating somewhere back on track so I can feel a little better again.

tyla 06-07-2010 11:33 AM

Day 119! :yay:

Foxxy, congrats on running 3.25 miles in 40 minutes. Amazing!! :congrat:

Have a great and successful day, Everyone!


Lizaly 06-07-2010 12:12 PM

tyla, you're such an inspiration! keep going!

I'm on day 2.
Not doing great food wise, but doing alright. I wrote down a meal plan for the week, but today I didn't stick with it.
Last night I went for a run and I felt so good afterwards. I'll go over to a friend's appartment to study later and afterwards I'm going to go running again.

motivated chickie 06-07-2010 12:15 PM

I'd really like to go one week without a binge. I am so close to my weight loss goal and I am sabotaging myself like crazy. I'm joining the challenge to hold myself accountable.

paris81 06-07-2010 01:22 PM

Day 28!

DogMomNP 06-07-2010 01:58 PM

Today is Day 1
I have not been this awful in a LONG time (was bad Friday night through Sunday night).
Part of it was watching my hubby 'fat load' in prep for a diet, part of it was stress, part of it was for NO REASON.

I feel awful physically and emotionally from it, trying to just dust myself off.

Lizaly 06-07-2010 04:41 PM

stayed at my friends too long. It was already dark outside when I came back to my appartment, so I decided not to run. I wouldn't have felt safe.
Then I started eating mindlessly, and almost binged... but I was able to stop myself. Would have been to bad to start over on day 1 again tomorrow.
I'll try and sqeeze in a short run before leaving for classes tomorrow.

fruitlady 06-07-2010 06:21 PM

Day 7 for me, no urge to binge. I am trying something new and I think It's working. I feel so good!

girlonfire 06-07-2010 06:56 PM

tater- day 3 is great. keep up the good work!

TheBunneh- keep posting here; we definitely want you to! I too am struggling with that "little voice", so let's push through this together and good luck on your move!

foxxy- two weeks is great! and 3.25 miles in 40 minutes is even MORE great!! I can't even run 5 minutes lol.

tyla- WOW. WOW. WOW. CONGRATS!!!!!

lizaly- good work on the running! I hear it can be a great distraction from wanting to binge

motivated chickie- look at your username. you can TOTALLY do one week without binging!

paris- GREAT JOB

Dog Mom- good thing it's a Monday and a great time to dust off and start fresh!

fruitlady- what are you trying? can you tell me your secret??? lol

I am starting day 1 today and I *will* finish it. I am trying to keep myself busy and drink LOTS of water in order to quell the boredom binging. I really need to find a job! Good luck to the rest of you, I *know* you can do this!!! :)

harrismm 06-07-2010 09:13 PM

Day 34

Lizaly 06-08-2010 12:46 AM

day 3.

I woke up at 5.30am and was out of the building 10minutes later for a morning run, then had my shower and now having breakfast and it feels so good! I never ever went for a run in the morning before, always did it in the afternoon or in the evening. I thought it would make me tired, but it actually woke me up! I feel so totally energized and motivated!

peachykeen, thanks for your note! I wish I was able to just go for a run whenever I feel the urge to binge. I might even try, since I cannot concentrate anyways when feeling bingey. It definitely distracts.

eryn s 06-08-2010 08:02 AM

Day 7, I can hardly believe it! Last week I managed not to go on a total out of control binge, but I did allow myself to eat slightly more than I should've done so this week I'm going to try to do no binging and no overeating.

nmgirl 06-08-2010 10:43 AM

okay i know it may be getting annoying of me but day 1 again! yesterday we went to cicis pizza and... well... i liked it a little to much :| and i regreted it afterwards but didnt eat nothing else the whole day so DAY ONE AGAIN! im trying... its just hard when the boyfriend wants to eat out but i know its up to me on how i should eat. so wish me luck :)

paris81 06-08-2010 10:48 AM

Thanks peachy! Good luck with day 1--maybe plan something to do to take your mind off of the food.

Lizaly--good luck with day 3!

Harrismn--day 34, that's awesome! Over a month done!
eryn--Day 7! Woohoo, a week under your belt must feel good!

nmgirl--Good luck with day 1, that's always tough. you seem to be struggling a lot--be sure that you're just thinking of it as one day at a time. I find that tends to reduce that panic-y feeling!

Starting day 29 now (almost to 30!!!)

tater tash 06-08-2010 12:52 PM

Starting Day 4!
I recently opened up to my mom about my overeating disorder. The only person who knew about it before was my boyfriend from a couple years ago when it all started to surface. I was doing good for over a year or so I'd say up until this past February when slowly it became worse and worse til now when I was binging at LEAST once a week. Since I was no longer with this particular boyfriend, I decided that it was time to come out to my mom because someone HAD to know.
She's been great support so far and she's seen me through a couple binges after I told her (She never physically saw them, no one did.) She lives about 30 minutes North of me, but whenever I had a "binge" or stressed about it, she has me drive up and do a 5 mile walk with her, talk about things, then make something healthy at Whole Foods for dinner. Just talking about it and recognizing that it is a problem that I need to tackle is a huge step for me.
We went out for dinner last night to a taqueria that I (personally knew) couldnt eat at without completely devouring a burrito. But, we went, I ordered the burrito how I liked it, ate it slowly with a fork and knife, and recognized I was full about half way through. It was great because I barely even thought about it.
My mom must have been watching me - when we got home she gave me a hug and told me she loved me, she could tell I was getting in control again.

It's definitely helped in the past couple of days to remind myself that I can't focus on losing weight right now. I just need to focus on getting in control and I think just by not over-eating/binging will result in me losing some lbs anyway.

Can't wait for day 5!

Hope everyone has a great/strong day!

jeniansmom 06-08-2010 12:58 PM

I think I'm ready to start again. I needed a break because I was putting too much pressure on myself and using that as an excuse for bad choices. I don't know that I've had a true binge but have not been making healthy choices. I'm not even going to count days right now, just going to try to make each day and each choice within the day a conscious and good one.

Congrats to all who are doing so well and good luck to all who are also beginning again.


souvenirdarling 06-08-2010 01:05 PM

I wanted to chime in and support all you ladies! It's so hard to manage all the stresses in our lives! It's hard not to succumb to them and lose self control.

Congratulations to all of you for making the decision and doing your best! That in itself is worth a LOT!

tyla 06-08-2010 02:13 PM

Day 120! :yay: :D :D :woohoo:

Wow, this is huge for me. If I was an alcoholic, this would be 4 months sober!

Lizaly and Peachykeen, thank you for your support! It means a lot to me. :thanks:

Motivated chickie, I know what you're going through. Sometimes you've got to take it an hour at a time. You can do this! I believe in you!

Paris, congrats on day 29!

Fruitlady, good luck on your new plan!

Dogmom, good luck to you today. Just get right back on the horse!

eryn, congrats on day 7!

nmgirl, I know you'll do great today!

tatertash, wow, I'm so impressed that you reached out to your mother. Congrats to you for opening up, getting it under control and focusing on staying in control! Kudos to you!

Jeniansmom, I will miss you! Good luck to you!

souvenirdarling, thank you for your kind words!

Best of luck to all of us today! :dust:


nmgirl 06-08-2010 02:21 PM

thank you tyla you always make me feel better and make me feel like i can do it :)

lizbiz 06-08-2010 04:08 PM

almost onto day 3 and still going strong!

kick boxing reaaaallly helps

girlonfire 06-08-2010 04:15 PM

Finished Day 1! I haven't been able to say that in so long; it feels great! I really appreciate the support you ladies give me it helps a lot. Onto to conquer Day 2!!! :)

Sending out hugs to anyone who is struggling today :hug:

tyla 06-08-2010 04:23 PM

Peachykeen, Super congrats to you! :congrat:

nmgirl, Thank you! Just take it one step at a time. You will do it! :cheer:

lizbiz, good idea about the kick boxing. (I just got off of the elliptical.) Yay, exercise! :exercise: (There is no symbol for kick boxing. This will have to do.LOL)


ElanaRose 06-08-2010 05:09 PM

Hello, all! Heading into the end of day two after a little run in with some cookies over the weekend ^^;; Feeling great after running today and having to sprint against a storm towards the end! :cheer2:

SummerSlimmy25 06-08-2010 05:56 PM

Hi All! This thread caught my eye and I wanted to peak my head in! :)

My Story: I started eating healthy and hardcaore excercising in Febrauary. I weighed a whooping 230lbs! The biggest I have EVER been! Scary. I am currently at 186. I was did the Master Cleanse for 23 days recently. It really helped me. Especially helped me get a hold of my cravings and binging. I got off about 3 weeks ago. At first, I was doing great. This last week its like something came over me and I started having all these crazy cravings again!! Not for the same junk as before (taco bell, mc donalds, pizza..yuck!) but just wanting to snack and eat sweets. Oh it has been terrible!! This past wekend, like the glutton that I am, I finaly gave into these cravings. Eating bbq chicken and cheesecake. I feel SOOO bloated and yucky.

Yesterday, was my first day getting it back together. Eating healthy and not over eating. I cannot lie it was hard. I had some hunger pangs but got through it. Today is much better. I am motivated by the fact that I can now wear my size 29 True Religion skinny jeans which about a month ago I could not get over my hips! Lol. I not only want to keep it that way but I also want to lose another 40 pounds!!! I gotta get this weight off me once and for all. So here I am! Lol.

My goal is to have lost 10 pounds by July 4. Fingers crossed!!! :)

fruitlady 06-08-2010 07:18 PM

Hi everyone, today I messed up big time, i binged on everything I could get my hands on. Today was supposed to be my 8th day binge free, and it sure wasn't. I added up all the calories it came to 4400! I can't believe I can eat that much once I get started. I wasn't even hungry when I started with a taste of fat free, sugar free cherry ripple ice cream. I just moved on to more and more. I guess I can't even taste anything that seems like a treat. It turns into an out of control situation. I am so bloated , I feel like I have a basketball in my stomach. I feel so sick, I think i better go for a walk to help me digest.

SummerSlimmy25 06-08-2010 07:23 PM

Fruitlady - Dont feel too bad. We all are guilty of doing the EXACT same thing. Thats why WE are HERE! Lol. :)

Important thing is to not beat up on yourself! Go for your walk, let the food digest and pick back up with it tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new day to do improve! :) Besides you have lost so much weight and you are ONLY 2 pounds from your goal! How awesome is that!!! You should feel very proud of yourself!!!

tryhardforlife 06-08-2010 07:32 PM

Man I ate an early dinner and I am so hungry I've been trying to eat fruit but I'm insane!!

LataJones 06-08-2010 08:13 PM

Working on Day 12.

ravensglen3 06-08-2010 08:32 PM

This week's been a struggle, I've overeaten but not binged.... I'm stressed out because of my summer classes. Ugh. Not fully bingeing is still sort of a victory because it's SOME kind of control.

Since I started intuitively eating, bingeing has gone down so much. When I do, it's much less harmful (and less food) than it used to be.

Lizaly 06-09-2010 12:41 AM

starting day 1

I didn't sleep well tonight, my tummy hurt and it still does. I am not sure whether I can get in breakfast. I know I should. I don't feel like I can get through today :(

nmgirl 06-09-2010 12:54 AM

UGH! i feel like such a failure.. i didnt really binge but i know what i ate wasnt good for me.. im just so stressed out with my health then with my boyfriend non stop drinking and UGH! idk anymore.. im gettin sick again my throats hurtin BAD again.. idk whats wrong i ended up missin my dr appt today because i didnt have no money to go ( had to buy beer ) its makin me mad.. i need a second job.. just so i can have extra money...

oh but on the happy side! everyone loved my new hair cut and i was told at work that i do a good job doin recovery oh and my mom said she can see that i lost weight :) so im happy...

well better go i can hear the boyfriend and all his friends next door yellin....

harrismm 06-09-2010 01:08 AM

Way to go Tyla!! So inspiring!

girlonfire 06-09-2010 01:16 AM

Ugh, my mom bought a HUGE eclair into the house! It has all of my favorite binge-type aspects: chocolate, pastry, CREAMY STUFF.

However, I am pleased to report that I am wrapping up Day 2 binge free, even with the eclair in the house :D

lizbiz 06-09-2010 03:36 AM

start of day 3!

LataJones 06-09-2010 09:45 AM

Starting Day 13.

tater tash 06-09-2010 09:52 AM

Starting Day 5!
Didn't have the urge to binge or overeat, but last night I had to see to that I stayed out of the kitchen and I said "That's all."

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