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Krista 02-05-2011 10:40 AM

I weighed in at 230 this morning, waiting for the 220's I get real close but never stay there :cry: and.... I totally have cabin fever, it's 20 degrees, ice slicked roads, cars batteries not turning over, I could go on and on... looking for some sunshine!

yoyoma 02-05-2011 04:00 PM

Congrats on getting back to Wonderland, Sandy!

I weigh daily and for the past three weeks or so, I've been in the range of 139.0 to 142.5, with fluctuations that can go from one end to the other in a single day. This past week I didn't weigh myself and I was near-induction all week (had a handful of nuts on two days). Today I am happy to report 137.5, which breaks me out of that range and is down a total of 6.5 pounds for the challenge so far. :)

I'm super happy about this since I have been eating so much better on Atkins and I really have not been exercising due to the weather. It's a small miracle that I can maintain under these conditions, let alone lose!

Hubby bought a new scale (our scale is clearly getting testy and it's worse for him, presumably bc he weighs more). It clocked me at 138.4 this morning. I guess I will start using the new scale for my ticker, and I round up, so that puts me at 139 on the ticker.

In other news, today is my daughter's birthday, and I think dinner is just going to have to be off-plan -- my first true off-plan meal since I started practice Atkins. Her favorite is Chinese buffet, and while there are a very few things there that I can eat on-plan, I've decided to play a "get out of jail" card tonight. I've been on plan for breakfast and lunch and plan on getting right back on tomorrow.

Linsy 02-05-2011 04:10 PM

Weighed in at 227, but I know I'll be back down to 226 pretty soon since I've seen it on the scale. I've lost 12lbs since the challenge started, so I need to lost 3 more by Valentine's day. My own little personal self challenge (created right now) is to get down to 219 by March 1.

yoyoma 02-06-2011 04:11 AM

Update on the Chinese buffet -- I've been avoiding them like the plague, despite my family's preference for them. There are a lot of noodles, breadings, dumplings, rice (including sushi) and sweet/thickened sauces.
I thought the Atkins-friendly choices would be so restricted that I would just chuck in the towel and go on a dumpling-induced carb binge. Then I would have trouble getting back on track due to the cycle of carb cravings...

But, now that I was seeking them out, I found lots of Atkins-friendly dishes, and a few favorites that weren't ridiculously far astray...

For veggies, the place we went had sauteed baby spinach (yum!!), cracked pepper zucchini, and sauteed green beans. While the debate on green beans themselves rages, they were all prepared in an Atkins-friendly manner.

Lots of Atkins-friendly seafood-- baked fish, poached salmon, steamed clams, crab legs, shrimp. There was also an Atkins friendly roast beef and a few meats that had some sugar added, but seemed like a not-outrageous amount: true spare ribs (in addition to the no-no gloppy vibrant red boneless variety) and chicken skewers.

I stayed away from the dumplings and I skipped the desserts without feeling the least bit deprived! I did eat more than I normally would, but I don't expect any lasting carb kickback, so I feel confident that I won't be derailed by an outing to this Chinese buffet any more! Woohoo!!!

sandyfanny 02-06-2011 07:33 AM

Way to Go, Yoyoma!
Congratulations, Yoyoma, for handling that Chinese buffet like a champ! Aren't you glad you didn't eat all that sugar and starch and blow up like the New Year's dragon?! Good job!

Linsy, you're doing great! Some of us are struggling, but WE ARE NOT GIVING UP! That may have to be my biggest victory this challenge.


islandchick1 02-06-2011 10:06 PM

weighed 208 on Sat

sandyfanny 02-07-2011 07:16 PM

Islandchick, you're doing great! You're going to be a real, slinky little mermaid in no time!

MaryOjo 02-11-2011 02:41 AM

Starting weight as @ Jan 3rd: 167.5
Weight as @ Jan 10: 166
Weight as @ Jan 13: 163.8
Weight as @ Jan 25: 167 (Was on vacation and couldn't get healthy meals, hope to loose the weight ASAP)
Weight as @ Feb 1: 166
Weight as @ Feb 4: 164.5
Weight as @ Feb 11: 163.3
Valentine's Day Target: 153.5
Pounds Lost: 4.2
Pounds to Go: 9.8

Linsy 02-11-2011 04:04 AM

I haven't lost a thing this week and I only need 3 more pounds before Valentine's Day to get to the challenge goal of 15lbs. I'm hoping for a whoosh!

Twiddlebug 02-13-2011 01:14 PM

I am quite certain I won't be losing 5 pounds by tomorrow, but every pound I have lost is one step closer...

Linsy 02-13-2011 05:04 PM

I've lost 1 this week, putting me at 13/15. I'll see what the scale says tomorrow.

MaryOjo 02-14-2011 03:47 AM

Starting weight as @ Jan 3rd: 167.5
Valentine's Day Target: 153.5
Weight as @ Feb 14: 163.3
Pounds Lost: 4.2
Pounds to Go: 9.8
I didn't achieve the target of 14pounds but the team motivated me to stay focused and i lost 4.2pounds which isn't bad at all. Thanks y'all for the words of support and encouragement.

yoyoma 02-14-2011 10:11 AM

I weighed in at 138.8 on the new scale today. That is up 1/2 lb from last week, but the ticker stays at 139. That puts me down 5 lbs for the challenge (6 lbs really, bc of the scale switcheroo). I am very happy with that!

Winter is a tough time of year. Congrats to everyone who made progress towards their goal!

I hope someone starts a new challenge... May Day? Easter? First Day of Spring? Anyone got a choice?

Linsy 02-14-2011 03:59 PM

I just weighed, and I literally JUST made the challenge goal. I whooshed down to 224 and am at exactly 15 pounds lost since the challenge start! I think the same thing happened with the Christmas challenge too. What a fantastic Valentine's Day gift! :yay:

I just realized that I have less than 100 pounds to go now!

claire0412 02-15-2011 09:27 AM

Hi everyone!

I ended the challenge at 148lbs, so I didn't come even close. I was away snowboarding and deep snow hiking last weekend, and cracked after 4 days and ate carbs. A lot of carbs. Since then, I've found it impossible to get back ont he wagon and I definitely don't want to go back to phase one. I've decided to try South Beach instead, so still low carb but not so low. Everyone has to find the right diet for them, and I definitely think low carb is the way to go for me. I just lack the willpower to stick to very low carb :)

Good luck to everyone for the challenges ahead :)

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