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Old 07-24-2008, 04:27 AM   #1  
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Default In need of some help

Hi I'm polly and I really need some advice, I am totally confused and lost I am trying to loose some weight and I keep getting conflicting advice.
Does it really have to be so hard to lose weight at my age (53), I feel like I am running at full tilt and getting no where, I eat my 5 portions a day, dont eat tones of cakes, sweets or biscuits (I do have the odd bar).
I have followed the slimming world plan but that seems to have stopped working (I lost a stone but put it back on) and I go to the gym a couple of times a week or when time and work allows, its seems that nothing is working and I feel so dispondant.
I did think at one point maybe I dont eat enough or drink enough water and now I am totally lost.
Also can anyone remember a book called "A - Z of Calories" it was a paperback and the last time (quite a few years ago) I bought it it cost about £2 something I have looked high and low for it and not been able to find a copy so maybe its not printed any more but I found it really helpful
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Old 07-24-2008, 06:32 AM   #2  
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I'm not in the same age group as you so I'm not entirely sure. I take it you're counting calories though - how many are you eating on a daily basis?

If you find that your getting conflicting advice and going nowhere fast you could always go see your GP, or try changing your diet or workouts just to confuse your body a little.
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Old 07-24-2008, 07:33 AM   #3  
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Well, the short answer to your question is yes, it is harder to lose when one is older. But, it is not impossible. You may simply find that you have to do more than you thought you would to make it work.

For example, I was told at my gym that 4 or 5 times a week at the gym was necessary to support weight loss. Just to maintain takes 3 times a week. So, if you're only managing "a couple," then you may simply not be getting enough activity.

Sometimes people can be eating the "right" amount of calories, but are not getting enough protein and are getting too many carbohydrates. So, you might want to look at your nutrient percentages. And as spoz asked, how many calories do you eat in a day?

Keep trying! Now is a good time!

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Old 07-24-2008, 08:16 AM   #4  
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Thanks for your quick replies, first of all just what is the recommended amount of calories for women who want to lose weight(I'm a bit confused as to how many I should have in order to lose weight) and secondly you may well be right about the exercise thing I'll have a word with them at the gym,
hubby's now finised work so maybe we could go swimming together
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Old 07-24-2008, 09:15 AM   #5  
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Hi Polly,

I take a VERY scientific approach. The bottom line is that if you eat 3,500 fewer calories than you expend in exercise, you lose 1 pound. The trick is figuring out how many calories you expend in one week & then eating 3,500 fewer calories that week & you will lose 1 pound.

To find out how many calories you expend, I suggest you go to the following website -
and click on "BMR Calculator.

Then you add your height, age, weight & you will get the number of calories/day you are expending. NOTE: there is a formula that you can use to do it yourself, or you can use the calculator. If you use the calculator, the number of calories you need to eat each day to MAINTAIN your current weight will show up in a red bar. To lose weight, you need to eat fewer than that number.


Last edited by ladyinweighting; 07-24-2008 at 09:17 AM.
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Old 07-25-2008, 07:47 AM   #6  
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Polly, I'll be 53 in a couple of months and I lost it. (uh, that's the weight, not my mind!)

Everyone has to pick a plan that will fit in their lifestyle and for me it was South Beach. I love to cook, I love to eat and I was scared of getting diabetes, so it was perfect for me. No calorie counting etc. Just good healthy foods.

So, yes, it is very possible.

I did not exercise much when I first started this journey, but after I lost the bulk of the weight, I really got into exercising and now enjoy it. I really hated it at first and still have to force myself sometimes, but feel great when I'm done.

Last edited by femmecreole; 07-25-2008 at 07:50 AM.
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Old 07-25-2008, 06:09 PM   #7  
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Hi Polly! I'm Polly too! I go as Pixiesue in this forum however, Try looking up sites online....calorie king is one....and dotties weightloss zone is another. Look up weight watchers international, they have great advice too
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Old 07-26-2008, 07:34 AM   #8  
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Thanks for your replies, I will take a look at the sites you suggested, femmecreole you made a good point about diabetes and one I hadd'nt thought about I have a family history of diabetes and to manage my weight would be sensible.
The book I mentioned in my post, well, I still cant find it but I did find another which is good and it was'nt expensive so with the advent of a new week I will be using it, I'll let you know how I go on
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