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Old 11-07-2009, 10:16 AM   #61  
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Freda, My Goodness....You are going through some really tough times right now. Sorry for the loss of your Uncle. Lots of prayers headed your way.
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Old 11-07-2009, 12:03 PM   #62  
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Oh, Freda, you must want to just put your head in the sand and hope the world leaves you alone! I'm so sorry for your losses....
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Old 11-07-2009, 12:42 PM   #63  
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Originally Posted by ellabella View Post
Things are looking a little dicey with my daughter. She had the MRI yesterday, and her PC pushed the appt. she had with him at 2:30 today up to 9:00 this morning with an appointment right afterwards at the MS clinic. DH & went over there last night with their suppers, did laundry, and helped with the boys baths. I went this morning again on my way into work - she has no use of her right hand at all, can't diaper the boys or snap them up into their little suits, and she is horribly scared and frustrated. At this point, it will almost be something of a relief to get a diagnosis and have her get started on some medications that will help to alleviate her symptoms. My older daughter, who is 40 this year, was diagnosed with MS two or so years ago, and functions just fine with it - still works as a family counselor in the local school system, and remains symptom-free most of the time just as long as she stays on her medications, Thankfully, both daughters have excellent health coverage, because the medications they prescribe for MS would cost in the ballpark of $20,000 a month. It's unusual for MS to strike two sisters in a family, as there has been no research that would suggest any sort of genetic predisposition. We are feeling pretty devastated, but family always pulls together, and that's what we'll do in this case, as well. We should know a lot more by tonight, after DD has been to her appointments.
Glad your son's surgery went well, Isabella. I guess we just keep on worrying about - and taking care of - our kids forever, eh? And wouldn't have it any other way, of course.
Keep up the good work, Lynn - I'll be doing my bi-weekly weigh-in this weekend, and hope to see a couple more pounds gone. I suspect I will, as worry tends to decrease my appetite, and I haven't felt a lot like eating recently.
Hi and Bye to all my other golden girlies, and have a great day, you hear? Z
Zoe, I am SO SORRY. Life breaks apart when anything happens to our children. I am convinced that my latest cancer was at least partially due to stress over my DD's cancer & subsequent treatment. Do you know about the MS Diet information? Do you want any web links about it? Let me know & I will PM to you.

Originally Posted by the slim me View Post
Just a fast note. Been MIA much of this week. Husbands cousin was put into hospice 3 days ago and we've been spening a lot of time there, helping his daughter. he passed away today. It was hard but a blessing, really. His daughter is an only child and we just didn't want her to have to deal with it alone.

More bad news. Got a call this morning, my uncle died last night. Not sure what the plans are now. He had been very ill for a long time, so it wasn't unexpected. Still hard, and he has a down syndrome son that requies care, so big changes. Freda
Freda, I am so sorry for you and your family. My best wishes are with you.

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Old 11-07-2009, 05:37 PM   #64  
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Does anyone know anything about the Jack LaLane juicer? I see that Walmart has them on sale and I was reading the reviews and it doesn't sound bad. I've never had one but think I might want to try it.. What do you suggest?
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Old 11-08-2009, 09:39 AM   #65  
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Originally Posted by Karen31 View Post
Does anyone know anything about the Jack LaLane juicer? I see that Walmart has them on sale and I was reading the reviews and it doesn't sound bad. I've never had one but think I might want to try it.. What do you suggest?
Hi Karen,

Do not know about this one, but I can tell you about the one I got - a JuiceMaster Jr. If you want all the pulp out of your juice - this one is good. It separates out the pulp from the juice & gives you a totally liquid juice.

However, I want one that gives a thicker juice & uses all of the vegetables/fruit. I just ordered the HealthMaster - supposed to do what I want it to. I'll let you know.

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Old 11-08-2009, 11:44 AM   #66  
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Good morning, All... I hope your weekends were calm! It sounds like everyone needs a break!
Going to see my old mommy for dinner this afternoon, looking forward. Everything is status quo... no ups, no downs, just status quo. I think I like it this way!
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Old 11-08-2009, 03:45 PM   #67  
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Hello everyone,

I will be SO HAPPY when this Fall semester is over. Took on WAY TOO MUCH! The course I am teaching ends tomorrow, but I will have papers to grade, so I probably won't be finished until Friday. The course I am taking ends the first week in December, but we have off the week of Thanksgiving.

End of December, I will have my first cataract surgery & other one at the end of January. Good thing my courses will be done. I will probably have a couple of days where I won't be able to be on the computer.

I have been JUICING/JUICING/JUICING. Getting to LOVE my juices.

Tomorrow, my DF and I are going in to NYC & walking on some kind of elevated walkway.
It is supposed to be a BEAUTIFUL day so we figured we would take advantage of it.

Have a great Monday,


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Old 11-08-2009, 06:26 PM   #68  
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Lynn, are you still using the JuiceMaster JR? or did you get the other one in that you ordered? Where did you get the Juice Master? Does it just take getting used to using it? Thanks
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Old 11-08-2009, 08:45 PM   #69  
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Originally Posted by Karen31 View Post
Lynn, are you still using the JuiceMaster JR? or did you get the other one in that you ordered? Where did you get the Juice Master? Does it just take getting used to using it? Thanks
Hi Karen,

I have not yet received my Health Master & am using the JuiceMaster, Jr. I got the JuiceMaster at Kohl's (like a Target) - on sale for about $100. The new one I ordered (Health Master) was about double that. When I receive the new one, I will probably get rid of the Jr. I need to see which I like better.

Yes, as with most machines, I had to get used to it. What I don't like is the amount of pulp I am tossing out. Seems like I'm throwing out all the good stuff. I am doing this for health reasons and I want to get all the nutrients I can. Also, I am guessing that there is a lot more cleaning up with the Jr than with the Health Master. The Health Master has fewer pieces and there shouldn't be all that pulp to deal with.


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Old 11-08-2009, 08:50 PM   #70  
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Hi Lynn, Someone over on the Christian Encouragers thread suggested that you use the pulp to add in to soups, breads and who knows what all to get the extra that you would be missing. I'm still not sure what I'm gong to do yet but thought that I would pass that tip on to you.
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Old 11-09-2009, 08:53 AM   #71  
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Good Morning,

Things are finally slowing down a bit here. It has been a very difficult few days.

I'm not going to even try to reply to all the posts, but thank you every one for the prayers. I do believe that prayers are heard and make a difference.

Zo, I do want to say how sorry I am for your daughters and family. I've seen the results of MS. it can take many courses. Hopefully your daughter will get on mediation soon and do well with it. I know there is no "proven" genetic predisposition to MS but i've seen many cases where another family member had it. And having the supportive family that she has makes all the difference. Prayers for all of you. I believe illness is a family thing. Everyone hurts.

Take care,

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Old 11-09-2009, 08:57 AM   #72  
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Good Morning,

Kind of disappointed. My DF called last night & cancelled our trip to NYC. Oh well, we will have other beautiful days.

On the bright side - I decided to do the arthritis exercise in the pool this afternoon. My body will be HAPPY with this choice.

Check back later,

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Old 11-09-2009, 11:27 AM   #73  
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Lynn, you're down another one! You'll be a mere shadow of your former self in no time...

Dinner with mom was wonderful. She's still living alone, still quilting, still reading, doing really well. Her sister is going strong at 94, and I'm hoping "granny" continues down the same road. And I actually ate like a "normal" person, didn't heap or pig out. It's one day at a time; actually, it's one MEAL at a time. It was easier to quit smoking!

Hope your day is good, that all news is good...
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Old 11-09-2009, 11:29 AM   #74  
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Good Morning!
Something funny happened last Monday when I put a chunky, ugly as sin, vintage bracelet up for sale on ebay. The sale ends tonight and two people have bid on it. I can't believe anyone would wear it, I found it in MIL jewelry chest when we cleaned out her house. DH just shook his head when he saw it, He thought it was a waste of time and money listing it. Must be some eccentric people out there!

Jess...That's a good thing, I hate when the scale shows up heavier if I eat salty foods the night before.
no ups, no downs, just status quo. I think I like it this way!

Karen...that's a great tip for Lynn. I take all my apple/pear cores and kitchen veggie scraps out to our chickens, they love them and our eggs are so healthy.
Someone over on the Christian Encouragers thread suggested that you use the pulp to add in to soups, breads and who knows what all to get the extra that you would be missing.
Freda...sorry for your loss and the bad week-end is behind you.
Lynn...I guess I missed something, why are you juicing everything instead of just eating it in the natural state? I know you're taking extra good care in what you eat for medical reasons but I don't know what the benefits of juicing are. You can always put your old juicer on ebay, you'd get most of your money back unless you know someone that would buy it. It's like new, right?
When I receive the new one, I will probably get rid of the Jr. I need to see which I like better.

DH is still out deer hunting and I'm still eating cabbage soup. Unfortunately it swells up my tummy and my jeans get tight so I eat a bean-o first. Anyone have that problem with cabbage? On that happy note, I better go dig out DD carrots. I asked her to come over this week-end to get them, she didn't. I asked if the boys could come over, Damian is 18, Lukas 11. Nope! It was 70 degrees yesterday too, perfect for harvesting. I'm mad!

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Old 11-09-2009, 12:17 PM   #75  
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Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
Good Morning!
Something funny happened last Monday when I put a chunky, ugly as sin, vintage bracelet up for sale on ebay. The sale ends tonight and two people have bid on it. I can't believe anyone would wear it, I found it in MIL jewelry chest when we cleaned out her house. DH just shook his head when he saw it, He thought it was a waste of time and money listing it. Must be some eccentric people out there!

Jess...That's a good thing, I hate when the scale shows up heavier if I eat salty foods the night before.
Karen...that's a great tip for Lynn. I take all my apple/pear cores and kitchen veggie scraps out to our chickens, they love them and our eggs are so healthy.

Freda...sorry for your loss and the bad week-end is behind you.
Lynn...I guess I missed something, why are you juicing everything instead of just eating it in the natural state? I know you're taking extra good care in what you eat for medical reasons but I don't know what the benefits of juicing are. You can always put your old juicer on ebay, you'd get most of your money back unless you know someone that would buy it. It's like new, right?
DH is still out deer hunting and I'm still eating cabbage soup. Unfortunately it swells up my tummy and my jeans get tight so I eat a bean-o first. Anyone have that problem with cabbage? On that happy note, I better go dig out DD carrots. I asked her to come over this week-end to get them, she didn't. I asked if the boys could come over, Damian is 18, Lukas 11. Nope! It was 70 degrees yesterday too, perfect for harvesting. I'm mad!
Hi Bobbi,

For health purposes you want everything raw & you want stuff that wouldn't be very good raw (e. g., garlic, ginger, fennel, parsley, oregano). Easiest way to mix it all up is to juice.

About E-Bay - I wouldn't have a clue how to do that. How did you learn? Do you want to be my agent? I'll hire you. PM me.

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