3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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tyla 06-09-2010 12:10 PM

Day 121! :woohoo:

harrismm, thank you!

Here's to a great day to all of us! :dust:


SummerSlimmy25 06-09-2010 01:12 PM

Wow! Way to go everyone!! 3 days, 5 days, 15 days, 121 freaking days!!! awesome!!!

jeniansmom 06-09-2010 01:18 PM

yesterday was binge free, today is going well
hoping today is happy and healthy for all of you

MissLoveTantei 06-09-2010 01:45 PM

Oh I didn't know these challenges were here. I'm definitely joining now. I already had kind of a bad breakfast but for the rest of the day I'll try to eat only healthy and in proper proportions.

Day 1

paris81 06-09-2010 04:56 PM

On day 30--and really struggling. I just want to dive into a pile of junk food and eat my way out of it!

fruitlady 06-09-2010 08:07 PM

Hello everyone, thanks for your support, I really need it right now. I always thought I knew why I have a binge disorder. But, I don't think i really know now. At first I thought it was from dieting strictly for 10mo., once the weight was gone I just wanted to splurge on foods I deprived myself of. But here i am almost a year later still doing it. There has to be another reason, just have to figure it out. Yesterday I binged real bad, about 5000 cal. Today I still wanted to binge even though i was still feeling full from yesterday. I finished off the rest of my binge foods today, there wasn't much left thank goodness. Still had 3300 cal. though. I really have to stop, it seems like I have this urge to binge everyday, even though I feel like crap and sick when I do it. I don't want to gain all my weight back, I don't like the feeling of being out of control every time I just want to taste a food I shouldn't have. I just can't even have a taste, I'll eat the whole thing and move on to the next food. I need to have control at all times, I don't know how to even begin to gain control anymore. It just seems hopeless!

girlonfire 06-09-2010 09:24 PM

paris81- Look at how well you're doing; do you really want something like food to get in the way? :hug: :hug: :hug: You're doing really well and I'm sending lots of positive, encouraging thoughts your way :)

fruitlady- " I need to have control at all times, I don't know how to even begin to gain control anymore"- this to me is a *huge* part of why I binge. I know that we're different people with a different set of life experiences, but control is an important factor in bingeing. It might seem counterintuitive, but maybe letting go of that need for control can help in easing the bingeing? I am not a therapist, but what has been helpful for me in the past has been realizing that several aspects of my life are out of control and I binged to gain SOME sort of control. Some people restrict, some people binge in order to get *any* form of control(I hope that makes sense). This sounds cliched, but just give yourself a MAJOR pamper: take a nice long, hot bubble bath, condition your hair, paint your toenails and fingernails, just let yourself relax and breathe, and acknowledge that you DO have control, you've always had control, and just let go of that overwhelming need :hug: :hug: :hug:

fruitlady 06-09-2010 09:49 PM

peachykeen- Thanks so much, you make perfect sense to me. For me , i feel the only thing I can control in my life is what I put in my mouth and when I can't even control that, I feel horrible. I do feel the need to control all aspects of my life, and I realize I can't. It really bugs me, so losing weight and watching what I ate, I thought gave me control of at least one thing in my life. Your totally right, it's time to let go of that need to control everything. My weight loss is very important to me, so I can't lose control with that or I'll gain all the weight back. As for everything else, I'll have to just let go of that need to control. I never could figure this out until you said it, thanks so much!!

tyla 06-09-2010 10:34 PM

Fruitlady, I am so happy that you have an answer to what was bothering you.
I want to control everything, too. In fact, I'm a bit of a perfectionist, also...a double whammy! So, if things get out of control and aren't perfect, I have to actually stop and remind myself that "it will all work out." (It always does.) It's not always easy, but I'm getting better at it. I also ask God to help me through the situation. Studies show that prayer works, and it has. Good luck to you.

Paris, please be strong. You're at 30 days!! That's huge!! (I just hope I'm not too late.) I'm sending you good thoughts. All the best to you! ((Hugs))

nmgirl 06-10-2010 12:20 AM

WOOHOO!!! i finished day 1 today, ate some grilled chicken no skin refried beans ( a little ) and rice ( not much ) and a lunchable and thats it actually..wow :) but bring it on day 2!! i know i can do it this time i dont wanna feel like a failure anymore

girlonfire 06-10-2010 12:53 AM

Glad I could help :).

Wrapping up Day 3! Tomorrow I'll check in and let ya know if I made it through the night, but I know will ;)

lizbiz 06-10-2010 02:10 AM

wohooo 2 days down :)

Lizaly 06-10-2010 02:44 AM

I am on day 1 again. Can't believe I binged two days in a row.

jeniansmom 06-10-2010 06:06 AM

yesterday went well, i have high hopes for today

happy healthy binge free day everyone


LataJones 06-10-2010 09:06 AM

Working on Day 14. Have a great day everyone.

tater tash 06-10-2010 10:12 AM

About to start Day 5!

This is silly, but I'm working just a couple hours more than I'm used to and todya I get a half hour lunch break. For weeks I never really had to plan eating around my job - I usually have a good breakfast, bring some fruit to the office, and have a highprotein powerbar kind of thing to keep me satisfied until I get home later. I think I am going to be fine today, but for some reason last night I kept thinking that today is going to be a battle - I mean, everyday is, but some are simpler than others. Anyway, I was kind of talking about my little 'fear' of today and tomorrow out loud in front of my friends (One of very few I've told about my OED) and he say's, "you're not going to binge, or overeat, but if you need a little help just give me a call and I'll make sure it doesn't happen."

I cant wait to have a week, weeks, a month, and many more months under my belt!

Good luck and congrats everyone!

nmgirl 06-10-2010 10:26 AM

Good Luck For Everyone Today For A Binge Free Day!

foxxy511 06-10-2010 12:16 PM

Paris, I hope you were able to fight those binge feelings...you're a strong chickie, so I know you'll get through it!

Tater -- that's so great that you have someone who is there for you like that! I wish I has the courage to tell someone about my binge-eating, but I just don't right now.

Lizaly -- just take it one hour at a time today. You can do it!

fruitlady -- I too struggle with the balance of control. I feel like some control is necessary, but I can't deny myself everything and I believe it is impossible to remain in control 100% of the time! What matters is making sane decisions...they don't necessarily have to be "good" decisions. For instance, on Tuesday, my friend brought over guacamole and these really good deep fried tortilla chips. I had 1/2 c. guac and ate a few chips. But I didn't feel guilty or bad because I ate a few, then ate celery with the rest of my guac! Was eating a few chips the healthiest decision ever? No. Was it sane. I believe, yes!

Tyla -- as always, you're an inspiration! Keep on truckin' girl!

I'm two and half weeks binge free and I was down .6 at my WW weigh-in this week! Which is funny because I didn't see that loss until today. I was actually up every other day this week...funny how that works out!

eryn s 06-10-2010 12:45 PM

Well, today would've been day 9 but it's back to the beginning for me. I guess I should be proud of 9 days binge free though because I haven't managed that in a LONG time.

I just knew it was going to happen today from the moment I woke up, I don't know why but I could just sense it. I suppose part of it was frustration that my weight hadn't gone down in days despite how good I was being.

I've got a question to those amazing people who have managed to go without a binge for months- have you found that you've had to completely give up your triggering foods or have you gained enough control/will power to be able to have a normal sized portion and then stop? Toast with peanut butter is definitely one I struggle with, I can never just have one piece, but on the other hand it's one of my favourite things to eat and I don't want to have to give it up completely though at the moment I'm thinking it might be for the best.

tyla 06-10-2010 01:29 PM

nmgirl, good luck today! I know you can do it!

Lata, congrats on day 14!

foxxy, 2 1/2 weeks! Woo Hoo!

Eryn, I eat whatever I want. I count calories. Peanut Butter used to be a problem for me, because I love anything that has to do with nuts. But I can now have a tablespoon and stop. I have a jar in the fridge right now, that I haven't touched for days. I also have almonds, other nuts and junk food in the house, and I eat them when I want. I just count my calories and then stop when my alottment is done. I know it's not about food when I want more. It's something else going on. I try to deal with whatever is bothering me, and move on. This is huge for me! I've decided I don't want food to control me anymore. I wish I came up with this a long time ago. (I'll have to see if I can handle the holidays starting with Halloween to New Year's. That's my problem time.) I'm not saying I'm completely well. I'm just saying that this is what I did for the last 4 months.

It's day 122 for me! Plus I actually lost 2 more ounces. Wow, it's taking me forever, but I'll get to my goal. (I'm going out to lunch today, so we'll see if I make the right choices.)

Good luck, Everyone!


fruitlady 06-10-2010 01:55 PM

Day 1 for me. It's not going too bad, I made some serious decisions about what I believe in and what I am allowing myself to put in my body. My weight keeps going up and up, this is were it is stopping. From the beginning of my weight loss journey I was against all processed foods, still am. I was going against my own beliefs by binging on processed crap. I would lose control and eat them anyway, it really bothered me. I told my family today that I will not buy anything processed for them anymore. If they want it, they have to buy it themselves and keep it in there own spot away from me. If i see it, it's going in the garbage. Them eating this way and having it in the house is why I ended up binging on it. If it is not here, I'll be fine like I was before when I was trying to lose the weight, i didn't touch it, it's like poison to me, it makes me sick, bloated and I break out with red spots all over my face when I eat any kind of processed food. My body does not want it cause I was eating clean for so long. I want to feel as great as I did before I started binging on processed foods. I want that feeling back and I'm going to get it back!

elaine19 06-10-2010 02:25 PM

I have been careful about food and water intake, feel so good when I drink my water. I started a new excercise challenge this week, love it!!! And I am down 2lbs this week!!!!! YAY!

girlonfire 06-10-2010 02:47 PM

LataJones- keep up the good work! I can't wait to join you in the double-digits ;)

tatertash- YOU CAN DO IT!!! I am on Day 4 so we're pretty close and I can guarantee we will both be getting into weeks, months, etc.

foxxxy- great job on 2.5 weeks AND on your weight loss

tyla- let me just tell you how *inspirational* you are! I would love to be able to post triple digits!

Starting Day 4 today! For me, this is great since for a looong time I haven't been able to go a single day without bingeing or overeating and while yesterday I veered slightly off-plan(by *one* bag of 100 calorie pretzels), that is definitely NOT a binge.

Good luck ladies!!!

ElanaRose 06-10-2010 03:01 PM

Closing out day 4 by staying on plan and going out for a run! Whoohoo! :D

paris81 06-10-2010 05:01 PM

Peachy-you're right, why would I want food?! (Maybe why do I want food!) It's true that it doesn't make anything better.

tyla--Thanks for the encouragement and good thoughts!

Foxxy--thanks for saying I'm strong--I think that's the kind of thing you just need to hear from someone else!!

I am on day 31 now, I was able to fight the urge. It's still there, but less strong. I hope it goes away soon...I'm not really sure what's causing it right now, it's very strange.

happytobeamomof2 06-10-2010 06:01 PM

am trying to earn day 7... i am sick (docs still dont know what is wrong with me, why i am swollen and carrying 10lbs of water weight and my iud has to come out via surgery in a little more than a week....so i am uncomfortable, things hurt that shouldnt, i am nervous about the surgery, my youngest is in a 'bad mood' (he just turned 2) my oldest (nearly 6) is acting out at school and daycare... i just accepted a new (and wonderful!) job so now everyone at my current work is nearly crying (literally for two of the ladies) making me feel guilty about making a move for myself!

i want to finsih day 7 ... i want to get back to that 5 months of 'bliss' i had before when i went so long without a binge... over 150 days..and here i am on day 7 and struggling to not make icing ... or eat cereal... those are about my only two options! (or honey toast i guess...)

oh, i wish my body would just be 'normal' and that i wasnt 'unknown' sick... it is scaring me a lot... and apparently when i am scared i want to binge...

lizbiz 06-10-2010 06:33 PM

finishing day 3!!!! feel amazing for it but dreading this weekend. going home and this is where it always gets to its worst. if i can get through being home for 2 nights without a binge i can get through anything!!!

lizbiz 06-10-2010 06:34 PM

in fact its been four days!!! haha thats progress that im losing track of the days :D

ravensglen3 06-10-2010 08:20 PM

Doing okay today! No bingeing... :)

harrismm 06-10-2010 08:26 PM

Day 37

ElanaRose 06-10-2010 10:03 PM

Finished day 4 with a good strong mind; I felt a snack attack coming on, chugged a pint of water, and walked AWAY from the freezer! :)

tater tash 06-11-2010 01:56 AM

So, I didnt just binge.. but I had a little bit more cookie dough than I should have... Do I need to start at day 1 tomorrow? I didn't eat it until my stomach hurt, but I had a couple spoons of it. What do you guys think? I would be on Day 7 tomorrow...

Lizaly 06-11-2010 02:27 AM

starting day 2

tater tash,
personally, I wouldn't count it as a binge if I wasn't sure it was one.

tater tash 06-11-2010 04:30 AM

Thanks lizaly :) I just needed a little reassurance. I also need to remember that my main goal right now is to just be in control, not to necessarily lose weight right away. I think just the fact that what I was eating was cookie dough just sent bad signals. Yea, I could of had a little less of it, but its not like I cleaned the bowl before I had a chance to bake the cookies like in the 'old' days.
Day 7 starts tomorrow.. or in a few hours. I WILL be stronger!

Good luck all and see ya there!

jeniansmom 06-11-2010 06:16 AM

yesterday was another good day. i am down 9.5 pounds since i restarted this journey. my blood sugar is better and will keep getting better with good choices and when i am ready to kick in the exercise piece. steady and gentle seems to be my key. i will get there.

wishing you all a healthy day.

nmgirl 06-11-2010 09:31 AM

So today is the beginning of day 3! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!

LataJones 06-11-2010 09:39 AM

Thanks Tyla and Peachykeen. I believe this is the longest I have been binge free in like 5 months. :dancer:

Starting Day 15. Have a great, binge-free day everyone.

tater tash 06-11-2010 09:50 AM

As you saw two posts ago I had a little "slip" or worry last night.

I'm starting day 7! I have to realize that everyday isn't going to be easy and OP. If it rails off just a little it should not start my days over - Progress Not Perfection! Right?

I hope today is easier! I want a week under my belt.

Congrats and good luck everyone! Can't wait to post double (and triple) digits like some of you! fantastic.

paris81 06-11-2010 11:11 AM

Day 32 for me!

tyla 06-11-2010 11:55 AM

Peachykeen, Thank you for your kind words.

This is day 123! I lost 6 more ounces today! :woohoo:

I'm so proud of everyone's successes!

Have a great weekend!


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