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Old 01-27-2009, 09:50 AM   #196  
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Good Morning!
My Wii Fit arrived yesterday and today I'm going to try using it, can't wait.
Sissy...I've had plantar fasciitis for years and keep it at bay by staying off my feet as much as possible when they flare up. Ice also helps, I use to love walking but that's out of the question. I use dumb bells and now I'll use the Wii Fit as soon as I get it hooked up. Surgery doesn't work on heel spurs, they just grow right back.
I can't find the posts about members here who suffer with the plantar fasciitis (don't remember how to spell it) and heel spurs, but this happened to me several months ago. Really painful and I was afraid I would have to have surgery.

Eileen...Good job!
I'm still hanging in there OP, despite having the in-laws over for dinner last nite and having to refuse wine, peach pie and turtle cheese cake

Karen31...thanks for posting the coffee filter.
Isabella...Nice work on the cake, is that a large glass brandy sniffer turned upside down holding the top layer?
Lynn... We'll keep our fingers crossed for you.
Wish me luck at eating healthily & exercising during the next 4 days. I'll be back here on Saturday.
Freda...A word about yogurt, I first started making it years ago when I didn't have a yogurt maker. I mixed the ingredients, covered it and put it by a heat vent on the floor. That actually works! I don't know how safe it was as far as bacteria growing. One time I put the bowl under the bed because the heat vent was under there. Then I forgot it was there and remembered it three days later. That was one of the few times that I had perfect yogurt. It was very thick and creamy and I ate it. Yeah, I should have gotten food poisoning. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone, please don't try this.
Then I tried a crockpot recipe. You don't actually put the yogurt mixture in the crock pot but on top of lid. You mix the ingredients, turn the lid unside down on the crockpot and put the bowl on top. Then cover the bowl and set crockpot on low. This works great! But investing in a yogurt maker is the best way to go. I have 8 yogurt cups and my fat free recipe makes 8-4 ounce servings @ 54 calories each. Perfect to mix with fruit and cereal in the morning. I have lots of difference Walkins extracts that I mix in. The batch I have now has coconut extract in it and very good.


My most difficult time is late evenings. How can I resist the temptation to snack at this time of day?

I understand that you may want to "graze" at night, but part of a diet is changing your lifestyle. It takes will power and a lot of work to change your habits. If you do graze all night, you will definitely be over in calories, and you will not be sticking to your diet. Knowing that about yourself, you could probably adjust your meals a little. Eat less in the morning and at lunch and then have a larger dinner and save your snacks for later in the day. It doesn't matter how you break up your calories. As long as you stay within your limits, you will be okay. Ideally, you should try to limit eating very late as it is best to spread out your calories throughout the day.
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Old 01-27-2009, 10:27 AM   #197  
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Thank you for your compliments on the cake everyone.

Bobbi, you have a good eye for detail. It is indeed a brandy snifter but just an ordinary sized one. I was doing this cake on a budget and I wanted something to hold it up and I came across a few sites that showed how to make your own cake stands so I went from there. I bought the glass and a small glass plate at the Dollarama and epoxied them together to make the stand.

I made a big pot of vegetable soup today. I didn't have any protein stuff to put in it like beans or veggie "meat" (or at least none I wanted to cook extra) so I scrambled 2 eggs and chopped them up and put in the soup. Mom will probably think it's really tender chicken.

I am now gone on to another project for DS's wedding this time. I'm making little gift bags for the wedding favors. I have 5 made and enough paper cut to size to finish 50 bags in yellow. Then I'll start on 50 blue bags. I figure if I do 5 or 10 a day I'll have those finished and put aside. They are putting 3 small chocolate chip cookies in a cellophane bag, tied with curly ribbon into each bag with the recipe included. It's the girlfriend's favorite cookie and she makes them for DS every now and then.

Must go as the oven timer is going off. Catch you all later.
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Old 01-27-2009, 10:28 AM   #198  
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Lady Lynn -- May all go well with your visit. May you be a good influence on them and stay OP without stress. Enjoy the scrapbooking.

Fluffy -- Congrats to your daughter and congrats to you! The exercise is a big issue. Good work.

Karen -- Sounds good. I use a low cal Italian dressing, then dredge through the parmesean,crumbs, and chives.

Bobbi -- glad you're feeling better. Stay hydrated. I get feeling down when I'm dehydrated. (Of course, I usually don't recognize that was the problem until I hydrate well again.)
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Old 01-27-2009, 11:36 AM   #199  
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Good Morning Bobbi and all you ladies who are doing so well with your food plans,your postings are very motivating!!I am new to this site so having a bit of a problem finding my way around but am sure I will eventually learn:-):-)I actually joined many months ago but that was as far as it went,then I joined WW and lost 34 pounds and now am working on the last 5 but 10 would be good too!!!I'm from Vancouver Island in Beautiful British Columbia,Canada.Looking forward to chatting with you all .
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Old 01-27-2009, 12:02 PM   #200  
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Holy Smokes! It's my long time friend Oly, I'm so happy to see you posting. For those of you that don't know where our friendship started, it was on another diet site a few years ago. Those 'Maxine' jokes/quotes I post on the bottom are all from Oly, thanks!
Congrats on dropping 34 pounds. You've always know me as Bugsy which I've been called my whole life but there were too many Bugsy's so I put down what my grandkids call me, Bobbi. (Means grandmother in Czehoslovakian)

Sea...I drink at least 8 glasses of water every day, I think I just got up on the wrong side of the bed last week.

Isabella, I used to decorate cakes, that's why I zeroed in on the sniffer.
I'm going to set up my Wii Fit now, good thing they have a 800 number, I'll probably need it. Bye
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Old 01-27-2009, 01:55 PM   #201  
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Hello all!

Hope you're doing well and reaching your goals. I seem to be STUCK! Very aggrevating! Please send some good thoughts in my direction. I am stuck at 300, and really want to see 299!

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Old 01-27-2009, 03:02 PM   #202  
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Hi all I had a pretty crazy few weeks so I deleted my accountability thread, I will join the February one.

France sounds like it was great Lynn. Thanks for sharing with pictures.

To answer Bobbi from quite awhile back, Foot Solutions is a store in Eugene, Oregon, as far as it being a chain, not sure. I see all these cute shoes that people wear and I get a little jealous but it is so worth it not to have the pain and cramping all the time.

Isabella, the cake looks great, I will just imagine the taste.

I gained a couple of pounds in January but am back on track now and it feels good.

Have a good day everyone.
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Old 01-27-2009, 03:04 PM   #203  
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to all the new people in January.
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Old 01-27-2009, 03:37 PM   #204  
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Hi gang . . . . . . and OLY . . . always glad to see another Canadian.

It's cold and sunny around here again but not quite as cold as yesterday -- something tells me the long term forecast will prove true and we will see more snow before very much longer.

Here's a little blurb from my in-box this morning about trying to follow a rule of 3 as we travel (and bounce) down this long road to better health and fitness . . .

Someone once said that the best way to deal with a temptation is to yield to it! Staying on a diet forever is extremely hard, so the first step is to recognize that at some point you will give into temptation. It's natural, normal, and even inevitable. You can manage your splurges if you accept that reality and don't feel guilty about it.

To maintain a healthy eating plan with occasional indulgences, try practicing the 3-to-1 rule: Each time you have a food splurge, follow it with 3 equal units of time in which you eat a more sensible, predictable diet. The time period in question can vary. It could be a single meal, a day, even a weekend. For example, if you eat voraciously for a day, eat conservatively for the following three days. Remember, good dietary control is a game of averages, not a game of perfection!

Hope you are all having a great day . . .
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Old 01-27-2009, 06:21 PM   #205  
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Hi everyone..ive been lurking but not glad u are all doing so well ive been struggling some days better than others..i think i get the blahs this time of year..seems so anyways.. im going to see my grs play basketball this weekend and he and his family are spending the weekend so that should brighten things up a bit..its sunny and cold again.. rosey
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Old 01-27-2009, 07:13 PM   #206  
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evening all....Just finished rushing around and getting dinner done in the last seconds. DH got home from fishing about 2 minutes before me. Was planning on a veal dish, but had to make a grocery run. He needed more bread for sandwiches for fishing again tomorrow. I keep temptation at a minium by only buying as much bread as I think he'll use....guessed wrong this week. arrrrrrrg Anyway grabbed the frozen stuff I keep as stand by and got on the table in 20 minutes. Just stuffed fish and vegies.....They caught 10 grouper but were all shorts! Try again tomorrow.

Heard you are sending more cold weather please don't....please! idea of "cheating" comes from a long time ago when I first used the Atkins diet. In his 1st book he said if you are going to cheat. Eat something worthwhile...don't have a small candy and then struggle back thru level one...have a whole bar enjoy it and you only have to work the same to get back OP. So condensed I say if gonna cheat CHEAT BIG!

DD called yesterday and she told her boss they would be leaving position in April. Boss was okay with it and she sounds so much less stressed already. She is an estate manager. Lives right on the grounds and gets to keep her horses right there in the barn. She is excited as this will be the last lambing season. Lambs are always born late at night on the coldest days of the year and the ewes are really stupid and forget they have young ones. Need alot of midnight care.

Welcome back and Welcome all the newbies. The Golden Girls here watch you and make you a part of a group that keeps you at least trying to stay OP. You feel so much stronger when you know they are rooting for you.

Snowbirds and tourists are calling the Inn here looking for reservations. They will come stay a week, eat at my table etc and take us out to dinner one night. That's alot cheaper than Disney World. Gets old quickly and after all these years it stinks.

See still crabby....ah age....I never intend to be a sweet old lady. Karen3
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Old 01-27-2009, 07:36 PM   #207  
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Hello all,

Feeling kind of growly today. I probably shouldn't be writing about this, but needed to vent a little. Had gotten an e-mail from my husband's father. Just catching up on the goings on. I responded back and shared stuff and included about my achy knees. He frequently gives health updates, so I didn't give it any thought. Got a response back from him:
Hope you will feel better soon. I'll bet your doctor would say the knee condition is aggravated by the extra weight you have to carry.

He wasn't being mean or anything, but it aggravated me ~ does he think I don't know this? I wish he had stopped at ~ hope you feel better soon. I shouldn't let stuff like that bother me, but I can't help it ~ it does.

Had a nice day today anyway. Went to the park with my son and his girlfriend's little girl. Then stopped by to check on Corbin ~ he was home from school sick. I felt kind of guilty that I didn't go over and stay with him, but I didn't want to get sick too.

Supposed to be down in the 30's here tonight. Brrrrr

Take care all
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Old 01-27-2009, 09:30 PM   #208  
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OH, OH ~ me thinks, I am in deep water now ... LINDA and BOBBI and KAREN3 ~ thanks for the tips ladies; I am willing to listen, and I will try 'em all.

GAYLE ~ yes, some people say things that aren't very sensitive. Yes, we all look in the mirror and see ourselves every day, but some people can't seem to get that into their heads; and no, we don't like what we see; and yes, I am trying to do something about it right now, thanks so much for caring ... DAD. I try to remind myself that they don't mean to be mean, but they just don't know what else to say. Some people have the gift of tact, and others do not! Try to forget about that, and focus on all your lovely qualities instead, becuz I'm sure there are many!

RETIRED ~ that cake looks too pretty to eat; lots of icing on there: definitely not for diabetics for sure. Thank goodness, I'm not a big sugar fan!

Somebody asked where in Ontario I am from; originally, I am from southern Ontario, in the Guelph area (which is north-west of Toronto just a bit); but now I live in northern Ontario (way up north) where it is very cold. I live in the James Bay region (just below the Hudson Bay); and the closest city is Timmins, Ontario (yah, way up there) ...

PROFILE INFO ~ I'm married 20 years in June, to a skinny-minny guy who can eat all he wants and whatever he wants and he never gains weight; ugh! No kiddies, but we do have a furry baby boy whose net name is NIKO (black lab/collie mix); he's almost 1.5 y/y, we think, as he was a rescued dog that had been abandoned. I went to college twice (once for social worker and once for business); but have worked in many different positions over the years (I took whatever I could get); due to ill health, I am not working now.

We just moved in November into town after being in the country for 19+ years; and we love it! We are still unpacking boxes as we had to downsize a bit. I was a yo-yoer who is trying to get healthy for the rest of my life. Even though I was born with Spina Bifida, and my back does give me a lot of pain sometimes, and I do have some limitations, I can still walk (with a cane) and do as much as I can. It depends on the day: I have some good days and some better days!

I am trying to do about 30 minutes a day of mixed exercises: arm and chair aerobics, handweights, leg lifts, and tummy crunches ... my style, on the couch or bed; as like Glynne, my knees have had it. At 24, I fell down a huge flight of stairs and dislocated my right knee and damaged a disc; and ten years ago, slipped on some gravel and fractured my left leg. I gained some weight after that from not getting enuff exercise, but I have lost some already as you can see, but like others, 2008 wasn't a good year for me, and I didn't lose anything, but I hope to change that this year!

Well, that's enuff for now: I do pretty well eating good meals, but snacking is my nemesis. I am really trying to battle that, so I really appreciate your tips and thank you for them. Hope you all have a great evening ... ROSEBUD

Last edited by Justwant2Bhealthy; 01-27-2009 at 09:42 PM.
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Old 01-27-2009, 09:56 PM   #209  
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Hi Rosebud, I was wondering how Niko was doing... I remember when you got him. I think most everyone had problems in 2008 with trying to stay on track, but it is another new year and I want to make it happen this year.

We've sure had a lot of lookers on our house this past week. I just wish that just ONE would buy it!! We're still waiting to hear on the offer on the house in MO. They say right now it takes at least 4 or 5 days before you can expect a response. So I'm trying to be patient.

It has been really cold here today. I think we got up to 20 today--right now it is only 6!! We got a couple inches of snow last night and expecting more tonight. I'm ready for SPRING!!!

Take care everyone ---- back to the Biggest Loser!
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Old 01-28-2009, 09:00 AM   #210  
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Got my for good news on both the houses, Karen.

Almost a balmy -17C (+1F) when I was putting out the "waste" this morning. Unfortunately, the temperature is on the rise and we are supposed to get another 8 to 10 inches of snow overnight and then, as it get's still warmer, tomorrow morning that's going to change to freezing rain. For an area that got a late start on Winter, we have certainly been making up for it and, I hate to think about it, but February is usually our worst month.

Better get myself into the shower and then out for a few staples before the storm moves in. Have a good day and stay warm and cozy, Chickies.
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