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Old 11-15-2007, 10:07 AM   #121  
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Good Morning . . .

I was up extra early and now I seem to be running late. . . . . . Our weather is overcast (actually raining off and on) but it is very mild. Guess at this time of year we must be thankful for any forecast that does not include either SNOW or ICE.

Anyway . . . things to do and places to go . . . will be back later . . .
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Old 11-15-2007, 11:50 AM   #122  
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Hi Everyone & Happy Thursday!

So many posts that are significant! Where to start & this is in shorthand.

LindaD! Congratulations for your son landing a new position! With the holidays ahead, that has to take some load from his shoulders. I used to adore reading & once I found an author I enjoyed, would make it a point to read everything that person had written. There's so many authors out there I must get back to that practice. The last few I read was everything by Neil Simon, Tennessee Williams (Wm Faulkner was just too strange for me), Olivia Goldsmith & Terry McMillion. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not always reading the top of the food chain on acadamia. That's okay, I like calgon too!

Karen thanks for that recipe! Bisquick eh? Amazing stuff. I'll be baking those for the mob soon with a note on the breadbasket that the cost is 100 calories each. As a group the family is still trying to practice healthy eating & we've taken to posting calories in the current meal on a whiteboard in the kitchen. Takes a lot of the fun out of second helpings. I'm still walking the boys & they don't seem to care for the Dog Whisperer's advice. Seems everyone wants to be leader of the pack. The walks do help them calm down for a while, they love it & it goes without saying that I need all the walking I can get.

Lyn you're doing great, period. I would have had a lot more fun than that at Red Lobster. So many things there are just too good to pass up. I admire that you had your splurge and already have a plan to stay on course. THAT, is the mark of a changed woman! You go lady!

Zoe your trip sounds like it was wonderful & I have to chime in that you look fabulous! (why is she here anyway? This is a board for people with weight issues!) Don't mind me... I think you look fantastic & nowhere near your stated age. Glad you're home safe.

Hey Freda! Its good to hear from you. I'm willing to bet your walking pace is a little faster than the average person. My husband used to tell me he could sit in the mall & point out all the nurses by their paces. Just hand them clipboards & they're on a mission. I completely hear you about exercise being therapy & beneficial. Personally it's my antidepressant. You have my sympathy about the Chinese buffet. I love those places but seem to zone out when I see the sea of pretty foods. Might be better if I stay out of there & Red Lobster for a while.

God bless him, the dh got another position this week. Just in time to keep me from changing personalities & throwing bricks at him if he "Babe!" me one more time. Maybe we should put off retirement until either I'm deaf or too senile to pay any attention to him. I'm thinking it would be better for him. For those of you who have your partners with you 24/7, you deserve some kind of trophy & a cruise all by yourself!

Things to do. Still gearing up to walk a marathon on 12/1. After three weeks the scales actually moved down but if it shows that number again tomorrow I'll adjust the ticker. I'm thinking of all of you, have a great day!

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Old 11-15-2007, 12:55 PM   #123  
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Good Morning to Everyone:

It's hard to believe it's almost Thanksgiving. It seems like summer was just here. How time flies. I ordered a Thanksgiving meal from the grocery store last week but when I took time to read the menu it was just too many calories and I didn't like some of the side dishes, so I cancelled the order and picked up a turkey breast and the ingredients for some low cal side dishes. I did order a pumpkin pie from the bakery....I will have one piece and send the rest with my son when he visits his friend. Does anyone have a low cal receipe for stuffing? I don't like anything fancy. I'm pretty much a plain eater.

Karen: Thanks for the Cheese-Garlic Biscuit receipe. Yum!!!

Lynn: Thanks for the Thanksgiving story. I've passed it along to my friends and family.

Lyn: Sorry about the pound. You can take it off. I know you can do it. Focus, focus, focus. Start with small baby steps and move forward. It sounds like you have a plan that is doable.

Freda: Let me know how you like water aerobics. I've thought about joining a class but I don't want to wear a bathing suit. I agree with you about walking. It really does make me feel and sleep better and, of course, the added bonus is weight loss. I never go to buffets to eat. I very rarely eat at a fast food restaurant. If I want to go out to eat it's usually to a restaurant that has healthy choices which I can calculate calories.

Marylynn: I think I could read through an earthquake and not be disturbed. Reading is something that doesn't cost any money and is entertaining. Congratulations on the loss!!

I'm at work so I better get busy. I'm going to the dentist this afternoon. Ugh....but it's my last appointment for six months. Have a wonderful day.

Last edited by LindaD; 11-15-2007 at 12:57 PM.
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Old 11-15-2007, 02:14 PM   #124  
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Hello, hello and happy Thursday! I just had my Boca Burger for lunch – toasted on a piece of lavash bread with *pretend* (soy) cheese and some red & green pepper slices. REALLY yummy. And an orange. So far (today) so good.

As far as “practicing maintenance”, Meowee-Linda – well that’s actually excellent advice unless you’re dealing with a food-obsessed person like myself. To me, “practicing maintenance” has always been the equivalent of “Boy have I missed these hot fudge sundaes!!!!” (as I slurp them down, along with everything else I haven’t eaten while dieting.) I am trying SO HARD to remain motivated and determined, and focused, and all that good stuff. My recent slippages are troubling to me because I know, all too well, how easy it is to gain those pounds back and how horrifically difficult it is to take them off again.

Hiya Lyn, no, no relation to the Seeley (or however it’s spelled) family. As you said, we’re undoubtedly ALL related if we go back far enough, but my dad’s family migrated over to what later became Rhode Island not long after they landed at Plymouth. We can trace HIS side back to Cucklington, Somerset (or Somerset, Cucklington) England in the early 1500’s and France or Germany (depending on which genealogists you want to believe) prior to that. I think, actually, that genealogy can get a bit dull when all you get is names and dates. At first it seems pretty neat – I found two ancestors with the same birthday as me – but then you get to wondering what their lives were like, what they looked like, what they thought, etc., etc., and there’s just no way to know unless they were famous for something. One of my great-great-great something-or-others was actually the first woman physician in Boston, so there's quite a bit written about her, and she was clearly a feminist and free-thinker, so I kinda wish I could've met her, you know? But mostly, there's little information about anyone, so that’s why I’ve decided to do my “ancestry book” for my great-great-great grandchildren and beyond. I’d like them to know who I was, what I thought, looked like, etc. I’m including the old pictures from my mother’s family, even though I’ve been unable to find out anything about them. Also will include what I DO know about the ancestors on my father’s side – several of whom were Baptist ministers, blacksmiths, horse trainers and public officials during the early colonial times. And prior to colonial times, I imagine they were all horse theives and highwaymen - why else would they have taken that abominable voyage to America?
Ohhhhhh. That Red Lobster dinner sounds sooooooo good. I LOVE Bisquick! I swear, you can make ANYTHING with it….could probably build a danged HOUSE with the stuff if you put your mind to it, huh?

Good grief, Jo-annie! Life shouldn’t be such a struggle all the time! As I believe I’ve noted on several other occasions, you are a beautiful woman. Maybe you should just try to relax a little and stop stressing out over your weight. I suspect that when you’ve made it past some of these other hurdles, you’ll be able to pick up where you left off with the diet. Be a little kinder and gentler with yourself, m’dear.

LindaD, I was especially grateful for your remarks about the ebb and flow of dieting and weight loss. And I’m sure you’re right on target when it comes to the whole exercise aspect of weight loss. I REALLY need to find something that I don’t absolutely hate doing, and then just DO it until it becomes habitual rather than something I have to FORCE myself to do! Thanks, too, for the links. I enjoyed the Thanksgiving one even if the *original* one wasn’t between the Indians and the pilgrims. Who Gnu? Anyway, I’m so glad to see how well you’ve been doing with your diet & exercise – I could use a drop or two of your motivation!

Hi Freda….always looking for opportunities to exercise, are you? Well, how about throwing in a few extra laps or steps or jogs – or whatever you feel like doing – for me? I’d be EVER so grateful!

Thank you, MaryLynn, for your very complimentary observations….maybe I’ve become more photogenic in my old age. I don’t know. But I DO need to get these extra 18 pounds off! And THAT won’t even get me to my all-time BEST weight, which tends to be around 140. Note that none of those pictures are close-ups. That’s when you can see all the wrinkles. I AM feeling lots better than I was feeling twenty-some pounds ago, but I’m still not where I want to be. So that’s why I’m here! (Glad, incidentally, that your DH got another job; I would probably become homicidal if mine were to be home much more than a few weeks at a time).

And that’s the news from Lake Woebegone….

Have a lovely evening, Golden Ones…Lynn, Karen, (Phyl's away), Tee, Ali, Rosey, and all the rest, wherever you may be!


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Old 11-15-2007, 02:44 PM   #125  
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Morning "GG"S"..its nice today after all the snow we have had.. the dh had to shovel,lots of grumbling but he got it done..Marylynn retirement is a trial.. my dh has been retired for 2 yrs now and most of the time its ok as we have learned to back off and give each other some breathing room but at times he can still push all the wrong buttonsthe first few months were the hardest,like two cats thrown into a burlap sack we have adjusted well i think,glad your dh has found employment..Lind D in am avid reader to.. from ludlum to wilbur smith,baladacci and barbara taylor bradford,Patricia cornwall,Tami Hoaag to name a few..right now im reading Dianah Gabaldons series,historical romance..i keep my favorite books and reread them evey few yrs.. i have been recovering from yet another bout with a nasty bug that kept me in the btrm alot.. i lost 4#'s and waited a day to see if it was a true loss as i was dehydrated..its gone for good yayyyy!!!! feeling lots better and have been getting ready for thanksgiving.. if i do a bit each day then im not scambling and stressed next week..i hate house work tho and a good at putting things off hope u all have agreat day (((hugs))) rosey

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Old 11-15-2007, 02:50 PM   #126  
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Ok-- Here is something for all of us who like to use Bisquick. I'll try to get back later this afternoon to say HELLO to everyone!

Make Your Own Bisquick Mix

8 ½ cups flour
1 Tablespoon Baking Powder
1 Tablespoon Salt
2 teaspoons Cream of Tartar
1 teaspoon Baking Soda
1 ½ cups Instant Nonfat Dry-milk
2 ¼ cups vegetable shortening

Sift together all dry ingredients into a large bowl. Blend well. With pastry blender, cut in shortening. Mixture should resemble corn meal texture.

Put in large airtight container. Label. Date clearly--should be used in 10 to 12 weeks. Store in a cool, dry place. Makes about 13 cups of quick mix. Can be used in any recipe that calls for Bisquick!
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Old 11-15-2007, 03:14 PM   #127  
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Oh wow . . . had an early lunch with my shopping buddy and then had to cut short on the normal shopping part of the day . . . something really disagreed with my stomach. Most of the afternoon has been spent in the bathroom. Knw how you feel Rosey. Yuch.
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Old 11-15-2007, 08:46 PM   #128  
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I'm not gone.

I had to regroup. Dh and I just returned from Las Vegas. We had such a good time. While we only stayed 3 days, we managed to explore the strip and attend a really good Platters and Temptations [legends] show.

This is the big Michigan vs. Ohio State game weekend!!! I can't tell you how this city turns into a frenzy.

I've go to go back and catch up with all of the posts since I have been away.

I lost 2 pounds since I communicated last.!!!! Whew!


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Old 11-16-2007, 07:34 AM   #129  
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Good Morning . . .

Think my stomach is more or less back to normal today . . . Amazing how the mind wanders . . . my 'episode' yesterday got me wondering how many of those about 600 calories of lunch I actually absorbed. Although I felt rotten almost immediately, I didn't actually start 'getting rid of it ' until a couple of hours later. That thought led to meandering thoughts of the poor people who suffer from Bulimia; especially those who abuse laxatives. Now, I sort of understand that for those who throw up immediately after a binge -- the food isn't in their system long enough for the calories to stick. But if you take a strong laxative, I would think it would take a little while before it would work; so some of the calories would be absorbed, wouldn't they? Hey, the part I really cannot understand is why anyone would actually inflict an afternoon like I had on themselves on purpose.

Today is very mild (already over 17C/63F and it's not even 8:30 am) but extremely windy and rainy. Tomorrow is supposed to be but the high is only predicted to be about 5C/40F. SOOOOOO . . . do I finish my shopping in the rain and wind today or do it in the sun and cold, tomorrow. Decisions, decisions . . . so tough at my age.

Whatever your weather has in store for you today, I hope everybody has a great day planned. Keep doing the good stuff everybody -- see you soon.

Last edited by meowee; 11-16-2007 at 07:35 AM.
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Old 11-16-2007, 08:13 AM   #130  
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Good Morning, I hope it's a good one for all of you.

I have to confess I over ate yesterday. And I can't even give the excuse that it was something special. It was just a normal daily dinner. But i'm up and running again today. Isn't it wonderful that each day gives us the opportunity to start over, make good choices? Dwelling on old mistakes does no good, but we should analize then and try to find out why we made the mistake, so we do't continue to make it.

Linda, I happy to hear that you are feeling better. That bug is going around strong right now. almost every one I know has had it. Thank goodness it doesn't last long.

Marylynn, Your hubby got a job! YEAH!!!! I'm with you, I don't know what's going to happen when my husband retires. He is restless now on the weekend with nothing to do. He walks around the house looking for things to do. He even had the nerve (yes, he did!) to suggest that he help me clean my clouset! I had to laugh about the remark your husband made about being able to tell a nurse by the way she walked (run). I have had people ask me why I was running when I though I was just walking fast.

LindaD, I am not looking forward to wearing a bathing suit either! That is probably why I put it off for so long. But I figure everyone there will be in the same boat so I finally worked up the nerve to do it! I go for my evaluation today.

Karen, I can't wait to make those biscuits for the family. They will love them.

Rosey, That nasty bug found you too, huh? Hope you're feeling better by now. Another reader too. I read everything. And when I find an author I like I go back and start with their first books and read all of them. I don't keep my books though. I can't re-read them.

Hi Trish, I love the Oldies music. We used to go see the Platters and Temptation all the time, in concert. That was when most of them were still around. ha!! a group of friends always took a picnic and sat on the grass and listened to the music, had a glass of wine and some food. That was back when I could set down on the grass and still get up. You lost 2 lb. while on vacation? Now that is pretty awsome!

Everyone have a great day, Freda
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Old 11-16-2007, 08:21 AM   #131  
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Good Morning Everyone,

Looks like a nice day here in PA. Sunny & in the 50's. I'm going to get out to the state park & do one of the hilly walks.

My evening with my Little Sister was nice. The restaurant that BB/BS had selected was kind of far from her house so we had good talks on the way up and back.

As of today, I weigh the same as I weighed on 11/1. Frustrating, but I realize that the last 5 pounds are the hardest. That's why I plan to hang out at 150 until the summer. I want to learn how to do maintenance (how many calories and how much exercise I need to maintain) & I want to give my body a break from the stress of dieting. At the rate I'm going, I may need to "hang out" at 153/154 for the next 6 months - whether I want to or not!

Hope we all have a happy and healthy day,

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Old 11-16-2007, 10:16 AM   #132  
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Hi, y'all!! I'm a golden oldie, too!! I had a honeymoon with weightloss right after menopause, and I'm down over 80 lbs. But now, it seems harder. I do WW online, and I love it, but I just hate, hate, hate exercise!

What do you do to movtivate yourself when you'd rather do anything else than exercise??

And when the scale doesn't move, do you measure?? I've never been able to do that accurately. I can measure my waist 5 times and get 5 different numbers!! Isn't it frustrating with the scale should move and it doesn't??

Oh, and Linda! I'm with you on that whole laxative thing. Ever had a colonoscopy?? Total YUK! Why would anybody do that intentionally????

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Old 11-16-2007, 10:39 AM   #133  
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Hey there Craftyone, welcome!

Motivation when I'd rather not? Good question! I have a personal rule that I can skip one day of workouts but not two. It really helps to find exercise that's fun, or at least not miserable. Currently I'm having a love/hate relationship with a treadmill, truly enjoy dancing (might want to try Zumba!) and very much enjoy my resistance work. I did have to come to grips that if I want permanent change, then exercise is permanently a part of my life. Sometimes I impose goofy rules that keep me working out. For the longest time I decided that if there was no workout that day I wouldnt shave my legs that day either. Since I'm long past caring about the fuzz on my legs that's not too motivating. Now my latest trick is postphone putting in the partials until I've at least done my cardio for the day. Nobody at the gym looks at me at 6 in the morning anyway. Pretty soon I'll be past caring about that.

When the scales don't move, and many times they don't, I recheck my food journal, keep up the workouts and shrug it off. It's more encouraging to me to go put on something that used to be too tight, pat myself on the back & keep working. I've pretty much decided that as long as I'm a size ten when this thing is complete, I don't care what I weigh.

Congratulations on dropping eighty pounds! That's amazing! I bet you feel a lot better.

Again, welcome! You've found a wonderful group of ladies, I think they're the best. Looking forward to more of your posts!

Hugs to everyone this morning, Happy Friday!

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Old 11-16-2007, 11:33 AM   #134  
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Thanks, Marylynn, for the warm welcome!! You are at the gym at 6am?? Good on you!!

It's really hard to force myself to do something I don't want to do. I can think of so many things I'd rather do that walk on that treadmill. My son got me this great mp3 player and loaded my ABBA cds on it. I actually enjoy "daincin' on the 'mill" while listening to ABBA - the music is so great for that. And I did hit 3mph a couple of weeks ago, so I'm making progress. But it's just getting on there to begin with.....would that I would.

I do feel better. My motivation has been my grandchildren. I need surgery on my back, but I'm not a good candidate right now. My goal is 160. Even that is too heavy for my height, but my dr says better a weight I can maintain than a lower one that has me going up and down. I don't know. I'll get to 160 and see how I feel about it.

Are you a cat person?? I have 4 that live in the house, and 2 who've adopted my back yard. I was able to capture the female and get her fixed, but the male is wild. I haven't even been able to pet him yet, and he's been coming for around 6 mos now.
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Old 11-16-2007, 12:14 PM   #135  
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I've dropped out of weightwatchers, but I've added the gym and daily tracking of calories through the Slim Fast site. I have found out that I need to change my eating habits quickly to meet my weight loss goals. we go again!!!

Someone asked how we each spend our holidays. I attend Thanksgiving service. I think I’ll bake a Turkey breast, stuffing, yams, greens, and a currently unknown desert. I also plan on reading a good book and resting, if there is such a thing. Now that I’m closer to retirement, I’ve learned to add vacation days after holidays. Senority is a wonderful thing!!!!

I’ll be busy on the holidays. One of my part-time jobs is a church musician. Tis the season! But I love Thanksgiving songs and Christmas carols, so I’ll be in my element! I’ve even managed to add a piano engagement on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. By New Year’s I am ready to hibernate!!!

Dina and Juls. Juls, a belated :bday: to you! I haven’t posted in a few weeks. I’m catching up now.

Freda and Linda D: I also love to read---mainly murder mysteries. I’m currently trying to catch up on James Patterson’s Womens Murder Club mysteries---2 more to go!!!!


LindaD: Glad to hear that your son has secured a new job!

Joanne: My daughter bought a beautiful formal on the internet. It was absolutely gorgeous. Congrats for finding your wedding dress.

To everyone else that I have missed


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