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Old 01-28-2009, 10:17 AM   #211  
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Good Morning Girls.....Not much going on today. I did the whole Wii Fit exercises yesterday and have really sore muscles today. I was feeling guilty about spending so much money on this but WOW, it's worth it. It's like have your own personal trainer in my work-out room.
Justwant2be...I have this too but it only bothers me when I get up off the couch. I didn't know I had it until my middle 40's when the back aches started. Doc said there are 4 stages of Spinal Bifida and I am #1 on the scale. (Hardly noticable) Do you have a shorter name we can use?
Even though I was born with Spina Bifida, and my back does give me a lot of pain sometimes, and I do have some limitations
I'll bet your doctor would say the knee condition is aggravated by the extra weight you have to carry.
Glynne...That really ticks me off and I don't even know your FIL.
Something similar happened to me, I was still working and my MIL came in with a friend and happened to see my behind while I was bending over. She made the comment that I needed to go on a diet.
It did prompt me to lose weight but she shouldn't have humiliated me like that!
Karen...What's this? Do you run a Bed and Breakfast?
Snowbirds and tourists are calling the Inn here looking for reservations. They will come stay a week, eat at my table etc and take us out to dinner one night. That's alot cheaper than Disney World. Gets old quickly and after all these years it stinks.
Meowee...That's a good rule if everyone follows it. It would take the guilt out of cheating for some. But I listen to a different drummer, It would make me not eat it in the first place if I had cut back on calories for the next 3 days.
For example, if you eat voraciously for a day, eat conservatively for the following three days. Remember, good dietary control is a game of averages, not a game of perfection!
Sue...I checked out the Foot Solution site, very expensive shoes!
I wish we had a local store so I could get my feet scanned but I'd have to travel to Minneapolis/St. Paul. (200 mile round trip.)
I hate traveling, especially in the winter.
I'm going to check the recipe section for something new for supper,
I'm hungry for chicken.
Have a good day!
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Old 01-28-2009, 10:37 AM   #212  
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I must have been sleeping under a rock, I just clicked on the calorie counters site for recipes and Suzanne had this posted. I've never seen it before? Geeeeeeeeeeeeze, they even rate the foods. I just added this to my 'Favorites'.

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Old 01-28-2009, 01:17 PM   #213  
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Hey there Losers,
Well, I'm feel as though the weight is slowly coming off. I was a bit discouraged when I stepped on the scale and my weight was up 1 lb.....I know my weigh in day is thursday, but I can't help but look
anyhoo......I decided to recheck my measurements that I had taken on 1/9 and WOOT! 2 inches off my waist and 1 inch off my hips!
If you haven't measured you ought to take the time to do so...what a lift it gave my spirits. I'm especially pleased with the waist cause it's so unhealthy to have so much tummy fat......
It's cold here. I wish it would snow a bit more.....specifically on the mountain so the skiing will be better and a little bit to cover those doggie "gifts" in the back yard. They are frozen to the ground so I can't pick em up and it certainly ruins the view.
Any one else thinking about spring and flowers? I don't do a lot of gardening, but I do like to fill pots and do a bit in the yard. Our poor trees have really gotten clobbered from the heavy snow fall...many many broken branches.
Hope everybody has a great "hump" day.
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Old 01-28-2009, 03:05 PM   #214  
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Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
I must have been sleeping under a rock, I just clicked on the calorie counters site for recipes and Suzanne had this posted. I've never seen it before? Geeeeeeeeeeeeze, they even rate the foods. I just added this to my 'Favorites'.
I ran across this awhile ago but never thought of it again. I just looked it up and came across an orange pound cake with caramel orange sauce. I think I'll make that sometime as each serving is only 189 calories. I eat everything (except chips) in moderation and I think the family will enjoy this.

Must go start my exercises. DH is putting more wood in the furnace and it'll soon be hot as Hades and too hot to do anything. Catch you later.
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Old 01-28-2009, 03:23 PM   #215  
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Hi everyone

I have kind of lost control the last few weeks. Time to get control today right now.

Gonna jump on the treadmill and then take one of my furry friends to the vet for rabies vaccine. We call him Chance as we were his last chance for a home and avoid euthanization, he's half golden retriever and half australian shepherd.

Bobbi, those shoes are very expensive but so worth it (I watch for sales) and I just have four pair instead of the twenty I used to have when I worked in an office. Now I work for an assisted living center cooking, I love it, so just a good pair of tennis shoes with inserts and I'm set.

Gayle, wouldn't we like to strangle them sometimes, sounds like my mother and she is such a nice person that I can't imagine she means to hurt my feelings but....

Karen 31, on all those lookie-loos!

Karen3, I guess I thought your sister or daughter had the B&B, is it you? We will just call you the crabby lady for a few weeks I never aspire to be a sweet old lady either.

Eileen, I know I need to measure because sometimes I get discouraged with the scale and yet my clothes fit different.

2BHealthy, good luck with all the unpacking. When we moved to a smaller home I had a hard time dealing with having to get rid of some things, fortunately this house has a lot of storage which helps. Hope your 2009 is much improved from 2008!

Here's a little to help us all get through the day. Have a good one everybody.
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Old 01-28-2009, 05:17 PM   #216  
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Hi all....Just a quick fly by. I don't have a B&B. The reservations are old friends who use our place as a Winter vacation or with the snow birds a stop on the way. Show up with big grins, big appetites and wait to be entertained. Eat 3 squares aday at my table and then take Dh and me out to dinner one night. Was alot of fun when we first moved here, but when it doesn't happen when we go North, I have gotten crabby. I cook alot every month when I am directing a duplicate bridge game which is usually snacks etc for 100 people. That's why I whine and use the board here to survive not chowing down on the goodies. karen3/crabby
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Old 01-28-2009, 08:46 PM   #217  
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That would make me crabby too!!!
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Old 01-29-2009, 08:06 AM   #218  
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Old 01-29-2009, 09:42 AM   #219  
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Good Morning Ladies! And a good morning it is. I just peeked back under 200, at 199.8. I think I'll avoid weighing for a few days in case I bounce a little, LOL. Today, day 4 back on track, is typically my worst day to give up. But this time the kitchen is relatively safe...

Donna - You've come through the toughest part. Don't give up. Together we are gonna move on through to health. Think of every pound you've lost as a large brick in your wall of protection, like ancient city walls. You already did all hard work of getting yourself and the supplies you needed where you need them, in getting yourself started. You've got the wall built to your knees, enough to duck under for some protection, and you are moving upward. Now see yourself stacking the large bricks against the enemy so that you can breathe easy and live in safety.
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Old 01-29-2009, 10:24 AM   #220  
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Good Morning Girls, interesting article from Dr. Weil's site.

Women Are More Susceptible to Food Temptation Than Men
Add this one to the “life just isn’t fair” list. Apparently the female brain responds to the sight of food with more activity than occurs in men’s brains. This remains true despite training to suppress thoughts of hunger and eating. These findings may explain why the obesity rate among women is (slightly) higher than it is in men (35.3 percent vs. 33.3 percent). Researchers at Brookhaven National Laboratory performed brain scans on 13 women and 10 men in an attempt to figure out why some people eat too much and gain weight while others don’t. First, all the participants were asked about their favorite foods and then were taught “cognitive inhibition,” a behavioral method of tuning out thoughts of hunger and eating. The day before the brain scans, the study participants fasted overnight. The scans showed that men’s brain activity decreased in response to foods shown during the test, while the women’s didn’t. Earlier research has shown that obese women have stronger reactions to food than normal weight women. The new findings may help experts figure out how best to help women control their weight. The study was published in the Jan. 20, 2009 issue of the Proceedings on the National Academy of SciencesOTE]

Last edited by Bobbolink; 01-29-2009 at 10:26 AM.
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Old 01-29-2009, 11:32 AM   #221  
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Weigh in day for me....lost another pound. I'm a little discouraged as I was hoping to lose 10 pounds this first month and only lost 8. But enough whining....the scale is going in the right direction, I'm feeling much better and 2" off my waist is great for 1 month.
I will be in onederland by the end of Feb., and 8 pounds lost X 8 months will be 64 pounds. It may be possible to reach goal by fall of this year!
I need to keep myself looking at the big picture. I need to work on patience and realize there are no 'QUICK FIXES'.....but I want it NOW!!! LOL
I need to get moving....thanks for all the support!
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Old 01-29-2009, 12:12 PM   #222  
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Hi Everyone,

More snow here. I got off work at 7:30 last night and had to scrape another 3 inches off the car before I went home. And it's still snowing. Don't know how much we're supposed to end up with. Maybe if I dont' know I can ignore it?

Gayle, I think people mean well, not realizing we are sensitive about our weight. Yes, I know it's not good for me, in more ways than one. Could you tell him how much it hurt you and to try next time just to say positive things?

Eileen, The scale is one way to measure weight loss, so it's a good thing to have. But you can't "just" use the scale. Especially if you're exercising and adding muscle. Congrats on the 2 inches off your waist! Those pants should be feeling a lot looser. In the later post you said you lost another pound. Tha's great. Honestly, none of us lose as quickly as we would like. As long as that needed is moving down, celebrate!!!

Karen31, Still got those fingers crossed!

Karen3, I can see the other poster getting you confused with having a B&B. You have a lot of company! I guess it would get pretty old after awhile.

Sea, 1 under-land!!! WHOO HOO!!!!

Isabella, That cake sounds great. Let me know how it turns out. I am making a cookbook for me, with low calorie, tried and true recipes. Makes it so much easier to plan meals.

Bobbi, Thanks for the articles. I'm always learning something.

Lynn, Hope you're having a great time and the weather is cooperating.

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Old 01-29-2009, 12:13 PM   #223  
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Eileen, you are doing GREAT !!! Keep doing what you are doing. It is working for you. We all want it off fast, but steady is the key, because that will confirm that we are developing the habits that will help us stay healthier.

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Old 01-29-2009, 12:22 PM   #224  
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Thanks Freda. I like your idea of the personal cookbook. This would be a good idea to share in the motivational thread. We all have our usuals, but sometimes I've forgotten the ideas I used to use.

Bobbi -- Do you suppose it's a cave man mentality? They see food and get comfy 'cause they know they'll get fed. We see food and panic because we need to work. LOL.

Sue -- Thanks for the treadmill encouragement. Your post helped me stop procrastinating. I just got 2 miles in on mine.

Rosey -- Hang in there with us. You'll be okay. Be sure to prep some snacks that are healthy. It will help you through so you can enjoy the visit instead of feeling down about getting off plan. Any athlete, even a little one, needs good nutrition, too, right? : )
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Old 01-29-2009, 02:04 PM   #225  
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Just a quick hi then on the Sea, glad I could help.

I am feeling a bit down today as my eating is out of control and I had hoped to be back in my "good" habits by Tuesday. Yesterday I don't even want to talk about. My goal is to be below 200 by the end of the year. Now it's time to break that into small goals so it's more manageable. I can do it, just a matter of applying myself.
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