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Old 01-29-2009, 02:14 PM   #226  
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I added my short term goal which is ten pounds by St. Patrick's Day. which is also an offical WI day for our TOPS group.

Everyone have a good day.
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Old 01-29-2009, 08:49 PM   #227  
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Eileen, 8 pounds is wonderful in one month. Don't be disappointed with 8 pounds!!

I'm feeling a bit confused reading all the posts. I can't keep everyone straight in my mind. Feels like the first few weeks I was on 3FC. Ha, ha. Sometimes the thread is slow and then it runs along so fast I can't keep up with it all. Must be my age. Oh, no. Not good to admit to that in the Golden Girls forum.

I've been eating off plan today and on plan too. I've been experimenting with buttercream icing for the wedding cake in July and of course that means I have to taste but I can't just taste. I had to put the icing on a dark fruitcake left from Christmas and then proceeded to scarf down at least 3 fair sized slices. My that cake was good. You know at Christmas time fruit cake is just fruit cake but in January after all the rich foods are only a memory that fruit cake was so good and moist and the icing didn't detract from it's taste one bit. But alas, I am not yet pleased with the icing experiments. They are all so sweet or unable to hold up to the warm summer weather or my hot hands when piping. The only one that really works and holds up to warm weather and hands is full of shortening (yuck). I don't like the greasy after taste of that one at all not to mention what shortening does to the arteries. Well enough of sweet, gooey icing talk. I must start to look at it as only an artistic medium to use on the cake and not something to be eaten in large quantities. I have to go to fitday and see what damage I did today. I ate fairly lightly otherwise.
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Old 01-30-2009, 08:05 AM   #228  
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A super fast Good Morning and wave
I have to run thru my exercises,clean up, wolf down breakfast and out the door. I have an early appointment to get my car serviced, hair cut and then groceries. Today and tomorrow left of this month to lose that last 1/2 pound or so. Good Luck!
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Old 01-30-2009, 08:27 AM   #229  
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Think I'm about to go out for groceries too -- the weather is calm , sunny, and seasonable.
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Old 01-30-2009, 10:23 AM   #230  
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Good news ladies.....our front yard is full of Robins. That means they are starting their planning to travel North soon. Karen3
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Old 01-30-2009, 10:46 AM   #231  
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Good Morning GG'S!! This is goingto have to be a quick post too! I did manage to lose 1 of the 2 pounds that I had gained last week! I checked the tracking site for our ad on our hosue and there were 7 hits on it yesterday andalread 2 this morning!! I hopethat means that we might get some people looking at it this weekend.

We need to get to town this morning also and get groceries. I think we have another snow coming in for Superbowl Sunday.. I'm not a big fan and it won't bother me at all if people want to look at the house then!!

Take care everyone and I will try to get back later.
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Old 01-30-2009, 11:06 AM   #232  
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Yay robins!!!
Hey everybody,
The weekend is upon us. No reason to go off you WOE. Everybody seems to be time to cheat---->plan ahead for a 'treat' that doesn't derail your plan!!
Think about how good we are going to look and feel this food's fleeting pleasure will be worth that!
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Old 01-30-2009, 11:09 AM   #233  
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I forgot to brag on myself a bit...
Last nite was 'girls nite'...and I didn't have even a DROP of alcohol, just stayed with sparkling water and lemon and ordered something that I could eat.
Had a great time with the girls!
NSV 4sure!!!!
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Old 01-30-2009, 10:31 PM   #234  
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Hello all

TGIF ~ yippee ~ the weekend off. Have stuff I need to get done.

Knees are feeling better ~ thank goodness. I feel like God has given me another chance to get my act together and lose this weight and improve my health. I am trying to think each time I think of food, how much my knees were hurting and that if I don't make good choices with my food and activity and start getting this weight off, I risk being in that fix again. So far that line of thinking is helping.

Hope you all have a good weekend.

Take care
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Old 01-31-2009, 10:10 AM   #235  
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Good Morning Girls!
Last day of January and it flew past for me, a good thing. I don't know how many of you had new years resolutions but by the number of January post, we flooded this months thread. New people were welcomed and we all worked hard at losing any Christmas weight, some of you didn't gain. I'm guilty of putting on some weight but took it all off this month.
How many of you gained during the month of December/Xmas?
How many of you lost over Christmas?
How many maintained?
Will you weigh the same Feb. 1st as you did Jan. 1st?
I posted the February Golden Girls and re-read our heading, we certainly are a rainbow of unique wonders and I'm so glad to have met all you. It's great that we know a little of each others struggles, our triumphs, our goals. Sometimes we need to vent, there is healing in sharing and the group hugs are wonderful.
I also enjoy hearing of the weather reports of the Golden Girls. I pictured myself in sunny Florida the two days we had 47 and 49 below zero with wind chills. Our poor chickens had the tips of their pretty red combs turn white, I don't know if the tips will fall off or re-grow. They would probably be dead if it weren't for the heat lamp in the building. Now I'm meandering, have a great week-end everyone.
P.S. doc has me doing a exercise every morning for my bad knees. I lean against a wall, scoot down into a sitting position (no chair) and hold that position for a count of 15. Some mornings it hurts like heck but I continue to do it anyway. A few summers ago I pulled the ligaments in my left knee, had to wear a leg brace that kept me from bending my knee for 7 weeks. That wasn't fun and keeps me motivated to keep exercising my knees.

Last edited by Bobbolink; 01-31-2009 at 10:15 AM.
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Old 01-31-2009, 01:31 PM   #236  
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Hello my little weekend warriors. I weighed in this morning and lost a pound last week. Now I only have half a pound to go to lose the Christmas weight gain. So Bobbi, there's your answer to that question. I'm definitely not the same weight I was January 1!! Thank goodness. I wore a skirt today that I bought last spring when I was just starting to lose. It's a size 12 mini skirt but it's longer on me and comes just barely above the knee. It's a dark green/black tweedy material with double pleats down each side of the front with 2 vertically aligned buttons on each side. I wore it with a black cowl necked sweater, black tights and long black leather boots. Looked very nice. The skirt just fits. Two weeks ago it was too tight. Oh, yes I'm not giving up the fight--I'm in it for the long run and can't wait to finally maintain. When I reach 130 pounds I'm lowering my goal to 125. I've got such a lot of fat around my stomach that I'll never lose it all but I'm going after as much as I can. And come the end of February I'll be 4 or 5 pounds lighter than I am now!!!

Now for a weather report. Mild with scattered snow flurries. So good not to have that bitterly cold wind blowing. I was at Dollarama (one of my favorite stores) yesterday and they've started putting out the gardening things. I just love spring but it comes so late here.

Yesterday I was at the dentist getting the preliminary work done on my tooth for a crown. I was sitting in the chair for two and a half hours getting the old filling removed, impressions, and a temporary tooth attached. Today I have blisters inside my mouth from all the rooting around in there. But fortunately they don't hurt.

Well take care and don't eat too much junk this weekend.
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Old 01-31-2009, 03:51 PM   #237  
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Yep, it was definitely another nice wintery day around here, too. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.

My January looks like it will end exactly where it started on the weight front.
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Old 02-17-2009, 10:29 PM   #238  
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I am very discouraged with my wt loss regime. I have been eating two salads a day and not loosing any weight. Now, I love a lite frappachino with a bunch of no calorie sweetners in the mornings and I am wondering if this one drink could have so many calories in it that it is cancelling out all my great works of just eating 2 salads every day. Also, not doing much exercising at all but boy do I feel empty in the mornings when I get up but the scale is just so stubborn. I am going to have to do something different if I don't start getting some results by tomorrow because there is no way I can keep this two salads deal a day up and not loose an ounce day after day after day.
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Old 02-18-2009, 12:04 AM   #239  
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Originally Posted by grabec View Post
I am very discouraged with my wt loss regime. I have been eating two salads a day and not loosing any weight. Now, I love a lite frappachino with a bunch of no calorie sweetners in the mornings and I am wondering if this one drink could have so many calories in it that it is cancelling out all my great works of just eating 2 salads every day. Also, not doing much exercising at all but boy do I feel empty in the mornings when I get up but the scale is just so stubborn. I am going to have to do something different if I don't start getting some results by tomorrow because there is no way I can keep this two salads deal a day up and not loose an ounce day after day after day.
grabec, it doesn't sound as if you're eating enough to keep your metabolism up. Your body might think you're trying to starve it, and it will respond by storing all it can. If you are only eating two salads a day then you're not giving yourself enough for your metabolism to work with.

I found out the hard way that you have to eat to lose. Small meals, every two to three hours, will net you better and faster results. That morning frap you are drinking should not be making a difference at all. I have a large cup of coffee every morning with sugar-free Torani syrup and vanilla creamer (also sugar free) and that doesn't seem to affect me. I also eat salad at least once a day, sometimes for lunch and dinner, but I also eat a lot of fruit and I drink a gallon of water a day. And I force myself to eat protein once a day even though I am not big on meat and fish. It's the small, frequent meals that work for me.

I'm 54 and I know it will be tougher for me to lose weight because of my age, menopause, etc. But it is coming off, albeit slowly. I bet yours will, too. Don't lose heart, and do eat. I really think the frequent small meals will help you.

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Old 02-18-2009, 09:42 AM   #240  
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Farmgirl and Grabec.........This January thread should have been closed. We start a new thread each month so the thread doesn't get so long. You can copy/paste your entries on the new February thread. Farmgirl, you have some great advice and we'd like you to share it with everyone on the new thread.
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