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Old 01-22-2009, 09:41 AM   #151  
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Good Morning...the article below was an email I received this morning. The different answers are from people from a chat thread.
How do you all whiten your teeth? My teeth were stained from all the coffee I drank plus old age tends to yellow them. I blew a bundle last summer and had lumineer's put on so I don't have that problem anymore. I asked the dentist what I should be using to keep them white and he wasn't much help. He said any toothpaste and brush often. What do you all use?

I’m not in bad shape, but I can get those puppies a little whiter.
Am i correct in my understanding that any whitening product will damage enamel? is there any that’s less damaging? what’s the best way to go (will a whitening toothpaste work, or do i need something stronger)?
its not the highest of priorities, but if i can get something from drug store that will do a decent job, I’ll do it.
5 different Responses:
  • I think most of the products will do some whitening well enough. I've tried several different ones from the drug store, and also one from my dentist which cost a lot of money. They all did some whitening.
  • I find that when I use a whitening product, it doesn't matter which one, it makes my teeth extremely sensitive, so I have to watch hot/cold and sweet/sour foods, and use one of those toothpastes for sensitive teeth. It also makes the inside of my mouth feel slightly sore, a little "raw", so I can't use any whitening product more than once a week. I'd like to have pearly whites, but not if it makes my teeth hurt. From what I understand, they aren't sure what the long term effects are on the teeth as far as damaging the enamel goes. All I can say is, whatever you use, be careful and watch how your teeth feel. Sensitive teeth kind of take the joy out of eating ice cream or biting into an apple, which I haven't been able to do for awhile.
  • I use a mixture of mouthwash and hydro peroxide every day and it works great! Mix about half and half. My dentist said that's perfectly fine and my teeth are great. I heard about this from a friend who went to the dentist and they couldn't even match his teeth to the chart cause they were so white. Plus if you look on the back of Hydroperoxide, you are able to use it as a mouth wash... Best of luck!
  • Long before tooth whitening was a big thing, I used to use a Qtip to dab regular old fashioned, over the counter, 20 volume hydrogen peroxide on my teeth and just smile for 10 minutes to keep my lips off them and then brush. My teeth are ust not the type of teeth that will ever be whiter than snow, but they're as white as they can be without the misery and hassle of whiteners that I wouldn't be able to use anyway because of my chemical sensitivities.... and my dentist says they're great. It also helps to brush them after eating staining foods like blueberries, tea...etc. and keep them clean and healthy by visiting the dental hygienist twice a year. I never got the gum sensitivity from the peroxide.
  • I used to be a dental assistant (many years ago), and still see my "ex-boss" for cleanings, fillings, etc. I have been asking him to please sell me a professional whitening kit (since the in-office technique with the light hurts me) and he finally pulled me aside & told me that a newer topic at dental conventions was what to do about the apparent but not proven nerve damage from professional tooth whitening. In his words, "people keep doing it over & over & it's frying their nerves." He said this effect was brought on from the trays/kits you purchase from the dentist's as well as from the "Zoom" type techniques that use the light. Obviously, this isn't happening to everyone who bleaches, but it is happening. He said that rinses & pastes & strips were for now, a much safer option.

Last edited by Bobbolink; 01-22-2009 at 09:48 AM.
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Old 01-22-2009, 09:53 AM   #152  
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Good Morning . . .

Hey there . . . did all you Biggest Loser Fans notice the Forum Accouncement this morning????? They are looking for participants. Anybody interested? Take a look at the top of the Forum page.

Nothing too exciting for me today -- right now the sun is shining, but there is snow in the forecast for later on. Hopefully, not too much.

Woke up to overturned chairs and an overturned under-sink garbage can this morning. Guess the cats were very busy last night. Think I'll get a lidded can for under the sink but I imagine Purrecious will eventually figure out how to get in to it; but at least it will slow them down for a little while. May have to nail all the chairs to the floor.

My back and ankle are still bothering me -- gee, I must be getting old or something.

Last edited by meowee; 01-22-2009 at 09:55 AM.
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Old 01-22-2009, 12:14 PM   #153  
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Default I'm new here...but want to join your group!


My name is Donna. I'm 52, but sometimes I feel 13. (and sometimes I feel 79!) Recently had knee surgery to fix a torn meniscus, which the Dr. said was an "easy fix" only to have major complications. It is still painful to walk. Went to a new Doctor for a 2nd opinion on Monday, and he has a plan to get me better.

I feel that if I'm to enjoy the rest of my life, I just need to get some of this weight off. So I've begun the journey, knowing that it isn't a sprint, but a marathon!

I have 2 kids. Janeen is 19 and Jonathan is 8. (Yes, I am old to have a 8 year old, but I wouldn't have it any other way!) My kids are the greatest blessing in my life!

I love to sing and I'm on the Praise Team at my church.

I also just started taking piano lessons. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks??

Looking forward to "meeting" you all.

God bless,
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Old 01-22-2009, 02:04 PM   #154  
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Originally Posted by meowee View Post
Good Morning . . .

Hey there . . . did all you Biggest Loser Fans notice the Forum Accouncement this morning????? They are looking for participants. Anybody interested? Take a look at the top of the Forum page.

Nothing too exciting for me today -- right now the sun is shining, but there is snow in the forecast for later on. Hopefully, not too much.

Woke up to overturned chairs and an overturned under-sink garbage can this morning. Guess the cats were very busy last night. Think I'll get a lidded can for under the sink but I imagine Purrecious will eventually figure out how to get in to it; but at least it will slow them down for a little while. May have to nail all the chairs to the floor.

My back and ankle are still bothering me -- gee, I must be getting old or something.
Hi Linda,

I watch BL all the time, however, I would NEVER put up with the way those trainers treat folks. I gave up taking abuse when I was 30 and divorced my first husband!

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Old 01-22-2009, 02:05 PM   #155  
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Originally Posted by iwannaloose View Post


My name is Donna. I'm 52, but sometimes I feel 13. (and sometimes I feel 79!) Recently had knee surgery to fix a torn meniscus, which the Dr. said was an "easy fix" only to have major complications. It is still painful to walk. Went to a new Doctor for a 2nd opinion on Monday, and he has a plan to get me better.

I feel that if I'm to enjoy the rest of my life, I just need to get some of this weight off. So I've begun the journey, knowing that it isn't a sprint, but a marathon!

I have 2 kids. Janeen is 19 and Jonathan is 8. (Yes, I am old to have a 8 year old, but I wouldn't have it any other way!) My kids are the greatest blessing in my life!

I love to sing and I'm on the Praise Team at my church.

I also just started taking piano lessons. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks??

Looking forward to "meeting" you all.

God bless,
Hi Donna,

WELCOME!!!! So glad you found us.

You wrote, "the journey isn't a sprint, it's a marathon." Reminds me of a quote by Abraham Lincoln - "I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards."
. . . . . . . . . Abraham Lincoln, U.S. President


Last edited by ladyinweighting; 01-22-2009 at 02:09 PM.
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Old 01-22-2009, 02:14 PM   #156  
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Afternoon all....welcome Donna....this is a good site to get the support you need for your marathon. Lots of luck with piano. I took lessons as a kid and after few years my parents came to realize I had rhymth in my soul but it doesn't come out. DH took piano for 15 yrs and had a band way back when. He went into the Marines and his aunt turned his drums into a lamp. He is mourning the loss.

Thanks all.....the 2 fronts from the north have arrived and hopefully leaving. Florida does not do teens well...everyone down here is too old! Cranky today...just got the electric bill and they jacked our bill $20 more a month to build a nuke plant in 20 years. Won't even break ground for about 5-6 yrs. But hey I'll be 89yrs old and have cheap electric. We already have one nuke plant here in town. Two will give us a better chance of glowing in the dark. If I can just get me to understand that this is my donation to the local economy.....sigh

Have a tiny pork raost in the oven and we'll split a baked sweet potato. This cold snap have brought all my Northern cravings of comfort foods about. Made an open SF apple pie for DH. Plus SF apple sauce with the pork. My Southern cravings are calling for cornbread.....

WI tomorrow....Karen3
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Old 01-22-2009, 05:33 PM   #157  
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Thanks for the welcome Karen. I'm still trying to navigate this place!

I'm from Central Florida (Orlando) and just moved to Tennessee a year ago. We were neighbors!

Funny, I'm cooking a pork roast in the crockpot today too!

Nice to meet you!
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Old 01-22-2009, 05:36 PM   #158  
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Thanks Lynn.
That quote actually came from Steve Gutstein. And it has to do with working with a child with autism. We want to see them get better "tomorrow" but it is a process with little gains to be celebrated.

In our case it is the little losses!

Nice to meet you and thanks for the warm welcome.

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Old 01-23-2009, 08:19 AM   #159  
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Good Morning, Everyone,

I'm off to scrapbooking today. My back and hip (not the one that I had surgery on - the other one) are very achy. I'm guessing it's probably related to dragging my luggage all over France.

Yesterday I bought a new pair of too-tight pants for the Spring Pants Challenge. Talbotts was having a GREAT sale & I had a gift certificate there from my sister-in-law. February 1st I try on the pants & post the results on the Challenge thread.

Have a great day everyone,


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Old 01-23-2009, 09:55 AM   #160  
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Good Morning Girls!
Darn weather is going below zero again tonight but not as frigid as last week. The combs on my sweet hens are turning white from our 49 below zero weather we had last week. We have a heat lamp in there and the building is insulated but you can't fight that kind of below zero weather.
We have another basketball game to go to tonight, I wish they played only in the spring or fall. Since we live out in the country, it's a hassle driving in on icy roads plus we often get white outs that scare the heck out of me.
Meow...Thanks for cleaning up the 'Acc. thread', I like to keep track of everyone's progress and it's time consuming looking over the same post that dropped out. I spend way too much time on the computer in the mornings, yesterday I unsubscribed to two sites that don't interest me anymore. I hate when you order things on-line and then they add you to their daily email sales, unfortunately they require your address.
Isabella...I have a hard time keeping your lost in check since you purchased the new scale. much have you lost this month?
Woodlily...All the walking you're getting in should show up on the scales pretty soon.
Lynn...I see you purchased a new pair of smaller pants for the challenge, are you going to take a 'before and after' picture with you in them? That would be a great motivator, post it on the frig.
Hi Donna...
Karen31...Where are you?
Good Morning all you lurkers too!
Karen3.........You still cranky today? Think of your children/grandkids/neices & nephews and it won't be so painful.
Cranky today...just got the electric bill and they jacked our bill $20 more a month to build a nuke plant in 20 years.
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Old 01-23-2009, 10:32 AM   #161  
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Yeah, it's me again. I just heard some tips on Good Morning America from callers, this one lady said for a sweet treat do the following. (I think) I was only half listening. Roll some grapes in flavored dry SF jello and pop in the freezer. I just washed 3 ounces of green grapes (didn't have red) and partly dried the grapes. I rolled them in a small bowl with the jello. The jello doesn't stick so I washed 3 ounces more grapes and drained them in a strainer but didn't dry them. I put them in a zip bag with the other grapes and shook them. That worked, I can't wait to taste them. I ran the recipe thru Fitday and 3 oz. of grapes plus 1/2 pack jello = 65 calories, 15 carbs, 1 gram fiber and 1 gram protein. (1/2 pack jello is enough for 6 oz. grapes) Below is taken off Dr Weil's daily emails. I'll take some of the article out because it gets to be tooooooooooo much reading.

3 Heart-Healthy Reasons to Eat Grapes

Eating foods rich in polyphenols (naturally occurring plant compounds known to have antioxidant activity and other health benefits) from grapes, helps reduce the risk of heart disease.
The report concludes that grape polyphenols can help to:
  • Slow or prevent cell damage caused by oxidation. In particular, these compounds help decrease the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, (LDL, also known as the "bad" cholesterol). Preventing oxidation is an important step in deterring the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Reduce blood clotting and abnormal heart rhythms.
  • Lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension.
Seek out deep red or black varieties, as these tend to have even higher polyphenol levels than common green grapes.
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Old 01-23-2009, 12:46 PM   #162  
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Hello Losers,
Just dropped off my DD for her return trip to college. The good news is that she got an internship for the summer here so she'll be home for at least part of the summer. Got to enjoy it while I can, she'll be moving on soon. The two youngest kids are getting the post holiday blues with a mixture of early spring fever.....finals are next week so the tension will be thick. DD at home is taking the SAT again this Sat., she was still sick last time took it so keep your fingers crossed that her scores will improve this time. She's still pretty undecided about where she wants to go to college....but she needs to be thinking about it as we have to do visits this summer.
I'm doing well with eating and staying away from alcohol. The losses haven't been very much scale wise, but I'm feeling better and doing more exercise.
Welcome to Donna!
Hope everybody has a good relaxing OP weekend.
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Old 01-23-2009, 08:08 PM   #163  
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Hello Golden Chicks. I've been on the run since last I posted on Tuesday. Well, actually on Wednesday I was so tired I slept most of the afternoon and was in no condition to do much. I didn't get enough sleep Tuesday night and I'm not up to burning the candle on both ends because I'm running out of wax! Thursday I baked and decorated the wedding cake for my friend's daughter's post wedding reception. I really outdid myself in the decorating department but put in another too-long night. I'll post a picture when it's all set up on Saturday night. I took it to the church hall this afternoon and the top layer fell over in the box. Fortunately, only minor damage was done that I fixed up immediately. It's only 2 cakes high but I also made an extra cake to cut up. This is all practice for the big wedding in July.

Bobbi, I didn't get a new scale to weigh me on. It's a new food scale. You're having a hard time figuring out my weight loss because I gained weight over Christmas, lost 5 pounds one week and then gained 1 pound the next. I'm weighing in tomorrow so whatever that will be is where I am. I hope I didn't eat too much cake icing...sigh....I didn't eat any when I decorated the cake but I had some when I was covering it the first time around.

Hi Donna and welcome to the thread and 3FC. You won't be sorry you joined us golden oldies!

Must go fix up my accountability post. Catch you tomorrow.
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Old 01-23-2009, 11:15 PM   #164  
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Hello everyone! Welcome Donna.

Thanks for the info on the teeth whiteners Bobbi. I asked my dentist if he would recommend the Lumineers and he said he would rather put on crowns, probably because he didn't want to lose my business. Haven't gotten either one yet, but I need to do something soon.

I think all of this walking is starting to build muscle, which is heavier than fat. I haven't seen much change in my weight yet. It might help if I stick to my plan for calorie intake along with the walking.
Take care everyone and have a good weekend.

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Old 01-24-2009, 08:04 AM   #165  
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Good Morning Everyone,

Had to cut my treadmill time short bc my foot bone spurs were screaming. Between back, hip, and foot, my exercise schedule has been REALLY hurting.

No big plans today. Maybe make some more butternut soup. It was VERY good.

Bobbi, if I took a "before photo" of me in my new too-tight pants, it would be x-rated. Right now they don't even button/zip up!

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