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Old 02-05-2012, 06:48 AM   #31  
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Thumbs up Super Bowl Sunday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Did gym, CREDIT moi, and then a walk to get avocados to make some guacamole for the Super Bowl this evening. Eating was OK, CREDIT moi, including dinner with friends and having only one homemade cookie for dessert along with the fruit salad. They live close enough to walk which meant coming home in the quiet of 10:30pm when we're seldom out walking. Mesmerized by the snapshots of people's lives as seen by the glimpse through their lighted windows.

onebyone – Joyful times for you down there. Gotta love your gratitude and celebration of your own journey. [I visited the Key West Wild Life Sanctuary two summers ago. What a neat place - especially liked the number of wild birds who hung around outside the fenced areas just to be with friends. I'll never tire of Brown Pelicans.]

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Family potlucks are quicksand; Kudos for surviving. [Yep, after I saw the movie, I had to read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo to get the details of the mystery. Then had to read the next two because I was hooked. My take is that you'd really like the book once you plow through his loooooong character building.]

Beverlyjoy – It's so difficult to face the final journey with friends. Kudos for not eating your way through it.

silverbirch – Waving back to our official lurker, LOL. Our local papers say that there's a fortune to be made renting out your house during this summer's London Olympics.

FutureFitChick – Read when seeing us gives you support, and check in when you're so moved. Focusing does require making choices.

maplover – Yay for sleep! Nope, I've never tried Ambien.

Readers -
chapter 4 Stage 1 The Success Skills Plan
Success Skill 9 Get Back on Track - Right Away

Unsuccessful dieters do just the opposite. Instead of immediately getting problem-solving oriented, they lose perspective and then make poor decisions. When they eat something they shouldn't, they often tell themselves This is terrible! I'm so weak! I lost control! I can't believe I did that! I might as well give up and eat whatever I want for the rest of the day because, starting tomorrow, I'll have to cut my calories way back and deprive myself.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 102.
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Old 02-05-2012, 11:12 AM   #32  
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Hi coaches/buddies/friends - yesterday was a healthful day... always grateful for that! I really concentrated on working most of the facets of my plan. I accomplished many - grateful for that too.

-eat seated only - almost all of the time (it's so easy to just 'stick' food in my mouth)
- no seconds
- slowed down
- concentrated on TASTING the food
- did my journal work
- read my advantage cards,rc, beck book
- exercise
- sponataneous exercise (walked up and down the stairs for no reason except to do it)
- lots of water
- planned my food ahead of time
- used resistance techniques to help say No Choice unplanned food (gave into a few extra's too)

One credit am particularly happy about is going through my checklist of goals at the end of the day. I rarely do it. I'll try to do it more often.

DH and I went to the grocery together yesterday... I made sure no candy bars jumped into the cart!

Today we are going to some friends/neighbor's for the Super Bowl. I'll enjoy the game... but, the commercials, mostly. There will be four little kids running around. I know I'll love that, too. I've planned for some healthy foods and a taste of dessert.

Everyone - thanks so much for your kind thoughts in regards to the stresses and passing of a long time friend - along with two other family members in hospice. I appreciate it.

Somehow, I am not into total bingeing in the face of all his stress. I am 'hanging on' to sane eating, mostly. Not always right on plan... but, doing the best I can. I am REALLY grateful for the willingnes to try.

I hope you folks have a nice day.
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Old 02-05-2012, 11:22 PM   #33  
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We watched Moneyball instead of the Super Bowl -- hey! At least it was sports related.

WI: -0.2 kgs, Exercise:+60 225/1300 minutes for February, Food: 85%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

BillBlueEyes: yay for one homemade cookie. Both the homemade part and the one part.

Beverlyjoy: hope you had fun at your Super Bowl gathering with all the kids. Great job on all of those credits!
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Old 02-06-2012, 03:22 AM   #34  
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Success Skill 9 Get Back on Track - Right Away

"You may not realize that all long-time maintainers, and even people who have never had weight problems, overeat from time to time. Why don't they gain weight? Because they don't think about it catastrophically. Instead, they just use their skills to get back on track immediately. They don't get down on themselves. They don't get hopeless. They tell themselves, Okay, I wish I hadn't done that ... Oh, well, I'll eat a bit less the rest of today." pg 102-green book.

After 10 days of being OP, the train got derailed. I was so proud of the fact that I ticked off a lot of "to do" things on Friday only to find out that I couldn't eat my evening meal and ended up splurging on some of the best chocolate chunk cookies made by a friend's son who is an aspiring chef. 600 calories later (3 big cookies) I vowed the next day would be back on OP. Once again, it was a great day until I caved in and had some cherry coffee cake. I ate the top off once I realized that the bottom half was dry. Blech!

Today I was OP until I had one of Paul's Kit Kat bars. Got right back on the next meal and finished out the rest of the night remaining faithful to my food plan. I really liked what Dr. Beck said about not using chewing gum as a resistance tool. I actually tried that last summer and found out that it made me feel even more empty and hungry. I haven't done that since.

Starting today, I am only going to post once a week, on Mondays. I will try to do personals when I can but I am falling behind in keeping my diet blog current, leading the other group and doing one on one accountability with several buddies over there besides coming up with doing my own exercise program which I resumed this past Wednesday. It feels really good to be back walking on the treadmill and lifting some weights. I am also having fun creating workouts to help the group prepare for our walking challenge. I apologize that I am going to have to drop to once a week but I am hoping it will only be short-lived.

Credit for my ability to not catastrophosize (spelling?) my lapses. I ate all sitting down, not distracted but focusing on my "indiscretions", ate them slowly and mindfully, included them in my food plan (albeit 200+ over my recommended range) and "moved on". I was not tempted to continue eating more food nor more sugar. IMHO, that is progress.


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Old 02-06-2012, 06:27 AM   #35  
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Thumbs up Monday, Monday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Good enough on food, CREDIT moi, until the Super Bowl that is. My first time at making guacamole was appreciated with a rare compliment from my foodie son - think the cumin and fresh lime juice made a difference. Unfortunately, using Red Bell Peppers to dip it didn't reduce the calories and I tried to eat away the tension. Ouch, but I will run no red lights today.

I did get in a walk, CREDIT moi, because we had no fresh Cilantro. Got that even though the produce manager had to go to the back because the shelf was bare. Had to fight my way through the chips aisle to get some to satisfy the younger folks who were coming over. Have never seen such a mob fighting to grab bags of chips - really funny. But, big problem: They were on sale "4 for 2." Which meant that after I one bag, I would get three more for the price of one. Ouch. Of course I did, but then had the good sense to make two guests leave with whole bags of chips after the game. Perhaps Martha Stewart wouldn't approve, but it seemed like a fair enough Judith Beck strategy.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – LOL at watching Moneyball - probably less stress on the heart than the high tension Super Bowl.

Beverlyjoy – Kudos for walking the stairs just for the exercise and for 'hanging on'. My vote for best commercial is the one where the young lady butts the guy's head to knock him out of the way of her Greek yogurt.

Pam (pamaga) – Yes, Yes, Yes, Kudos for making the choice to not catastrophosize one off-plan eating event to make it into a major divergence. And Yep, "that is progress."

Readers -
chapter 4 Stage 1 The Success Skills Plan
Success Skill 9 Get Back on Track - Right Away

It's interesting that dieters can be so rational and reasonable in other areas of their lives. But when they go off their diet, they somehow think it is okay to compound one mistake with another. In fact, it doesn't make sense to eat one unplanned food and then go on to eat much more. Think about it this way: If you got a ticket for running a red light, would you continue to run red lights for the rest of the day? Would you say, I might as well run as many as I want and start again tomorrow? Of course not! You would stop at the very next red light you encountered.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pgs 102-103.

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Old 02-06-2012, 10:45 AM   #36  
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Originally Posted by onebyone View Post
Hi Coaches

fyreflie24 I'm just curious, but when did you "get serious" about your exercise, like the competitive part of it? Have you always been athletic, or always wanted to be athletic, or did it evolve as you started to work out for weightloss then you just pushed further with it or did you start as a way to set goals for yourself and to keep yourself exercising in that way? I ask as I have two little tiny athletic nudges in my brain. 1) would be to become a water aerobic instructor and 2) would be to join a Masters Swimmers group. Both of these goals require me to acquire/upgrade my swimming skills ie. I'd need to take some lessons, get some first aid related courses and all that. You are inspiring me to take the first step, which is to allow myself to think/dream about doing it. Thanks.
Hey! Oh wow... I don't think of myself as inspiring at all so thanks It was an odd evolution actually but I think one worth mentioning. A friend of mine was getting into cycling on his crossover bike and I took mine out to ride with him and keep him company. Well we really started enjoying the chat time and the coffee afterwards. Then he mentioned he wanted to ride a century (100 miles at a clip) in 2012 which evolved to the MS Breakaway to the Beach in September here in NC. Well my sister has MS. So that got me thinking. So I spoke to DH about getting a road bike. Well DH kinda freaked initially, and kinda rightfully so in retrospect. He'd been all over me for a few years about finding some nonfood (ie not going out to dinner) way of spending time together and I'd been resisting vehemently because of my weight and inability to 'perform' at his level. I was afraid of letting him down or him really knowing I wasn't the same wife he'd once had when I was thinner and in much better shape. My cycling buddy is a guy so I don't think that helped .

Anyway, when I spoke to cycling buddy about this, he was soooo encouraging. He's a great bud and a very confident person; I joke he has enough confidence to share with others and some of my accomplishments have been attributed to him having total faith in my abilities... kinda borrowing confidence if you will. Having someone outside the complications of a marriage allowed me a 'safe' place to try and fail and learn. The things that made me feel 'unsafe' were my own doing, not my husband though I have been able to communicate more openly with my husband about things that help like encouraging me up a hard climb. My projection if he's having an easier time with a climb and being quiet is that I'm disappointing him.

So the other benefit with cycling is that, I hate cardio. A lot. This is giving me something else to be focused on aside from the scale and gives the working out a purpose. So when I'm doing leg stuff with my trainer she'll say 'this is going to help you with hard climbs' for example. And I get a sense of accomplishment since I'm doing the same thing and can see improvement. I'm not going out to do a cardio run, I'm training intervals or endurance or climbs or strength. I'm not competing with anyone other than myself. My goal is to keep up with hubby without slowing him down. I also love gear I'm a photographer...I love the gear. I'm a cyclist, I love the gear

I don't consider myself competitive or trying to compete; I leave that to the really serious folk. But I love the purpose of cycling and that I can do it with both DH and a dear friend, or alone, or as part of the cycling community which is rich here in Charlotte. I'm also looking to this as a long term fitness strategy. Plus, have you ever really looked at a cyclist? They have amazing bodies

I'm sorry for being so long but I wanted to give you a very complete answer Go for it girl! I really think getting physically invested and involved is a fabulous long term heath and weight management strategy! I've toyed with being a zumba instructor as well

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Old 02-06-2012, 11:22 AM   #37  
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Kudos Pam! Great attitude and best going forward!

Bill.. oh you and me dude... guacamole is a HUGE weakness of mine!

Beverlyjoy: OMG I hate those jumping candybars! Actually, my youngest has tried that a few times I’m so sorry about your friend! Losses are so very hard (and actually how I put on this particular round of the 100+ lbs) so kudos for everything you’re doing especially in the wake of what’s going on!

Lexxiss: I’m soo bad at planning... soooo bad. Good for you for being diligent with that! Are you finding it very helpful?

Onebyone: omg that would be me trying to shoot and cycle! I’m not allowed to have a camera anywhere near me when I cycle for that very reason! Glad you’re ok! Glad you’re settling in well! Spontaneous 2 hour walk! Love it! I totally know what you mean about living your life again... I’m right there with you!

Maryann: How awesome your kids are so supportive of each other! Wow.. good for you for helping to instill that!

Maplover: YES! omg... sleep (or lack there of) and cravings and food...right here. My youngest didn’t sleep and I ate my way through trying to stay awake during the day and stay sane. Craved protein particularly. Being well rested is SO important for me on my diet and in life really. Not just you, I absolutely hear you on the sleep!

Futurefitchick: Best with your semester!

Saturday was my birthday and between that and the superbowl I was off plan but not as much as I might have been in past years (especially since my birthday part was at a DESERT bar! Yea and I chose it LOL! I really didn't have any...). My nutritionist has forbidden me from weighing at home and I have to say, it's been a bit of a relief. I don't do what I used to do which is weigh in, cheat and then spend a week getting it off so yay for behavior modification! My bodyfat is down 3% in about 3 weeks so she's thrilled with my progress. Hubby was particularly excited that we discovered I can shop at Victoria's Secret again (men.) and I had my makeup professionally done for the pix in my avatar. I also recently became a redhead... so lots of changes. January was kinda blah for me for some personal reasons not relating to weight (negative person in my life) but I feel really good after a lovely birthday as I was overwhelmed at the outpouring of wonderful people in my life. I'm a few lbs from 60 lost and the end is starting to feel attainable! I'm finding my weight loss more consistent working with my nutritionist so it's just a matter of staying the course and patience. Oh I'm so NOT patience!
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Old 02-06-2012, 11:31 AM   #38  
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Hello Everyone!

Hope all are doing well. I'd like to say I've been following the program faithfully, reading ARC, eating mindfully etc but that would not really be the truth. I have not tracked on paper for a few weeks now, since I hit my all time low weight I've been basically in maintenance mode. I don't think when I set the goal for the cruise that I actually believed I could accomplish it, so to have it happen 6 weeks before was a big surprise to me. I've decided to accept where I am at right now as I'm very happy with it and once we return from vacation I'll set my next goal. I do plan on being very mindful of my food choices on the ship, DH and I spent 10 days in Mexico in 2009 at an all-inclusive and when the day arrived and we could hardly button up our jeans for the flight home that was not comfortable. So I have decided that I'm going to try on my jeans every morning before I get dressed while on the ship to monitor my progress. A friend asked me at Zumba yesterday if they were stretchy jeans and I could happily (in this case) say no.

BBE Sorry about your football team, I am not a football fan and don't understand any of the game so it was not on our TV. Good job in sending home chips with the guests. Why is it when there's a 2 for 1 or 4 for 1 sale we figure we have to get all the free ones when we were willing to pay the money for 1 only??

pamatga Credit for stopping the sugar eating! That's something I really need to get a grip on right now too. This week I'm trying to eliminate most of the bad "white" stuff from my eating, the sugar and flour products.

beverlyjoy Senidng your way as you deal with all the emotional stress right now in your life.

FFC Good luck on your semester!

onebyone You sound so positive and happy in your recent posts. I'm happy to hear the weather for Florida and hope it holds for my trip there this Saturday. I'm happy to hear you have found some good support so far with OA and WW. Enjoy your time there!

Lexxiss Love the reminder that they are flucuations on the scale and not necessarily a weight gain. Once again it's only a number.

fyreflie24 Thanks for the workout smoothie recipe. Tried it yesterday and really like it with peanut butter and banana. Nice change from the blueberry banana ones I've been having for the last 2 months!

Hello to everyone else I missed. Have a great week everyone.
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Old 02-06-2012, 11:41 AM   #39  
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Hi coaches/buddies/friends .. Yesterday went well until AFTER the Super Bowl game - where I ate healthfully - when others had a spread of fattening unhealthy goodies. Not fair... oh well. I made the right choices during the day - often needing to use my resistance techniques.. For whatever reason (maybe stress from a stressful week & feeling 'deprived' when I wanted to comfort my self with food all week & I didn't)- who knows) When I got home from the party -I had chocolate milk, crackers and bread... all unplanned. It's not the worst I've ever done. But, it just doesn't feel so good.

However.... I've gotten up with a new resolve to have a healthy & wonderful day. I've planned my food and will aim to do what I know will help me. I just must muster up the 'willingness'. It is always about willingness to try and do what I know works.

I will go see my Aunt in hospice and give her a hug and a kiss today.

I have writing to do and other things related to work.

I am also getting nervous about my gallbladder removal surgery next week. It should be a good thing - in the long run. I'll be brave. I don't want to gain weight back as a result.... please, please, please.

fryeflie - thanks for sharing your exercise journey.

billbe - sorry your struggled at the party. I LOVE this that you said: but I will run no red lights today. I am writing this down.

pam - thanks for reposting the quote from the green book about hopping right back on our plan when we get off track. Such a good reminder. I will miss your daily/semi daily posts. But, sure do understand how there's only enough time in the day to get it 'all' done.

gardenerjoy - so good that you read your cards pretty consistently. Credit.

Tazzy - I am glad you reached your short term goal so quickly! I think putting those jeans on daily is a good idea - clever way to see how your weight is doing in a place with out your scale.

I became a Facebook friend of The Beck Diet Solution and today they posted this:

Monday Motivation: When people tell us that they can’t lose weight because it’s too hard, we remind them that likely they’ve done other hard things in life, like getting a degree, being successful at a job, or learning a new skill. Those things didn’t come to them overnight and they had to work hard to achieve success and made mistakes along the way. Dieting is no different.

However: it comes from Dr. Beck's website originally:

Have a great day, Becksters.

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Old 02-06-2012, 09:20 PM   #40  
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Hi Coaches/Buddies/Friends!

I completed my first full week of my Think Thin for Life Plan. I found my daily/weekly goals to be reasonable and I'm continuing to refine and redesign. Highlights…..
1. I found I could fit my 5 min. daily stretching in At work on the days I work.
2. I found writing my food plan while making my smoothie worked better than any way I have tried, so far.
3. I found my daily reading in my Beck book to be educational and motivating, especially since I was "never finding time" before.

I'm trying again this week and will continue with similar guidelines. No change in weight but I did weigh every morning and recorded it.

I've a busy evening yet...we travel tomorrow night after work...depending on the weather. Still lots of snow here although we haven't had to shovel for a few days now.

BBE, love the chips story!

Beverlyjoy, sending supportive thoughts as you prepare for your surgery.

Tazzy, great plan putting on your skinny jeans every morning.

Donamarie, thanks for taking the time to share your cycling journey. Yes, I find the planning helps.

Pam(atga), will look forward to your weekly posts!

gardenerjoy, we watched the puppybowl on An.Planet!

onebyone, :waving: with envy...have you ever visited Nancy's secret garden?

maplover, yay for starting your new exercise program.

FutureFitChick, best wishes for your semester!

Goodnight coaches.

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Old 02-07-2012, 12:22 AM   #41  
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A productive day that included a trip to the gym that has the hot tub and steam room. Ah! But, I earned the relaxation by getting on the elliptical first!

WI: +0.15 kgs, Exercise:+65 290/1300 minutes for February, Food: 85%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

fyreflie24: glad you had a happy birthday! I went red with the hair about half-way through my weight loss, too.
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Old 02-07-2012, 05:05 AM   #42  
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Thumbs up Tuesday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - The sun was out and the ducks were out on the Atlantic Ocean making for a good walk, CREDIT moi. Even though the classic image of the Common Loon is a Maine lake, they're easier to spot when they've returned to the ocean. It's easier to eat on plan, CREDIT moi, when I'm outside and there's no source of unplanned food.

During an evening meeting conducted over food I did well, CREDIT moi. This is a meeting where, in the past, I've failed to stop with the nibble food and just nibbled my way through the night.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – There's a crowd at my gym that go straight to the steam room, hot tub, and relaxing pool without bothering to stop by any exercise equipment, so Kudos to you for earning your relaxation.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Love the thought of getting in your five minutes of stretching at work. Kudos for "finding time" for Beck reading now despite the time crunches in your life.

Beverlyjoy – Ouch for the reality that the gallbladder has lived its life and is taking early retirement. Glad that the rest of you will keep marching on.

Tazzy - Such a neat idea to use your jeans as a reality check during the cruise. [Whatever's the psychology of the '2 for 1' and '4 for 2' sales, it pushes my buttons every time.]

Donamari (fyreflie24) – Oh Yes, "yay for behavior modification!" - it so works!!! Love when a pro will admit that they love the gear part of their thing. I saw a scuba diver going into the ocean yesterday with a MASSIVE rack of underwater digital camera gear with lights. I was diverted from watching ducks to focus on his multi-$K of gear.

Readers -
chapter 4 Stage 1 The Success Skills Plan
Success Skill 9 Get Back on Track - Right Away

To lose weight successfully, you need to learn how to stop yourself at the first mistake, put it in perspective, and recommit yourself right away. Because that's just what it is: a mistake. We are all human and, therefore, not perfect, so mistakes are an inevitable part of life. I don't know a single dieter who followed a plan perfectly, day in and day out for the rest of his/her life. I still make mistakes from time to time. But I limit them and get back on track right away. Expect to make mistakes from time to time and expect to use all of your skills so you can get back on track right away, too.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 103.
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Old 02-07-2012, 08:54 AM   #43  
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Good Morning, Coaches.
I am feeling overwhelmed this morning. Rough sleep. My principal approached me about next year's plans and I was force to confront the issue of my sabbatical. In the end, I am happy he started the ball rolling because I didn't realize the timeline for application was next week. There hasn't been a sabbatical granted in my district since 1998. I feel foolish applying but I wrote the letter late last night anyway and hope to submit by Friday. Lots of feelings are coming up about leaving my job. DH is behind me.But it is tough to think about leaving the students. I tried to eat my weight in chocolate at school. Tracked everything this morning and I am only a few exercise point away from coming out all right for the week. This too shall pass. Important to keep OP and to ask myself "How important is it?"
Best to all.

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Old 02-07-2012, 09:08 AM   #44  
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Tazzy: OH the jeans test is the ultimate test imho! I told my husband when I get down to my goal weight, I’m getting a great pair of jeans and if they ever don’t fit he has my permission to have a hissy fit at me. So exciting about hitting your goal early! I know what you mean about having a hard time believing you’ll hit it; I feel that way about my June 23rd goal... Great job with maintenance! That’s as challenging as losing quite honestly Glad you like my smoothie! The banana is particularly wonderful preworkout.

Beverlyjoy: I’ve started to really relish in 1) I didn’t ‘splurge’ like I used to or would have and 2) I’m jumping right back on the bandwagon. That my friend is how we keep this off in the long run! Best with your surgery... speedy recovery vibes your way.

Lexxiss: I find I’m doing loose planning... I have good stuff in the house that’s fast and easy to go to and that’s working... but I do need to be a bit more organized Congrats on your first week of Think Thin for Life!

Gardnerjoy: OH that’s funny about the red hair! My husband keeps calling me his ‘new wife’ LOL

Bill: I would have been right there with you goggling over the underwater gear... omg, the housings alone are a fortune!! Great job with the meeting and resisting the nibbles. I hear those types of changes are the key to maintenance so thank you for modeling that!

Rocking and rolling here. I pulled my knee so I'm hoping to get a workout in but we'll see how it feels. I'd swim if I owned a bathing suit but not quite yet... yes that's my pathology

Have a great day!
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Old 02-07-2012, 12:34 PM   #45  
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Hi coaches/buddies/friends Yesterday was mostly healthy. Once again I ate extra in the evening. I need to 'nip this in the bud' as they say. I will work very very hard tonight on NOT eating after 7:30.

Actually, I hardly worked my Beck program yesterday, except to write down what I ate. It proves to me that I do better when incorporating the Beckisms that have worked for me in the past. At the very least - I must plan/measure/log, read my arc/rc, and not eating standing up.

Yesterday, I went to see my aunt in hospice. She was having a good day - we had a wonderful visit. I am grateful.

Another relative, who was also in hospice, passed away yesterday. He lives a couple of hours from here. So, I'll go there tomorrow for the visitation and I can swing over to where my stepmom is recouperating from her surgery. Actually, it will work out well - bacause I need to go back there anyway.

I have much to do. I'll try and get back later for some personals. As always, I appreciate all of your support, wisdom and kindness.
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