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Old 11-17-2023, 08:07 AM   #91  
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There is still Halloween candy at work which we all keep nibbling on. And someone gave me a homemade whoopee pie which I promptly ate, but it was a small one at least. Today is the sale so there will be more homemade goodies around. I am allowing myself to buy a small portion and bring something home to share. I'm working late today to help, so I get to go in later too which means I can finally deal with the dishes I have let sit around. I'm also going to let myself buy some handmade articles like woven dish towels, if there are any left. I'm trying not to bring stuff into the house, but useful items that can replace worn out things are okay-at least that's what i'm telling myself.
I'm really doing terribly at even maintaining; I'm grumpy at the thought of limiting how much and what I eat, but of course that's what I need to do.
It's a sunny day and i'm feeling good mentally so i'll go with that for now, and bring my own healthy lunch and dinner anyhow.
Darnit I can hear a mouse gnawing in the attic right now, there are so many of them this year!!
Maryann- so exciting the cruise is a month away!
Bill-Good for you to say not about me. Middle eastern food is always so good.
Silverbirch- I hear you about every day there is more admin! Yay for a great gym day.
Gardenerjoy- going with optimism is always good. yay for midway with exercise goal.
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Old 11-17-2023, 10:46 AM   #92  
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Good Morning, Coaches.

I opened my eyes this morning about 5 am. I realized I hadn't packed for my trip to Pismo Beach. I am going straight from school. What's more, I had the last of the clean underwear on. Sheesh! I planned my attack before I got up - what I would wear, cancel the housekeeper, shower and tidy. My students are putting a sari on me today for Sikh week. Today is dancing at lunch. I am wearing black leggings and camisole with sweatshirt until I get to school.

I realize there is an underlying tension about driving my Mom down to my family. It did not go well last Christmas. I ended in tears. I will be there until Monday. I drop Mom off then I head home to pick up DS on Tuesday. It DH's side of the family for Thanksgiving. So, as the Comfort Crisis points out, the stress hormones being released were meant to save me from a wooly Mammoth or being kicked out of the tribe that could protect me from said mammoth. I do not need my family's protection. Also, there is a lot of joy to be had in the coming week and I want to pause and value it. The look on my girls faces when I get wrapped up will be precious. The solution is long walks by the

Weight is not what I wanted. It is under 180. So I will say Oh well and be grateful. I have lots of becoming clothes to wear to my family's . I have 10 ten days off after today. We are meeting the plumber after school for the river house. Yeah!

BBE: Good for you talk taking a walk outside. Best thing in the world is to experience all of natures permutations.
Curly: i wish I could come to your fair. i love those things.
Silverbirch: My back is significantly better as well. Stretching has proven key for me.

I won't be posting till Tuesday, probably. Three cheers for our side and all the progress we make during the holidays.
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Old 11-17-2023, 01:41 PM   #93  
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Default Friday

A quiet day, doing the usual. If I can manage a box a day plus thinking about the next ones, then I’m pleased. And I’m also pleased if I can discard a handful of items. Today’s haul included a broken jam thermometer, a frying pan, a bottle opener and some Victorian medicine bottles. I’ve got a charity bag open by the front door and I’ll put it in the car when it’s full. Then I’ll drop it off next time I’m driving anywhere. I’m confident that we’ll manage to discard even more things when we reach the southern house as there are duplicates of all kinds of things there. I’m already planning a quilt, duvet and blanket festival where we spread them out and decide, once and for all, how many and which ones we really need nowadays! And I keep meaning to tell you how restful it is to open a cupboard and only find three or four mugs. Gone is that very slight friction of deciding which one to use and reaching in, carefully, to get it out. Food has been all right but I’m not consciously eating for weight loss at present.

Bill, fun to be out and about, hunting and gathering a meal in the dark for a couple of days! Great work, chanting “Not About Me” as you passed the Kit-Kats! I must give that a try.

curlyjax, sales at work are a bit challenging! Good luck. And those mice! So annoying.

maryann, good for you, thinking about pausing to enjoy the moments over the coming days. Oh yes, clean underwear! Living between two places has been a bit challenging in that department so I bought a lot in the summer and haven’t looked back!
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Old 11-17-2023, 02:11 PM   #94  
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DN's doctor's appointment went well, although it negated the one diagnosis that we expected her to get. She already accepted that diagnosis didn't account for some of her more frustrating symptoms, so she knew she was on a continuing journey, whether or not she got a label attached to one symptom.

We didn't discuss the emotional distress that she has been experiencing. I wasn't going to bring it up if she didn't. So, it was a pleasant day. As BillBlueEyes pointed out, I may do her a service by getting her out of that distressed state for a few hours.

I shopped for groceries today for things like turkey drumsticks (already in the freezer), pecans, and other less perishable items for winter holidays. This was a pretty low-stakes trip since I intend to shop on Monday for the perishables with the hope that I can make them last until the next Monday.

In other news, we have been invited to participate in a family Christmas gathering for the first time since 2019. After the Christmas season last year, DH and I agreed that we would want to say 'yes' to that opportunity if it arose. DH's only hesitation was about whether we would feel a need to wear masks -- and not really wanting to do that. I pointed out that if he got his COVID and flu shots today, we could go into the situation with some confidence. He agreed, so that's next on the list.

Exercise: 55, 960/1800 minutes for November
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Old 11-18-2023, 06:10 AM   #95  
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Thumbs up Saturday - Suffragette Susan B. Anthony arrested for voting illegally (1872)

Diet Coaches/Buddies – Walked, CREDIT moi, to get an overdue haircut. I've gone to the same lady for years; for the last several years, DW goes to her also. So we chat like old family friends. I know that her sister is cooking their turkey this year and what sides she's preparing. Told her that DW was away for two nights - she offered sympathy that I had to get my own meals. No one else has offered sympathy since they assume that I have two feet and a credit card. She has old country values; she shuffles when she walks taking very small steps. I can hear that she's walking that way. I feel like I'm in the presence of an elegant Vietnamese lady.

Made a trip to the brick-and-mortar library to pick up a book. Deliberately timed my trip for dinner time so I could drive around and choose a place to eat. Alas, I chose the one day of the week that my library closes at 5pm. Bummer! But my other goal was food; I settled on a high-end market with an expansive deli counter - a place that's even more snotty than Whole Foods and isn't tainted with plebeian-like Amazon package returns. Chose BBQ ribs to take home; "A few minutes in the microwave will do just fine," the deli czar assured me. Off I went to make a big salad at home to make me feel that BBQ ribs is a sane thing to eat. Sane or not, they were delish. It won't be a secret from DW; the kitchen still smells of BBQ this morning, LOL. By a slightly distorted way of thinking since I had planned to fetch dinner, I was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Congrats for yet another helpful DN visit. Sorry to hear that a definitive diagnosis still eludes her. Fun thought that you'll do a family gathering this Christmas season.

Silverbirch - I recognize that joy of finally getting rid of the lifetime accumulation of mugs. So many that I had to let go represented work projects from long ago. Neat logos and fun memories. As if my past would be erased if the mug was gone. Do admire your strategy of gathering like items together to choose from among them.

maryann – Such a neat gift to your students to let them put you in a sari. I've always been jealous that Indian men can buy their wives a new sari without worrying about getting the size right. Good luck avoiding the Woolly Mammoths at your family gathering.

curlyjax - Fairs with homemade goodies are such a challenge. Smart to divert your purchases to kitchen towels that need to be replaced from time-to-time anyway.

Readers -
Chapter 8 Stage 5 - The Motivation-for-Life Plan

Re-Motivation Plan

These questions will help you put things in perspective. Although it may feel as if you have been struggling all day long, chances are that there are still some hours and days when it's actually only mildly difficult, if at all.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 192.
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Old 11-18-2023, 11:04 AM   #96  
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The fair was long but fun. I did not do well with my cookies, I bought and ate too much- pumpkin cookies with chocolate chips which are one of those rare treats. I did buy a hand towel that I will wrap up for myself for christmas, its so beautiful. Speaking of mugs-which I have decluttered pretty well- I did buy 3 Christmas mugs at 50 cents each, that I will give to the kids and myself for a stocking present just for fun. I'm thinking of getting us some silly christmas shirts this year too. The fair definitely has gotten me in the holiday mode.
Bad news- replacing the boiler will cost 10,000, ugh!!
Best news- DD passed her test!!She got an email stating she has a nurse license number, so it doesn't get more official than that! So relieved and happy for her. I'm not allowed to tell anyone in the family yet but I figure I can share it here.
No plans for this weekend except the usual chores, and figuring out thanksgiving dinner. We're going to BFF for the day, but I'm cooking for just us at home so we can have leftovers. I'll
probably do it the day before T-day, and trying to figure out how long to defrost frozen turkey, how long do things last etc.
happy weekend all!
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Old 11-18-2023, 02:02 PM   #97  
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Default Saturday

I had a slow start this morning which is no bad thing. Then I got going according to my pattern of “do a bit of packing and then read a bit of my book”. Upstairs (a very small room and a platform) is now 100% ready to move. I’ve decluttered, sorted the items, packed and then sorted the boxes. This is a great achievement! Credit! I’ll do my foot exercises now and possibly one or two bits of admin. Food - below average, I think.

gardenerjoy, how challenging for DN to have a bundle of symptoms. That was a really sensible decision not to bring up the emotional distress. Nice to have Christmas plans with family.

Bill, credit for getting a haircut. And for tracking down something to eat. Phew … But two functional feet and a credit card will get you places, as you pointed out.

curlyjax, that’s great news about DD! A big relief, I'm sure, and congratulations all round. Nice to have something to wrap up for yourself. I think I might do that for myself this year too. You’re definitely getting in the mood.
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Old 11-19-2023, 05:30 AM   #98  
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Thumbs up Sunday - Abraham Lincoln, "Four score and seven years ago..." (1863, Gettysburg)

Diet Coaches/Buddies – Made my trip to the library during open hours - that worked better, LOL. Excitement was failure to find a parking space on the street forcing me to drive into their underground parking lot. It has a modern money collection system. After you've parked your car and walked to the entrance, you encounter the machine that collects money by cash or credit card. Then I saw the sign, "$0.70 convenience fee for using a credit card." I only needed $0.25 worth of parking. Good news is that I had quarters in my car. Better news is that I had to walk back, CREDIT moi, to get them. Felt generous in the holiday spirit and put in two quarters just in case I dawdled looking at books. I only use that parking lot every few years because I always park on the street. I suspect that I'll forget to bring my quarters with me next time.

The other excitement was waiting for the delivery of the set of non-Teflon, non-stick pots that I'd ordered for DD's Christmas present, "Arriving between 10:10 am and 2:10 pm." It was the precision of the time span that had me enthralled. DW happened to see the FedEx truck pull up so she opened the front door and he placed them inside. Good thing; the box is awkward to lift. We now have to find a place to hide it before everyone shows up for Thanksgiving dinner next week. The two grands will note anything out of place and go explore.

Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. Lunch was a peanut butter sandwich. Dinner was a white bean soup, bok choy, and my green salad. Being vegetarian for the day was a small compensation for being a carnivore for two days, LOL. Dinner conversation was hearing about DW's walks exploring some rocks left by the last glacier - house sized rocks wonderfully called 'erratics.' If you ever have to teach school kids about glaciers, have them climb about rocks as big as a house that was carried along by moving snow. The power boggles the mind.

Silverbirch - Neat to have a room that's 100% done. Like the thought of taking a break to read a book.

curlyjax - Super Congrats to your DD, RN123456!!! Fun thought to get silly Christmas shirts. Have you ever worn a 'silly' Christmas sweater? Ouch for the cost of the boiler; hope it saves you a bundle in your heating bill each year.

Readers -
Chapter 8 Stage 5 - The Motivation-for-Life Plan

Re-Motivation Plan

Recognizing that sticking to your plan is actually pretty easy most of the time motivates you to persevere during the more difficult minutes or hours.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 192.
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Old 11-19-2023, 11:16 AM   #99  
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I did a big cleaning/removing dust of my bedroom and some decluttering along the way. Its such a big project when you do it infrequently. I overdid it with my hip and was in pain for the rest of the day, but at least most of it is done. Feeling a bit grumpy about figuring out all the food etc for the week and I still don't know what I should bring to my BFF on T-day which is stressing me out- her family is a bit last minute. I really don't want to have to hit the grocery store on weds for last minute items.
I didn't sleep well but got up and out to buy bagels for DS's breakfasts and freeze them so that's done, and have made an extensive grocery list and will head out in a minute. Felt a bit weepy and sorry for myself having to do all this planning without a partner, and thinking about everything i've had to do myself in the last six years.
Enough of that- its sunny out and blessed to afford this great food, so off I go!
Silverbirch- yay for upstairs 100% packed, that is great. your plan of packing and then reading is something I should do so I don't burn out.
Bill-yay for a precisely timed Christmas gift arriving. Those glacier rocks sound amazing.
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Old 11-19-2023, 02:48 PM   #100  
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Default Sunday

Today’s been a day of rest, more or less. I’m travelling south on Tuesday so it’s probably a good idea to conserve a bit of energy. I collected a box of my papers from the office so I can make a start on my accounts this week (I’m a bit behind where I like to be with them).

I think I might adopt Bill’s Excitement category. A couple of examples. I left a chair by the bins at the office which someone might rescue! Not sure if that really counts. But I’m also just back from going down to the car in the rainy dark which was nice. The SO’s emergency winter coat from a number of years ago has surfaced and I wore that. It might be part of some kind of outdoor uniform as it’s got those very serious reflective strips on it. It’s also time to carry a torch (flashlight). Anyway, I think I can squeeze a few bags of my homemade compost for the DD into the passenger footwell. Credit!

Food has been slightly better today, possibly linked to falling asleep this afternoon. I did warm-up exercises this morning as I felt quite stiff and I’m going to do a few foot exercises now, I hope.

Bill, that library visit sounds a touch too complicated. I now drive about with a purse (small bag containing coins and notes - what do you call those?) in the car for just those parking fiddles. During one of my executor phases I had a great deal of small change which I used for those machines. I would count the amount out in the car and then feed it all in. It felt very satisfying, and reassured me that I was doing the right thing as I waded through all the arrangements and bureaucracy. Really nice to hear about the erratics which are all about here, and also roches moutonnees which look just like sheep lying down - well perhaps some do!

curlyjax, thanks for reminding me about burnout. That might have been what sent me to sleep this afternoon. Much credit to you for dusting, cleaning and decluttering the bedroom. It all counts! And it’s surprisingly exhausting if you haven’t done it for a while. How lovely to hear that it’s sunny where you are!

Last edited by silverbirch; 11-19-2023 at 04:33 PM.
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Old 11-20-2023, 07:20 AM   #101  
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Thumbs up Monday - Whaling ship Essex sunk by a sperm whale; inspired "Moby-Dick" (1820)

Diet Coaches/Buddies – The standard Sunday visit from the (3.5 yo) DFGD didn't happen due to her life being over scheduled. That little tyke has so many birthday parties to attend. And gym classes and swimming classes. That miss toggled my brain so I almost forgot my Sunday evening chores of bringing our trash to the curb for city pickup. It was a day of minor accomplishments. So minor that I count that we put the two leaves in the dinning room table getting ready for dinner guests for Thanksgiving. A more major accomplishment was that I figured out that Thanksgiving occurs in three days instead of "next week" as it had been in my mind.

The book that I picked up at the library was
Two Gardeners: Katharine S. White and Elizabeth Lawrence--A Friendship in Letters Two Gardeners: Katharine S. White and Elizabeth Lawrence--A Friendship in Letters
, It's to be one of DW's Christmas presents. Yes, a library book for a Christmas present because it's out of print and the only copy I found cost $150! (I no longer see that one available; someone must have paid that price.) It's a great gift for a person who admires women writers and gardening. The library version isn't a great option because it's the type of book she'd like to read a chapter from then go back to whatever serious reading she's doing. We'll figure something out. I've put myself on every waiting list watching for a copy to become available. Searching for this book brings out the worst part of Google search: it remembers forever. Google found a copy from Walmart for $4.81 with "Out of stock" in small print. (Isn't there a terrible old joke with the punchline, "We can beat that. When we don't have liverwurst it only costs 69 cents per pound."?)

Silverbirch - Love the image of your SO's emergency coat with "serious reflective strips." I need me one of those. Had to go Wiki Roche moutonnée (or sheepback) - a new word for me.

curlyjax - Congrats for a room thoroughly cleaned. Hope you are still reveling at the thought that your 'roommate' is a fully Massachusetts Registered Nurse. Big deal, that. I share your desire to avoid the supermarket on Wednesday.

Readers -
Chapter 8 Stage 5 - The Motivation-for-Life Plan

Re-Motivation Plan

Analyze why you are having a harder time. Perhaps it is due to circumstances that can be changed. For example, maybe you are working longer hours and need to delegate more tasks to your family. Maybe you haven't make getting to the store and preparing your food a priority.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 192.
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Old 11-20-2023, 07:38 AM   #102  
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Continued to feel a bit morose yesterday. I had bumped into someone I know at Trader Joe's who sort of brushed me off-i'm sure she was just in a hurry to get out of the store as she was wearing a mask- but it still hurt my feelings. Then I saw one of those perfect suburban ladies from my town who didn't acknowledge me, and i left there feeling like a fat, shlumpy middle aged person. I was feeling so sorry for myself and jealous of some people I know with big families and loads of friends. Sometimes its hard to be an introvert. I had a good cry when i pulled into the parking lot of Lowes to buy a tarp for raking leaves, then stopped at a bakery on the way home to soothe my feelings.Ugh. Its been six years without DH and its somehow hitting me hard this year. I need to get through this week and then I'm getting back to the gym and better food habits.
Boy its quiet in here!
Silverbirch-yay for finding a coat with reflective stripes, that will indeed come in handy. Sunny days are the best.
Bill-that book looks lovely and right up DW's alley. Thanksgiving is indeed sneaking up on us.
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Old 11-20-2023, 03:20 PM   #103  
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Default Monday

I went to the gymn which was good, as always. Out of nowhere, and I am still rehabbing, I found that I can do clever things with my abs! Amazing! I’m really going to miss my coach when I move. Then I ran various errands which meant I got cold and wet, and then had to hang around for an hour for a pharmacy to open. The SO and I loaded the car with heavy things (in the drizzle) and I’ll fill in the gaps tomorrow before setting off. I just want all this to go away and for me to go to sleep, even though I did have a full eight hours last night. It’s been a while since I had that much sleep. Food - poor earlier in the day but I’ve just had roast chicken, carrots, parsnips and cabbage which was very good.

Excitement - I’m not sure if I’ve told you about my abs. That’s really exciting.

Bill, let’s hear it for minor accomplishments! Often it seems that’s all I can manage. Your major accomplishment of recognising an imminent Thanksgiving seems pretty useful in the scheme of things. So credit! What a lovely present for DW! I’d read that. There are a couple of copies on Abe Books from a seller in Sioux Falls but they still seem to be about $100 …

curlyjax, I don’t know about Thanksgiving but judging by what we call here “the run up to Christmas” I’d imagine that people act strangely and possibly out of character this week. You’re getting through it - credit! - and then you’ll be out the other side and ...

getting back to the gym and better food habits
Credit again!
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Old 11-20-2023, 04:05 PM   #104  
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The grocery store was packed this morning with both shoppers and stockers. I'm hoping that's my last shopping trip until a week from today.

We're only cooking for ourselves. I'm more anxious than I should be, just because it's different foods from normal. But we made the same festive meal last year several times, so I'm sure it will be fine this year and it's time to relax over it and be grateful that I'm not hosting others while also serving different food like many people do.

Also, I'm grateful that the most treat-like thing that I'll have to navigate is my own pumpkin yeast bread. I'm going to save that for Sunday just because I can. It will help stretch out the autumn vibes of the holiday while also stretching out the different-from-normal food encounters.

Exercise: 60, 1135/1800 minutes for November

curlyjax: Sorry for the quiet, especially since it meant not sending comforting words and virtual hugs for missing your partner. I hope the distraction of work is helpful today.
I share the introvert's paradox of being perfectly happy with a low-key family and social life, except during the holiday season when I'm wondering why I don't have party invitations and grandchildren. The answer is because I don't have the kinds of friends who throw parties and I didn't have children, both perfectly sensible decisions for me, 11 months of the year.

silverbirch: Great job on amazing abs! I love it when my body amazes me. It's usually something to do with strength-training (most recently, five full push-ups, before I went back to my knees to finish the set) or flexibility.

BillBlueEyes: Two Gardeners sounds perfect for DW. I checked my favorite source for used books and the best I got was $99.99. I thought to check the gift shop of Wing Haven Garden and Bird Sanctuary where Elizabeth Lawrence's house is open to the public. They list it for $30, but it's like your old joke -- it's sold out.
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Old 11-21-2023, 06:12 AM   #105  
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Thumbs up Tuesday - China prohibits the opium trade (1906)

Diet Coaches/Buddies – Event of the day was the trip to the supermarket a day early, in deference to looming Thanksgiving. Thought that Monday morning would be safe. Wrong. Had to wait for a parking spot to open in the lot. Shopped shoulder to shoulder in a packed store. And, yes, they did have zillions of fresh turkeys for $0.99 per pound which I, of course, no longer needed. Watched one woman digging through the pile examining each label. Finally pulled up the biggest one there. She saw me staring at her. "Having 20 guests," she laughed. Shuddering at the thought. They also sold full-pound bags of Ocean Spray fresh cranberries. Again, I didn't need because we had already bought the reduced size 12-ounce bags - as we have for the last several years. It's annoying that a price raise is presented by a smaller size when one already has a recipe and use planned for the original size. For our cranberry relish, size isn't a big deal since the recipe is: grind a bunch of fresh cranberries and several unpeeled oranges through the meat grinder; sweetened to taste.

Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. I was the house hero by finishing off two containers of leftovers for my lunch. Making room in the fridge before Thanksgiving dinner is crucial to our survival. Dinner was broiled codfish, sweet potato, a green veggie, and my green salad. Fish was a day earlier in the week because DW, also, went out shopping a day earlier. She encountered the same sized crowds. Maybe Wednesday will be an easy shopping day since everyone shopped on Monday to avoid the crowd.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Pumpkin yeast bread sounds like a treat. I'd still find it a challenge to limit my volume. Thanks for introducing me to Wing Haven Garden and Bird Sanctuary. What a special place. I needed to be reminded that Elizabeth Lawrence still has an active following.

Silverbirch - Congrats to your abs for being able to do clever things; perhaps you'll publish a Tik Tok video. Thanks for tracking down the Two Gardeners book at Abe Books. If DW falls in love with the book, it's not out of the question to pay only $99. Well, physically not out of the question, but would be an emotional challenge.

curlyjax - Sending warm support for all the feelings brought up by the holiday without your DH. It's so good that you'll see both your kids over Thanksgiving. Does Registered Nurse DD now have to get back into apartment shopping?

Readers -
Chapter 8 Stage 5 - The Motivation-for-Life Plan

Re-Motivation Plan

Ask yourself:
  • In which situation is it harder?
  • Do I need to do some problem solving?
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 192.
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