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Old 03-09-2017, 10:59 AM   #166  
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Good afternoon GG's,

It is kind of an overcast day today. Coming down the home stretch on a couple projects. I have almost finished with another mini quilt (for a gift). And the sister themed mini quilt for my sister. Mostly just the hand stitching left now on those.

A prayer answered. This process of Jason working toward being able to get some training for a different job has taken so long. He was guided down one road, but that didn't work out ~ then his counselor left, and he basically had to start over with a new one. But I think it all happened for a reason ~ even though it is taking so long (I think he started on this process about a year and a half ago). They were going to line up tutoring help for him ~ they did that, then he had to wait for her to contact him. He was starting to stress out that things aren't moving along very fast. But I got message from him this morning that he will start his tutoring sessions on Saturday.

Carol Sue ~ (comment on an earlier post) we/I don't buy snacky stuff anymore. The stuff I snacked on last night wasn't necessarily bad stuff ~ it is just that I wasn't even hungry and didn't need it. In the evenings when I want to munch ~ I'm just itching to munch on something. Last night I had celery with ½ a wedge of that laughing cow cheese on it. The other half of that wedge I had between 2 saltine cracker squares. I had some graham cracker squares and some walnuts. I don't consider any of that “bad”. The frustrating part is that I'm not even hungry really, but just have this overwhelming urge to have something.

As it turned out, I won't be using the walnuts like that again ~ it didn't bother at the time, but this morning, my stomach didn't feel very good and I had a lot of gas and gas pains.

Carol Sue ~ Regarding your post this morning ~ I feel your pain. I could have written what you wrote. I eat stuff, I know better, I start to feel bad ~ think ~ why am I so stupid to play around with my health this way. I will walk the straight and narrow, then, when I feel better, I throw caution to the wind and go and eat something I know I shouldn't and it starts all over again. Makes me wonder what it is gonna take to straighten me out and change my ways for good.

Mary ~ Nice that your clothes are getting too big for you. Is there any way that you could take them in so that they would fit? Why is it that so many of us struggle with snacking in the evenings? We do ok all day long, then it all falls apart in the evening. Grrrrr

Hello to Marian and Sharon.

Hope you all are having a good day.

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Old 03-09-2017, 02:22 PM   #167  
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Slept pretty well last night (for me at least), up twice but went back to sleep and didn't wake up til close to 10 am. I think one reason I slept was that dh slept in too. I could hear him getting dressed when I woke up. It is still dark in our room even at that late hour. We could leave the blinds up but then it's hard to sleep. It will actually be good for me when spring is truly here I think as the light will naturally come in more.

Carol I was actually 173# when I began working harder again at losing. This was several months before I started NS and it was really hard going but I did lose. Since being on NS (about 2 mo not counting my time in PI when I tried to do it on my own and just maintained), I have lost 13.5#. I am still up one pound right now though. But assuming I will lose that one pound again, I have lost 20.5#. It doesn't really show that much yet but I think it is beginning to. The "too big" tops are just a little too big. I could wear them and most people wouldn't notice but they feel sloppy. The skirt could fall off at the slightest tug, and the tops feel very long and loose in the neck and shoulders. I had been noticing the scoop neck type tops feeling big and falling off my shoulders and showing my bra for a long time actually. Partly it's because they were too big for me to some extent even when I got them but I had to buy the XL size due to my back and tummy. It is rare in my life that I've been able to buy something that truly fits me all over. Yes I could take some of them in to fit better and I may do that. I'm sure I could sell them too as they are so popular right now and most are still like new.

Potassium is an electrolyte...they are very important to the body functioning properly. When they are off (one way or the other), they can really mess you up and potassium affects the heart. I'm concerned about dh's kidneys and am wondering if this is due to a problem there, but so far doctor hasn't mentioned that other than to say he has some protein in his urine (so do I) and to take his Losartan (which he has now decreased). He goes in for labs again in three weeks. So many of the meds we have to take can cause other problems.

Need to go grocery shopping...dh has been cooking so much I have gotten out of the habit of shopping and cooking and allow things to get pretty low sometimes.

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Old 03-10-2017, 12:44 PM   #168  
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Got up early this morning because we have a service man coming to work on my dishwasher again. Three of the rollers have come off, one got burned in half and I also found two plastic bolts. So disappointed in this cleaned very well (despite the plastic parts falling off), until shortly before the last service visit. Since then it hasn't worked well...its only the top rack but unless I pretty much wash everything they don't come clean, esp the bowls. I didn't buy this machine for a sanitizer...I bought it to wash my dishes. I've been spoiled by several very good dishwashers and this one wasn't cheap.

Yesterday, we went grocery shopping, and I was going to cook but dh wanted to cook for our son. I was tired and was going to take a nap but instead reviewed son's tax return and e-filed it. I got ours done the previous day. Always glad to have them done. Last night used my new steam mop for the first time and mopped the kitchen floor was pretty dirty...first time I mopped it since I got home from our trip.

Was gong to put a roast in the slow cooker but forgot to do it first thing so may wait til tomorrow for that. So it may be hamburger soup (Filipino style) or Almond Chicken. Either one will be served with rice.
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Old 03-11-2017, 03:06 PM   #169  
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Yesterday was a beautiful spring day! Dh got out and worked in the yard. Only trouble with that is, he decided to cut down another tree or two. That will be the last of our bigger trees. These are not evergreen and not even particularly pretty trees, but I still hate to see them go. He says they are too much trouble to him. Well, I do want things to be easy for him, and I wish I'd let him get that big evergreen cut down before he tried to trim it and ended up breaking his leg, so I won't stop him anymore but I also wish we could have a few large trees left. All we have now are a couple flowering trees (one of them isn't doing so well), and our fruit trees and lots of shrubs that he's also talked about getting rid of for years. I like having trees and large shrubs to give more privacy from our neighbors and also for shade.

The service man came yesterday and checked our dishwasher. He was the one I like the best. He said the part that was replaced last time wasn't connecting right. I had a feeling that was it. He replaced all the parts that had fallen off too of course. I haven't checked yet this morning, but am hoping my dishes are clean. I rinsed them quickly but didn't really wash them this time.

On housework...I cleaned off my big appliances, that's about all I got done other than daily stuff. I really like my new steam mop. It did a good job on the floor. Forgot to mention it yesterday.

Last night we went to our gs' basketball game and he wasn't there...they forgot to tell us it was changed to today. We slept in and didn't go today but will probably go to our gds game tonight. I take a pillow to sit on now because of my hurting butt bones. Dh suggested eating out last night but because my weight was up a pound I chose not to. Glad I did now too as I dropped that pound plus another one! So only 11# to go to goal weight but I think I may have to lower my goal as my tummy still hasn't changed much. I did have another NSV last night though as I was able to wear a long skirt that has been too tight for several years and it was plenty big around the waist. So I am changing but slowly.

Carol I don't blame you for being concerned about your dh. With the symptoms he is having, could be so many things. I really wish he would go for a check at least. Maybe if the doctor has any real concerns then, he could persuade him to get the tests/labs done. Or not. I guess some people are just that way, probably afraid of what they might hear. Could you persuade him to go in by telling him how fearful/uncomfortable it makes you feel having him hurt and not knowing if there is something that could help him?
Is he even willing to take OTC pain relievers? Things I'd want to know: Does his chest hurt when he breathes? What does he mean by his kidneys hurting, does his lower back hurt or does it hurt when he pees or after he pees? Does he have a fever, chills? My dh has a hard time describing his pain so I have to just continue to calmly question him which he doesn't like but it's the only way I can get some idea of what we might be dealing with.

Carol - I'm the opposite of you about the fitting of clothes..I generally like my tops looser because of my tummy. I hope to someday be able to wear them snugger but whenever I see my fat rolls, I think they are too tight for me so I end up either not buying them or I wear something that is really too big for me in the shoulders and length. With my very narrow hips, a shorter length really looks better on me. It is because of my narrow hips that my pants COULD fall down! If I could wear a smaller waist size they would be tight enough they would probably stay up but then I'm uncomfortable.

Gayle, I agree with Carol, what you eat as snacks doesn't seem bad to me. I don't follow NS exactly. I do most of the day, but at night if I have eaten all the required and don't have my 1500 cals yet, I eat what ever I want to get there but not far beyond.

Dh is calling me to have our couple devotions, and this is getting long anyway. I haven't checked for typos so will try to do that when I get back.

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Old 03-12-2017, 01:02 PM   #170  
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I know that feeling, Carol I really do! But guess we are stuck with what we got and since I know God doesn't make junk it can't be bad no matter how I feel sometimes. I have the same problem you have with tops and pants are always baggy on me, even leggings. I hope your dh is really ok.

I overate last night ...for some reason I felt very hungry...and now I'm up a pound on and on it goes. I think I now need to stay very close to 1500 or drop down a little if I am going to continue to lose. The limit NS set is 1500-1799 but I think that's too high for me to continue to lose. I've heard they drop it when it's needed, but I am not sure they will.

Last night we went to our gd's game. They didn't win but it was a very good and fairly close game. They lost by 3 or 4 pts. She played well esp considering it's her first season. Lots of tall girls on the other team and some have been playing a while. I know our son appreciates our being there and it's fun to sit and talk with him too.

My dishwasher seems to be working a lot better, so glad.

Not much going on here and I need to get ready for church.
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Old 03-12-2017, 02:46 PM   #171  
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Hello Ladies,
I am new to the forum but excited to join everyone with losing weight for a healthier me. I am using the South Beach Diet since I had success several years ago.

My son is getting married in June 2018 so I would love to reach my goal before then. When my oldest son got married, I saw the pictures and felt really disappointed with my weight. I don't want that again.

One question I have. How do you get the tracker on your signature. When I try it says I can't use signatures. Any suggestions?

Well, I hope to join in on some conversations so we can lose weight together successfully.

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Old 03-12-2017, 07:27 PM   #172  
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Welcome Patti ~ glad to have you join us. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Here is a link that explains about the ticker thingy.

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Old 03-13-2017, 09:07 AM   #173  
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Good Monday Everyone, Maryea, Planning the diet always helps me too.
Usually, I make a mental list of what I'm going to eat for the day and I stick to it. Or try to....
Great to hear about your GD. Those moments are the ones that count.

Welcome Patti! My daughter is getting married in July. I too hope to be in better shape. I'm on the The New Atkins for a New You. Working well for me so far.

I lost a lb while I spent 5 days at a conference in Atlanta! Woot Woot! Let's have a good week ladies!
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Old 03-14-2017, 02:52 PM   #174  
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I only got 2 hrs sleep last night, then I just lay there, which is fine except I start hurting when it lasts too long so this I finally got up at 4:30 and was up til 6:30. I was able to sit with my son while he had breakfast which was nice and I don't do that often. Then I went back to bed, but couldn't sleep til dh decided to go to the gym and I finally fell a sleep several minutes after he left and slept until I heard someone set off the alarm. I figured it was dh but then heard my son and I thought he was talking to dh but guess he was talking to Halo (I could hear her whimpering too). Son had told me he would be home about 12 so I just thought he got back early. I got up and dh had just walked in too but it was my son who set off the alarm. Now my son is headed back to work (he had to run a work-related errand this morning), but will be home before long and then have to leave on another work-related trip.

Last night for dinner I made a pot roast in the slow cooker. I used to love them and it was good but they always taste kinda oily to me anymore even though I try to drain off (and pick off) any fat I can. So we had that with potatoes (for son and I) and veggies. Dh ate rice because he is not supposed to eat potatoes right now (potassium). I did well on my eating plan yesterday but my weight is up this morning. Sometimes I wonder if my poor sleeping affects my weight...they say it helps to regularly sleep a certain (7-8) hours which I definitely do not. Might have been the roast beef too but I only ate 2 oz.

Carol - The NS food is packed with lots of protein and matter what it is from breakfast to snacks/desserts. I think that's the idea to make sure we eat enough to get a lot of nutrition to fill us up. It is when you start to get hungry that you get the wondering eye/stomach...and start to look for other things to eat. They don't want us to do that. I plan to call them today and have the frozen foods that they are replacing for me sent out. Then I'll probably push off the date for the next regular shipment because I'll have plenty food on hand.

Carol, happy your weight is coming down too...yes you are very close to onederlan, you can do it! It really just takes deciding to do it I think more than anything and then taking the steps every day it takes to get there. I've tried those type diets (up and down calories), but see there's where I struggle...I have trouble limiting my calories on the down day and also I forget about which day it is and start eating when I'm not supposed to! I'm better with a somewhat structured plan that doesn't tell me what foods to eat but what types to eat and how much. That way I can eat what I want as long as I keep proper amounts and proper nutrition and that is the way I want to eat for the rest of my life. So I hope I succeed. With Medifast and Prism I lost weight quickly but also gained it back very quickly too. I've never made corned beef brisket but it sounds good...I love potatoes and cabbage!

Thinking about going to Costco. Dh has a late afternoon appt and may need to rest before so may go by myself or wait unitl tomorrow. He really likes to go to Costco with me though.

Hi to the rest of you! Have a good day!

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Old 03-14-2017, 11:22 PM   #175  
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Hello Everyone
My name is Amy and I am new to the Forum.
I have (4) grandbabes who I adore. Have been a single Mom since my now grown kids were in diapers.
Been in a few relationships and the last bad choice finally convinced me that I need to be alone for the rest of my days on earth, and I am quite fine with that decision.
I gained over 20# when I was in that relationship and hated myself the whole time. I am tall and large-boned, so the weight gain made me hate myself.
About a year ago, I finally told myself enough and started to get back to exercise and making better food choices and I have lost that 20#. Now I would like to lose another 10+ maybe, and it is very hard!
But trying!
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Old 03-15-2017, 03:59 PM   #176  
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I took Melatonin last night because I took a late nap and was afraid I wouldn't sleep and with it I slept well. I think I got up once but got back to sleep right away. Slept until about 10 when the tree guys started working on our trees. That's the way I do, I either sleep very little or too much.

They have the trees down now to low stumps and they are going to grind up the stumps. These trees are out in the lawn a little so we want them totally gone so dh can plant grass there.

I went over last night but my weight was down and dipped down even lower then flipped back up to my sig weight. That's a good sign that if I'm careful it will be down again.

Welcome Amy! Glad you've joined us. Congrats on losing the 20# and you can lose the rest too. It's up to us to make the decision and then take the steps to do what we need to do as you already shown in your life. We have have several new people join recently and I look forward to hearing more from all of you.

Tonight we plan to go to our gs' end of basketball season pizza party. It will be a challenge for me but I hope to eat just one slice and plenty of salad. When we go to Costco, dh and I split a slice but they have extra large slices.

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Old 03-15-2017, 10:07 PM   #177  
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Good evening GG's,

I haven't been feeling very good ~ so haven't spent as much time on the computer. I have been having pain in the RUQ of my abdomen and somewhat in the corresponding area in my back. I lifted something that I should have asked for help with but didn't. I don't know if I pulled a muscle. Other possibilities come to mind ~ liver, gall bladder are in that area. And the back thing ~ my friend Margaret who passed last January with lung cancer ~ her back was hurting and that is what sent her to the doctor and how they found her cancer. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to see if she can figure out what it might be. I am scared ~ why do I always think the worst ~ but hoping that it is maybe only a pulled muscle. It hurt pretty bad on Monday and I took something for pain ~ it did feel better ~ almost like nothing was wrong. But I can't keep doing that.

Say a little prayer for me for tomorrow.
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Old 03-16-2017, 09:44 AM   #178  
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I reached Onederland this morning! 199.5. JUDDD seems to be working for me. I just hope I can keep it up long term. 500 calorie days are uncomfortable, but being fat is uncomfortable, too.

I am saying a prayer for you, Gayle, that this is something minor and can be taken care of easily. I always think the worst, too, to prepare myself, just in case.
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Old 03-16-2017, 04:24 PM   #179  
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Wow, Carol, that's great! Keep it up! It's persistence that does it, something I've always failed at it. I messed up some yesterday but I think I was close to the boundaries. I did well at the pizza party...only one small slice, but there was no salad. I thought it would be a place that sells pizza but it was a bouncy place for the kids only and the coaches brought in pizza and they brought pizza and cupcakes. I was proud of myself that I refused seconds on pizza and I did not eat a cupcake.

Had Baked Blueberry Oatmeal for breakfast. Didn't look so good frozen but tasted pretty good with milk.

The tree guys had to leave the stumps for now as there machine broke down. They are to come back soon and haven't been paid yet. They seem like a family this time there was even a woman with them. I think she was one of their wives. They seem to enjoy their work and say they are giving the proceeds to their church.

Yesterday I did a little more cleaning in the main bathroom...places I don't clean often (like back of toilet base), and medicine shelf/box. Went through dates and threw away some things. Most meds are kept in dh's bathroom because although it's a smaller room, it has a larger cupboard. I need to get to it too. I also picked up a little in my son's room, but today I need to dust and vac in there. I was sleepy all day yesterday and today I'm about the same so it's hard to get things done.

Glynne - Hows your back? What did the doctor say? I've been praying for you.
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Old 03-16-2017, 04:25 PM   #180  
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Good afternoon GG's,

Way to go Carol ~ Onderland That is awesome.

Mary ~ good job with the pizza and no cup cake. I can totally identify with the persistance/consistency problem.

Thank you for the prayers. The doctor feels that it is pulled muscles. She gave me a prescription for a muscle relaxer to take when it hurts badly. What a relief. I am to go for an abdominal ultrasound for my liver. I think she wants to get a base line record of it. Some of my medicines can cause liver problems. They already check my labs having to do with liver function every 3-4 months. So the ultrasound is just one more thing to keep track that my meds aren't causing problems. Monday it hurt pretty bad and yesterday I didn't feel a bit good. Today is much better. I am trying to take it easy so I can heal.

It is a tiny bit chilly today. The sun peeks out occasionally, but it is mostly cloudy. Maddie is here this afternoon and again tomorrow ~ spring break.

Hello Marian and Patti. Welcome Amy.

Hope you all are having a good day.

Last edited by glynne; 03-16-2017 at 04:34 PM.
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