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Old 02-02-2009, 06:58 PM   #16  
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My laptop died last night but will be resurrected in about 3-4 weeks. The plug receptical for the power pack broke and the battery went dead. They don't service the computer at the shop because they send them back to the manufacturer. Fortunately, we purchased an extended warrenty on this one. I need a new screen also as the hinges have broken (for the second time) so I'll get everything done at once. The one bad thing is that it will take 3 to 4 weeks to get it back. I'm using DS's right now so I won't have use of this like my own. So if you don't hear from me for a few days at a time it's because I'm not able to get to a computer when I needed to.

Gayle, those picutres are so awesome. The closest I ever came to an armadillo was the chocolates called almondillos.

I've got to check in with fitday and a few other forums here at 3FC while I have access to this computer.

Have a great evening.

PS: Everything was making shadows today so we're doomed to more winter.
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Old 02-03-2009, 07:51 AM   #17  
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Bobbi -- Sounds delicious. I have my high meal each week a dinner out. I don't count the calories on that meal at all. Having it around the house would be a double whammy for me. If it is here, I eat it. I also get a kind of nervous about how fattening something really is. That leaves me preferring either boxed meals, with the calorie count on the pkg., or basic simple foods that I can look up. If something is fattening I want to know how much I should enjoy it! LOL. Knowing I cannot stay low cal all the time is the major reason I allow myself one cheat meal a week to avoid stressing over it. I admit I obsess; but I try not to stress. My current weight is enough stress already. Having my free day while dh is home is the easiest way to stay on track the rest of the time since I know that doing/going with him often means I get off my weekday plan. I find it is better to work with that so that I get right back OP, instead of giving up because I had two bites or a meal that is not typically diet. It really helps my attitude and I enjoy the treats I do eat all the more. It keeps me moving forward.

Stay strong, Isabella. May you be back on your own computer quickly.
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Old 02-03-2009, 08:37 AM   #18  
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I'm hanging in there. When I left my dear laptop at the shop to be shipped away I kissed it lovinly before I left. DS has left his laptop in the living room so we can use it. He has another one that he uses more often as this one is on the way out too. He even set up an account for us so we won't have to invade his stuff.

I also eat whatever I want once a week. Some days are better than others and most of those days I don't track the calories. I do, however, try to stay moderate in my indulgences but sometimes....

I was up way too late last night. I finished making the table centerpieces for DS's wedding and a bigger centerpiece for the gift table. I just have to put ribbon around the basket handles and tie bows where the handles join the basket but I don't have the ribbon yet. I have to go to the city to get that at a craft or fabric store. Can't get anything I want around here.

Must go get breakfast. Catch you when I can.
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Old 02-03-2009, 09:31 AM   #19  
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Morning all.....I wrote a long note last night and the storm ate it. Just found out that when cable goes out so does telephone and internet. Came back hours later. Worst was I saw it happening and hit save a second too late...

They say we are going get super cold tonight. Down in teens for awhile. It is dangerous for many people down here as they have no real heat source. Did that storm start up the east coast as a Nor'easter?

Had another week of just a pound loss....I can't exercise well right now. My knee is creaky and afraid to ride my bike.

Bobbi...what are sweet breads? Must tell you that growing up sweet breads back home were hog brains that you got when you butched the pig. Sauteed in a ton of butter....when I first read your note my jaw dropped for a second. The sugar finally registered.

Lynn...hope your bloodwork comes back perfect.

2 of my bridge partners are away this week and I don't have a game again until Friday. Have a bunch of odds and ends to catch up with. So off with the list...Karen3
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Old 02-03-2009, 10:44 AM   #20  
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Hi there . . .
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Old 02-03-2009, 11:02 AM   #21  
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Karen3...Thats sounds gross, yuk! I think there're like a Mexican Concho, that's what they look like.

Bobbi...what are sweet breads? Must tell you that growing up sweet breads back home were hog brains that you got when you butched the pig. Sauteed in a ton of butter....when I first read your note my jaw dropped for a second. The sugar finally registered.
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Old 02-03-2009, 12:53 PM   #22  
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Originally Posted by Sea View Post
I have my high meal each week a dinner out. I don't count the calories on that meal at all. Having it around the house would be a double whammy for me. If it is here, I eat it.
Hi Sea,

I'm like you. I don't handle temptation well. This is why I've had such a tough time on vacation & when company is here. If we go out to dinner & other folks are eating good stuff, I want some too.

I do best at home where I've got total control of what I buy & what I cook & what's available.

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Old 02-03-2009, 01:33 PM   #23  
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Everyone, It's still cold and white here. I think it snows a little every day. At least they are keeping the roads pretty clear. I know my little dog would like to be walked more, but there is so much salt on the side walks i don't like taking him out.

Gayle, First time I've seen one of those "creatures".

I don't have a cheat day. I will have a cheat day occasionally when my weight is back in line. I have gained about 5 pounds and have to take it back off! Untill then, I stay within my limits. I don't want to diet all week and mess up the weight loss with one huge cheat! Not worth it to me. I do understand that it's what keeps some ging, and that's fine. We are all different, and what ever it takes.

Lynn, I laughed at your cousins marvel over the snow. We don't quite "get" why some people are so thrilled at thing we take for granted. My niece had exchanged students at her house last summer. Her favorite thing was clouds. She would go out and stare at them for hours! She was from China and there is so much smog there that you never see the sky, so clouds and stars were new to her.

Karen3, I have TV, phone and net all together also. It went out for about an hour this morning. Hopefully we will not have a problem like lots of people in Michigan and Ky. are having with electricity.

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Old 02-03-2009, 01:42 PM   #24  
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Here's a little definition of Sweetbreads for your utter enjoyment . . . hope it doesn't make you feel differently about your little treat, Bobbi . . .

For those who feel they haven't been getting enough thymus gland or pancreas in their diets, have we got a culinary delicacy for you! Sweetbreads are the thymus glands and/or pancreas of calves, lambs and piglets under one year old. These glands are classified as offal in culinary circles, along with other parts such as gizzards and intestines. Unlike other members of the offal family, however, sweetbreads are considered a delicacy among those familiar with haute cuisine. Sweetbreads can be prepared in a number of ways, from sauteeing to deep frying, although the steps between the butcher shop and the table can be tricky and time-consuming.

There are two separate glands which fall under the category of sweetbreads, the thymus and the pancreas. The thymus gland is located in the young animal's neck and is primarily responsible for excreting protective t-cells as part of the immunity system. Thymus sweetbreads are more irregular in shape than pancreas sweetbreads, and are also considered to be less flavorful. For this reason, most thymus sweetbreads are less expensive than their pancreatic counterparts.

The pancreas varieties of sweetbreads are located near the animal's stomach, and produce insulin and other digestive enzymes. Pancreas sweetbreads are generally larger and rounder in shape than thymus sweetbreads. Between the two varieties, the pancreas sweetbreads of veal calves are the most sought after by connoisseurs.

Both the thymus and pancreas forms of sweetbreads must be properly prepared before they can be cooked. Raw sweetbreads often have a layer of fat and a sinewy outer membrane which must be peeled away first. Many professional chefs recommend soaking the sweetbreads in an acidic bath made from water and an acidic liquid such as vinegar or wine. The sweetbreads should be soaked in this bath for several hours, and the water should be changed out several times. This process is said to make the membrane easier to remove and also drain off any remaining enzymes and blood. Ideally, sweetbreads should be white or slightly pink in color. The older the animal, the redder the sweetbreads.

Once the sweetbreads have been peeled, deveined and washed, they can be blanched for a short time to reduce later cooking time, or they can be breaded and deep fried immediately. Barbecuing and grilling are also popular ways to prepare sweetbreads. The taste of sweetbreads is said to be reminiscent of bacon, although some say the main attraction of sweetbreads is the silky texture, not necessarily the flavor.

While sweetbreads may be difficult to find on many American menus, they are popular in other countries, most notably Turkey and Argentina. Sweetbreads are frequently barbecued or seared over open grills in those countries. Sweetbreads can be specially ordered in butcher shops, but it pays to know which variety you may prefer or are able to afford. Thymus sweetbreads are less expensive than pancreas sweetbreads, but they may be less flavorful. It is important to prepare sweetbreads within 24 hours of purchase, and avoid buying sweetbreads which are deep red in color.

. . . from
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Old 02-03-2009, 04:12 PM   #25  
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Ewww. I thought Bobbi was talking about sweet tasting breads, like fruit breads. I used to use the fruit pulp I strained out when making jelly to make desert breads.
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Old 02-03-2009, 04:18 PM   #26  
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I've heard of meat sweetbreads. I think I read about them in an old cookbook at one time or another. Never knew why they were given that name though. Sweet bread around here is a loaf of molasses sweetened raisin bread often spiced with cinnamon and/or cloves. Now I want raisin bread.

Didn't get in my run today but I'll get on my bike this evening while I watch tv. Keeps me from getting bored.
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Old 02-03-2009, 04:23 PM   #27  
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You gals are getting this all wrong, I'm not eathing those icky meat sweetbreads! I'm eating "Sweet Breads", as in flour, butter, sugar, almond extract. I've never had brains or any other gross meat sweetbreads.
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Old 02-03-2009, 05:02 PM   #28  
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Thank goodness, Bobbi . . . I can definitely again.
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Old 02-03-2009, 06:41 PM   #29  
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Originally Posted by the slim me View Post
Lynn, I laughed at your cousins marvel over the snow. We don't quite "get" why some people are so thrilled at thing we take for granted. My niece had exchanged students at her house last summer. Her favorite thing was clouds. She would go out and stare at them for hours! She was from China and there is so much smog there that you never see the sky, so clouds and stars were new to her.Freda

Hi Freda,

It's been snowing all day today. Looks REALLY beautiful. Glad I didn't have to go out.

I've had enough snow for a while. Spring can come now.

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Old 02-04-2009, 08:27 AM   #30  
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Good Morning, Everyone,

The snow yesterday and today has been just BEAUTIFUL. However, we were supposed to go scrapping today & had to cancel.

Check back later,

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