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Old 01-12-2017, 11:17 AM   #76  
Want to feel better
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Good morning GG's,

It has warmed up again ~ not toooooo warm ~ LOL. But just the right amount of warm.

I woke up yesterday with a headache, I took something for it and thankfully, it went away and I was able to get a bunch of stuff done. Sometimes no matter what I do, I can't get the headaches to go away.

I got the kitchen desk cleaned off and a box of stuff sitting in front of it that I had started on months back and didn't get finished. I get these clutter piles tackled and plan to deal with the stuff right away instead of it building up, but I get busy or tired and eventually before I know it, another pile of stuff has grown. Also did some straightening up ~ putting stuff away and laundry. It makes me happy when I am able to accomplish things.

We didn't have Maddie yesterday after school. The day before, she got off the bus complaining that her stomach didn't feel good and by the evening, she had vomited. She still didn't feel good yesterday and didn't go to school. Last evening, Sara said that Maddie was still feeling crummy. Poor little thing ~ hope she feels better soon.

Sharon (thatsok) ~ glad you found your way to the Golden Girls Thread. Welcome. You are fine here at your age. We've had ones who were closer to 50 and some older ones too. It is a small group, but we enjoy sharing with each other ~ our diet/weight loss struggles and just about life. And like Carol Sue said ~ it is interesting to hear about other people's lives. Thank you for the information about the book. I looked it up on Amazon and my husband ordered it for me. I always try the library first ~ so I can look at the book and decide rather there is enough helpful stuff in it to go ahead and buy it. But, the library didn't have this one. Often times, used books are available through Amazon. We have gotten a lot that way, barely worn and much less than brand new. My husband and I have been doing that Eat to Live Diet (Dr. Joel Fuhrman). My husband is the guy who is strict about following it and never messes up. Me.....I wish I could be like him, but I'm not. I thought the book you mentioned might have something I can add to what I am already doing that might help me.

Carol Sue ~ way to go on the shovel at a great price. I love it when I can find stuff I am looking for at a good price. We have one hanging in the garage ~ it kind of made me smile to see it. I don't think we've ever used it down here. That is ok ~ it can just keep hanging there. I sure don't miss shoveling all that snow. I can understand why you don't like the sunshine if it hurts your eyes. The eye doctor keeps telling me that I have the beginnings of cataracts, but so far, I guess they have not gotten to where I need to have them removed ~ I'm glad of that. Way to go with the 2 pound loss.

Mary ~ glad you had a nice visit with your granddaughter and her boyfriend. I know how you feel ~ glad to see them. I don't get to see Corbin much anymore, when he does come and visit for a bit ~ I really enjoy it, and appreciate that he came by. Glad your eyes haven't had diabetic changes. Your yard ~ with the snow sounds pretty. My dad used to offer to send me some of his. I think I read about someone who was sending snow to people. I think Maddie has only seen it once. When Corbin was little, we got a dish of snow and let him put his hand in it ~ he started crying ~ didn't like it much I guess. Way to go on the ½ pound loss and riding your bike.

Nancy ~ welcome. I'm sorry that you were “eased” out of your job. What did you do in healthcare? Sounds like it worked out for the best though. You can concentrate on taking care of yourself and you don't have to go out and clean off the car or deal with snowy icy roads to get to work.

Well, I guess I'd better get off. Gotta do some cooking today. Hope you all have a nice day.

Last edited by glynne; 01-12-2017 at 12:55 PM.
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Old 01-12-2017, 01:01 PM   #77  
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Welcome Sharon. We already "spoke" over on the diabetes thread. I have ordered that book from the library, although I think I already read it. If I did, no harm, no cost to me, and it wouldn't hurt to read it again. I need all the encouragement I can get to stay on the straight and narrow. She also wrote a book called Metabolism Miracle that some people are following. I think she recommend lower fat than some of the low carb plans that emphasize high fat. I can't eat high fat.

What kind of bread did you buy that is 5 net carbs? I have bought a couple from time to time but overall I need to just stay away from bread. Even if it's lower carb, I tend to binge on it. Right now I have some in the freezer. Big Little Bread, sprouted grain wheat, that I get at Target. I have also bought some Sara Lee bread that was lower carb.

I lost my job at 55 and was lucky I found another one in 3 months at a company that did not age discriminate. I know some companies try to say someone else was better qualified, but in the end, it's age discrimination, disguised as something else. We might be old, but we're not stupid. LOL I retired at 64 and for the most part I enjoy being unemployed. Occasionally I think I would like a part time job, but I know that I would want to wake up each morning and decide if I want to go to work, and it doesn't work that way. So I stay unemployed.

Gayle, I think if you got rid of the snow shovel you would get snow the next week. LOL Years ago when we used to get the big snows, a foot or more, we got a big snow blower. We haven't had to use it in several years. We also have a much smaller one and DH uses that one occasionally. Many people around here are selling their large snow blowers, but DH says as soon as he sells it we will get a big snow. I wanted this little shovel so I could push the snow off the porch and steps while he cleans the driveway. So far, he's the only one who has used it. He has a bigger heavier shovel, but likes my little one. Sometimes I'm right about something. Yay me!

Hope Maddie feels better soon. DH said he heard on the news that there's a particular strain of virus going around and really hitting the school children hard. They recommend washing hands often. That's always recommended, and I do find that I do much better when I'm diligent at washing my hands thoroughly instead of a quick wash. I think the fact that we are retired and not around a lot of other people often helps us, too. I know when older people get sick it really hits them hard. We do not get flu shots.

Mary, so how much snow did you end up getting, total? I'm surprised that DH can still shovel at his age. He must be in good physical condition inspite of some of the medical issues he has. Good for him, as long as he's careful.

Hope you are feeling well today.

Hi Nancy!
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Old 01-12-2017, 01:05 PM   #78  
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Forgot to mention, I am so happy that DH is starting to enjoy some other foods that he normally wouldn't try. Last night we had grilled salmon. Many times when I cook salmon for myself I cook a steak for him. But he ate the salmon and liked it. Also, I recently bought some of those frozen philly steaks that were on sale. He's learned how to cook them himself and makes them for lunch. I also got some turkey bacon and sausage to try. He's eating that too, whereas before he would never eat anything that wasn't real. Real bacon, or sausage. He says these things taste just like the original. I told him that but he never believed me. So now I don't have to buy the turkey for me and the real for him. It's the least little thing that can make me happy.
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Old 01-12-2017, 10:31 PM   #79  
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Hi everyone! Thanks for the warm welcome!

Mary Congrats on your weight loss! Ouch, dentists! I hate to admit, I'm afraid of dentists. LOL But your eye doctor sounds like he knows what he's doing. That Technician you mentioned, I used to do work like that! After I graduated from Nursing School, I worked on a medical unit then a Cardiac Care unit. When my kids were younger, I wanted to go part time for a while and I took a job in Ophthalmology. Well, I found my niche. I went back to school to learn all the technical stuff and became a Certified Ophthalmic Technician also. Before I knew it, I was in management but with all the downsizing in major hospitals, my position got deleted. That's when my husband and I moved north. I got a job with an ophthalmologist that has 3 offices. Things were great for a while. Then I got injured. Things were never the same. The doctor treated me like crap but had no reason to fire me. I ended up with 2 surgeries on my shoulder and went through 2 solid years of physical therapy before workmens comp declared my shoulder would not heal any further with continued therapy and discharged my case. I did not sue, I continued working full-time throughout the whole time besides the needed time off for surgery. I started having terrible foot pain and doctored with a podiatrist for 2 years treating fasciitis before finding out I also had a torn tendon in my ankle. Another surgery. This time after surgery I was told the only had a part-time position for me. Part-time was better than no time so I worked part-time for a while. The hours were consistent at first but then became very inconsistent. I found out I needed my gallbladder removed and after I got cleared from the surgery, I told them I was available but I never heard from them. I called every week for my schedule for a full year and they didn't give me any hours. I called the manager and was told they're just going through a rough patch and are over staffed right now. I never did hear from them again. They just squeezed me right out! Anyway, it's for the best now. I've been diagnosed with COPD, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome since I stopped working. Next week I'm seeing a doctor for possible lupus.

Carol Sue My husband and I just love salmon! We love cod too! I enjoy cooking and my current husband is a pleasure to cook for! He appreciates every morsel! He was single most of his adult life and ate out a lot. He had 2 full-time jobs when we met and when he'd come over, he'd often eat the leftovers in my fridge or he'd take them for lunch the next day. I swear that's why he married me! LOL We still have some "his" and "her" food though! LOL My husband denies any high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol by not seeing a doctor! Yeah, he's one of "those". LOL

Glynne You mentioned headaches, do you get migraines? I get migraines and they are awful! Changes in weather can bring them on. You mentioned weather too that's what made me think of migraines. I spilled my guts to poor Mary about my job. Sorry Mary! You can read that saga there. LOL

Sharon I was reading a little bit about the diet you're on when I was looking up stuff on my diet. So it sounds like your doctor is hung up with Diabetes due to your size too, huh? Are your blood sugars ever on the high side? My doctor listed prediabetes as a diagnosis for me and I freaked! She hadn't discussed it with me at all! When I talked to her she admitted she didn't have enough for that diagnosis. Yes, I'm at high risk due to my weight but my blood sugars have never been elevated! I made her take it off my medical record and I called the insurance company to tell them that was an incorrect diagnosis. Just so you know, you can't be prediabetic with normal blood sugars! My doctor is also insistent on me having a thyroid problem too but those tests come back normal also. C'mon, I have enough to worry about! LOL I just like knowing what's on my medical record. Did you know I had gastric bypass?? NOT!! I had to get that one off too! Check your medical records ladies! Computers make it MUCH easier for mistakes to happen! Click! You just had heart surgery!! No joke! It's that easy.

Well, it's getting late here. I had to stop and restart this a couple times so if it sounds choppy, I apologize. My daughter texted me tonight to tell me she was having problems with my 15 year-old grandson. She's a single mom who has basically raised them on her own. Her ex doesn't pay any child support. As soon as Friend of the Court finds him, he just quits. She has total custody, he didn't even show up at the custody hearing. Anyway, her son is much like his father, he has anger issues. They argued tonight and he threatened to stab her with a knife. She refused to call the police but she did call his therapist. He's bipolar and he also has ADHD so he's on medication and sees a therapist and psychiatrist on a regular basis. His therapist just thinks he's throwing a tantrum but she's taking all the sharps and locking her bedroom door tonight. I won't sleep well. I'll be anxiously waiting to hear from her tomorrow.

I sure hope all of you had a better evening than I did!!
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Old 01-13-2017, 08:50 AM   #80  
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Morning Ladies,
You were talking about what your husbands eat, my husbands diet is horrible. Eats hardly any veggies not a salad eater and no fish unless breaded and fried. It has been difficult over the years because I feel the girls haven't had a strong up bringing with fish and varied veggies. Don't get me wrong I fed them healthy food and one actually is a broccoli and salad girl now but it has been a struggle to keep junk out of the house. Neither of my girls have a weight problem and are healthy. Just one of those Mom guilt things lol
I have been doing well diet wise. I want to check a few things about timing of eating. I think I'm doing it right but there was something about eating before bed. And I have to figure out today and the days I work make sure I bring nuts or something to eat during my shift because I go to work at 4 and don t have opportunity to eat until after 9 or 10....... My back is out somewhat should go chiro but didn't want to spend the money. I guess I'll call see if I can get in this morn. I love my chiro he has saved me many times........ Other than that not much new only a few more days with the girls home. Ran with them to Macy's near us yesterday it is one of the locations closing so lots of discounts we had a lot of laughs......Daughters birthday is next Wednesday but she will be back at school. Trying to get her to make a decision what she wants to do. She like NYC so maybe a show Sunday or skating at Rockefeller Center....... Weather was really warm yesterday got some of outside decorations down will go out this morn and finish supposed to go from 50's to 30's by this afternoon. DH and I put them up the coldest day of the year don t want to take them down that way....Actually should also go for a walk supposed to add 30 minutes exercise a day and I haven't done that yet. I live on a big hill so not doing the lills with my back so will drive somewhere plus I'll get a workout working tonight.

No Nancy my doctor is not pushing the pre-diabetes actually haven't been to the dr in a couple of years have to make appt for physical. I did go for insurance eval when hubby changed jobs about a year ago and I just know they now consider weight and waist size as sign of pre diabetes. I went on this way of eating because it is easy and has worked for someone I know for long term. And it can't hurt. Sorry to hear about the situation your daughter and grandson are in that is difficult. Must be hard for you not to be worried all the time. I see you are from MI my mom was from the UP Bessemer.
Carol Sue well I want to work I don't do too well when I have all this free time. Plus with two girls in college I could use two jobs and hope I stay healthy enough to work for many years. The bread I got was Nature's Harvest I got it at Shop Rite not sure if you have Shop Rites where you are in PA but the company is from PA, Bimbo Bakeries, yes,that is actually their name lol For two slices it has 17 gr Total Carbs and 6 grams fiber so actually 5.5 gr carb per slice. I also got low carb pitas that are 4 gr net carb per 1/2
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Old 01-14-2017, 08:29 AM   #81  
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Nancy, I'm sorry you were eased out of your job that way. Supposedly by law they can't do that, but they do. It's a shame when you have medical problems. It's bad enough to have the medical problems you have without the doctor assigning some you don't have. By the time I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes I was full blown. Apparently my doctor was aware that my numbers were slowly going up and was "watching" it, but did not give me any warning. I went in for open heart surgery and they diagnosed the diabetes then. Maybe if I had know I was at risk I might have done something, but then, knowing me, maybe not. I have a tendency to be in denial.

Sharon, we do not have Shop Rite, but we have Bimbo bread. I wonder why they chose that name? I haven't noticed if they have the Nature's Harvest. I will have to look. The Little Big Bread I use has 7 gm of carb I think. I keep it in the freezer and it takes me over a month to use it. I eat bread so rarely but want to have something on hand if I want it. I need some low carb 10 inch flour tortillas for my quisadilla maker. I used to see them, but now that I want them, I only see the smaller ones. Have to be 10 inch to work. I'll keep looking.

I picked up Diabetes Miracle from the library yesterday and I will look through it a bit today, although I still think I've already read it. Won't hurt to read it again and refresh my memory. I know what I'm supposed to do, I just don't always do it.

I think our weather is pretty much the same as yours. We just had a warm spell and a cold spell is coming.

Mary, I didn't realize you got that much snow! We haven't had that in a few years, but I'd better knock on wood. LOL It used to be very common for us.

I'm sorry to hear of your DIL's hearing problems. I hope something works for her. I have heard of some people losing their hearing due to other illnesses and getting a cochlear implant. Maybe that is an option for her. We seem to take our senses for granted. My hearing is a little off. DH always tells me I have the TV too loud. I would wear a hearing aid but they are so expensive. My hearing is not real bad, just enough to be annoying. I would like to try one of those products they sell over the counter, but maybe they would just be a waste of money.

Yesterday I picked up my first RX for the new year and was charged a $15 copay. It seems that I can still get $0 copay from mail order but not from retail. I think I will keep DH on retail because he only has one script, but I have so many I will switch to mail order. Our mail order is the one where I used to work. I worry that if something happens to me, DH won't know how to get his script from mail order and will just stop taking it. It's really much more convenient to go to retail, especially when I forget to reorder and I'm down to a couple days supply. But having them shipped to your mailbox is good, too. I have to keep in mind that I am on these meds due to my weight. Lose weight, blood pressure and blood sugar would go down and I would not NEED these meds. Something to consider, and problem solved. Sounds so easy! LOL
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Old 01-14-2017, 03:53 PM   #82  
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Another pretty winter day. Dh went to help our dil ...our gd called to say they had a flat tire and her mom was having trouble taking care of it, so dh went to help them. They ended up having to take it some place to get it fixed and now are having fast food for lunch. He has other things to do too so won't be home for a couple hours. I've been just puttering around doing this and that...things I need to do as I think of them.

I had a big breakfast...not as healthy as I should have but not terrible to my mind at least. I rarely eat cereal but I bought some cornflakes for a recipe and it sounded good...haven't eaten it in years so had some this morning. I sprinkled a little Splenda on it and 1/2 cup milk. Still had lots of calories left so made my pb mocha and then the calories were about perfect! I'm waiting on my new NS meals but have a few of them left ...mostly things I don't care for so I'm making a lot of my own meals but also trying to use up what I have left of their meals. Looking forward to getting the new shipment and it should come today! I tried to customize it very carefully. My weight is staying at my sig weight. Slow but surely....

On bread, I use the WW Sara Lee lower's 19 g carb and 90 cal in 2 slices. Since being on NS (since 11/4 I think it was) I haven't eaten any bread even though I could. Not sure why.

Carol - We pay the same when we get meds regardless where we get it, however when we get it at a regular pharmacy it is only 30 days whereas for the same price we get 90 days from Express Scripts (mail order). So we use Rite Aid to get things like antibiotics we need right away, otherwise we use mail order. I order online but much of our meds are now just sent out automatically. It's pretty convenient. And they are nice enough to allow us to get meds early if we need more for a trip. Yes, our dil is hoping to get a cochlear implant..but has been told there is only a 50/50 chance of success. She still wants it though as if there is any chance it's worth the try esp with her being so young.

You all (nice to have more people on here now! have a good weekend!

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Old 01-16-2017, 11:13 AM   #83  
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Hi Everyone, My name is Marian from Medina Ohio. A small town outside of Cleveland. Think "Stars Hollow". I have jumped back on the low carb bandwagon and hope to find encouragement here. I work as a nurse , live with my husband, visit my 2 kids in Chicago whenever I can and try to quilt as much as possible. Oh yea - and I like to read a lot. I have have to find hobbies that require a little more physically activity

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Old 01-16-2017, 11:26 AM   #84  
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I edited my signature. This is more accurate.
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Old 01-16-2017, 02:33 PM   #85  
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Good afternoon all,

Welcome Marian. I just started back like a week ago low carbing it too. So far I have been doing well not too much temptation but glad you will all be around when it gets tough.
Mary hope you had a nice dinner at your sons.
Well we got to Rockefeller Center to skate for my daughters birthday. Good time even tho Hubby and I didn't last long due to his bad knee and my back was doing ok but when I saved myself from wiping out my back was smarting. I did get to chiro on Friday and thankfully got that kink out of my back and fixed my knee. However, I have some pain mid back hoping it s just from where he worked on me that and working fri and sat night.
Girls just left to go back to school and honestly mad me a biit sadder when they left beginning of year. Nice having them home and they ll be back in March. Did send lots of junk back with them made banana and pumpkin muffins and sent them all back with them so no temptation.
Well I am going to take a nap tryng to be good to me and my back.
Have a good day!

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Old 01-16-2017, 08:55 PM   #86  
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Mary I forgot to congratulate you on another pound biting the dust!

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Old 01-16-2017, 09:47 PM   #87  
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Mary, I never thought of my town as being small, but I just looked it up and it's 30,700, so much smaller than where you live. US Rt 30 goes right through it for about 8 miles or so, but it seems pretty big to me. I consider myself a city girl rather than a country girl, but I have never lived in a big city.

I finally got rid of my encyclopedias. No one was using them, and I feel that they were old and out of date, but in good condition. I donated them to the library for there used book sale. I didn't know what else to do with them.

My blood sugar finally came down today, to 150. It has been around 200 for a few days and it wouldn't come down for anything. I ate zero carbs today, and it came down. I know it has to come down lower, but those 200s have to go. I'm at the point that I am not really worried about my weight until I get this blood sugar down.

Hi, Marion. Nice to see another new poster here. I also have the problem of being too inactive. I get comfortable and that's it for the evening!

Sharon, I hope you back is feeling better soon. It's surprising the aches and pains we start getting. I have one bad knee, and I think the other one is getting there, too.
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Old 01-17-2017, 12:38 PM   #88  
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Something happened and I lost all my forums and log ins. I hate when that happens. So far i've remembered all my passwords. I guess I should write them down somewhere.

I was down to 202 this morning. Shocked me! Not counting my chickens though, it could be a fluke. But if I can hold this, Onederland isn't far away.

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Old 01-17-2017, 03:06 PM   #89  
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We are suppose to get more icy rain today and tomorrow and we still have plenty snow, ice and slush on the roads so that will only create more slippery roads. My son and his wife got into two separate accidents the other day. One not so bad, one a little more damage but thankfully no one was hurt. I'm staying home today but would like to go tomorrow for a haircut. Don't have to go far at least but it's scary.

My food shipment keeps getting delayed because of the weather I guess. Yesterday they said today, now it's saying tomorrow. I'm doing ok making mostly my own meals but so far I haven't lost anymore this week.

Carol, you are SO close to onederland, you can do it! Eat plenty lean protein (not all meat since it's higher in calories) and lots of fiber. I've found that's the key. I also get 1-2 carbs in my meals, but as long as I eat the protein and fiber my bs has really coming down. I don't eat perfect per NS rules but I do adhere to that and the calorie limit. Mostly the reason I don't eat perfect is that sometimes my carbs are not "smart" carbs. For instance, recently I have had a craving for cornflakes so I'm eating them as they plus milk meet the nutrient and calorie requirements but they aren't a smart carb. It would be healthier and perhaps more filling to eat a smart carb but I'm doing fine otherwise and I do eat some smart carbs each day. I'm still at 1500 calories but know soon I'll probably have to drop that. As long as I am losing even slowly though I will keep it as it is. I don't have to eat 1500 ..I think it's 1200-1500 or something like that I must eat...but I usually eat my full 1500 or very close to it.

On size of towns, I grew up in a small town which then was about 7,500. Last time I was there (in the 80s) it was smaller than that even. My sister (at the time) lived in a town that was only 300 people. She was county clerk and she knew the people in about every other house. She lived there for many years but now lives in MO in a larger town where she doesn't know many people.

Well I got up late today and got distracted with some things so it's late now and I haven't accomplished much. Better get to it. You all have a great day!
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Old 01-17-2017, 05:45 PM   #90  
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Good afternoon GG's,

It is a rainy dreary day here today ~ 60*

Never a shortage of stuff that I need or want to do. I am working on two of the little mini quilts for a fund raiser for my childhood grade school. Some of the community wanted to tear it down ~ it is an old building built in 1914, but it is in good condition, solid and usable. Some of the residents were able to get listed as a historic building and saved it. They use it for some community offices and a meeting place. Jason asked me to make a pillow case as a Valentine's Day gift for his girlfriend. My sister asked me to make a special pillow for her granddaughter. None of this stuff is hard, but just seems to come all at once. Jason is getting ready to start studying for his GED test and feeling kind of overwhelmed. I made answer sheets for each of the tests, so that the books can be used over again. Hoping that it makes it a little easier for him. Plus have a list of other projects I want to do. Helped him yesterday to move some music equipment to a friend's house.

Feeling kind of frustrated with this weight thing. I have been doing pretty good ~ I have gone for quite a stretch of days and not messing up ~ the scale goes up and down 2/10 ths or 4/10 ths of a pound. I don't seem to be making any real progress. Maybe I am in some kind of a holding pattern before the next dip. Grrrr. It is my own fault ~ I worked hard to get it off, then just didn't try and gained it back. Seems every time I have to start over ~ it is harder to get the weight to come off.

Mary ~ wow ~ you all are really getting wholloped with snow, cold and ice. Sorry that your son and his wife had accidents. Glad no one was hurt. Has there been any improvement in your daughter-in-law's hearing issues? Sorry your food shipment keeps getting delayed.

Carol Sue ~ hope you were able to think of all the passwords. That is frustrating. Way to go getting almost to onderland. Maybe that will help lift the blues you had been having ~ is that any better? Hope so for you. I'm glad your husband is starting to enjoy some of the other foods you fix. That will make things a little easier for you sometimes.

Nancy (Gottamakegoal) ~ I lost my job at 58. Part of me wants to think that it was an age thing. I had had good attendance ~ in fact, before RA got me, I had gone 3 years without missing a day. The unit I worked on closed and they told me that I could have the same job on another unit. I worked there 3 days and then they gave me the news that the position hadn't been ok'd ~ I was out a job. Thankfully my husband was able to work it out that I didn't have to go back. I had been a nurse for 30+ years and didn't like it very much anymore ~ so many changes and much more responsibility than when I began. I worked the last 3 years of my working time as the unit secretary ~ a little less stressful than the nurse thing, but still stressful ~ just in a different way. I miss my coworkers, I don't miss the work and I thank God every day that I don't have to go anymore. I'm sorry that you are having to deal with so many health issues.

Sharon (thatsok) ~ sounds like you had a fun time skating with your daughters. Sorry you hurt your back though. Hope it feels better soon. Way to go sending the muffins away with your daughters. Thank you for the info about that book ~ I tried to get it at the library, but they didn't have it. Ordered a used one from Amazon and am waiting for that to come.

Marian (teati) ~ Welcome. Always nice to make some new friends. Medina isn't too far from where I grew up. I was in a little town called Mantua. North of Akron, south of Cleveland. Ahh ~ another nurse. I have just sort of dipped my toes into quilting. Made a mini quilt for a Christmas gift exchange gift. My only previous attempt was a photo quilt I made for my mom ~ it came out alright, but I didn't really know what I was doing. I used to read a lot, but don't seem to do it as much anymore.

Guess I'll get back to my project. Hope you all have a nice evening.
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