3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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sportmom 06-16-2008 05:51 PM

Yes, Pinto, that's the book! I'm on the last chapter. Which county library did you end up going to? I know the libraries carry it.

mj5 06-16-2008 06:32 PM

tkglenn--Good for you!

Rhonda--Good for you too!!!

I did get to the gym (yea!) and it was great! My knee is sore and I am hoping it will go away, I really don't want to deal w/ going to see the ortho too! It's about that time for another injection, but I would like to wait a little while longer!!!!

K, I need to make dinner...have a great night!

trailgroomer 06-16-2008 06:51 PM

guess wrong place
guess it was the wrong place to post it

zinkemomx2 06-16-2008 06:58 PM

Sorry no personals. I did read and catch up but after four days away I'm not even going to try.

I just got home this afternoon from my mom's. She picked up the kids on Thursday and I went down Friday. We ended up staying an extra day and I can't wait to crawl into MY bed tonight.

Diet wise I was doing well. Friday and Saturday were both on plan. Breakfast Sunday was good. Then I had a baby shower to go to where there was only a small veggie tray so I decided to give in and eat. I was really hoping for a meat and cheese tray. I had fruit pizza, some yummy grape salad, a piece of cake that really wasn't that great and some fresh fruit. I planned on a low carb dinner but then everyone else decided they just wanted grilled cheese and ramen noodles so I ate that. :( Back on plan this morning and I am not going to beat myself up over it. I did drink a TON of water though. :)

Exercise was chasing the kids at the playground in between rain showers and a two mile walk. More than I expected to be honest. I'm going to rest for the remainder of the evening and get back on board the exercise wagon in the morning.

Nori71 06-16-2008 07:06 PM

linda - it just wasn't prefaced by anything/explanation so i assumed you were thinking you were posting a reply over on the game threads! and i couldn't invest the time on it! i'm so lazy! (actually i'm at work!)

suitejudyblueeyes 06-16-2008 08:02 PM

Whew, just got back from a walk/jog. I feel just as out of breath as I always have, but my HRM doesn't get as high as it used to - is this a good thing? I used to get into the 190's before I felt I needed to stop but now I stop in the 170's. Does that mean my heart is stronger but my lungs haven't caught up, or am I not pushing myself like I used to? (I feel like I am.)

I have to say, the worst thing about wearing a HRM is taking it off after the workout, to find it dripping with sweat. Pretty gross. :lol:

dixied 06-16-2008 08:04 PM

Hey team! I was surfacing for a potty break and possibly some food whn I remembered that I needed to weigh in. I had to post a gain, but considering how sick I've been, I'm happy to be here to post anything. I don't think this is a sinus infection afterall. Do you puke for 12 hours straight because of sinus infections? That's how I spent yesterday. FUN. NOT. I attempted to go to work today, but only managed 4 hours. I've slept all but maybe 8 hours since Saturday at 6am. DH has been in charge of food foraging, so I've been eating badly when I eat at all. And weird dreams....the last one invovled Anna's bunny chasing me in the Tardis. No more Dr.Who marathons for me.

Time for more meds.

Nori71 06-16-2008 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by suitejudyblueeyes (Post 2229003)
I used to get into the 190's before I felt I needed to stop but now I stop in the 170's.

OMG - I'm sure I am seconds away from my afterlife when my HRM reads 188. Only when I'm doing HITT does it get that high and I feel sick. I'm soooo much older than you though!! I'm not sure what you mean though - are you feeling too fatigued at 170 now vs. 190? Maybe it's the weather? Do you exercise outside? You should be getting more cardiovascularly fit - so doing what used to make your hr get up to 190 only makes it work to 170 now. I do notice that. I have to make adjustments to make sure I'm working out at the cardio level I need to to effectively burn the most calories. That's why I love my HRM.

Dee! :hug: Sorry you are sick. I hope you feel better soon. It's almost summertime!

trailgroomer 06-16-2008 09:10 PM

no problemo
no wrong place wrong time no problem

rainy here - have to exit due to lightning and thunder -a very strange June weather pattern here

vixjean 06-16-2008 09:47 PM

FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVEN'T Changed your Aviator yet, come on - all the COOL kids are doing it! Plus I want to see your pics too! =)

zinkemomx2 06-16-2008 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by vixjean (Post 2229164)
FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVEN'T Changed your Aviator yet, come on - all the COOL kids are doing it! Plus I want to see your pics too! =)

There. Are you happy now? ;) I need to take a new one I look horrible.

Dea 06-16-2008 10:26 PM

it is the end of a very long day!!
I am proud of myself....I made the kids soup and grilled cheese for dinner, but because I had a sandwich for lunch, I opted out of the grilled cheese (a favorite of mine) and had a fruit smoothie, a bowl of soup and a salad. I also had all of my water today...which is something that I struggle with most days.
I have to post a gain this week....which has scared me into getting back on track in a serious way!
Anyway, tomorrow is another on plan day for me!!
hope everyone has a great week!

Dea 06-16-2008 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by vixjean (Post 2229164)
FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVEN'T Changed your Aviator yet, come on - all the COOL kids are doing it! Plus I want to see your pics too! =)

I will give it a try tomorrow....something new for me!

vixjean 06-16-2008 11:43 PM

Cool girls! Glad to see everyone is back in action, I thought we lost our whole team over the weekend - damn blue team all doing stuff on the weekends, geeze!

Here we go LINDA...

BOY NAME : Victor (creative, huh?)
GIRL NAME: Vanessa
A COLOR: violet
FOOD: veal
A PLACE: Venice
A CAR: Vipor
A FLOWER: Violet
VACATION SPOT: Venice (again very creative)

One Fluffy Chick 06-17-2008 12:21 AM

Hello Blue Team.
Sorry I've been MIA. I moved at the end of May, and didn't get Internet access at home until June 6. I posted that week, but haven't been able to access the Internet at home since Friday. I also haven't had time to log in and catch up since it seems I've been unpacking every night since I moved.

I don't usually use the work computers for my personal stuff, but with my Internet down at home and me paying 90% of my bills online, I had to do it tonight. I thought I'd drop in and say hey there, hi there, ho there. I'm sure that I'm beyond today's deadline for posting for this past week, so I've used two of my freebies already. If I'm not out of the challenge already, and I can get Internet access by this coming weekend, I'll be back by the end of the week to post for Week something :?:. Gosh, it's been so long, I have no idea what week we're on. Sorry all.

No time to read all the past posts, but I hope everyone is doing OK. If you aren't, then I hope that better things are on the way soon.

Take care Blues! I miss you all!


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