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Old 12-31-2008, 10:51 AM   #1  
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Default ~January Golden Girls~

We are about Fitness and Quality of Life after 50...
We are about Fun and Friendship after 50...
We are the Golden Girls...

There is Value in us
There is Power in us
There is Wisdom in us
And Laughter....
We are a rainbow of unique wonders,
There is love in us.
(poem by Dorothy Holmes)

Tell us a little about your life, family and goals. What keeps you motivated? What is the best thing that's happened to you since you passed the 50 mark?
Friends laugh, cry and stand by each other, we'll be that to you!
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Old 12-31-2008, 11:10 AM   #2  
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My mom died of Alzheimers and my new year resolution is to follow all 6 steps, I do most of them now.
1. What do you do to keep your brain active? I do computering, crossword puzzles and read.
2. This is one I have to work on, I told DH that I'll start putting a low-dose aspirin in our daily vitamin container. (We have the 7 day compartment vitamin container)
3. Yes, we take those daily.
4. I love ginger but if I don't freeze it, it spoils. I've been using the ginger in a tube, very convenient. Red pepper flakes are awesome but I forget to put them in foods. Tumeric? Someone give me a clue of using this, a favorite recipe?
5. We had a huge salad last night, topped with canned wild Alaskan salmon. DH buys them in small cans like tuna because he gets repulsed by the bones in the larger cans.
6. Olive oil is a staple on our house but I once made brownies calling for olive oil and it was so over powering, yuk! Anyone have success using this in baked goods? Maybe I should have used light? We use it on our salad all the time.
If you have the time, please share your thoughts on the article below from Dr. Weil.

Maintaining a healthy brain is an important part of overall health. If you feel like your memory is getting worse with every passing birthday, you aren’t alone: it happens to all of us as we age. The good news is there are ways to help prevent or lessen memory loss.
1. Challenge yourself. Medical evidence suggests that lifelong stimulation is the key to building and maintaining brain cells, staving off memory loss and maybe even preventing Alzheimer's disease. Try doing interesting work (paid or volunteer), pursuing hobbies, engaging in an active social life, taking music or language lessons, or learning a new computer program.
2. Take a daily low-dose aspirin. Some studies link the use of aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) with reduced risk of Alzheimer's.
3. Supplement with vitamins C and E. A study at Johns Hopkins University suggested that vitamins C and E taken together might slow the progression of Alzheimer's.
Use a daily multivitamin that provides adequate levels of folic acid and other B vitamins. They help the body reduce levels of homocysteine, an amino acid formed by the breakdown of animal protein that, at elevated levels in the bloodstream, has been linked with increased risks of Alzheimer's.
4. Use healing spices in your cooking: Turmeric, ginger and red pepper can add zing to meals and are all natural anti-inflammatories.
5. Eat a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including wild Alaskan salmon, sardines, freshly ground flaxseed and walnuts.
Incorporate plenty of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables in your meals.
6. Reduce your intake of polyunsaturated vegetable oils (such as sunflower, corn and safflower oils), replacing them instead with a high quality extra-virgin olive oil.

Last edited by Bobbolink; 12-31-2008 at 11:11 AM.
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Old 01-01-2009, 01:36 AM   #3  
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Happy New Year!!! I hope that 2009 brings Health and Happiness to all!
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Old 01-01-2009, 07:52 AM   #4  
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Happy New Year!
Yesterday on Good Morning America they said the average weight gain starting at Thanksgiving thru the New Year is 7 pounds. I did not count calories for the whole month of December and pretty much ate what I wanted. I was doing good on the scale until Christmas and all the parties, sweets, junk food. This morning I sucked my breath in (hoping I'd weigh less by doing that) and see I fit in with the nations average weight gain. I'm up 6.5 pounds darn scale. But one of the things I do best is lose weight so I vow to lose it by the end of January's Accountability thread. Yesterday we finished off the box of candy, the carmel corn/popcorn/cheese corn, I had my 'last meal' of Papa Murphy's pizza and cinnamon dessert. Today I'm gonna be good, hope you all are too!

Last edited by Bobbolink; 01-01-2009 at 07:52 AM.
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Old 01-01-2009, 09:51 AM   #5  
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Happy New Year all!!

Nice new avatars Bobbi and Karen31

Off to bed for me ~ hope you all are having a good start to the new year.

Take care ~ Gayle
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Old 01-01-2009, 10:13 AM   #6  
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Happy New Year! I'll be back after dinner. We're having a healthy Chinese style dinner today. I'm making it and I'll be watching the fat. Goodness knows I need to watch everything after the Christmas feasting.
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Old 01-01-2009, 10:24 AM   #7  
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Morning and Happy New Year from the cracked egghead! No shiner but don't touch my face or even my hair. 2009 has got to be better!

Bobbi....Interesting list of what we should be doing to keep our brains active and functioning. Boy, am I in trouble. Do well with first 2 with computer, bridge and reading. I eat aspirin and have had a low dose aspirin daily for almost 40 years. And I use alot of EOO. That's it. Never use the 3 spices, hate salmon, flaxseed some and think all vegies grown down here are better farming with chemicals vegies.

We are going to that Southern open house today. Understand that on the menu is greens and hog jowls. Shrimp and grits. BQ ribs and biscuits. Ohhh okay until I get to homemade biscuits. Forgot some kinda black eyed peas for luck....hoppinjohn probably. Long ways from my family's roast pork and red cabbage and Dh's family goose dinners.

Golly folks...those interior temps are scary. We are chilled today with outdoor temp of 56. I know this bones couldn't take that kind of chill now.

We went out to dinner last night. It was like a date. Dressed up and everything. Listen down here dressed up means taking your shorts off. Even wore Dash did his midnight chasing of fireworks. Wonder what he would do if he caught one? DH brought home fried clam strips and the darn dog ate every last one of them. Told you he's really not a dog.

Tomorrow is back to level #1. So I will enjoy this day. Try not to make a pig of myself and maybe even ease into level#1. Am apologizing already for the week of whining you will hear. Hugs, Karen3
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Old 01-01-2009, 04:20 PM   #8  
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Happy New Year

I managed to crash the average and lost 3.25 lbs. in December. I would love to take all the credit but I think it might be helped by a medicine that I was taken off of. At any rate, I'm takin' it.

Rec: How is it going in Hood River? I live a few miles south of Roseburg and we didn't get all the bad weather, we just watched the rest of the state.

Going to get to work on the WW points again today, haven't really been tracking for a while. I try to at least follow their healthy guidelines for the day and when I would rather have fudge than an apple or grapes that is a challenge.

Have a good day everyone.
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Old 01-01-2009, 07:30 PM   #9  
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Brrrr, those inside temperatures are bone chilling. When it gets cold here starting around the middle of September we start using the wood furnace. I'm usually so hot I'm in shorts half the time with the window open. Our winter temperatures are usually close to 0 degrees Celsius (either side of the 0) from December to end of March and not much warmer in April and even May. I very seldom wear a sweater in the house unless we let the fire die out because it's been too hot to live and breathe. When we visit some of our friends we always take a sweater because no one's house is as hot as ours and we aren't used to normal temperatures. DH is obsessed with keeping the firebox of the furnace filled with wood.

Karen3, so sorry your head is sore. I know how you feel. The year before I retired from teaching grade one I tripped over a student and fell on my face. I did get a shiner and squashed up my glasses but no child was hurt in the making of the black eye. The bone above my eye socket hurt for weeks.

Tomorrow is the day I start all over again for the year. Last year I started on January 2 and lost 54 pounds in 2008 (although I might have gained a few over Christmas. :0) Today I jogged again the first time in about 3 weeks and did my push-ups. Tomorrow I start counting calories again for real and do my regular exercise. Monday I weigh in and then it will be Saturday weigh ins the remainder of the year.

This year I'm hoping to hit my goal by March, keep exercising and maintain my goal within a pound or two either way. I also want to eat healthy, take my vitamins and drink lots of water. I totally want to start counting my birthdays the opposite way so I'll be a year younger this year. But I must stop before I become a squalling infant. OK, I'm high on sugar and not coherent and I've been watching adverts for that Brad Pitt movie.

I had a good dinner with not much fat added but then I started eating cookies afterwards. I ate many. I have to pack up all the plates of cookies and cake and put them in the freezer and ration them out to DH and DS and Mom over the next few months. I'm fine if there aren't piles of cookies around but I think I'm totally overwhelmed right now with so many cookies and cakes still on the tables and in the kitchen. I must admit I have not lost my love of sweet desserts or salty junk food (chips in particular) and feel as if I've gone to the "dark side" and have slipped back into a bad addiction. Ah, well tomorrow is my new start. My clothes still fit so I'm glad for that.

Catch you all later when the sugar has drained out of my blood stream.
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Old 01-01-2009, 09:40 PM   #10  
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Happy New Year!
Hope everyone is recovered from the celebration.
It's time to get to developing my healthy habits for 2009....I'll check in tomorrow with the "real" starting weight as I just got home from skiing.
Anybody else eating greens and black eyed peas? I'm only going to have 1/2 cup, hopefully it will bring luck and money in the new year.
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Old 01-02-2009, 01:55 AM   #11  
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Hi everyone I am an old friend of Rosies! Hi Rosie! I bet I will shock you with being here lol. I had forgotten my name here and had to keep doing names and finally I remembered! OK I do hope you remember me! I still email with Dana, Donna, Gayle and Deborah now and then.
Hi ladies I am Daphne and I am not yet 50. I am still 44 but would it be OK if I joined you all here? I have given myself until Monday to get my act together and I go Friday the 9th to the Dr.s for a med check up and lab work. I have been fighting anemia for the lest 4 years. It amazes people that someone as heavy as I am can be anemic. Well I hope to give ROsie a nice surprise and hope she knows that I still have the cards she has sent me in the past!
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Old 01-02-2009, 09:31 AM   #12  
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Good Morning...I must have missed something, Karen3? I'll have to go back and read Decembers thread, sounds like you bumped your head.
Welcome Daphne, we all act like 44 year olds. Our bones don't always agree.
Fluffy...greens and black eyed peas? I've never had a food I didn't like and I'm sure I'd probably like this. I've lived in Minnesota my whole life and this is something we don't eat in our area. I wouldn't even know how to cook it, isn't that a Southern thing?
Isabelle...according to the Acc. thread, you've just about caught up to me, great job. You are so dedicated in your calorie counting, exercising and posting, you'll make your goal in March and we'll all celebrate with you via 3FC!
bunababe...great job of losing in December, you are probably among the few!
Nice new avatars Bobbi and Karen31
Thanks, I was sick of looking at my old mug shot.

Hi Karen31, great picture of you too!
I have a hair cut this a.m. so I better get ready, bye for now!
Interesting article on blueberries below.
6 Reasons to Eat Blueberries

Any way you buy them - fresh, frozen or dried - blueberries are packed with nutritional power. If you need reasons beside taste to snack on blueberries, keep these nutrition facts in mind. Blueberries:
  1. Provide antioxidants. Anthocyanins, the pigments that make blueberries blue, are potent antioxidants: A half cup of blueberries provides the antioxidant power of five servings of peas, carrots, apples, squash or broccoli.
  2. Are a healthy, low glycemic-index carbohydrate, an especially good choice for diabetics.
  3. Are a source of vitamin C, important for a healthy immune system.
  4. Help meet your need for daily fiber - two grams per one-half cup serving.
  5. Have shown promise in addressing the effects of aging: animal studies have demonstrated improved motor skills and a reversal of age-related short-term memory loss associated with consuming blueberries.
  6. May have health benefits ranging from preventing cancer and defending against urinary tract infections to protecting the brain from stroke damage and reducing heart disease risks.
Look for organic blueberries, and toss some in a salad, on cereal, eat as a snack, or make a blueberry pie. If fresh organic blueberries are cost prohibitive, substitute with frozen or dried products - all three forms provide health-protective benefits. Keep in mind that dried blueberries are a concentrated source of sugar, so enjoy them in moderation
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Old 01-02-2009, 10:09 AM   #13  
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Hi Everyone, Happy new Year! I didn't get in yesterday because they made me work! the nerve!!!

Karen, Hope the head feels better soon. Stay away from doors!!

Fluffy, Yes, i had blackeyed Pea's for dinner, along with cabbage. I also put some coins in my pocked and remembered to jingle them from time to time (for good luck, prosperity). And yes, I think it is a southern thing. But, actually, I quite like blackeyed peas.

Bobbi, I actually eat most of the things mentioned. I add red pepper flakes to almost everything. To get the tumeric, find some curry dishes. Ginger I have a problem with. I do use lots of cinnamon though. I try to keep my mind active. I'm still working and go to lots of health siminars still, play games on the computer, do sudoku puzzles, read ALL the time. I used to take an aspirin a day but some of my labs came back screwey (i'm so technical) and I stopped for awhile. didn't make any difference in the results and I must remember to add it back. I take a few vitamins and my calcium always. Buy as much local produce as possible. Not as lucky as you Bobby, can't grow it myself.

Hi Daphne, Sorry I don't remember you, you must be before my time. I look forward to getting to know you though.

Gayle, Happy New Year to you too!

Karen31, Happy new Year to you also! Miss hearing from you. Come back more often.

Isabella, I had to get rid of the sweets in the house. Like you, i'm a big sweets addict, can't have them around me or they draw me in. The only answer is to not have them in the house. Some of the things were soooo hard to get rid of!! sob...

Everyone, let make this the most healthy year ever!

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Old 01-02-2009, 10:09 AM   #14  
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Good day ladies,
Time to check in....I actually gained 5 lbs over the holidays. The way I was eating and drinking it's not a surprise. SIGH.
I'm looking forward to feeling better as I start my WOE. Of course the big challenge for me is sticking with it for the long term. I can't count how many times I've started and stopped, and my weight shows it!
Time to move ahead. I'm resolved to not "obsess" about it this time....just "get er done".
Lots and lots to do today. My house looks a hot mess and it snowed more last nite.....we developed ice dams in the garage and it looks like our own private water fall. So I'm off.
Have a great day everybody!
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Old 01-02-2009, 10:41 AM   #15  
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Hi Fluffy, I see you are posting in the January Accountability thread also. I really enjoy that thread. Did you know you can edit your entry everyday so you have only one entry? I didn't know about the custom of black-eyed peas and greens on New Year's Day. If you leave out the fat that could be a very healthy start to the new year.

Bobbi, we have loads of frozen blueberries in the freezer and I should eat a few everyday. I keep forgetting about them but I love them. Thanks for the reminder. I think I'll dig out a bag and have a few before the day is over. My calorie counting and exercise took a Sabbatical over the holidays but I'm back in the game again. I can't afford to gain the weight back as I got rid of all my "fat" clothes.

Freda, I know what you mean about getting rid of the sweets. It's like a sacrilege to throw them out. Actually, I'm freezing most of them so DH can have his treats and my friend is giving her daughter a post wedding reception near the end of the month. I'll save some for her dessert table as she's asking relatives and close friend to help with the food.

Hi Daphne. Nice to see a youngster on the thread. Ha, ha. Rosie hasn't checked in yet so she'll be pleasantly surprised to see you here.

Sue, I forgot to give you a welcome last time I posted. Hi and welcome. I hear you on the fudge vs the apple.

And Meowee, hope you aren't too badly snowed in after yesterday's storm. Saw the news reports last night about Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. You guys really got dumped on. Hope you can get back online soon.
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