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Old 11-22-2009, 08:06 PM   #166  
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A quick reply to Lynn....I'll yak more tomorrow. Amazing Race is about to start.
I purchased an inexpensive stepper but it works fantastic. It scans my steps, my time, calories burned, how many steps per something? Can't remember. I have it out in our breezeway looking out the window at all our bird feeders and bird baths. I love watching them! No music and I do 100 steps at a time. Today I went out 3 times and all three times I did 100 steps. It doesn't take long, maybe 1.5 to 2 minutes each time. My knees aren't very good and I don't dare do anymore then that plus I don't have the patience. Gradually I'll try to get out there more than 3 sessions. Guess it depends on my knees and how much time I have. I would love to match steps with you. If you get more sessions in then I do, I'll try to match you the next day.
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Old 11-22-2009, 08:59 PM   #167  
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Thanks, Bobbi

OK - I did 3 x 100 today. Mine is not so fancy as yours - I need to count. I actually have a step DVD - will have to look for it.

Good easy way to get in some extra exercise.

Should we keep track here or on the Challenge thread?

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Old 11-22-2009, 10:24 PM   #168  
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Lynn...Challenge thread sounds good to me, I'm already keeping track there. I dumped the Yogi Tree Pose, I can't do it. I do two floor exercises for my back every morning and also exercise my arms with bands while downloading stuff on my computer. So I do get in more exercise than just the stepper. One thing I like about the stepper is my heart rate gets up there, my other exercises don't do that.
I better go add my steps and go to bed, I'm tired tonight.
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Old 11-23-2009, 09:29 AM   #169  
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Good morning, all - I actually typed out a post at 5:30 this morning, but it flew off into the ether when I hit "submit". I'm wondering if this has been happening with greater frequency lately? I tried posting a few days back and the same thing happened. And it seems to me that several of us have had trouble, on and off, with losing posts. (I hope I don't lose THIS one!)
My good eating habits are suffering lately just through the lack of time to prepare ahead. I don't appear to have gained any weight back, as my clothes are fitting me the same, but I suspect I haven't lost any either. I go for long periods of time without eating anything because I'm too busy with my little twinnies, or running downstairs to put in (or take out) a load of laundry, or running errands, or what have you. THEN, by the end of the day - usually @ 10:00 at night, in fact, I'm ravenous and looking to eat anything I can find, and lots of it. Woe is me. But, my daughter is improving little by little, and as the saying goes, "This too shall pass." Yesterday DH and I went over and cooked a big breakfast for them, and then I took my daughter to do some shopping - then back to feed and bathe the boys, do a few loads of wash, and get them all some supper. Home at 9:30 with applesauce to make to include in the Thanksgiving "goody box" that DH is overnight mailing to my son in L.A. this morning. In bed at midnight and up again at 5:00. Whew.
But NONE of this compares to what Bobbi just does naturally, all the time. Bobbi, whatever is your secret to staying so active and so involved in really strenuous activity all the time?
I have to run, but am thinking of you all - have read all the posts, and am happy to see all the progress you're making. And for those who continue to struggle, oh YEAH. I know. Trust me.
Talk soon,

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Old 11-23-2009, 10:04 AM   #170  
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Good Morning!
I'm still enjoying my time alone, I LOVE IT!
I'm planning to put up my Christmas decorations today, yes it's early but I don't get to have Christmas here. Our DD has Christmas at her place and nobody gets to see how beautiful I decorate the house. I get daily recipes from and today they posted a 4 star recipes for turkey gravy. It's fat free so I think I'll try it. (Boxed Swansons Chicken Broth) My mom always made gravy with the turkey juices and drippings. I have in the past, I think it makes the best gravy but it's sooooooo fattening. When we've eaten a couple meals of turkey, I take the skin, fat, juices and all the bones and make soup stock with it. After refrigerating over night, you can literally pick the layer of fat off the top for fat free broth. Then I make a big batch of turkey soup with it and any leftover turkey meat. We can eat forever on that! I'll post the recipe later in the recipe section.
Zoe...You're doing the same thing, all the running, babysitting, cooking, etc. I don't think we're so old yet that we need to recline in a rocking chair.
Bobbi, whatever is your secret to staying so active and so involved in really strenuous activity all the time?
If I had to point to one reason for my restlessness and hyperactivity, it's Attention Deficit Disorder. Way back in the olden days, (haha) they didn't know why I couldn't sit still. I still can't still still but I'm very focused now and maybe have grown out of the worst of it, failure to pay attention, etc. I'm terribly organized but that might be because I'm married to a neat freak! Zoe...I cheated when I pulled out all those fence posts, I hooked a jack up to the post and they came out lickedy-split!
Lynn...thanks for the list, I knew the dirty dozen and I indudge freely in all but one, corn. I eat corn on the cob once in awhile during the summer months but watch it, too many calories. Thankfully I don't get migraines that much anymore. The dirty dozen list is everything lovely to eat
Jess...Amen! A really good point too, get back OP on Friday!
A Thanksgiving Prayer:
Dear Our Lady of Thanksgiving
May I overstuff the turkey, rather than myself;
But, should I succumb, overindulge, carbo load, or drift into a burnt marshmallow sweet potato sugar induced coma,
I pray, Dear Lady, that I return to my senses, first thing Friday morn
and NOT set sail on a decade long fat detour. Amen!---Janice Taylor
Be back in a sec, gotta take turkey out of freezer before I forget, we ordered a organic, free range turkey. It came frozen.
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Old 11-23-2009, 10:15 AM   #171  
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Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
Lynn...Challenge thread sounds good to me, I'm already keeping track there. I dumped the Yogi Tree Pose, I can't do it. I do two floor exercises for my back every morning and also exercise my arms with bands while downloading stuff on my computer. So I do get in more exercise than just the stepper. One thing I like about the stepper is my heart rate gets up there, my other exercises don't do that.
I better go add my steps and go to bed, I'm tired tonight.
Hi Bobbi,

Who do you want to win the Amazing Race? I'm cheering for the two black guys. I like adding the step challenge. I am keeping mine in the living room & doing it on commercials.

Originally Posted by ellabella View Post
Good morning, all - I actually typed out a post at 5:30 this morning, but it flew off into the ether when I hit "submit". I'm wondering if this has been happening with greater frequency lately? I tried posting a few days back and the same thing happened. And it seems to me that several of us have had trouble, on and off, with losing posts. (I hope I don't lose THIS one!)Talk soon,
Hi Zoe,

When I'm going to do a long post, I do it in WORD and then copy and paste. I've lost too many with this system.

Hi Everyone,

Going to begin Thanksgiving Dinner today - maybe the cranberry sauce - and visit a friend who has become kind of home bound.

Have a great day,

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Old 11-23-2009, 10:23 AM   #172  
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trying to up load a picture
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Old 11-23-2009, 11:03 AM   #173  
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Lynn...I was so mad when the brothers stole the black/white couple's cab. I cheered when they continually fell into the river. I want them gone 1st, the black and white couple next. I'm cheering for the Globe Trotters too, they are so funny!
Freda...No more outside critters for us. The chickens were a hobby for DH after he retired. He's going to appreciate not going out in the zero below weather to feed them. It always a challenge to get through all the heavy snowbanks to reach them too. We had Home Depot build it and an electrician come out and wire it so we could plug in a heat lamp. DH cleaned it out, the floor tile comes up so he can sanitize them in the spring. He's going to turn it into his man cave, put all his tools, etc. out there. It's going to be a perfect place for him and his stuff plus it has electricity for his power tools.
Sorry to hear about you Chickies. First thing we learned on the farm, you don't get attached. Animals are food. It was hard at times though. Are you getting more in the spring?
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Old 11-23-2009, 12:57 PM   #174  
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I got this in an email the other day and I thought it was pretty cute!
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File Type: jpg Honk if you love Jesus.jpg (39.0 KB, 10 views)
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Old 11-23-2009, 01:32 PM   #175  
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Hello everyone.

Very funny Karen. It's illegal here to use a cell phone while driving but we see it all the time.

I went for a loooonnnnggg walk today. Actually, it was my regular walk but I stopped off at the little mall here where DS lives and strolled around in there doing a bit of browsing. I did buy a few stocking stuffers for DH at the Dollarama and had to walk the last half hour with two bags hanging off my arms. It's amazing how heavy a bag can get in half an hour. I just put it all down to more exercise. Hahaha.

DS went back to work today for the first time since his surgery. I'm guessing he's going to be mighty tired by this afternoon. He still can't lift the Baby but he figured he'd be sitting most of the day at work typing and doing some ordering for the school.

It's a lovely sunny but chilly day here. It's amazing how warm I get walking when the sun is shinning. I'm constantly pulling my hood down to cool off.

Have a great day everyone.
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Old 11-23-2009, 04:33 PM   #176  
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I have a major case of the blahs today... don't want to do anything except go back to bed, cover my head, and feel sorry for myself (and for NO good reason!). Everything's okay... just one of those icky days, dontcha know?
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Old 11-23-2009, 07:49 PM   #177  
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Hi everyone,

Well Lynn, I followed your bad example. Althought I didn't take my cast of by myself (I would have, believe me) I went to ER last night and got it cut off. it was cutting my circulation off. So'm i'm back to wearing the "moon boot" again. Wish I could join you and Bobbi in your stepping challenge. I have the old fashioned stepper in the basement too, you have to count the steps, but I love it. Really tones the legs.

Z, I hate the computer when it eats my posts! And why does it always wait untill it's a really long one? So glas to hear that your DD is showing signs of improvement.

Donna, Hope you are in a much better mood tomorrow. Tomorrow, tomorrow, the sun will come out tomorrow......

Karen, I HATE seeing someone driving and talking on a cell. just what do you have to say that is so important. Did you see Dr. Oz last week when he said that over use of cell phones was causing CA? We're going to have a bunch of kids with Ca if it's really true. They don't seem to be able to exist without those things in their ears.

Isabella, You are such a good exerciser. Wish I could come walk with you. But I would probably slow you down. I remember when you just started walking.

Bobbi, I am so green with envy right now. This "togetherness" thing is just not what it's cut out to be. I think that must be for teenagers.

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Old 11-24-2009, 08:17 AM   #178  
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The preparations have begun. Just finished the cranberry sauce (made with Marsala wine and dried + sweet cherries + cranberries). Have a bookclub meeting this afternoon. Maybe make the pumpkin pies this afternoon - found a recipe that replaces milk with vanilla ice cream.

Have a great day, everyone,

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Old 11-24-2009, 09:35 AM   #179  
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A quick Hi and Good-bye........DH came home empty handed, no deer. That's o.k. with me, we still have 1/2 an elk in the freezer. It's good to get that used up. I wanted to have the whole house decorated before he got home but that didn't happen. I'm very thankful he got home safe, I worry about him having a heart attach so something. (He's 66 and not used to all that walking and climbing)
Lynn... you rascal! I see you got in 400 steps yesterday so today I'll do the same. Oh, I love a challenge! And you got started on Thanksgiving side dishes too!
Freda...HaHa, I'm fortunate that DH and I bump along together so well. We respect each other when we need our quiet time. But I love when I can bang around in the kitchen at night if I want to.

I think that must be for teenagers.
I need to run downstairs, fill in the cracks on my face and get into town for some shopping.
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Old 11-24-2009, 12:08 PM   #180  
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Good morning, all........

Here's a link to a lot of LC recipes (did I say that I LOVE recipes???)

Mood isn't a whole lot better... but some! Maybe the time change has finally affected me... usually, it hits right away, and I thought I'd avoided it this year. Tomorrow....
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