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Old 11-01-2007, 07:52 AM   #1  
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Default ~GOLDEN GIRLS~ - November


We are about Fitness and Quality of Life after 50...
We are about Fun and Friendship after 50...
We are the Golden Girls...

There is Value in us
There is Power in us
There is Wisdom in us
And Laughter....
We are a rainbow of unique wonders,
There is love in us.
(poem by Dorothy Holmes)

Tell us a little about your life, family and goals. What keeps you motivated? What is the best thing that's happened to you since you pasted the 50 mark?
Friends laugh, cry and stand by each other, we'll be that to you!
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Old 11-01-2007, 07:53 AM   #2  
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Good Morning Everyone,

A new month - a new chance to be successful!

I plan to hit my interim goal by the end of this month. That means losing 3.8 pounds this month. Tough, but doable. How about you?

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Old 11-01-2007, 09:18 AM   #3  
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Hi Lynn, I'm not setting a goal just going to do the very best I can and hopefully start adding back in the walking and walking outside as the temp is now in the low 80's here.

I have been pigging out since Rusty died but slowly now I think I can get back on track, no more comfort foods and only 1 small piece of candy last night.

We are going to Key West for 3 nights in a couple of weeks with friends so I need to lose a couple pounds of bloat from the Orlando trip and comfort food eating, hopefully most of it is just water.

Your doing so great Lynn, keep up the good work.

Linda D. so sorry about your back, be careful. The exercise could wait a couple days. I bet your Dr. will be thrilled with your weight loss. I don't know if I could do 1000 calories but I should probably try it.

Hi to everyone.....have a great day.

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Old 11-01-2007, 09:26 AM   #4  
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Happy November GGs. I'm not setting a weight goal this month. I'm discouraged with the scale lately. My goal is to keep exercising daily and writing down my foods.

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Old 11-01-2007, 10:04 AM   #5  
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Hi everyone and HAPPY NOVEMBER!

I'm not setting any weight goals this month. My goal is to continue to walk 5 days a week and if this humidity ever lessens, aim for 4 miles.

Karen, congratulations on walking on the treadmill for 60 min. That's fantastic!! Keep it up!

Linda D., sorry that you hurt your back. Hope you're starting to feel better.

Rosey, congratulations on winning at bingo. Don't you just love it when you win?

Phyllis, I would love it if you'd send some rain our way. Are you getting all the high winds from Noel? We've had gusty winds, but not too bad, no rain though, maybe 1 or 2 showers. Do you have the beach erosion as bad as what some areas are experiencing? We're still getting used to our new coffee maker and so far we really like it. It's nice having a fresh cup of coffee whenever you want it. If you do decide to get one, let me know how you like it. Have a great time in Key West.

Hi to all the GOLDEN GIRLS I missed.
Enjoy your day!
BFN, Ali
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Old 11-01-2007, 10:15 AM   #6  
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I'm going to have two or three goals for November . . . my goodness I'm getting brave . . .

To continue to do something exercise-related every day; to lose another couple of pounds by my next weigh-in on the 28th; and (most important of all) to kick my Cool Whip "habit". Over the past year or so, I've become completely addicted to the stuff -- nasty, nasty HFCS. Anyway, no candy passed my lips yesterday, but I did polish off the last container of CW (just to get rid of it, of course ) -- and I wonder why my BGL was high this morning.
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Old 11-01-2007, 11:27 AM   #7  
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Hey GG's ....just a quick hello from school during my break. It's been a very hectic week with my family visiting and a family wedding this weekend and trying to keep ahead of my work, but should settle down next week, hopefully. I also need to catch up on posts.

No goal for me this month...just chugging along. I lost about 6lbs last month which is just fine. I bought a splenda cookbook and made some "frozen custard" last night which was DEVINE. It was made with eggbeaters,light cream, 1% milk and vanilla (I used a vanilla bean) and I added some frozen blueberries to it. Heaven. Will post the recipe when I have some time.
I could not find any light cream at the grocery store, so I bought a can of lighty "squirty" whipped cream (1 g sugar) and it seemed to work just fine. Not something for every day, but a great occasional treat.
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Old 11-01-2007, 11:51 AM   #8  
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Alright, it’s a new month, and a new opportunity to set goals and, for those of us who have fallen off the wagon a bit in October, an opportunity to start over with real determination, RIGHT? <the crowd roars it’s approval, and shouts of “YESSSS!” and “Amen, Sister!” can be heard>.

My name is Zoe, and I’m a chocolaholic. Last night, because we had no trick-or-treaters (DH forgot to put the porch light on) I had to personally eat four (count ‘em – 4) Reese’s peanut butter cups. It wasn’t because I wanted to at all. Oh, no, not ME….but, in the final analysis, I am a relatively frugal person, and the thought of all those snack-sized peanut butter cups going to waste just upset me terribly. I had inhaled four of them before I realized that I could just send them to work with DH, and he could put them in the employee lunchroom. (I could’ve done the same thing, except that I might have been forced to eat some more of them on my way to work this morning ).
Okay. Six. I ate SIX of them. But they were snack-sized!!!!! I had two when I first got home and four after supper.

I’m feeling pretty sad & guilty today, but I’m munching on my bag-o-fiber, and only brought a very small lunch. Baked, seasoned chicken breast for supper, with a baked sweet potato and I think maybe either some Brussels sprouts or lima beans, maybe. I can’t WAIT ‘til supper! When I eat chocolate, it always takes a couple of days for me to get my appetite back down to manageable levels. (I SO know what you mean, LindaD!) I have my fiber (baggie filled with Fiber One cereal, some loose granola, some Kashi cereal, 1/3 cup of raisins, 1/3 cup of dried cherries, and six small pieces of dried pineapple. I also have three Asian pears, which are only 1 WW point apiece, and are really, really delicious. That’ll get me through until suppertime.
Ali, did your in-laws come to visit? Hope you had a good time!
Lynn, you may have done poorly with exercise, but you DID lose those pounds! I don’t know how people just stay motivated for months and months at a time! Even years, for some people! I’m feeling okay in my size twelves, and may just perch here for a while before dropping those last eighteen pounds. Or not. I tend to get motivated, sometimes, just by a sideways glance in the mirror that highlights some of the chub I’ve been pretending not to see .
Well, Trish, I’ll be hoping that whatever the doctor has to talk with you about isn’t too bad. In fact, I’m going to think of it as good unless you tell me otherwise. But, whatever, you know we’re here and will support you however we can, okay?
Karen, that picture with the smoke from the Cali fires was pretty amazing! I guess you can tell that science was not my best subject in school, but I guess I figured the smoke would just go up until it dissipated somewhere in space.
Oh, LindaD! I wish I were staying longer in L.A., too! I’d absolutely LOVE meeting you in person! I don’t know…maybe this will become an annual pilgrimage, and if that’s the case, I’m sure that the next time I come, it’ll be for longer. I’m just thinking of this as a kind of “test run”, so to speak. And who knows? Maybe after the new year, you’ll be taking a trip back east. Wouldn’t it be fun if all the Golden Girls could meet in some central place for a little weekend get-together?

MaryLynn! Aren’t YOU the party organizer (and facilitator) extraordinaire! I’m impressed! I think I maybe USED to do that sort of thing, but I’m old & feeble now….
Okay, you know I love you all, but if I don’t get some work done today & tomorrow, I won’t be able to even GO to L.A.! Soooo, hugs to the *spa girls* , Bobbi (where are you, Bobbi?), Cat, Meowee-Linda, Rosey and all the Golden Girlies, wherever you may be!


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Old 11-01-2007, 12:23 PM   #9  
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Hi GOLDEN GIRLS and happy November!!! I am back and hopefully won't fall off the tracks any further. Oct started on such a high for me (the engagement) and then spiraled down from there - oh well. My bronchitis is almost gone and the pain in my neck and shoulder has disapated somewhat - still tingly and it will be with me forever. My x-rays showed that I have a severely arthritic and degenerated disk in my neck - YAY!!! I have an appointment for a CT scan and see what course of treatment they will want. Main thing is I am supposed to keep exercising - so that is a good thing.

Hope you all survived Halloween -- we dont' get any kidlets so no chocolate in our house (LOL sorry Zoe - I am also a chocoholic). Trish I hope you have news for us (worried about you). Lynn great goal for the month -- I know I would be happy with one pound gone -- better than I have done the last few months.

Oh well time to get to work and Zoe do I hear hints of a GG GTG??? Make sure its somewhere I can afford to get to LOL. This wedding is becoming more and more expensive each day. The venue I would like starts out with a rental fee of $455 after you add taxes, fees and other crap its all of a sudden $800 Oh well keep you all posted.
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Old 11-01-2007, 06:46 PM   #10  
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Hello Golden Girls

Just checking in and saying hi. Got a little bonus time this evening ~ they had too many nurses scheduled from 7p ~ 11p ~ so needed someone to stay home until 11. No problem ~ I can do that. Yippeeeeee!! Will probably take an extra nap as I didn't sleep all that well today.

Any chance I get not to be there is fine with me. There has been a lot of drama at work recently. Our boss just resigned. This is the 3rd one we have had since I began in January. I felt bad, I liked her ~ I felt like things were better after she came there. A new one is to start in a couple weeks. The people who have met her said she seems nice. Hopefully things will get better. Several people were leaving, others were talking about doing so. It was kind of scary ~ like the place was falling apart.

I've had no luck finding something else yet. Maybe there is some reason I am supposed to stay put.

I liked Zoe's idea of a GG get together. That would be neat. Some of the ladies on the 100 lb group did that a few years back. A lot of people wanted to come, but when it finally happened only about 4 or 5 actually made it ~ but they had a really special awesome time with memories they will treasure. It made those of us who couldn't come wish we could have.

I got to meet a couple people from 3FC. One girl (Kim) lived in the town where I lived before I moved (Greensboro, NC). We met and walked at the mall several times, then got together one last time before I moved here. Then, I got to meet another lady (Lucille) ~ she happened to live in the town where my sister lives and so when I went to visit my sister, Lucille and I met for supper. Some really neat things have come from being part of this site.

Well, guess I'd better quit fooling around and get that nap.

Take care all ~ I'll catch up better later.
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Old 11-01-2007, 06:54 PM   #11  
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Hi, I didn't know we were supposed to post our goals, so here goes. I suppose my goal will have to be to exercise at least 3xweek and do my weights 3xweek. i would like to post an expected weight loss, but my body doesn't always agree to let the pounds go, and i want something I know I can do, with a little effort!

Gayle, i'm a nurse too. And we have the same problem at work, no manager. We had one working temporally untill they could hire us one, but she had her own floor to run and we seldom saw her. No one has met the new one yet. We're all crossing our fingers that we get a good one. i work in the rehab department, how about you?

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Old 11-01-2007, 07:35 PM   #12  
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FIRST THE GOOD NEWS!!! No Cancer!! Just overactive hormones! This one scared me, GGs! I've been doing my happy dance since yesterday afternoon! Thanks for all your encouragement.

I fell off of the wagon last month. This month, I'll excercise 3X a week and try to make better food choices. I'm toying with dropping WWs. The gym fees and WW fees are not in the old budget!!

I guess I should make a commitment to lose some of the weight that I gained last month---so I'll try 3 pounds.

Linda--Congrats on winning last month's challenge!!! I hope your back recovers!

That's all!!!

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Old 11-01-2007, 08:13 PM   #13  
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There's a new Challenge Thread for November at the top of the STICKY section . . . so far only Lynn and I have signed up . . . what about the rest of you ???????
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Old 11-01-2007, 08:24 PM   #14  
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Originally Posted by Piano51 View Post

FIRST THE GOOD NEWS!!! No Cancer!! Just overactive hormones! This one scared me, GGs! I've been doing my happy dance since yesterday afternoon!
Trish, I am SOOOOOOO HAPPY for you! What great news.

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Old 11-01-2007, 11:07 PM   #15  
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I have no out of town trips plan this month so I should be able to get back on track even with Thanksgiving. My goals are to see the 170's this month that I haven't seen since the 1970's and I'm going to exercise at least three times a week. I feel so much better when I do.

Trish -That's great news! It must be such a relief.

LindaD - Congratulations on your win and weight loss for October!

Hi to all the other GG's.
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