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Old 11-20-2008, 07:23 AM   #91  
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Good morning RED TEAM. I'm going crazy with work here. DS comes home tomorrow after four weeks away on a training session and I've got so much to do. Have to go to the airport tomorrow to pick him up and have committed to making a huge pot of soup for a Saturday dinner and forgot I wouldn't be home on Friday. So today I have to get today's work done (cooking demo night) and tomorrow's and get in my exercise. And here I am on the computer. I'm giving myself just 15 minutes and then I'll start in.

Have a good day. Don't know if I'll get back at all today.
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Old 11-20-2008, 10:13 AM   #92  
Chrissie-Let's go Red!!
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Originally Posted by Andi18 View Post
I had my weekly weigh in for weight watchers and I am now down to 213! 4 more pounds until I hit my 10% WW goal. As you can see from my tickers...I have already hit 20% overall! My goal was to be at 200 or below by Christmas...we'll see if that happens. In the last two weeks I have lost just over 5 pounds so it is doable. I just have to make it happen. I am starting by getting my butt to the gym tonight. In fact...I am leaving in about 30 minutes! I need to go get ready now! Sorry for the quick fly by, just had to come and share!
WTG...thats awesome!
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Old 11-20-2008, 10:16 AM   #93  
Chrissie-Let's go Red!!
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I'm sorry to say I had a tiny gain yesterday at WI of .6 lbs. But I am wearing a size 20 pant today. That's 2 pants sizes lost. Wooohooo.
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Old 11-20-2008, 11:45 AM   #94  
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Woohoo! The results are up, and Red Team won!!! Congrats to us all!

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Old 11-20-2008, 12:26 PM   #95  
Mandey - Unoffical RED
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Congrats Red Team! looks like not much over all weight lost on either team, but we can all do better. I think the cold weather that's approaching is making me wanna just sit and cuddle on the couch and snack....hubby leaves early next year, so m wanting to spend more time with him and not so much to take away from our quality time. but I only have a coupe pounds left to lose...i would love to hit goal by the end of the challenge. and can go back to GA for Christmas break and maintain. I've lost about 20 something pounds since last October...slow and steady wins the race i guess.
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Old 11-20-2008, 12:51 PM   #96  
Expecting baby #1! 9/7/09
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YAY! We won! We are doing awesome! Hopped on the scale again this morning to make sure the 278.2 wasn't a fluke and it was still there, so I logged it in! YAY! I don't know how I am going to make it through this weekend, just thinking about everything I have to do exhausts me. One good thing is I have been popping in at my mom's for dinner every night so I don't have to eat fast food, so I have been eating homecooked meals!

Anyway, I have a ton of stuff to get done! I am excited that we won! TTYL!
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Old 11-20-2008, 06:13 PM   #97  
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Andi--you ROCK also! So do you guys--blueyed, aarons, army, mtiger!

Everyone else, too! Retiredone--good idea about the big pot of homemade soup for this weekend, before Turkey blow-out next week-end!!
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Old 11-20-2008, 07:13 PM   #98  
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Way to go Red Team on the win!!! Woo-hoo!!! and also congrats to the biggest loser of the week crazy4weightloss!!

Congrats Chrissie on the weight loss and loss of another pant size!! That is always fun!! I started at a size 22 and can now fit into a 16 comfortably...I'm waiting for the day I'm in a 14 comfortably!

Hi to everyone!! Sorry I can't do personals. I have to get ready to go to the gym...gotta go get my butt kicked at boot camp. I didn't go Tuesday night cause I was feeling ill. I'm still not 100% better, but I was seriously contemplating not going the rest of this week to the gym and that is something that I can NOT think about! I NEED to go to the gym!

Last edited by Andi18; 11-20-2008 at 07:14 PM.
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Old 11-20-2008, 07:27 PM   #99  
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Well 4 days this week under 200. I saw 198.8 today. YOOHOO!!! I want a little bit more by tomorrow for weigh-in at work. I will be under 200 there also, right??? I am going to workout as soon as I get off here.

Hey, congrats by the way. We won. I hope to make a bigger contribution next week. It comes off painfully slow, but it does eventually come off.

Andi- You're doing awesome. Keep it up. I don't even know what size I wore before because I just wore stretch pants. After the first 30 pounds I vowed to never do that again. I am also a 16 right now, looking forward to the 14's.
Blue- Isn't it great when we hit a new low mark and it sticks.
Mod- Yes we do. Rock, I mean!!
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Old 11-20-2008, 10:56 PM   #100  
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Mindy, congrats on being in Onederland!! That has got to be a great feeling!! Keep up the great work!!
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Old 11-21-2008, 12:32 AM   #101  
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Just killin a little time till we leave for the midnight Twilight showing and saw the good news!!

Way to go Red team!!

Keep up the great work!!!
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Old 11-21-2008, 02:27 AM   #102  
Keep Chuggin'
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Yea Team!!!
Just a flyby here - something seems to be wrong with my subscriptions - I haven't been getting email notifications for thread that have been updated - and I was wondering what I had missed - hmph - I seee I have a heck of a lot of catching up to do!!

Anyway - my mom just came back from the states and brought me the 30 day shred!! So excited to try that out!

My eating has been TOTALLY OP for a few days - yet no weight loss at all! No gain - but no loss either. Frustrating.... I am considering starting WW Flex.

Anyway [- congrats to all you losers and all your victories - scale and non-scale!!!
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Old 11-21-2008, 08:49 AM   #103  
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It's Friday!

May I post a QOTD?? We may have already had this question, but if you ladies are anything like me, you need a refresher.

What are you going to do (or already do) to keep yourself on track over the weekend??

As for me, I always do better if I make a conscious effort to drink 80 oz of water. I keep a large glass of water on the counter near the refridgerator, and take a drink whenever I pass by. Not only does it keep me hydrated, but if you take a big swig of water when you start being drawn toward the fridge, it usually distracts you from wanting to eat something (at least it does with me).

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Old 11-21-2008, 10:48 AM   #104  
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Hey everybody!!

Congratulations RED TEAM!!!

Just doing a fly-by! Life here is CRAZY.

I'm trying to put myself first even through the chaos and actually hit the Treadclimber twice yesterday. Hope you all are doing well and have a fabulous and healthy weekend!
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Old 11-21-2008, 11:02 AM   #105  
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QOTD: I am going to keep my water intake as high as it is during the week, and I am not going to go off plan. I want to maintain this week's loss so no screwing around!
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