3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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GirlyGirlSebas 03-23-2009 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by mjluva829 (Post 2661712)

"What kind of music do you listen to when you work out? Any particular songs that get you pumped up?"

I love all kinds of music...country, pop, hard rock, alternative. But, my workout music must have a strong bass beat. I've found that dance or techno music works best. Some of you might be very surprised to hear what this 44 year old woman has on her MP! :D


Originally Posted by river (Post 2665965)
QOTD- do you weigh yourself daily or weekly? Have you noticed any difference in your success with either method?

I do best with daily weigh-ins. This keeps me accountable with myself.


Originally Posted by maryshady (Post 2666011)
Who is up for a POP day? I could really use some support, so get on the wagon with me!

I'm in. I've been doing horribly. I've avoided the scales all week and this morning I got quite a horrible wake-up call when I stepped up on them. I'm gaining weight rapidly and feel like poo.....acidy stomach, dry itchy skin, bags under the eyes, water retention, irritable and moody...etc, etc, etc. I need to stop this cycle. Now!

me4life 03-23-2009 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by river (Post 2665965)

QOTD- do you weigh yourself daily or weekly? Have you noticed any difference in your success with either method?

i weigh myself daily. i don't think it helps but keeps me in check so i don't end up gaining for the week i can work on what i need to without feeling guilty that i messed up..


Originally Posted by maryshady (Post 2666011)
Who is up for a POP day? I could really use some support, so get on the wagon with me!

i am i really want to see onderland by the end of the challenge and i'm sooo close.

wrdfrog 03-23-2009 10:53 AM

I'm sorry I've been MIA for the past few weeks Bluesers.

My work life has been kicking my butt for a little over the past month or so. I'm back on track though and feeling better than ever.

There's no way I'm going to catch up on everything that's been going on in this thread though, so I'll just say keep going strong everyone!

dixied 03-23-2009 11:18 AM

Hey team! I took a couple of days off for DH's birthday and didn't even turn on the computer. Nice and relaxing. I'm still recuperating from that strained muscle in my lower back, and I'm really missing my workouts. We're hoping to get a lower body workout done tonight, so cross your fingers for me.

One weighing daily: Yes, I weigh in daily. I don't let the numbers get me too depressed though if the scale doesn't move.

POP Day - Me! I need one so badly after DH's birthday eat-a-thon. :o

zinkemomx2 03-23-2009 11:41 AM

I'm finally back online. The computer is fixed and seems to be working great.

DH took me on a getaway weekend. We never go out to eat together and I certainly made the most of the four restaurants we visited. Amazingly enough I was only up 1.7 pounds after 4 meals out, lots of drinks and not nearly enough water.

I'm back on plan as of this morning. Thankfully I weigh in early so I have an entire week to get some of my bloat off before I have to weigh in again.

jmfan317 03-23-2009 01:34 PM

What is a POP day?

Morning Blue,
Hope everyone is doin good. After that 3 lb gain and being sick. I'm back on track. Even if I lose one lb this wk I'll be happy. As long as I see the scale goin down and not up. I should be gettin the Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones dvd in the mail this wk which I'm excited about. Hope everybody else is doin good.

Newshinyme 03-23-2009 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by river (Post 2665965)

QOTD- do you weigh yourself daily or weekly? Have you noticed any difference in your success with either method?

"Officially" I weigh weekly, sometimes I sneak in a peek mid-week. I try not doing more often than that because I've noticed that I get a bit obsessive if I do and I really don't want to go there.


Originally Posted by maryshady (Post 2666011)
Who is up for a POP day? I could really use some support, so get on the wagon with me!

I am with you! Had a not so good week and a terrible weekend, a good kick in the pants is exactly what I need


Originally Posted by mjluva829 (Post 2666717)
[B]What is a POP day?

Perfectly On Plan

JoyfulVegGirl 03-23-2009 05:14 PM

Hello all!

I'm just checking in really quick. This trip has been crazy so far. I flew in Thursday and had Friday to shop and plan for the shower, then spent all of Saturday setting everything up. It was the first party I've planned and TONS of people came, 40+. It turned out really really well though, so I'm happy.

I haven't gotten in any workouts since I've been here, and I'm behind on my challenges. I do plan on going to the gym with my family tonight and getting in a nice long run, though. My eating has actually been ok. I've been eating a bit more junk food than lately, but I've also been snacking on veggies or fruit constantly. I'm really trying hard to at least maintain while I'm here, because I want to be at 150 by the end of this challenge. I can do it if I REALLY focus.

I'll try to check in again tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well :)


jmfan317 03-23-2009 05:48 PM

Newshinyme - Thxs

I'm totally up for a POP today. Well today with my eating has been perfect I'm very happy about that. I just finished my wrkout and man was I sweating let alone pushing hard I didn't give up. I feel real good about it. I hoping the scale goes down some by Saturday morning weigh in.

me4life 03-23-2009 06:27 PM

i swear i have been raking my yard for atleast 2 hours if all this yard work doesn't help me drop some pounds i don't know what will

practiceliving 03-23-2009 10:05 PM

Hi ladies! Happy to report I am only ONE POUND away from onederland! That puts me at 10lbs down since January 1st, which is a very exciting change for me.

One of the things that's been helping me lately are discovering that there are a couple of women at work who are trying to lose weight in a very healthy way too. We've become good accountability buddies. :D


Originally Posted by river (Post 2665965)
QOTD- do you weigh yourself daily or weekly? Have you noticed any difference in your success with either method?

I weigh myself daily, but only record it "officially" once a week. I find that has given me a better sense of the non-diet related reasons for weight changes - like TOM, water retention, not getting enough sleep, etc.


Originally Posted by maryshady (Post 2666011)
Who is up for a POP day? I could really use some support, so get on the wagon with me!

Today was POP for me, so I'm shooting for tomorrow too! Onederland is sooo close, I can't wait!


Originally Posted by dixied (Post 2666409)
I'm still recuperating from that strained muscle in my lower back, and I'm really missing my workouts. We're hoping to get a lower body workout done tonight, so cross your fingers for me.

How did it go tonight Dee? Hope you're on the mend soon.

jelynn 03-23-2009 11:50 PM

"What kind of music do you listen to when you work out? Any particular songs that get you pumped up?"

I have a few random songs that just really "click" with me and get me going...off the top of my head:
Vertigo- U2
Only the Young- Journey
Most stuff by The Killers
Unwritten- Natasha Bedingfield

I'm *always* looking for new music too. Today I was quite proud of myself for getting on my treadmill and having a good run without any music- I can't find my ipod!

QOTD- do you weigh yourself daily or weekly? Have you noticed any difference in your success with either method?
I try to weigh-in everyday- at least every other. It's when I stop weighing myself that I know I'm in trouble.

Who is up for a POP day? I could really use some support, so get on the wagon with me!

I've actually had a good last couple weeks after floundering for most of this challenge. So interesting how this weight loss thing is so mental. I turn 40 in June and am going to Europe in July. I know I can't lose it all, but I *know* I can make a difference and look better in clothes in 3 months time. So I'm back on it.

maryshady 03-24-2009 07:36 AM

Good Morning!! Yesterday was close to being on plan. I went over my calories by about 150. So today I am shooting for perfection again. I promise to come post on here if I feel out of control eating hitting again.

QOTD- do you weigh yourself daily or weekly? Have you noticed any difference in your success with either method?

I am obsessive about weighing in. I weigh in about 5 times each morning. I know crazy! I think I am scale addicted but I have really gotten over the mood swings in relation to the number on the scale.

Rhonda-glad to see you posting. How did your POP day go yesterday.

Dix-How is your back today? Did you get to workout last night? Hope all went well.

I'll catch up with everyone else later on today. Running a bit late this morning.

Let's have another POP day today!

dixied 03-24-2009 03:03 PM

My back seems to be mending well. I switched out lunges for ste-ups last night and omg can I feel it today. Feels good though.

river 03-24-2009 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by jelynn (Post 2667566)
I try to weigh-in everyday- at least every other. It's when I stop weighing myself that I know I'm in trouble.

Who is up for a POP day? I could really use some support, so get on the wagon with me!

I've actually had a good last couple weeks after floundering for most of this challenge. So interesting how this weight loss thing is so mental. I turn 40 in June and am going to Europe in July. I know I can't lose it all, but I *know* I can make a difference and look better in clothes in 3 months time. So I'm back on it.

That's exactly right, as soon as I stop weighing I lose touch with that goal.

I'm turning 40 in May and going to Key West, so I can really relate to your thinking. I have just under 6 weeks and I know that I can make a difference in them.

I can't wait to get home so I can do my run. We had another storm so it'll be a treadmill run today, only 3 miles scheduled.

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