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Old 02-19-2009, 08:55 AM   #121  
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Morning all....mumble mumble mumble.....Stopped and got the apples for the pie on my way home yesterday. Couldn't get the rest of supplies as bread delivery is Thursday am. At 8pm they called and canceled the fish fry. So i have big bag of green yellow delious apples. Have to take Dash to vet at 10:30 and then get rest of my stuff. I'll be cooking until 12M! Trying to think of something to do for 100 with the apples.

I know ...Thanks just got an cobbler. Like peach only with apples. They can spoon on a plate.

Did you all get the storm that was predicted? We are have black clouds and wind down here. On fire watch as it is extremely dry.

DH went to his MD and came home with a half/a** diet. Sorta South Beach/Atkins with tons of calories tossed in. Try 2 handfuls of nuts aday,real butter, cheese and milk. Oh and a can of sardines every day. Plus suppliment of fish oils and something he bought for $25. Since portion control is not a manly thing you can just imagine what his ideas of this eating are. I'd have buy nuts in bushel bags alone. sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Be back later for personals.......Karen3
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Old 02-19-2009, 12:38 PM   #122  
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Hi ya all!
I'm baking this morning so this is just a 'thinking of you but can't talk post'. Karen...geeeeeez, you are a baking, cooking, activity machine!


One glass of water shuts down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University study.

Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

A mere 2% drop in body watercan trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen.

Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

Are you drinking the amount of water you should every day?

Last edited by Bobbolink; 02-19-2009 at 12:39 PM.
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Old 02-19-2009, 12:39 PM   #123  
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Yes men. And they lose weight faster than us when they diet just to rub salt in the wound.
I'm down 2 pounds this week! Yay!
haven't had that kind of loss in WEEEEEKS...

just doing my usual lurking about....
have a great day,,,,,
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Old 02-19-2009, 01:42 PM   #124  
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Default A question

Hello all

Can you tell me ~ is there something I can use as an alternative for the flavored non dairy coffee creamers. It seems I remember reading that the powdered creamers weren't good for you because of the palm kernal oil in them.

Thanks for your help
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Old 02-19-2009, 04:51 PM   #125  
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Originally Posted by glynne View Post
Hello all

Can you tell me ~ is there something I can use as an alternative for the flavored non dairy coffee creamers. It seems I remember reading that the powdered creamers weren't good for you because of the palm kernal oil in them.

Thanks for your help
Hi Gayle,

I use flavored coffe, cream, and Splenda. But I worry more about carbs than fat. Also, I try to have just 1 cup in this style/day. I try to have any other cups of coffee black - sometimes I end up with 2 cups w cream in a day.

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Old 02-19-2009, 05:03 PM   #126  
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Hi.....finally sitting down. Have the carrot cake made and the apple cobbers(OMG are they good). Have the ham salad, tuna salad, egg salad made. Have the pinwheels rolled and ready and the articoke dip ready to heat. Still have to clean some radishes and will slice cukes tomorrow. Oh dip is done. Will make the sandwiches in the am so they don't get soggy. Should have around between 24-30 tables. So do I plan on 96 or 120. That is a big difference.

Took tiny piece of cobbler crust. Made it with NF Bisquick and FF milk and splenda so DH can have some. Actually just gave him a spoonful....he is almost moaning with joy!

Have had a sinus headache all week. The rain this am helped but is starting up again. Pine Pollen! Plus have what just found out is called a visual migraine. Instead of the pain like regular type this is when your vision gets hoookey and see thru blurry sparkly splotches. I know....just shot me.

Took Dash to the vet and we are going to have to take him to Gainesville. He is so allergic to everything. Maybe the college school of animal medicine has some anwers. Vet started to give us some powder and I read the label. It is basically soy meal....gesh dog would have turned him self inside out itching.

Bobbi....totally agree with water article. I can tell hour to hour if I haven't had enough water. Why I was puzzled at tournament...drink extra water but even so felt dehydrated. I used to take a glass of ice water to bed but now take a bottle of cold water....yeah spilled the glass a few times.

Back to the kitchen...finish up the vegies and pack my briefcase....Karen3
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Old 02-19-2009, 06:17 PM   #127  
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Hi all. I've been off the computer for 2 days and couldn't figure out how to get on. I kept getting a message about something or other being corrupted and I should reboot. DS was out of town and couldn't get home because we had a vicious blizzard. Well he came home tonight, hit "Enter" and everything came alive again!!! Duh, didn't I feel dumb. Ha, ha, I'm on again now.
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Old 02-20-2009, 07:53 AM   #128  
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Hello all,

Up early today ~ have to do the CPR thing at work today. Be glad when that's done.

Brrrrr 36* out this morning.

Hope you all are doing well.

Take care
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Old 02-20-2009, 08:24 AM   #129  
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Wow I have missed a lot again . . . sorry I was missing but I've had a very busy couple of days. A very big funeral; a couple of lunches out; a dinner and overnight stay with friends; another snowstorm (of course); and a blinding headache to add to the fun.

Hopefully life is more normal now.
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Old 02-20-2009, 08:28 AM   #130  
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Morning all....Been up and moving for hours. Have the sandwiches made all 96! and everything ready to toss in my car. Just know how tired I will be by 6pm...gesssssssh getting too old for this. Gotta remember pedometer.

Gayle.....many many years ago I went for my annual CPR class. It was my DD 13th birthday. I was taught the Hiemlick method for the first time. I was awed! Came home and cooked a big steak dinner for DD and her best friend. Half way thru dinner the friend choked on a piece of steak. I jumped up and did the pop. Blew that hunk of meat across the room. One day earlier and she probably would have died. Had an immediate family teaching session. Good luck on your I always flunked baby. Had a tendency to flatten baby.

Did you all know that Day Light Savings Time starts in 2 weeks. See there is a end to Winter coming. March 8th. Makes you glad Feb is short so we get to March quicker.

Off for one more cuppa coffee and than runto the races.....Karen3
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Old 02-20-2009, 08:44 AM   #131  
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Good Morning,

Off to scrapping. Check back later.

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Old 02-20-2009, 09:31 AM   #132  
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We're just coming out of the second snow storm this week. DH had the day off again today and is waiting to see if school will be in this aternoon. The snow is supposed to turn to freezing drizzle so they may not put the busses on the road with that coming.

I wish I would lose a couple of pounds this week. I'm tired of seeing the same couple of numbers on the scale and my ticker. I've waffled (waffles ) between 138 and 139 pounds the last few weeks and I'd like to see 137 tomorrow. Time will tell.

I need to get on my bike for about 40 minutes but I put on the fire and the house is getting too hot. It was actually not cold here at all this morning but I took off a pair of very old and holey underwear this morning and instead of throwing them out I decided to throw them in the furnace. I just thought if they somehow got lose out of the garbage and the guy who picks up the garbage saw them I'd be embarrassed to death and garbage pickup was this morning. I know this guy as he attends the same church as I do. Anyway I took them downstairs and threw them in the furnace but the fire had died down to a few almost burned out embers. So I threw in some kindling and started the fire again and now it's too warm to bike but the underwear is gone. I tend to wear out my underwear until they're see through in the unmentionalble places!

I'm just lazing around today as I stayed up way too late last night. I made 4 loaves of whole wheat bread yesterday, did laundry, and some housework, worked on wedding favour bags and just stayed up piddling around. Now I'm paying for it today. But I'll get my "second wind" as we say here and jump up and get something done later on.

Take care, stay on plan (as much as possible) and I'll catch you later.
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Old 02-20-2009, 10:12 AM   #133  
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I've read the reviews on this and most people use skinless, boneless chicken breast. I'm going to make a batch up and use for salads.
Orange Rosemary Chicken

Rated: Prep Time: 15 MinutesReady In: 4 Hours 45 MinutesCook Time: 30 MinutesServings: 8"A citrus and fresh rosemary marinade keeps chicken moist and flavorful. This recipe is great for the grill, too."
1 1/2 cups orange juice
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup chopped fresh chives
3 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 (2.5 pound) whole chicken, cut into 8

Orange Rosemary Chicken (continued)2 of 2Directions: (continued)
1.In a medium bowl, mix the orange juice, olive oil, chives, rosemary, salt, and pepper. Place the chicken in the mixture. Cover and marinate in the refrigerator at least 4 hours.2.Preheat the oven broiler.3.Arrange the chicken on a baking sheet. Broil 30 minutes in the preheated oven, 6 to 8 inches from heat. Turn and brush frequently with the remaining marinade mixture, until no longer pink and juices run clear.
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Old 02-20-2009, 10:23 AM   #134  
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Isabella...Thanks for the morning laugh It reminds me of my dear hubbie, he tries to keep his underwear until you can see through the butt. Years ago I'd throw them in the garbage and he'd take them out when he transfered the garbage into the garage barrel. Then I got smart, I have since taken a scissors to them when they start looking bald. I cut them in half, then throw them. He's has package after package of new underwear but continues to use the old ones.

[QUOTEI took off a pair of very old and holey underwear this morning and instead of throwing them out I decided to throw them in the furnace. I just thought if they somehow got lose out of the garbage and the guy who picks up the garbage saw them I'd be embarrassed to death and garbage pickup was this morning. I know this guy as he attends the same church as I do. Anyway I took them downstairs and threw them in the furnace but the fire had died down to a few almost burned out embers. So I threw in some kindling and started the fire again and now it's too warm to bike but the underwear is gone. I tend to wear out my underwear until they're see through in the unmentionalble places!

Last edited by Bobbolink; 02-20-2009 at 10:24 AM.
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Old 02-20-2009, 11:31 AM   #135  
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I thought I was the only one whose husband did that! He never took stuff back out of the garbage though......HAHAHAHAHA!
Thanks for the thoughts of spring! I ordered some flower seeds yesterday.....
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