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Old 03-14-2013, 12:17 AM   #1  
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Exclamation How am I doing? And a few questions PLEASEE!!

So I am really hoping to get some help from this forum! I am new to Atkins and haven't read the book, but I know I need to. I choose Atkins because I believe I am addicted to carbs (although it hasn't been to terribly hard so far). I feel I have done pretty good the past 2 days (which is how long I have been on it) but some feedback would be GREAT!!! I am not really exactly sure how many carbs I have had the past 2 days it's mostly a guess, as I can't seem to find a reliable carb counting source (if anyone has one for online, or on my phone that would be great!)

So this is what I ate yesterday:
Breakfast was 2 eggs with 1 tablespoon of real bacon bits (it states 0 carbs) I also had a serving of cheese which states -1 carb

Lunch was a premade salad from walmart it said it had 5 carbs with the dressing included, I also bought 2 hard boiled eggs to add to it this said 1 carb so 6 carbs for lunch

Snack at work I was starving so I went to the deli and bought 3 slices of turkey breast and 2 slices of cheese and wrapped them up in each other I have no idea how many carbs this was

Dinner I made some chicken salad, I had 3 pieces of lettuce and about a table spoon of chicken salad wrapped up in each piece of lettuce. (carb count ???) After that I was still starving so I had a chicken of the sea salmon pack (carb count was either 0 or 1 can't remember)

The chicken salad I made had about 14 ounces of chicken around 3-4 tablespoons of mayo, maybe a table spoon of mustard, some onion, and celery, and a hard boiled egg, if this helps.

I had about 5 glasses of water and a cup of coffee in the morning with 3 all natural splenda packs and a splash of milk (bad I know) all day yesterday I was basically starving, but I thought this wouldn't hurt anyways because my stomach could stand to shrink some.

Today I feel I ate a bit more because I was starving yesterday and I'm praying I didn't go over on my carbs.

Breakfast was 3 eggs with some bacon bits and cheese (didn't measure as much) and 2 turkey sausage links it says 2 carbs for 3 links and I had 2.

Lunch / early dinner: we was out of town so we went to a buffett (this was the real tester!), I was hoping for lots of choices with this so I had about half of a steak that was probably around 4 onces so maybe 2-3?, and some pot roast (not sure how many ounces and no I didn't eat any of the potatoes in the roast) I had a bunch of green beans and carrots mixed in with my roast. I also had a small spoonful of broccoli and a small spoonful of cauliflower with a bit of cheese over them. I then had a large salad that covered a lot of the plate, it had lettuce, onion, some ham a bit of cheese, green peper, a bit of egg, cucumber and broccoli and some ranch.

We got home about 6 hours later and I was getting kind of hungry some I made some salmon I would say I had about 6 ounces with some herbs and olive oil and a big salad with just about a pinch of cheese and some ranch.

I had about 4 glasses of water today and a cup of coffee this morning with 3 splenda packs, and a splash of whipping cream. I also had a small iced coffee from Starbucks between lunch/dinner snack with whipping cream no milk and sugar free vanilla syrup.

QUESTIONS: I read its good to drink broth like chicken broth, I was not sure if this was true I think I would like some broth between meals sometimes as it would be warm, and satisfying, but it has a ton of sodium some help would be great! I also have a question about the cheese I've been using. It is Kraft mild Cheddar made with 2% milk. The carb count says -1 carb so I was really hoping that is accurate.

I really hope that wasn't to much for everyone to read, but as I said I have no idea how I did, and I really have no idea of my carb count! If someone could help me out, tell me anything I might have done wrong I would be so greatly appreciative! I have not lost any weight at all so far, I know it's only 2 days in, but a lot of people loose very quickly on this, and I do have a lot to loose so I'm really hoping I'm doing it right. I really appreciate the help everyone.. thanks so much.
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Old 03-14-2013, 10:35 AM   #2  
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You're doing it right. I usually count an egg as 1g carb, but some say .5g. I personally feel that eggs only have a small trace amount of carbs, but I count it as 1 since that is the conventional wisdom.

I would say add more more fat, eat real bacon (0) and don't be afraid to stir in the mayo (0)! Salad dressing like Ranch is the safest bet, it has like 1g or 2g of carbs in a single serving. The deli meat and cheese wrap you had was a great choice. I usually say a slice of cheese has less than 1g of carb, but I count it as one, turkey, ham, bologna deli meat is zero. Grilled steak and grilled chicken are a big fat zero! So go crazy. Don't forget to eat some broccoli and lotsa salad so you can get some of your carbs from veggies.
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Old 03-14-2013, 01:07 PM   #3  
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And, read the book! Lol! You can't do Atkins without having read it first, right now your just low-carbing. Atkins is a specific plan, laid out for you. I recommend trying to get your hands on the 2001 or older books. But otherwise I think you are doing good. Just a note on the onions in the chicken salad though, they are really carby, more then you'd think. When I cook with them I dice up about a 1/4 of a cup or less, really fine and pretty much just use it as a flavoring.

And remember to use the full fat versions of mayo and cheese and such, low-fat and fat-free products tend to have added sugar. Don't worry too much about sodium unless it really is an issue for you. You should be drinking enough water to flush the extra out anyways.
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Old 03-21-2013, 09:22 PM   #4  
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There are carb counters apps you can use, too.. Once I started putting in everything I ate, I was surprised at what actually had carbs in it, and how many! They add up fast! Until then, I had a couple rought starts- but finally getting back on track. I invested in some keto sticks as well. Keep us posted on your progress!
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