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zinkemomx2 03-02-2009 06:59 AM

Don't forget to weigh in if you need to this morning.

I don't know how I did it. :shrug: My calories have been through the roof the last few days. I did manage to stay busy enough though organizing and cleaning the house that I pulled out a 1.2 pound loss.

QOTD - plateaus
I've never had one while losing. I've maintained plenty of times but have always been able to quickly see why. It has always been out of control eating.

Today is our first day back to preschool after both kids being out sick for TWO weeks. They were trying to convince me last night at bedtime they are still sick and need to stay home this week as well. It is nice to know they want to stay home with me. I feel so loved.

dixied 03-02-2009 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by JoyfulVegGirl (Post 2634586)
Dee, I agree, your new avatar is gorgeous! You're so close to goal. That's too funny about the weight training advice. Have you ever thought about becoming a trainer?

Yes, I have. I don't know that I could do it full time. I was complaining to my Mom yesterday that DH won't listen to my diet/health advice, when I've studied the subject enough to have a Doctorate in Dieting. ;)


Originally Posted by river (Post 2635299)
Well, if we had a contest called "biggest plateau-er" I guess I'd be doing great. At least no gain but not too impressive.

QOTD- What weight was your most recent plateau at, and how did you break past it?

I'd be giving you a run for the BP title. I've resorted to doing crazy things like adding calories. Unfortunately the calories were not from a healthy food group. 152.5 is the new 172.5. Seems like I'll plateau every 20 pounds, which will be great at 132.5. :D Even though I have lost pounds, I'm still loosing inches. Not like I was, but now I can see and feel the muscle definition starting to show, so even if I stay at 152.5 forever, I'll be making progress and be very happy.

I've got a car full of clothes to take to the consignment shop at lunch. Wish me luck. The $ will be going toward new summer clothes. Currently I have no shorts, and 2 pairs of capris that are really a little too big. I'm hoping some HOT water and the dryer will solve that problem, but I'd like a couple of cute summer outfits for my reunion.

Nixmom 03-02-2009 10:48 AM

Morning girls.

I weighed in last Thurs :comp:
Logged my cals all weekend :write:

and came out of the weekend a PINCH over what I went in at. Much less damaged than usual. The calorie counting is working right now.

Dixied ~ I hope you score a huge bag of cash for your stuff! I am dreaming of dropping 20lbs and getting new summer clothes. I may have to live vicariously through you at the moment though. I am losing.. and had I gotten serious a year ago, I might be right there with ya! Have fun hunting for new stuff!

To all you girls in snow, or just plain cold... I'm sending you lots of :sunny:

QOTD- my body really likes the 190s. I know its going to be a battle when I get there. And if I remember correctly, the 170's were a bugger too. With recent injuries I gained and hung out at 205 to 208... My success has come with 5 to 6 small meals a day, 2oz protien at each on with carb OR veg at each one. Not both. and no red meat (it stops me up purty good :o). So far I am back down to my starting weight for this challenge. But I have only REALLY been back OP for 1 week. Kicking week 2 OP off with a bang though!

K - apparently they want me to work now. Whatever. Type to you all soon.

GirlyGirlSebas 03-02-2009 11:02 AM

Hiya Bluesers!

I'm still here, but I am struggling. I've been fighting the depression and I'm pretty sure it's because of the sugar and refined carbs I've been consuming for the last month. It's one of those chicken-or-the egg things. I'm not sure if the depression makes me eat the junk or if the junk has brought on the depression. All I know is that I'm caught in the cycle and having a difficult time getting out. Honestly, quitting the junk is as difficult as it was to quit the smoking. Also, my husband and I are very co-dependent. We so easily sway each other to go off-plan and enjoy eating together.

But, enough excuses. I need to find a way to do this.

StacyLynn225 03-02-2009 11:49 AM

Weight loss drives me crazy!! Ahhh!!

Just had to vent a little :)

jmfan317 03-02-2009 12:24 PM

QOTD- What weight was your most recent plateau at, and how did you break past it?

The 160's and it sort of makes me angry. Its always a up and down thing. I figure if I work hard I can get past the 160 stage and get to the 150's.

Newshinyme 03-02-2009 01:06 PM

Morning team!

So many posts since last time I came by, so I'll do my best to catch up.

I had a hard week re: staying on plan completely and exercising, so the scale didn't budge at all for this week's weigh in.

I have resolved to have a POP week this week though. I am scheduled for surgery next Tuesday and I want to lose some before that.

I did have a NSV victory. I bought a pair of size 14 jeans! I got them without trying them on thinking I would need them later when I lost a bit more. Last night I decided to put them on to see how much further I had to go and they fit perfectly :D. I was so happy I started jumping around the living room LOL. I think my DH thought I had gone a bit kooky but to me it's a big deal to have crossed over to the "other" side of the clothing sizes.

Talk to you all later!

Keillynsmom 03-02-2009 04:10 PM


Just checking in...it's been ages, but it's my fatal flaw to withdraw and there I've done it again.

Still pretty much on plan and really focussed on my workouts last week (still in the Biggest Loser competition at my Y and I got my really cool gowear fit thingy). My husband broke his ankle a few weeks back and is pretty much stuck on the couch (six pins and a plate) so I'm picking up the slack so that's helping as well, in it's own wierd way. But I'm tired and sort of teetering emotionally -- so that's the withdrawal part.

QOTD: I seem to plateau every twenty or twenty-five pounds for about a week. I can drop a big number, then do just one or two or three pounds for several weeks. I usually get tighter on my eating or try something different on exercising (different time, different method).

I'm off for my afternoon walk.

Hope everyone is doing well.


dixied 03-02-2009 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Keillynsmom (Post 2636384)
QOTD: I seem to plateau every twenty or twenty-five pounds for about a week. I can drop a big number, then do just one or two or three pounds for several weeks. I usually get tighter on my eating or try something different on exercising (different time, different method).

You had a great number this week, didn't you! :carrot:

Sorry to hear about DH's injury. Being laid out ton the couch sounds like my DH on any given day, so I understand how frustrating it is. ;)

Soon2BFitChick 03-02-2009 08:56 PM

Rhonda, I'm sorry you are struggling too. I also have the co-dependent thing going on here. He doesn't mean to but like when I went for those 184.5 days OP--that's as far as I could ever go with never going off plan :(, well so far--he wouldn't mean to tempt me but you could tell he didn't like that when we went to buffets (I didn't even wanna go to those) I would have to bring a good book because after I ate my allowed plate of healthy-as-u-could-find-there food, I had to read while he ate all he wanted and got dessert and played with the kids and went bk for a little more and talked and all that. I know that has a lot to do with why I dread starting up again. It's like my being healthy puts a wall between us. We all the sudden have little in common.

It SUCKS. But if I wanted to do it I would. I just don't know yet. Thank you all for your insight too. I appreciate all of you who replied here about my dilemma. :)

Dixied, you do look great. I won't ask your age. I'm 35 but probably look 28-30 or so, I am guessing. I think I will just have to decide to lose, not care about all the junk that changes in my life and get used to the new normal I will have. I will come here to vent and express my feelings. I am so glad I haev you all to talk to about it. My dh gets tired of hearing anything about calories or fat grams or anything else. It's frustrating!!

Big hugs to each of you, and I hope you are having a good week so far!
Selina :hug:

shcirerf 03-02-2009 11:00 PM

Hi everybody. I seem to be sticking with a steady 1 pound a week. But that's ok. It's better than 0 or gaining.

I can sympathize with all the DH issues. I remember when mine cut off 2 of his fingers and had multiple surgeries and all kinds of whacked out therapy. He was home for 14 months. Like to drove me crazy.

He supports me trying to keep my weight down, but seems to think beer has no calories and he knows how much I love it. He can't seem to get the fact that I just can't do happy hour 3 or 4 nights a week. Ding a ling.

RangerChic 03-02-2009 11:17 PM

QOTD- What weight was your most recent plateau at, and how did you break past it?

Well, I've been pretty lucky in that I haven't plateaued... yet. I always have a day where I have say Chipotle, so my calories are higher. I think that has helped me keep pretty steady. Now, I have had a few weeks where I've only dropped a pound, but for the mos part, I'm a steady two-pound-a-week gal it seems.

JoyfulVegGirl 03-03-2009 12:48 AM

Woohoo! I lost a lb this week :carrot:

Ok, sorry, I had to ;) I was seriously so nervous, but I think this is really working for me!

Abby, I got in my hour last night, although it wasn't yoga like I wanted. I'll be sending you good vibes for your test! The written part was always easy for me (here they have not only open book but unlimited time too,) but the actual driving test, oy! Forget about it. I still can't parallel park. I once had an instructor curse me out for not serpentining right :o

Barb, those one, two or three lb losses every week are great! Consistency is better than huge numbers IMO ;) Sorry to hear about your DH, but you're doing so well. Hang in there.

Newshinyme, congrats on those 14's!! That's a big milestone.

Djay, if you're lurking around somewhere, I miss you! Hope you're doing well :)

Rhonda, sorry to hear that you're struggling :hug: Junky carbs and sugar and depression are such a vicious cycle. I just got out of it myself, and it was HARD. Maybe if you have a couple of days where you cut them out completely it would help. I always feel better emotionally when my diet is good. You can do this, just don't stop trying.

Dee, I know you're super busy with work and things, but it might be something to look into part-time. I think you'd make an excellent trainer/nutritionalist, although I agree with you. My entire family used to get lots of advice until I realized that they'll never take any of it. It's frustrating, but what can you do? People have to want to change.

BTW, sorry about the late WIs! My work schedule doesn't allow me to weigh in until late Monday night, so I'm thinking I'll probably switch it to Sunday night next week instead.

QOTD: Plateaus

I HAVE to switch things up when I plateau. I think it's a mental thing with me. Once I master a new way of eating I subconsciously start to tweak it in ways that let me stay OP, so I'll rarely (if ever) go OffP, but I'll maintain because of little daily things here and there (which, now that I think about it, might not be considered OP. Hmmm.) Trying something new always helps me to be vigilant. The problem is that I'm sort of limited in the plans that I can do.

Soon2BFitChick 03-03-2009 09:53 AM

Good morning everyone! :coffee:

Jennifer, I'm the same way. I think switching it up lets your body jump back on guard, it says wait, now what's up? I better recalculate my stats and see what this means. Then it lets us lose again.

I have come to a realization. I think I might just have to give myself permission to stay a little over 200 like 204 until I resolve this. If not, I will keep gaining, trying to run away from it. So I need to get there and maintain, even for a few years. It's way better for me, my knees, my clothes, etc. to lose this 35 lbs again and get back there. I hate I let this come back. But I have never gotten near my highest of 277 again. I think it's a no zone for me no matter what my issues are. I felt like an extremely overstuffed sausage. Pics show that too! LOL. :lol:

I hope you all have a great OP day today. :cb:

Hugssssssssss, Selina :hug:

maryshady 03-03-2009 12:38 PM

Just a quick check in. Home again today with another snow day. It is so cold here. The high today is 25 with a wind chill of like 10! argh! I can't wait for spring! Not feeling so well. I am a bit queasy and don't feel like eating. Plan on laying around most of the day. Have to go to dr at 4 to check out my elbow. Has been hurting me for about 3 weeks and it is not getting any better.

Have a great day!!

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