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Old 12-13-2015, 11:01 PM   #1  
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Default Atkins and Exercise

Any suggestions from people who have been on Atkins for awhile regarding the best exercise at home to help booster your weight and inches losses with Atkins?

Been on an extended Atkins induction for roughly 9 1/2 months and 91.5lbs down but still have a long way to go to get to where I will feel more comfortable with myself. I don't want to move onto phase 2 until I hit 250lbs so that means I still need to lose another 80lbs or so.

I prefer to exercise at home. I've tried the Biggest Loser DVDs, the WATP videos, etc. But looking for something new. Any suggestions?


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Old 12-14-2015, 04:38 PM   #2  
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Do you have a WII? I love walk it out, where you build a city and earn music etc....
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Old 12-23-2015, 02:09 PM   #3  
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Do you have any weights or resistance bands?
Those help with building muscle mass and increase metabolism.
I also like the Power Half hour videos. I don't know if you have a treadmill. I like to walk while I watch TV.
How about a stationary bike?
I am not sure what your choices are there in China.
Just thinking out loud…….hope it's ok to do so.
Best of luck, shan84!
You are doing such a GREAT job sticking with it…… inspire me not to give up!!!!!!

Last edited by healthyin2015; 12-23-2015 at 02:09 PM.
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Old 12-24-2015, 01:03 AM   #4  
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Thanks! I don't have anything at home but DVDs for Biggest Loser, and Walk Away the Pound DVDs. Getting a bit bored. My apartment is too small for equipment like a treadmill or bike. I'm re-considering joining a gym. But its very difficult living here in China where I am because people are very rude to me because of my size. I have joined gyms in the past here and when I have gone there to work out, people stand around and stare at me while I work out to the point where often than not I would leave in tears.
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Old 12-24-2015, 04:07 PM   #5  
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Dear shan84,
I am so sorry that you had to experience some people's rude behavior.
This is a reflection on them, how narrow minded and judgmental they are.
You should be very proud of yourself for having such determination.
You know, they might be skinny but they are skinny a**holes!
How about ordering some new videos?
Or even better:
How about free exercise videos on youtube?
There are soooo many good ones: from free zumba videos to the traditional exercise type.
Hang in there, shan84!
Best of luck!

Last edited by healthyin2015; 12-24-2015 at 04:07 PM.
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Old 12-24-2015, 09:44 PM   #6  
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most videos are also on you-tube to do or try or pinerest for printable at-home workouts with weights or kettle balls or steps or ???

maybe we can start a monthly challenge here for arms or legs or abs or ???

dh bought me a garmin to track my steps, I get a thrill when my wrist starts buzzing away in the afternoon telling me I made my goal : )

Last edited by smith1313; 12-24-2015 at 09:46 PM.
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