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Old 01-22-2016, 12:58 PM   #61  
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Gayle I agree that cold weather cries out for substantial food. Thank goodness DH started a good stew with lots of veggies in the slow cooker.

Even if we loose power there is a good chance we'll have some stew to eat at least for tonight. Snow is already up to 5 inches or more and still coming down hard. Expect a foot. It is beautiful from inside a warm home.

Hope the snow doesn't cover the DirecTV satellite and cause us to lose TV options. BobCat is out clearing our subdivision roads of this first batch of snow. Thank goodness. Problem is that the snow is coming over and blanketing our drive way. We don't go out today or tomorrow.

Sunday I'm Reader at Mass but our church is 16 miles away into even heavier show area. I've called someone to take my place because she lives far closer to the church, also is Fr. Harry's secretary and will notify him if she can't get there.

I wish I were more dedicated to exercise. however, "if wishes were horses, beggers would ride." I'm going to try now, one more time, to get some strength exercises and walking on treadmill done as I watch the snow outside and the birds enjoying the seed DH puts out for them in the two feeders.

Sandy (trying again, just for today.)
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Old 01-22-2016, 01:36 PM   #62  
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Did It!!

30 Minutes of in the house exercise, walking, bit of stretching, and some very light work with stretch bands. Sweating so either it was lots more than usual (which is was not) or I"ve really allowed myself to get soft. Day one of doing something positive instead. Sandy

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Old 01-22-2016, 05:12 PM   #63  
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Sandy, I'm glad you don't have to go out anywhere. I didn't think our snow was going to start until later this evening but we went out to pick up dinner around 4PM and it was starting to snow then. We don't expect more than a few inches by Saturday afternoon.
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Old 01-22-2016, 06:48 PM   #64  
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Went to the gym as usual then I came home and got ready to go to the mall to get my manicure. Considered getting my usual one scoop ice cream cone I usually get when I go to the mall (1-2 times a month) and it didn't really sound that good to me so I didn't. Another NSV. I went to the food court instead and ordered a small whole wheat veggie pita incl black beans and a diet Coke. The pita was very yummy, first time I thought about adding the beans. I think though it may have had one carb serving too many as my bs was high 2 hrs after. Then I went to the DMV and renewed my drivers license....mine does not expire until 2/15 but dh was very worried I wasn't going to get it done in time, so this will relieve his worry. Don't know how even I could forget cause he reminded me about every day.. When did the price go up to $54!! The picture is certainly not worth that!

Dh painted the threshold of the door today to match our house. He will have to repaint it when we get our new siding but it looks nice now. Now he's looking for the paint we used in our living room to cover the spaces where the old rod hinges were. Always something to do. He likes to work outside, not so much inside though.

Got notice from the Vet that Halo needs her shots again and a dental check and more. It's been over a year now. Does a dog really need all those shots every year if they are almost constantly inside the house or a fenced yard, with little to no contact with other dogs?

Have you guys started your taxes? I am ready to start now I think. I may need to to track down some info still but think I can find it online. Last year I also did our sons but not sure this year if he'll want me to do it. The baby will make a nice deduction for one of them and they want to see which one so that makes me think she may do it. I told him I don't mind doing it but if he wanted me to do it to bring his forms over ahead of time, not wait until almost the last minute like last year.

You guys are having snow and for us it's in the 50s and almost spring like. Most people are wearing light jackets but I didn't even need that. If I stayed out long I would though. Sandy glad you are getting exercise and didn't have to go out in the snow. I prefer to just look at it through the window myself. I always make sure I touch it once, but that's enough for me. I grew up the midwest and had enough snow then. Ummm...beef stew sounds really good!

Carol - I remember my previous doctor told me I might lose weight with Metformin and later with Farxiga but I didn't with either one. At least I didn't have tummy problems like some do with Metformin and it did help my bs for a long time. Farxiga didn't help at all and I really had high hopes for it as I liked the way it handled the bs (out in the urine). I am not as strong as you...I cannot do without my carbs, so I am still just trying to limit them and not eat too often. My membership with FL diet will run out in April, so I will continue to use it to make sure I get proper nutrients but will let it expire. I think I have the hang of it and can do it with MFP. I have used MFP for years and really like. Success on a diet is me doing it right..I think any one can lose on any diet plan if you actually stay on plan. It is difficult for me. I also belong to another FB group that is faith based and very supportive. Hopefully they can help to keep me on track too but ultimately it is up to me to do the right things consistently. I track calories, carbs, fat, fiber, protein and sodium with MFP as those are my biggest concerns.

Need to figure out what I'm having for dinner tonight. I forgot to thaw anything out but maybe I can do it fast or we go out. I have a little frog that must be right outside my office window because I hear it croaking all the time.

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Old 01-23-2016, 05:57 AM   #65  
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Good morning everyone,
Saturday is always laundry day for me so that will keep me busy for awhile. Having left over chicken for dinner tonight and tomorrow. I bought 3 more chickens that were on sale yesterday morning so now I have 4 in the freezer. I still can't do any walking exercise on the treadmill because of my ankle. I sure will be glad when it gets back to normal. I've had this for ? 3 weeks now? The ankle support I purchased helps a bit.

Carol - my doctor just told me to watch my sugar intake. My mother had bad diabetes and as I was her caregiver I know the foods she always ate. Bread is my downfall but I have cut them back more than half on my diet. I honestly don't know how you can eliminate carbs completely from your diet. I don't think I could do that.

Mary - No, it is not fair that diabetic meds causes weight gains which just makes it all that much harder to lose a pound. I don't blame you for trying to stay away from injectables. Our driver's license renewal is $78.00 Cdn. here in Ontario this year. I do my own taxes every year too and am just waiting for the rest of my tax slips to come in the mail in order to do mine.

Bobbolink - I would love to try Fitday to see if I am getting all the nutrients but I am already journalling my food intake with Weight Watchers and don't want to be doing it twice .

Sandy - I've been watching TV (CNN) for all the news on the big snow storm some of you are all having. I'm so glad you are staying put inside until it is over. GFY on getting 30 min. of exercise in yesterday.

Have a good day everyone,
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Old 01-23-2016, 10:41 AM   #66  
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Hi everyone. We ended up with 8.5 inches of snow here and up to a couple feet in the mountains. The PA turnpike is closed and hundreds of people have been stranded for 15 hours. Emergency crews are having a very hard time getting to them. I would not have been out there in the first place, but I guess people think they will get through. Normally the turnpike is kept clear but I guess it was just too much for them. I realize that other areas of the country have it much worse.

We are staying in today and I am planning on making meatloaf. That's about the only thing I have on hand to make. ]

Karrine, I have not cut out carbs completely. I eat a lot of vegetables and very small portions of starchy carbs. This morning I had eggs with 2 slices of sprouted grain toast. I will put bread crumbs in my meatloaf, and make potatoes with it, but might only eat 1 or 2 cubes of potato. It's what I have to do or take a lot more meds for blood sugar, which I don't want to do. It's possible that your diabetes is mild and you only have to watch sugar intake.

Mary, I'm sorry that you have to take that much medicine and still have trouble with your blood sugar. It is really helpful that I don't crave sweets. Bread is my major problem, and I also like pasta. I only eat it about once a month and try to keep portions small.
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Old 01-23-2016, 03:17 PM   #67  
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Just got home from our gd's basketball game. They are so cute at that age and I can see some improvement in them all...some more than others. We took her gifts she left at our house on Christmas. Felt badly that she didn't have them to play with but knew she has plenty other gifts. Our son has a package to pick up and I'm hoping to see the baby too when he comes over today.

Yesterday I got two nice cups from the Jerusalem Prayer Team.. an organization I like to support. I really like the cups and since I'd forgotten they were coming, It was a fun surprise. Since I don't enter sweepstakes very often anymore, I kinda miss the surprises I used to get in the mail every now and then, but I just don't have time for entering so much now.

So far I'm on plan today. I did well here at home yesterday but dinner out really messed me up. I got a hamburger and french fries, intending not to eat many fries, didn't eat them all but I did eat too many. I remembered to take my meds before I ate though and amazingly my bs was great at 111 two hours later!! Do not understand that except must be the meds. This morning was higher than usual but before lunch it was ok. I'm glad to see lower numbers at least 1/2 the time now.

You may remember me saying I told my doctor about my memory problems.
It was really hard to talk about because it is hard to even think about the possibility of dementia coming on. I also find that if you tell someone they begin to think you don't remember anything right and that is not true and it kind of hurts you know? So you want to keep it to yourself, however I feel it is also better to get treatment if it is needed and get it early to perhaps at least slow it down. Not that I know that is my future, but just in case.

Yesterday I was telling my dh something about one of my gs and I could not remember my gs' name. True, I have 12 gc and sometimes I'll say the wrong name, but usually I will say one or two wrong names and then get it right. This time my mind was just blank and I think that's the scariest part. I know it does not necessarily mean dementia though. My grandmother lived to be 104 and she never had dementia, but I remember her saying, one day she was out shopping and suddenly she could not remember her own name! She said it was so scary! But finally she remembered and I never remember or heard of her being confused again. I visited her at age 100 and she was fine, alert, oriented and able to fully engage in conversation etc. Just thought of this...wonder whether any of my meds could cause memory loss. I'll check that.

Well need to get to work...have a good weekend.

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Old 01-23-2016, 04:57 PM   #68  
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Mary Memory is a strange thing. I practice remembering Church member's names by looking in our Directory and try to even remember the children's names, too. Anything to keep the old brain working. Hope you let go the anxiety because that can make you less able to remember. May the diabetes meds work better and better.

Carol Sue We are well above 16 inches and icicles off our 1 story roof have been knocked down so DH could go from back door to feed the birds. Our subdivision roads are fairly good, but neighbor's plow just pushed all the snow over on our driveway - that is not shoveled yet. OUCH.

Strange thing happened to the meat in the slow cooker. It was londen broil beef, but even 10 hours cooked on low it was so dry and hard to chew. Never had that happen with any beef in our lives. At least the broth and veggies were good.

The road from our subdivision to another larger road is horrible. In 20 minutes only 7 vehicles went by as I had my coffee and looked out the back window. We were asked to stay off the roads, all stores closed and churches and Monday school, too. 2 interstates closed yesterday and I assume they were able to clear them by today.

Karrine Laundry day here, too, but I hate exhausting our good warm air outside when the extremely cold air comes in to replace it. Will be ironing after I get some time on treadmill.

Going to get some exercise to get blood flowing and a few muscles stronger.

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Old 01-23-2016, 05:29 PM   #69  
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Hello ladies,

Love the thread name and I am 57 now so I guess I qualify. New here so I wanted to say hi and join you in you weight lose journey.
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Old 01-24-2016, 06:08 AM   #70  
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Good morning,
It looks like today and tomorrow will be the big clean up of all the snow some of you got. I'm still surprised that some people just don't listen when told to stay indoors and off the roads. Other than church this morning I don't have any other plans for today except watching football this afternoon. Denver is playing.

Carol - I'm glad you have not cut out carbs completely as I think that would be next to impossible. Sounds like you are doing a fantastic job of limiting them.

Mary - I plan on treating myself with dinner out at the end of each month so I might be having fries too. I know I went out for that 90th birthday but I could not get out of that one. I also think it is fairly normal to start getting forgetful as we get older. I find I am too and I've always been bad at remembering names. You write like you have a very good memory so I wouldn't worry about it too much yet.

Akhomegirl - welcome to our group and hope you stay with us. I am 73 yrs. old and have quite a bit of weight to lose.

Have a good Sunday everyone,
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Old 01-24-2016, 09:43 AM   #71  
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Good Morning! Today is my birthday. I am 70 years old and finally consider myself elderly. LOL No one else in my immediate family made it to 70 so I consider myself lucky. We aren't doing anything special. We have to go to the funeral home sometime today and will probably eat out somewhere. No definite plans.

I was looking through some old magazine this morning, getting ready to send them to the recycling. Then when I got online my vision was blurry, even with my good eye. I hope it was just because I was reading the magazines. I am way over due on my eye exam. I sure hope I'm not going to lose any vision in this eye, too. I can see distance in the bad eye but not up close. Welcome to old age! LOL

Mary, I rarely have a blood sugar of 111 2 hours after a meal, even if I don't eat carbs! So you did good. I am starting to remember to take my meds before I eat and it's working out a little better.

Karrine, how did you become a Broncos fan, living in Canada? DH will root for Denver, now that the Steelers are out of the running.

Sandy, we get long icicles on our house too. We don't understand why we get them and a lot of other people don't. We put new insulation in our attic a couple years ago and that's supposed to stop the icicles, but we did it ourselves and maybe we did it wrong.

Welcome AKhomegirl. Tell us more about yourself. DH watches a TV show about a family living in the wilds of Alaska, but I'm sure that doesn't portray all day-to-day Alaskan living. LOL

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Old 01-24-2016, 10:04 AM   #72  
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Happy Birthday Carol Sue ~ hope it is a wonderful day.
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Old 01-24-2016, 01:26 PM   #73  
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Good morning GG's,

It is a nice sunny day here today ~ but on the chilly side. In the 30's this morning, but now up to 46*

I have been needing to go out to the store, but because it is chilly, I keep putting it off. I am such a weather woos now ~ since living in the south and being more used to hot temperatures.

Worrying about my son ~ he came home from work early the other night ~ had hurt his back. He has had back pain for a few years, and had some kind of treatment a few years back that helped it for a while. He had to go to a doctor for workman's comp. They did some xrays and prescribed him some meds. He is supposed to go back to work today and be on light duty. He is worried that he won't be able to tolerate even that ~ said it hurts no matter what he is doing ~ standing, sitting or whatever. I'm worried because the med (the muscle relaxer) makes him feel groggy and loopy he said ~ and I wonder how he can work in that condition.

Trying again to do the 5 minute walks every hour ~ to add up to 30 minutes and to make me move often so I don't get so stiff. So far, so good ~ I've done it twice so far. I think what has happened on the other days is that I get busy ~ working on something or just messing on the computer and lose track of time and before I know it ~ the whole day is gone and I haven't done it. So, I have a small kitchen timer hanging around my neck and set it to ring every hour to remind me to stop and walk.

I have been more stiff and achy here lately ~ I think it is that cold weather getting to me.

Carol Sue ~ gosh, I hope your eyes are ok. Again, Happy Birthday to you

Karrine ~ I like your idea of treating yourself to a meal out at the end of the month. Maybe I will try that. Might give me something to look forward to. For me, I'm thinking that maybe it could be something I don't usually get to have on my regular diet. And I might have to go by myself to do that. DH and I do go out to eat sometimes, but with him along, it is just more of what we usually have at home ~ vegies, salads. Going out and having more of that isn't anything to look forward to.

Welcome Homegirl ~ glad to have you join us.

Sandy ~ you have been doing great getting time on the treadmill. Hope the roads are better by the time you need to get out on them.

Mary ~ glad you got to enjoy your granddaughter's basketball game. Try not to worry too much about the memory thing ~ I think when you feel stressed about it, it makes it worse.

Gonna get off and maybe make a recipe. Want to sort of tune in to the football games this afternoon.

Hope you all are having a good weekend.
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Old 01-24-2016, 05:36 PM   #74  
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CarolSue Ouch on the vision issue. Please go soon to get them checked by a REAL doctor, not just one that prescribes glasses. A week ago I had my eyes dialated, photo of the nerves in my eyes, pressure, check for progress of slow growing cataracts. Actually came out fine on all tests to my relief. Vision in my left eye grows worse, but it isn't the cataracts that are very little.

Karrine The meals problems are really making life hard for you. Wish you could get food off your mind. Agree that having a really good restaurant meal at the end of the month would be a fun thing to anticipate. Believe I'll try that, too.

Gayle. How lucky you are to have warmer temperatures. For the first time in over a week we finally reached a tiny bit above freezing. Usually have been below 20 deg day and lower at night.

May your son's back heal and may he find a job that doesn't put him in such situations of more injury.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAROL SUE!!!! Welcome to my neck of the woods, the 70's. To be honest mine have been better than I expected, but I retired before I was 71, so that helped lots. Hope you can continue your goal to stay out of the 200's.

DH is watching NFL, but I am simply too restless to do so. He spent 30 minutes out shoveling those 18 inches of snow off between back door to shed where tools are kept. He began pushing off the snow from our car and from Pat's Van. This meant more snow on driveway and we still couldn't get to either vehicle.

Pat shoveled for an hour and her strong body made a huge difference, we can get to the driver's side of our car, and room to back out of driveway very, very carefully into the driveway directly across the street from us if we have to. Sun melted some after the drive was exposed and the sun heated the vehicles to help melt off the rest of the snow there. PROGRESS.

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Old 01-24-2016, 05:39 PM   #75  
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Carol SueDH reminded me that when the sun shines down on a roof it shines THRU the snow and begins heating the roof to melt the snow on the underside. Not all the heat is coming from the house. I didn't know that. If your roof is darker then you'll have more icicles. Our's isn't real dark, but has lots of insulation in attic (plus some boxes of stuff from our kids that probably also acts like some insulation.)
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