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Old 10-11-2005, 09:18 PM   #1  
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Default biggest loser- 10/11

i was very happy to see how the blue team gfinally came together and began to support each other. i think winning the challenge really gave them confidence!
did you SEE all those steps!?

good riddance suzzanne!!
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Old 10-11-2005, 10:43 PM   #2  
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It was good to see that the Blue team finally came together as a team. I think the pep talk from Andrea really helped to put things in perspective for them. I think they are going to have to see some fantastic numbers though if they are going to beat the Red team.

I saw all those stairs. I wonder if they are all going to have to climb them or they'll draw names to see who does it. Did you see where it showed Matt walking off? I wonder if he walks off the show or something. They really know how to keep us hanging on for a week..

Can't wait to see what happens next week.
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Old 10-12-2005, 12:15 AM   #3  
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Default Wow

I agree, it was nice to see woman working together and helping eachother! The weight loss for both teams was incredible this week. I love this show!
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Old 10-12-2005, 12:36 AM   #4  
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Default 11 Oct 2005 Biggest Loser - my stream of unconciousness

Rather than attempting to write something cohesive, I figure I'd just take notes during the show and copy them verbatim here.


Tuesday 11 October 2005 8:00 pm
Last week recaps...
plus pix of Drea from last season - she looks even better nowadays!
Blue team - still in strife
Suzanne busy manipulating, selling herself to rest of team
Knows if they lose next week, she's the top candidate to get the boot.
Suzy upset. She doesn't have a whole lot of confidence does she?
"I can't handle any more of this". A tendency to take on all blame even though she's probably working harder than anyone else.
Check out her profile - her face has REALLY slimmed down.
Bet she's getting fan mail from guys.

Tonight's temptation:
Bob and Jillan, a silver domed platter
containing a x-cheeseburger, fries, onion rings and shake with a cherry.
The team that comes the closest to the actual calories wins a trip to Universal Studios; losing team has to take one step on Stairmaster for every calorie they are off.
Everyone hates the Stairmaster apparently.
Bob itemizes the ingredients and the teams write them down.
70 gram sesame seed bun...8 oz meat...1 cup ice cream, 1 cup whole milk, etc...
Teams are meeting to figure out calories.
4,750 calories? Apparently Suzanne is INSISTING that they use her number. WTF did she come up with THAT number? Apparently she just pulled it out of the air...Um Suzanne remember a couple weeks ago when you guys were learning how to dine out??? hmmm?
Okay time for the teams to show their guesses.
Red Team, of course they have a doctor, but doctors don't necessarily know anything about nutrition. They come up with around 2,750.
Blue sticks with 4,750.
I bet that Jillian had to keep from laughing out loud - I would have had a hard time myself!
Blue is well over 1,000 off. That's a lot of stairs to climb.
Turns out that Shannon's guess - the one that Suzanne said was wrong - was closer than the guy's guess. They would have won! dang.
Red Team gets to go to Universal early, so no waiting in line.
Dr. Jeff...I hate rollercoasters too...they make me ill.
Jillian spent time giving the guys some lessons in Amusement Park Healthy Eating 101.
Share a Cinnabon between 5 guys = 1/5 fewer calories Moderation...
Meanwhile at the ranch, Suzanne trying to save face.
Funny...I haven't heard an apology.
Blue team kickin' butt in the gym. Bob: "We WON the temptation".
Drea from Season 2 comes by to give the Blues some much-needed inspiration.
Drea "I didn't take home $250,000 or $100,000 - I took home a better ME".
If Drea can't inspire the Blue Team, then they're totally screwed.

Commercial break...
Challenge - brought to you by Jell-O apparently.
A forest of different refrigerators in a warehouse.
Five of them containing trays of Sugar Free Jello.
Mission - to find and unlock the fridges containing the low-calorie snacks, then move the trays and their contents to the Jello Refrigerators.
Prize - winning team gets to watch videos from families at home.
Nice product placement by Jello.
It's neck and neck for both teams.
Of course, that's when another commercial break comes on.
Back to the show.
Ooh it's so close.
Think it's gonna be the girls this time...yup.
After the challenge, interview w/Suzanne in which she takes most of the credit for pulling team together.
She really gets on my nut.
Shannon takes credit for strategy.
Well she WAS right on the calorie thing.
Watching the videos - lots of tears and stuff.
Hey, I see they get Jello as a snack, with popcorn (I'm sure it's airpopped!).

Last workout before weighin.
Both teams kickin' butt in the gym.
Who will win this week?
Another commercial...
halftime prediction:
If Blue loses - Suzanne's out, unless she gets immunity, then I'm betting Andrea.
Red Loss - either Mark or Seth.
Red has really bonded, it will be really hard for them to let go of a teammate, now that Nick is gone.

Red Team weigh in:
Dr. Jeff: from 326 to 316: - 10
I notice his manboobs have shrunk a lot!
Seth from 250 to 243: -7
Pete: from 350 to 338: -12!! 63 lbs total - go Pete!!!
Matt pretty nervous as he gets to the scale.
no worries - from 290 to 279, he's lost 11 lbs for a total of 60! Psyched!!
Mark: from 308 to 291: a whopping 17 lb loss - he jumped in the pool for joy!
He has been an butthead on occasion, but he's just a fun lovin' guy I guess...
67 pound loss is nothing to sneeze at.

Total for Red - 67 lbs or -3.74% loss

Blue Team - Suzy always looks totally nerved up! Who can blame her...she always seems to feel like she's the most likely to be kicked off.
Suzy from 196 to 191: -5 lbs, but she doesn't think that's good enough.
I think Bob needs to have a little chat with her.
Suzanne from 196 to 191 (-5)
Jen gets immunity again, from 234 to 224 (-10)
Suzanne looks worried
Shannon from 229 to 221 (-8)
She's doing this for her family - everyone in her family has bad weight problems judging from the video.
Andrea steps on the scale and the music goes to a cresendo.
which means another cliffhanger break arrggghHH!

Hm I like the 24 hour fitness commercials.
They seem to use Aaron from Season 1 quite a bit. He did turn out to be rather hunkalicious. They haven't shown him in the commercials though, only his feet.
BTW I noticed in the earlier 24HF commercial with the current cast, they've cut Nick. He was doing situps next to Suzy with her "to find Mr Right" T-shirt on. Serves him right I say.

back to the show...the cliffhanger...
Andrea...loses FIVE pounds...from 198 to 193.
Good, but four lbs shy of what the Blue Team had to win to beat the guys this week. -- 3.4%, 36 lbs.

Ah here we are, the day of the vote.
Jen has immunity again.
Only three votes are needed to eliminate.
Suzy being self-negative. Bob gives a pep talk that they became a team this week and deserved to win.
Red Team meanwhile is rockin'. Jillian very happy
Suzanne starting all the crap and double talk.
I don't think anyone trusts her now.
Andrea tells Suzanne she can't trust her.
Suzy and Jen talking and deciding between Suzanne and Andrea.

Commercial... we go.
The march to the elimination table.
Andrea - votes for Suzanne.
Suzanne "game about personalities" so she plays the blame game, then picks Shannon.
Interesting choice since Shannon's guess in the Temptation would have won it for the Blues...hmmm.
Shannon doesn't look at all worried, while Suzanne is not smiling.
Shannon - votes for Suzanne.
Suzy - looks pained. She doesn't like this part at all. Votes for Suzanne.
Three votes - Suzanne's outa here.
At least she leaves with some class instead of stupid harsh words, so she IS better than Lisa.
Four ladies left.
Shannon says after Suzanne exits that "Suzanne flies off the handle".
Looks like with Suzanne gone, the rest of the girls can pull together as a team.

Ahhh one of my favorite bits - the after the show shot of the eliminated player.
Just before leaving the ranch interview Suzanne vows to lose 100 lbs by the show finale (which was in January last season).
And today - she's close to her goal - she's lost 70 lbs already
Bikini Shot and Everything!!!
Even though she was a PITA, still I'm VERY happy for her, she looks hot! week looks like they're going to climb what looks like the famous Santa Monica Stairs and a mountain. Should be good - I doubt that any of them could have done that in the first show

Time for bed now!
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Old 10-12-2005, 08:36 AM   #5  
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I too am happy for Suzanne for sticking to her weighloss program and now looking fabulous.
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Old 10-12-2005, 08:38 AM   #6  
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I'm new here, but I watch the show. I watched last year also. I hope you ladies won't mind me joining in.
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Old 10-12-2005, 09:39 AM   #7  
One pound at a time...
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A good show last night as I like how they are incorporating life lessons into the competition. However, I think the ladies have an uphill battle from here on out. Now that ther is less of them, they are going to have lose more weight based on the % loss. The men can win alot easier I think because they have huge weight losses every week. But you know, the teaser at the end of last night's show may make a liar out of mw.
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Old 10-12-2005, 09:39 AM   #8  
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Default Loved the Show Last Night....

Mrs. Jim - Great Post, just like being there.....thanks
You crack me up "I notice his manboobs have shrunk a lot!"
I won't miss Suzanne either, but she did look fantastic in her after shots!

Can't wait for next week to see why Matt is having the and walking off the show

Which one of the girls weigh the least now, is it Andrea? and how much does she weigh? I'm asking becuz I'm thinking they all still look like they really weigh alot......
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Old 10-12-2005, 09:42 AM   #9  
Shairing her ESH...
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Hi Donna--welcome!

My thoughts on the show:

If Suzy keeps showing weakness, she will be eliminated next time. She needs to keep it in check.

I am amazed at the numbers the guys keep pulling down every week--amazing! Dr Jeff is doing GREAT! He's still my pick to win.

Next week has me intrigued...why does Matt walk off??? Tune in next week......

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Old 10-12-2005, 09:53 AM   #10  
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No, Andrea is at 193 from the above post. Boy is it easy to see how folks carry their weight differently or what? You wouldn't think that Suzanne and Suzy weighed the same to look at them last night. In the face Suzy looks like she is a normal weight but she carries a lot of weight below the waist. Suzanne looks heavier in the face but seems proportionate. Choose your poison. Yeah, Suzanne had to go but losing all that weight on her own is the best revenge. I can't hardly stand that the men take their shirts off to weigh, just too much! But, it is obvious that Matt has a great base of muscle under the fat. His shoulders are massive. Yeah, I am beginning to think men against women is a weighted (tee hee) contest. I don't think the women have a chance against 10 + lb. weightloss weeks that the me are pulling off and I am ready for them to merge the teams or do something to balance things out.

Last edited by ledom; 10-12-2005 at 09:58 AM.
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Old 10-12-2005, 10:36 AM   #11  
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Hey thanks you guys!

I wrote my notes on a few pieces of junk mail lying around...good for something anyway

Yup - Suzy is butt-heavy. A classic pear shape! She's got power and DRIVE...all she needs to find now is her self-confidence and she would be nonstoppable, possibly even the team leader. In retrospect - unfortunately for the Blue Team, for the past few weeks, it looked as though Suzanne was in the leader spot (probably because she's so effing bossy...I still wonder WTF were they THINKING, taking Suzanne's numbers for the temptation last night?!? 4,750??????!!!!!???!?!?

My suggestion on the numbers men vs. women - don't look at the scale weight - look at the percentage lost for each team. It's actually been VERY close each week - the girls were only 4 lbs away or .34% away from the guys.

I expect we'll see a merging of the two teams within the next few weeks (I'm trying to remember when that happened last season...I think it was right around the time Lisa was booted off - with only Kelly and Ryan left on the Red Team, if memory serves).

I think Matt is looking good too! EVERYONE is looking good
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Old 10-12-2005, 10:39 AM   #12  
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Mrs. Jim I think you said it best and we pretty much noticed the exact same things. I will say that my guess on the challenge was the exact same as the men's 2950. Jeff had guessed about 3450. I also love Bob's comment about the women coming out ahead in the challenge.

Suzanne's vote for Shannon seemed to come out of left field but I guess that just comes from the editing because I never saw any conflict with her and figured she would vote for Andrea.

The step preview for next week reminds me of last season when they had to climb building and end up on the roof.
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Old 10-12-2005, 10:56 AM   #13  
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Dawnyal - I love your picture ticker - very cute........My DDIL is from Ok, Muskogee...she is an angel sent from heaven for my DS.....
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Old 10-12-2005, 10:57 AM   #14  
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I'm pretty sure that those steps they showed in the previews for next week were the famous Santa Monica Stairs - a mecca for fitness buffs in that area (located at 4th and San Vincente) consisting of about 170 stairsteps up the side of the canyon. You can access a quicktime video at this link, BTW.

(I'm waiting for the inevitable episode when the contestants go to Yosemite and do one of the buttkicker hikes like Half Dome or Upper Falls...)
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Old 10-12-2005, 11:17 AM   #15  
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I agree. Great post Mrs. Jim. It was just like watching it all over again. Everyone is looking so well. Suzanne looks great now. WOW.. I have to admit though. She didn't whine as much as Lisa from last year.

Dr. Jeff is my favorite too besides Matt, kinda partial to him. He's from Iowa. I was amazed to see 2 people on the show this year were from Iowa. I was like yes.. I was born and raised there. I am wondering though why is walks off the show.

Suzy definitely needs a pep talk from Bob. She needs to stop being so timid. She's looking good.

Wow. I am going to check out those steps. I don't think I could do that. It would be killer on my knees.

Tuning into next week to see what happens.
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