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Old 01-24-2009, 10:54 AM   #166  
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Good Morning:
I didn't want to wake up this morning because I'm sick of exercising, sick of tracking my calories, sick of posting them. How's that for Saturday morning blues? Karen31...You said you got off track last week, I think we all get down and tired of tracking. You'd think I wouldn't because I'm at goal and can't lose anymore weight. Already my small clothes are too big and I have too many $ invested to ditch them. Now that I'm sitting here and playing Dr. Sigmund Freud with myself I'm thinking I always need a challenge. Without a goal or challenge I don't seem to have any motivation to exercise or post. Maybe I should start a new thread called, "My Diary". There I can talk about myself and my own needs, thoughts. Maybe if I wrote down in my diary the thoughts I had before and after exercising would help me analyze myself into motivation. Or maybe I can forget the whole thing and wake up on the right side of the bed tomorrow morning. Yeah, that's what I'll do. See! Self analizing works, I'm all better now.
Lynn...We still have butternut squash out in our breezeway, how about sharing your butternut soup recipe?
Before and after pics, I admire you for buying a pair so small that don't even zip yet.
No big plans today. Maybe make some more butternut soup. It was VERY good.

Bobbi, if I took a "before photo" of me in my new too-tight pants, it would be x-rated. Right now they don't even button/zip up!
Lily...I talked to my dentist about more crowns but he said my teeth were getting too old for that. (I'm 63). He said as we age our teeth are just not as strong and with crowns they wittle our teeth down to a small nub. With the lumineers, my teeth are intact. I really love them.
Thanks for the info on the teeth whiteners Bobbi. I asked my dentist if he would recommend the Lumineers and he said he would rather put on crowns, probably because he didn't want to lose my business. Haven't gotten either one yet, but I need to do something soon.
Fluffy...A glass of Cabernet wine ( or two) with our meals at night is what got me into trouble with my weight. I never put weight on from the foods I eat, it was always the wine. I ditched the last bottle of Cabernet last June 2nd, the date I started my weight loss. We haven't had it in the house since and I don't plan on it in the future. Amen!
I'm doing well with eating and staying away from alcohol.
It's time to get moving and shaking, I have a desk full of stuff to get done, file, sort, blah, blah blah. Plus I need to make some vegetable soup for quick meals next week. Bruce wants Raisin waffles for supper tonight so I don't have to think about tonights meal. I'll make him his Peppered bacon and I'll have my cardboard turkey bacon. Yuk but better than nothing. His has 90 calories in two slices, mine has 40 calories in two slices. Sometimes I crumble up crisp bacon and put it in my omelets, that's not half bad.
Everyone have a great week-end. Hi to all you Golden Girls that haven't posted for awhile, I miss reading everyone's post. Yes, you heard me right, I miss reading them, I just get lazy posting. It is time consuming.
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Old 01-24-2009, 11:30 AM   #167  
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Sometimes I gulp down a glass of water because I'm behind and don't want to have to drink it later in the day or evening. I get up once a night to use the bathroom! Maybe I'd better be more careful.
How Much Water Do You Need?

While we constantly hear about how healthy water is for our systems, too much of a good thing is possible. Drinking lots of water in a short period of time, say a few hours, can lead to "water intoxication." Although rare, this can be quite dangerous, and even fatal, if not treated promptly and properly. While our kidneys are capable of processing about 60 glasses of water a day - almost four gallons - most people need nowhere near that much. Instead stick to simply drinking small servings of water throughout the day, and be conscious of drinking more if you are in a very hot, dry climate or participate in endurance sports. A safe amount of water to drink while competing in endurance events is between eight and 16 ounces (1-2 glasses) per hour. If you do consume a large amount of water in a short time, be aware of symptoms of water intoxication, such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue and confusion, and seek help immediately.
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Old 01-24-2009, 02:03 PM   #168  
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Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
Good Morning:
I didn't want to wake up this morning because I'm sick of exercising, sick of tracking my calories, sick of posting them. How's that for Saturday morning blues? Karen31...You said you got off track last week, I think we all get down and tired of tracking. You'd think I wouldn't because I'm at goal and can't lose anymore weight. Already my small clothes are too big and I have too many $ invested to ditch them. Now that I'm sitting here and playing Dr. Sigmund Freud with myself I'm thinking I always need a challenge. Without a goal or challenge I don't seem to have any motivation to exercise or post. Maybe I should start a new thread called, "My Diary". There I can talk about myself and my own needs, thoughts. Maybe if I wrote down in my diary the thoughts I had before and after exercising would help me analyze myself into motivation. Or maybe I can forget the whole thing and wake up on the right side of the bed tomorrow morning. Yeah, that's what I'll do. See! Self analizing works, I'm all better now.
Lynn...We still have butternut squash out in our breezeway, how about sharing your butternut soup recipe?
Before and after pics, I admire you for buying a pair so small that don't even zip yet.
Hi Bobbi,

Your wish is my command. It is posted.

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Old 01-24-2009, 08:15 PM   #169  
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HI LADIES ~ may I jump in here; I just turned 50 in October, so that qualifies me to post over in this area now. I came over to see a post by another 50+ newbie and started looking around. I see that you could use some more goldengirls here: it that what we are called now that we are 50? Is that the right age? I really don't know ...

BOBBI ~ I know what you mean, I have been at this for most of my adult life; up and down, but I am trying to get healthy again for the rest of my life, and it can get kinda monotonous keeping track and such. I try to vary my exercise routine each day so I don't get too bored with it. Lately, I have been trying to vary my meals more too, as that is where tedium gets to me the most, I think. There are days that I would just like to have a nice pizza, but I resist it, and make myself a pizza omelet instead (turkey pepparoni sliced up in an omelet and eat it with a bit of ketchup), which I love.

My biggest struggle has always been snacking; I have the meals down pat, for the most part anyways. 2008 wasn't a good year for us; lots of sad and stressful things and I didn't lose anything. We also moved in November and it was so harried that I was exhausted and in pain or awhile, but I am finally feeling better now. I am really hoping 2009 will be a better year!

LYNN ~ that quote from Abe Lincoln is very funny; and sounds like me. DH and I had a good laugh over that one. "You see, I walk, but I don't walk very fast. Well, at least I don't walk backwards!"

Anyways, we are having pretty cold temps up here right now (-20C); so we are hybernating indoors tonight. My DH is watching a movie (sounds like Apollo 13) and I am visiting in here for a bit. Hope to get to know you ladies better over the next while too ... ROSEBUD

Last edited by Justwant2Bhealthy; 01-24-2009 at 08:39 PM.
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Old 01-24-2009, 08:41 PM   #170  
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Hi Rosebud! Welcome to the GG's!! It is so nice to see you here. I haven't been doing so hot this past week. I'm still eating pretty much OK but I just haven't been doing the exercise like I should. I was doing so good with either the treadmill or the gazelle after dinner but the past week intentional exercise was pretty much non existant.

We made an offer on a house in MO. and just the waiting to hear if they are going to accept it is terrible!! I gave both dogs baths today in case we get the word that they do and we end up making a trip back there for a physical inspection of it. Still trying to keep this one in "Show and Sell" shape while deciding what else I can get packed up.

Oh well, I'm hoping for a better week this coming week. All the wat around!! Have a GREAT NIGHT!!
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Old 01-25-2009, 07:26 AM   #171  
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Hi there . . .

Yesterday was relatively mild (above freezing) and very overcast and damp and my back was a mess of pain. Today, it's really cold but pretty dry and sunny and the back feels amazingly better for it.

No big plans for me though -- afraid to do too much for fear of screwing up the old SI area again.

Hope everybody else has a great day.
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Old 01-25-2009, 08:29 AM   #172  
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Hi Rosebud,

Good Morning, Everyone,

VERY cold here. I'm going to the movies with my df to see Benjamin Button. On Tuesday, my Southern cousins are coming up for our annual cousins reunion. May not get here between Tuesday and Saturday. I should do OK with eating - their eating habits are SO BAD (salt, fried foods, simple carbs...) it actually makes me more determined than ever to eat right.

While my cousins are here (everyone will be staying at my DD's B&B), they want to go to Lancaster to "see the Amish people." Maybe some local towns another day; some visiting another day; and Philly on one day. We will be busy.

Check back tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a happy and healthy day,


Last edited by ladyinweighting; 01-25-2009 at 08:29 AM.
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Old 01-25-2009, 10:08 AM   #173  
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Morning all....Another quiet weekend and the big plan today is grocery shopping. Whoopy. The cold you sent is gone and temp is climbing back in the 70's. Good thing with the strawberry festivals starting.

I have read somewhere that most of the reasons we are where we are in life is because of choices we've made. Good or bad. All I have to do is look in the mirror to see my choices. But this goes so much further. Want to blame my genes and MacD's but it is really me. So this year I am spending more engery on thinking about my choices before doing something or eating something. I am taking control of me.

Am so pleased DD called yesterday. She has been having some palpitations and they are hooking up a halter monitor this week. Her blood work came back so much better than last year. Dropped 300 points on tri gly alone. With her DF a diabetic this is great. The palpitations are stress for sure...she is anxious about informing boss she is leaving in April. SIL retired at 8:30am this past Friday.

Saw a recipe in Southern Living yesterday that I just have to adjust and make today. Sautee chicken breast after dipping in Planko crumbs in EOO about 4 minutes each side, then put thin slice of LF mozzarella cheese, ham(turkey ham) slice and bake about 10 minutes in the pan in oven at 350. Meanwhile cut grape tomatoes in half and with wee amt EOO roast until tender in same oven. Looks beautiful.....let you know about taste. May add dash of parm cheese to panko crumbs and dash of garlic powder.

Welcome Rosebud....we have a bunch of chickies who pop in and out all the time....Love having another Golden Girl.

Karen....When did you submit the offer? I have my fingers crossed for you. Boy is it hard typing that way.

Lynn....Thinking about you all wandering around Dutch Country makes me homesick. My dining room furniture and couple other pieces were made by Menonites in Morgantown. Went a 1000times to Roadside America and many a perfect day spent in Reading at Vaniety Fair. And snapper soup in Pottstown.

YoYo...where are you? Need update on new job!

Linda....Have the cats accepted the furniture yet?

Gotta go make up weekly menu and grocery list....Karen3
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Old 01-25-2009, 12:36 PM   #174  
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Good Morning, We made the offer on the house on Friday so I am really hoping to hear this week. It is a pre forclosure so they may move real fast to keep it from being forclosed on or they may drag their feet! My brother (our realtor) says it could be either way. Some of the forclosures have ben drug out for a month or more!! I hope this one moves real fast!

Our youngest son and his family have decided to move back there also and are now looking at rentals on the internet. Of course, I'm getting calls about (Where is this area? is it a good area? ) But I love it and am happy they have decided to go back there too.

Well, need to get some stuff done here. We had several hits on the internet ad yesterday and more this morning. Want to be ready if a buyer shows up!

Take care.
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Old 01-25-2009, 04:48 PM   #175  
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Originally Posted by Karen3 View Post
Am so pleased DD called yesterday. She has been having some palpitations and they are hooking up a halter monitor this week. Her blood work came back so much better than last year. Dropped 300 points on tri gly alone. With her DF a diabetic this is great. The palpitations are stress for sure...she is anxious about informing boss she is leaving in April. SIL retired at 8:30am this past Friday. ....Karen3
Hi Karen,

I was having a lot of palpitations - thought maybe it was my meds. Cardiologist recommnded magnesium. I took it - they stopped as of that day!

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Old 01-25-2009, 05:27 PM   #176  
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THANKS FOR THE WELCOME EVERYONE ~ I already know a few ladies that are posting in here; have seen or met them in other threads at this site. We had lovely weather today with gorgeous sunshine all day: perfect for Sunday!

HI KAREN ~ so nice to see you again; and I love your pretty new avatar picture. I can really see the difference and we can see your face so much better. That's a great idea putting your house up on the net, as there are many people who will peruse the net for a home. I often look at houses myself just for fun; but, one of my friends bought one over the net just last year. Your house is so nice and has that great view of the mountains (I saw the pics), so it's just a matter of reaching the right people, I think.

HI DONNA ~ I just noticed that you have posted in here too. Hope things are well with you.

KAREN3 ~ that chicken recipe sounds good and I just happen to have some chicken breasts in my freezer too. May I ask what PANKO or PLANKO is? Is that pancake mix or something else all together? I have heard it mentioned before but never found out what it was exactly.

We're just having a relaxing day at home; hope everyone is having a great Sunday! ROSEBUD
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Old 01-25-2009, 06:46 PM   #177  
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hi ...quicky reply....Panko is japanese bread crumbs....harder and more shredded looking. karen3

ps thanks Lynn I'll email her asap about magnesium. let you know...k
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Old 01-25-2009, 09:13 PM   #178  
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Hello GGs and welcome Rosebud. What part of Ontario are you from?
No exercise the last two days but hope to make up for it this coming week. Kind of overdid it on the calories yesterday. Was doing OK until we went out and I had a piece of pie. I'm not beating myself up over it, I'll just work harder at eating well this week.
Take care everyone.

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Old 01-26-2009, 08:21 AM   #179  
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Good Morning everyone,

It's a bit warmer here. Not warm, just not sooo cold.

Rosebud, welcome! I look forward to getting to know you. visit often.

karen 31, Good luck with the new house. My fingers are crossed too. Think it would help if I crossed my eyes? It's one of my many talents.

Karen3, you are so right about us being the products of our past deisions. All too often we try to blame anyone/anything, but ultimateally, we make the decisions. I am taking responsibilty too. Lets make this a year of all good decisions.

Bobbi, I think we all get like that sometimes. I think I form a pity party. "why me, why do I have to do this and other people don't". We both know it's soo worth it, but I guess we just get resentful sometimes. But it's a fact of life, a life style change. And we know what we get when we get lax and think we can quit. And we know how quickly it happens! I'm sure it was just the one day and you're back to normal now.

Lily, we all slip from time to time. We just pick ourselves up and start over, analize why we make a bad choice, and do better.

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Old 01-26-2009, 09:40 AM   #180  
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Hi Rosebud. You've now entered the domain of the chicks truly committed to losing weight. We'll give you all the support you need or ever wanted. Just keep posting.

Bobbi, I know how you feel....

I'm such a slacker since Christmas. I'm trying so hard to get back to exercising...sigh...I was on my bike 4 times in 8 days so I have to do much better than that. And what happened to my jogging and circuit workout??? I'm just feeling super lazy. Haven't even got the Christmas runner off the coffee table yet. That's my housekeeping goal for the day, ha, ha.

I wanted to post a picture of the wedding cake I decorated but I have to wait to get the pictures emailed to me. When we went to take the camera to the reception all the batteries were dead and none were recharged so I'm waiting on DS's girlfriend to send me the ones she took.

Lynn, can I be your northern cousin?? That sounds like one fine week that you've all planned.

Karen3, hope all is well with your daughter. I can't take caffeine as it causes my heart to beat wildly. Thought I was having a heart attack after a particularly heavy dose of caffeine-laced pain medication.

Kare31, hope that house sells. DS#1 was in that same predicament all last winter but finally sold his the end of this summer.

WoodLily, you know some days you just have to live like everyone else. It's knowing what you're doing and not making a habit of it that keeps us on track. And you seems to be on track.

Must go and see what I can get for my old man's lunch without doing too much cooking. I'm in no mood to cook today. As a matter of fact I'm in no mood to do anything today but as that would be an almost repeat of yesterday I'd better get moving and shaking and at least get the Christmas runner off the coffee table.

Have a good day.
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