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Old 01-14-2009, 05:57 PM   #1  
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Smile Ketosis? Any success without strict phases?

Hello everyone,
I am new here. I have done South Beach before and had good results but things have changed in the last 3 years and I have been attempting to start phase one again for the last 2 weeks and haven't made it past the first day. I read one member's success story earlier and she lost her weight on the Lindora diet. There are a few differences between the two from what I read. Apparently you eat pure protein for 3 days straight to go into ketosis and then after that you stay low carb and you can have fruit as well. I am a fan of fruit and I prefer it, especially with my breakfast, which is usually oatmeal. I am just wondering if anyone has had success by just cutting out processed carbs like bread,pasta,rice and processed foods without going on a specific diet like the south beach or Atkins. I mean do you have to go through those strict phases to get in ketosis or does your body automatically do that when carbs are restricted? And is ketosis absolutely necessary to be most successful on a low carb diet? It's confusing to me. I realize that phase one on the SB is necessary for stopping cravings and resetting your blood sugar/metabolism and all that. but is it ABSOLUTELY necessary to see good, steady results? Looking forward to the answers.
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Old 01-16-2009, 09:05 AM   #2  
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That's a great question.

I control my carbs and perhaps my plan is not what some other ladies would consider low carb, but to me it is! My goal was never ketosis though. I control my carbs cause that is what I overeat, so by controlling amounts and temptations, I have lost weight.

If your goal is ketosis, I think the most knowledgable person about Atkins here is JerseyGyrl and she would probably tell you to read the original Atkins book and follow the plan as written by Dr. Atkins. (I am not 100% sure that the goal on Atkins is ketosis, but I think it is, although I could be one of the masses misinformed about Atkins.)

For me, I pretty much eliminated pasta, white bread, rice, white sugars, etc., and I control whole grain products (oatmeal, whole grain bread) & beans/potatoes to a couple of servings a day. I have never hit ketosis (except with a stomach flu) and I have lost 54 pounds to date. So, yeah, it can work. Is it considered "low carb" by the experts? I don't know---but it has worked for me!

Good luck!

Last edited by midwife; 01-16-2009 at 09:06 AM.
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Old 01-16-2009, 10:31 AM   #3  
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There is some strictness about South Beach phase 1, but it does NOT put you in ketosis. It is not that low carb.
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Old 01-16-2009, 12:47 PM   #4  
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I'm going to try to answer this as best as I can

I think the first thing that needs to be made clear is that Atkins is a ketogenic diet. A ketogenic diet is a high fat, adequate protein and low carb eating plan. South Beach does not qualify as a ketogenic diet, which is why it does not put you in ketosis. Ketogenic diets force the body to burn fat rather than carbohydrates. The liver then converts fat into fatty acids & ketone bodies...this is ketosis. Ketosis is induced by eliminating high carb foods such as bread, pasta, grains & sugar, as well as starchy vegetables & fruits and increasing high fat foods such as butter & cream.

So, to answer your question, " do you have to go through those strict phases to get in ketosis or does your body automatically do that when carbs are restricted?" I'd say to achieve ketosis, you need to be strongly restricting carbs and increasing fat. It isn't unusual on Atkins for a person's fat consumption to be 60-70+ %.

"Is ketosis absolutely necessary to be successful on a low carb diet?" No, I don't believe it is. Everyone is different. As Midwife mentioned, she is eating limited whole grains such as oatmeal & whole grain bread, as well as, beans & potatoes and she's lost 54 lbs. I, on the other hand, eat 0 whole grains and concentrate mainly on low carb veggies, salads, meat & eggs.

I hope this has helped to clear up some of your confusion.

All the best to you!!

Last edited by JerseyGyrl; 01-16-2009 at 12:48 PM.
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Old 01-16-2009, 04:35 PM   #5  
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Question That makes sense!

Well thanks for the replies! I was beginning to think no one saw this post. I do kinda undertand how ketosis works now. I am just unsure of whether or not a ketogenic diet is right for me. I just can't fathom how increasing your fat consumption to 60-70% could be healthy. I thought that those kinds of fats were what caused clogged arteries and heart issues or high cholesterol. I see that this is suggested on Atkins, but the Lindora also suggests maintaining ketosis but it doesn't suggest a diet high in fat. So in this case you can go into ketosis without eating a diet high in fats, right?
I just can't decide which one seems the most healthy. I mean what is happening to those fatty foods (creams and butter and animal fat) once you consume them??? If you're in ketosis then they aren't being stored as fat because your body is burning fat for energy so does that mean that the fat that you consume is being burned instead of stored? And if that's the case then wouldn't you want to consume less fat so that the fat stores on your body are being burned rather than what you are consuming at the moment? eek....I know I am being a pain with all these questions but I am just so curious how this all works and which method would be most successful. I understand that both ways have worked for different people I just wish the answer was in stone and not based on a particular person's body. lol I am driving myself nuts!
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Old 01-16-2009, 05:58 PM   #6  
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Originally Posted by fluffygirl View Post
I thought that those kinds of fats were what caused clogged arteries and heart issues or high cholesterol.
About a month or so ago, I posted about my DBF's cholesterol test results. In December 2007, his total cholesterol was 275, LDL was 191, HDL was 47, triglycerides were 184. The Dr. never discussed his diet or mentioned changing his diet to get this problem under control, instead he immediately wanted to put DBF on Lipitor. I said NO WAY!!! Statin drugs are bad news. I got DBF a few books to read...Protein Power Lifeplan by Dr's Michael & Mary Dan Eades and The Great Cholesterol Con by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick. I'll be honest, I didn't really expect him to change his eating habits. God bless him, I love him to death but...the man was addicted to sandwiches! I never thought he'd give that up. But, I'm happy to say, he trusted me, he read the books and he changed his eating habits. He doesn't do full-fledged Atkins, he eats ezekiel bread now, occasional sweet potato instead of white potatoes, lots of fish, veggies and he loves fruit. In about 2 & a half months, he lost 35 lbs but, more importantly, his total cholesterol is now 195, LDL is 123, HDL is 49, triglycerides are 114 I am very, very proud of him for doing this & for staying away from Lipitor!

Since you are obviously concerned about fat and believe it causes heart issues & high cholesterol, I suggest you reading those 2 books I mentioned as well as Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taubes and Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution. In the meantime you may want to check out the following links. I think these will shed a lot of light on the subject:

I'm on Atkins almost 5 years, its worked great for me. I wouldn't eat any other way...but...everyone is different, you need to research & find what you feel will work for you. Remember, the most important thing...if you want to be successful in losing the weight & in maintaining the loss, you must change your eating habits for the rest of your life...doing anything else is only setting yourself up for failure.

You CAN do this!!

All the best to you!!!
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Old 01-18-2009, 01:44 PM   #7  
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Originally Posted by JerseyGyrl View Post
About a month or so ago, I posted about my DBF's cholesterol test results. In December 2007, his total cholesterol was 275, LDL was 191, HDL was 47, triglycerides were 184. The Dr. never discussed his diet or mentioned changing his diet to get this problem under control, instead he immediately wanted to put DBF on Lipitor. I said NO WAY!!! Statin drugs are bad news. I got DBF a few books to read...Protein Power Lifeplan by Dr's Michael & Mary Dan Eades and The Great Cholesterol Con by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick. I'll be honest, I didn't really expect him to change his eating habits. God bless him, I love him to death but...the man was addicted to sandwiches! I never thought he'd give that up. But, I'm happy to say, he trusted me, he read the books and he changed his eating habits. He doesn't do full-fledged Atkins, he eats ezekiel bread now, occasional sweet potato instead of white potatoes, lots of fish, veggies and he loves fruit. In about 2 & a half months, he lost 35 lbs but, more importantly, his total cholesterol is now 195, LDL is 123, HDL is 49, triglycerides are 114 I am very, very proud of him for doing this & for staying away from Lipitor!

Since you are obviously concerned about fat and believe it causes heart issues & high cholesterol, I suggest you reading those 2 books I mentioned as well as Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taubes and Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution. In the meantime you may want to check out the following links. I think these will shed a lot of light on the subject:

I'm on Atkins almost 5 years, its worked great for me. I wouldn't eat any other way...but...everyone is different, you need to research & find what you feel will work for you. Remember, the most important thing...if you want to be successful in losing the weight & in maintaining the loss, you must change your eating habits for the rest of your life...doing anything else is only setting yourself up for failure.

You CAN do this!!

All the best to you!!!
You are an inspiration for all the knowledge you share. Thanks for your generosity. I had heard about Weston Price but did not have the links until now.

Your DBF is lucky to have someone who knows about statins.
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Old 01-20-2009, 03:01 PM   #8  
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yes, thank you so much for the info, Kim! I'm so glad people here are willing to share information so thoroughly. It's invigorating. I will check out the links you posted!
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Old 06-17-2009, 11:50 AM   #9  
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Hi girls,

I think the best thing anyone can do is to listen to their own body. You can get some ketosis test strips from your local grocery store that you just pass through your urine in the AM. I test every day and I have noticed that if my test is high for ketosis then I lose weight and if I test low I hit a stall.

For me I stay away form sugar, starchy breads and pasta and high carb fruits and veg like potato's. I eat all the meat, fish, cheese, low carb veg and almonds that I want and I lose about 1-2 pounds a week.

Good luck to you!
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Old 06-17-2009, 12:05 PM   #10  
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You are correct, everyone is different.
For me, I lost over 100 lbs on Atkins and those strips never changed color at all
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Old 06-18-2009, 10:48 AM   #11  
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Yeah I have never changed color yet.
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Old 06-20-2009, 10:51 PM   #12  
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Originally Posted by JerseyGyrl View Post
You are correct, everyone is different.
For me, I lost over 100 lbs on Atkins and those strips never changed color at all
Mine didn't, either. My friend was teasing me about not really doing Atkins, but the scale proved otherwise.
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Old 10-02-2009, 08:11 PM   #13  
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Originally Posted by JerseyGyrl View Post
You are correct, everyone is different.
For me, I lost over 100 lbs on Atkins and those strips never changed color at all
Originally Posted by DCHound View Post
Yeah I have never changed color yet.
Originally Posted by Steelslady View Post
Mine didn't, either. My friend was teasing me about not really doing Atkins, but the scale proved otherwise.
Really? That's strange to me... 3 days into induction I was at the moderate ketone level, and now that 2 weeks have passed I'm at the highest level! I wonder what causes the difference...
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Old 10-06-2009, 11:48 AM   #14  
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I came to carbohydrate restriction via one of the books Kim recommends, Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. He makes the case for the biochemistry of what happens when your carb intake is lower. Basically he talks about 2 things, one is blood sugar/insulin response to carbs (which cutting out or way back on all carbs will help with) and the second is how a ketogenic diet may actually help you lose weight.

You can reduce carbs and get the benefit of the first point and still lose weight and feel good. Pushing to the second level probably requires cutting carbs back much further (like Atkins proposes, or there are other authors of ketogenic diets). (The Atkins phases of adding foods back basically is building you up to the level of carbs that balances points one and two & is different for each of us).

I basically started by cutting out all starches (all grains, potatoes, etc) and most fruit. For the first few weeks I did eat strawberries & nuts (which is not Atkins induction) but it was enough for me, in my body, to get into ketosis. I probably eat fewer carbs today than I did then, but honestly I am approaching this as a lifestyle not quick diet, so I very rarely track. I basically eat the low carb foods (berries as a special treat, nuts in my purse in case of emergencies) and try to track once a week (which in reality is half that).

I do have a plan of attack if my weight plateaus - that is to go back to daily tracking of carbs and cut down to 20 or so for a few weeks to get things moving again.

I've been on a break these past 3 weeks from weighing in due to some medical issues, but the plan is clear to me.

The biggest change I've seen from getting & keeping my carbs really low is the change in hunger. All my life I have struggled to control my appetite, and I have a strong will and have often been successful - but it's always been a battle until now. Now, I'm just much less hungry. I think it's due to more stable blood sugar/insulin, & probably a beneficial effect of ketones.

I really believe we're all different and we each need to figure out what works for ourselves. Use the books - any of them - as a guide to figure out what works for you. If you are someone who does well by following a strict plan, pick the one you think you can live with. If you're more independent-minded (like I am) learn from all of them and pick the lessons you will apply.

In both cases, be willing to go back to basics and double check your thinking & understanding if you stall.
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