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Old 11-11-2007, 12:34 PM   #91  
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Default Hello to all!!!

It has been so long since I've posted. I lost you all!
Things are about the same with me...struggle, struggle, struggle!
I have been maintaining for a while now, but need to get off a few more pounds. And with the holiday's it will really be struggle, struggle, struggle.. This will be needed!
I haven't taken the time to read many posts, will just start anew.
I will post on the challenge and will be here to give support and I need support also. I have been on the South Beach with some modifications, and it seems to be working for me.
Have a wonderful day everyone and "I will be back" tomorrow (or sooner).
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Old 11-11-2007, 01:31 PM   #92  
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Hi Mickey! and Welcome back! Don't get lost on us again! I was wondering where you went!

Lynn, I hadn't thought of being able to be 150 by the end of the month until you mentioned it! It sure sounds like it should be doable for the both of us--- Maybe a little willpower dust will help us meet that!

meowee, I hope that they got the fleas under control for you. Even though I haven't seen a lot, I know they are driving both Ginger and Sissy crazy! I ordered the Frontline Plus from Ryans and I thought that it would be here before now but it looks like it will be here tomorrow. I probably should have paid the few extra $$ and just bought it from the vet! With the postage now I'll bet I didn't even save that much!

Well, Just wanted to pop in for a minute--- I'm trying to get a little more organized this morning and see if I can think about packing anymore away without having to need it later. We got about 45 moving boxes yesterday off the craiglist that they were giving away for free so that is going to help a lot!

Have a good day!
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Old 11-11-2007, 02:49 PM   #93  
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Morning everyone.. we had a little snow last night so its very christmas'y outside..i have chix soup simmering on the stove.. my dd has had the flu and she wanted"moms" "Daisy" was playing this am with one of her toys.. a little stuffed purple mouse and she had it by the tail and was flipping it around so i tried to get the perfect photo and she wasnt co-operating..but got a few cute pics anyways( she is jack russel,pomeranian, and sh* zoo)and 7 months old vey zippy and full of it..i had to go to a memorial yesterday and i have to say it was the stangest one ive ever been at.. it was at a pizza resturant.. we made our condolences and left..congrats to all who are loosing and hope u all ahd agreat weekend (()) rosey
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Old 11-11-2007, 03:33 PM   #94  
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Rosey, Daisy is so cute! I am always trying to catch the girls when they play and are being so cute but just like kids, they usually don't cooperate! I told my husband that I need to wear the camera around my neck all the time! We are supposed to get snow overnight tonight and in to tomorrow. That figures since we have an appointment that we have to be at in Colorado Springs tomorrow afternoon. Hope it doesn't get too bad but they are saying already that traffic will be slow and right now we have 55 degrees and beautiful blue skies! Oh well..... that is Colorado.
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Old 11-11-2007, 04:41 PM   #95  
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Welcome back MICKEY . . . glad you finally found us . . . stick around, Chickie . . . our togetherness makes the struggles more tolerable.

Wow KAREN, I hope you get that delivery tomorrow . . . poor itchy puppies.

She is absolutely adorable ROSEY . . . you can just get lost in those eyes.

Gee PHYLLIS, wish I could borrow some of your weather right about now, although it is still just raining here . . . but sideways.

Hi ALI . . .

Well . . . getting on to dinner time around here . . . See you all later . . .
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Old 11-11-2007, 08:10 PM   #96  
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Glad to see my Golden Girlies again! Had an absolutely wonderful, awesome time with my darling son & his potentially quite significant other (maybe....if the darling creature learns how to cook and wipe off a counter, you know?) She is, of course, quite pretty, and a size three or some such, and I suppose that goes a long way with guys, but I MEAN...
Okay. Yup. Oh, I had a wonderful time! I really, really did! We drove all up through Beverly Hills and all the canyons - Topanga and a thousand other ones whose names escape me - and it surely is beautiful country; aloe vera plants as high as the street signs (I took a pic of one and will have DH scan it in sometime over the next few days or a week) and gorgeous tropical plants growing wild everywhere - omigosh, LindaD, I can see why people get out there and never come back east again. We did the shopping on Rodeo Drive, spent an afternoon at Venice Beach, did the Santa Monica Pier & promenade, drove way up the Pacific Coast Highway through and beyond Malibu, did some rock-climbing and hiking through some absolutely breathtaking landscapes...and spent some time just talking and being together, which was really quite wonderful for me, because when my DS is home for the holidays, or in June for his birthday week, the rest of my kids are always there as well, so there's really no time for he and I to just talk in depth, which this gave us an opportunity to do, and d'you know what? He's not only a terrific son, he's a really good and decent man, as well, which is a really fabulous thing for a mother to discover, yes?
Anyway, I'm still jet-lagged...flew the red-eye into New Jersey, had a two hour layover there at 6:00 in the AM (ugh), then flew into Providence, R.I. and drove myself an hour and fifteen or twenty minutes home from there. Had a really good night's sleep last night, and am looking forward to having another one tonight before I head back to work tomorrow morning (double-ugh!)
Have read the posts that I missed, see that we have some new golden girls (welcome, welcome!) and will write some more tomorrow after I catch my breath, some.
Enjoy your stay on Key West, Phyl....remember...PICTURES!!!
Lyn, you amaze me! Helping build a Habitat house! You are a real hero, my dear!
I don't think I gained any weight - I ate a LOT of fresh fruit, lots of veggies, and hardly any sweets or anything too heavy. And, my jeans are still bagging around the waist, so I'm cautiously optimistic that I didn't set myself back, any. I'm going to try for five pounds by Thanksgiving. Okay, maybe two.

I'm attaching a few and the son, me and the son's GF, and me on the Santa Monica promenade with the dinosaurs. A dinosaur among the dinosaurs, you might say.

Love to ALL my GG's....will speak to all personally tomorrow. (I apologize for my laziness tonight)


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Old 11-12-2007, 08:22 AM   #97  
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Good morning everyone,

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend.

Have a dentist appt. later this morning for my 6 month checkup. He has either replaced my silver fillings or put crowns on the ones he couldn't replace. I'm hoping I'm finally done with all that because I don't have anymore silver fillings left.

It's getting warmer again. It wasn't as cold on my walk this morning as it has been. My foot is still bothering me, but it's not as bad as it was. It's worse when I get out of bed in the morning, but by the end of my walk I can walk on it pretty well

Lyn, that's wonderful of you to help with building a house with Habitat for Humanity. That must've been a very rewarding experience for you.

Phyllis, YES!!! I love this weather. It's been in the 70's in our corner of FL. The a/c is finally turned off and I'm able to open up the windows and the door to the lanai. One morning it was 47° which was pretty chilly. One morning DH & I went out for breakfast and I had on jeans and a light jacket. Have a safe trip to Key West and have a wonderful time. Key West is one of my favorite places. On our 25th anniversary, DH & I stayed at 0 Duvall St.

Rosey, Daisy is so adorable!! Her eyes are so trusting. I wish you a lot of fun years with her.

Welcome back Mickey. I am looking forward to getting to know you.

Zoe, glad you're back and that you had a wonderful visit with your DS. I like your pictures. All of you look fantastic. That's good you used the Providence airport rather than Boston. Logan can be hairy. Before my FIL retired he used to occasionally fly out on business. He always flew out of Providence. As a matter of fact they don't live very far from you.

Hi meowee!

Hi to all the GOLDEN GIRLS I missed.

Enjoy your day!
BFN, Ali
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Old 11-12-2007, 08:47 AM   #98  
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Morning Gang . . .

Don't you kid yourself ZOE . . . you look great in those pictures and can definitely hold your own when stacked up beside any size 3 out there . . . you.

Have fun at the dentist ALI . . . and send some of your weather my way, please.

We have a little 'white dust' on the ground this morning . . . but I fear there may be more to come. Halifax (two hours away) got 8 inches of this 'white dust' yesterday. There's a mountain between here and there and often the weather is very different on one side of it compared to the other. Looks like the north-eastern half of the Province got lucky, so far. Hope it continues that way.

Nothing too exciting in my plans. Guess I'd better practice what I preach and make an appointment to get my snow tires on. I keep putting it off because I'm hoping some strapping young man will happen by to help me load them in the car . . . I have 16 inch wheels and four snows pre mounted on rims . . . those suckers are heavy.

Hve a great day everybody . . . see you all later . . .
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Old 11-12-2007, 09:24 AM   #99  
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A quick Hello.....we are leaving bright and early tomorrow for the Keys and I have about a million things to do toady...haven't even packed yet.

So glad you had a great trip Zoe with your son. And you look very very good in the photos......very slim next to that size 3. I'm happy that the visit was all that you wanted it to be.

Linda be careful in that snow and putting those tires on find some help.

Ali, the Keys are about my second favorite place to vacation. We go down at least once every year. I will miss that trip if we ever move, we would live down there if homes weren't sooooooo expensive.

Rosey, sounds beautiful with the light snow. My adult children still want the comfort foods I fixed them when their ill also. My sons wife called me when they first married for how I fixed his favorite eggs.

Mickey, welcome back and please continue posting.

Be back in touch this week-end......y'all have a good week.

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Old 11-12-2007, 02:59 PM   #100  
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I had a good weekend and hope you did too. The sun is out today and it's beautiful. I'm at work and don't have anything to do so I brought a book to read. I get to leave early so it's not too bad.

I rented some audio books at the library and started listening to them while I walk on my treadmill. I love to read and get so engrossed that time passes before I realize it. So, I thought I'd give it a try and before I knew it 45 minutes was up and I got to enjoy part of a beautiful story.

Phyllis: Have fun in Key West.

Juls: So glad to meet you. I hear Australia is a beautiful country. I'd love to visit sometime. The big 50 is now the new 30. We are living longer and looking better than people did long ago. I'm glad you found 'the one' and I hope you have a wonderful life with your DH. Happy Birthday!!!

Cat: Have a good time in Baton Rouge. My sister, her husband, and my niece live in Hammond and when I visit them I love to drive to different towns and take pictures. Baton Rouge is a lovely town. I'm so glad your daughter got an 'extra' job. I'm sure she will have a lot of fun. My best friend lives and works in Los Angeles and rubs shoulders with people in the movie industry. She's been trying to get me to work as an 'extra' when I get layed off from my job but I don't particularly want to drive 1-1/2 hours to LA and fight the traffic. It might be fun a time or two for the experience but when I find a full time job it wouldn't be possible.

Lyn: Don't you just love Habitat? I'm touched that you are so giving to offer your talents and time to Habitat. My office worked a job for Habitat and it was such a wonderful experience. Unfortunately, I got a hard job....digging ditches for the drain lines in the back yard. It was tough work but so fulfilling especially when I got to meet the family.

Karen: 3 pound loss! Whooopppeeee!

Mickey: Welcome back! Stick with us even when you go off program. We are here to help and we need your help too. Hang in there. You can do it!

Rosey: Mmmmmm homemade chicken soup and snow outside. Give me a fire and a good book and I'd be in heaven. Ohhhh, Daisy is so cute! What big eyes she has. I've never heard of a memorial in a pizza restaurant. I would have been so hungry. Well, different strokes for different folks. I guess it's not the place but the people that count.

Zoe: I'm so happy you enjoyed your trip to my neck of the woods and that you got to spend quality time with your son. Just so you son tells me this.......girls in California are itty bitty in size and don't really have the homemaking skills you would find back east. They aren't taught the same way we were as when we grew up. It frustrates my son so much and he says he isn't getting married till he's in his 40's because he hopes by then the girls around here have learned some homemaking skills. Don't you just love driving down Pacific Coast Highway and seeing all the beautiful vegetation. Rodeo Drive is a kick. Did you see any stars while you were there? There is a lot to do and see in CA and I'm so thankful I can live in such a lovely area. You'll have to come back again soon and maybe next time you will have some time so we can meet. Great pictures, you gorgeous woman, you. You're very photogenic and your son is very handsome. Glad you're back.

Hello to all the GG's I missed. Have a nice day.

Last edited by LindaD; 11-12-2007 at 06:53 PM.
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Old 11-13-2007, 06:52 AM   #101  
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Good Morning Everyone,

It's cold and rainy here in PA today. I guess it's time to complete the process of putting away my summer clothes and taking out my winter clothes. I've been in the middle of this process (winter clothes out of the shed into the spare room - summer clothes still in my closet/drawers) for over a month. I think that 70+ days are gone for another year.

Today, I'm going to the gym, going food shopping, and making a new recipe to take with me to scrapping tomorrow. This evening, I'm picking up my Little Sister (very QUICKLY growing up into a young woman) and taking her to a Big Sisters/Big Brothers dinner event. With any luck, there will be something I can eat.

Not sure if I told you, but my Little Sister (now 14) has a 17-year-old boyfriend. I am NOT happy about this. Tonight I'm going to try to talk with her about this situation.

My friend was supposed to get out of the hospital last night - hope that went as planned. Yesterday they did a cardio-catherization (she thinks they did it bc of her weight). Everything was fine.

I'm continuing my genealogical research - I've found quite a few ancestors who were in the Am Rev and one family who were original settlers in Mass in 1630.

I can do great with the ones who've been in the USA for many generations. It's the ones from Europe who are eluding me.

I hope we all have a Happy and Healthy day,

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Old 11-13-2007, 08:17 AM   #102  
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Good Morning . . .

Happy to say the wind has finally died down and we still hve nothing to shovel here in Pictou County . . . the rest of Atlantic Canada has definitely not been this lucky. Thanks "Ma Nature"; you can keep this up for a long long time if you like . . .

My e:mail in-box yielded a few really good articles this morning that I thought were definitely worth sharing.

First of all, here's one on helping yourself survive the "sniffle season" . . .

The next one is also about colds and flu, and explains the difference between the three main types of flu . . . . . . it also contains a great little chart for identifying whether it's a cold or the true influenza virus that has gotten into you . . .

And, just for a change of pace, here's a nice little gem containing some tips on treating those aches and pains that sometimes come from over-exertion (especially true for those of us that just ain't that young anymore . . .

Hope you all have a great, great day on the go . . . see you later . . .
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Old 11-13-2007, 09:18 AM   #103  
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Good Morning all, It's a lovely, brisk day here. The green grass was topped with an icing of white this morning. Just frost, but the other white stuff is on it's way. I just got home from taking my grandson to school. This is the first day i've worn a coat, before it was just a heavy sweatshirt.

Marylynn, Yes, I think a lot of nurses end up with back problems. Especially in my department. I work rehab and I'm lifting patients all day. I'm not at the point that I want surgery yet. I know I would have to quit my job if I did, but I think it's about to the point that I have to do something drastic. I start rehab therapy this week. Cross your fingers for me!

Lynn, I'm happy to hear that your friend came through the surgery ok and is home now. Isn't it a shame that someone that is always ready to help can't get any help herself when she needs it? I hope you can talk some sense into your "little sister". A 17 year old boyfriends is WAY too old for her.

Mickey, First time i've seen you post. I'm new, so I'm looking forward to getting to know you.

Karen, 150 by the end of the month??? WOO HOOO!!! Did you get the snow you were expecting?

Rosey, Another person with snow on the ground! How does Daisy feel about that? She is adorable.

Zoe, Great pictures. And you look great! As for the girl friends being domestic, my DIL couldn't boil water when she married my son. Girls tend to want to concentrate more on their careers now. It's a good thing my son knew how to cook, clean, iron...when he got married. I made sure that he was able to take care of himself. She has since learned and is a wonderful mother, so it works out.

Aleka, Hope the dental appointment went well. Who do I hate most, dentists or doctors? Have to think about that for along time! Good to hear that your foot is feeling better.

Linda, Snow for you too? Seems that stuff is on it's way. I guess it's that time of the year though. I don't mind it, think it's lovely, hate to drive in it.

Linda d, What kinds of books do you read? I read everything, but mostly mysteries. I love the books on tape. I have one in the car all the time and listen to them in my CD player too, for when I walk outside. Right now i'm listening to "Merciless" by Richard Montanari. Pretty good.

Lynard, Sorry, I don't know your name. I think it would be wonderful to get an oportunity to work to Habitat for Humanity. What a blessed feeling to be able to help someone have a home. Go for that 150 girl!!! Rooting for you!!

Everyone have a blessed day, Freda
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Old 11-13-2007, 11:05 AM   #104  
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Hmmmm. Things are a tad quiet here in the Golden Girl’s hang out. I’m wondering if some of you are feeling a slight drop in motivation, what with the onset of cold weather and the holidays rapidly approaching? Oh, I KNOW some of us are still working hard to shed those pounds, and I’m SO proud of you…..but, at least speaking for myself, I know I haven’t been as gung-ho as I started out being. And, I’m not too happy about it, trust me. I know how easy it is for those pounds we’ve lost to creep right back on when we drop our vigilance. Of late, I’ve heard myself saying to people, “Well, I have eighteen pounds left to lose, and I really don’t care if it takes me a YEAR to drop them….” And, as soon as I hear myself saying it, I KNOW that it leads to “I’ll REALLY get started again NEXT month….or the month after that….or later, but not right now.” And that, of course, is precisely how I GAINED all that weight in the first place! So I NEED to find some motivation somewhere and get myself back on the fast track. Any suggestions would be gratefully received. I haven’t been eating outrageously, by any means, and high fiber, low fat actually seems to have become a regular eating style, as I’m far less attracted to all the rich pastries and dessert kinds of things that I used to wolf down at every possible opportunity, but I’m still not doing the weighing and measuring that it seems to take to actually maintain a consistent weight loss.
I’m settling back into my regular routine again. Not fun. Traffic getting in to work today was an abomination. I left my house at 7:15 and got into my office at 9:30. It was raining, which causes some drivers to panic around here – some, as a result, drive 45 – 50 mph on a highway which has a speed limit of 65, and others seem to think they can drive BETWEEN the raindrops by racing along at 85 – 90. There is no such thing as a “happy medium” on the Mass Pike. You’re either stuck behind somebody who’s scared to death, gripping the steering wheel with white-knuckled fists, or you’re dodging the lunatics who are weaving in and out of traffic at ridiculously high speeds.
LindaD, I love to read, too! Always have. I love anything by Ann(e) Rivers Siddons, Marge Piercy, Margaret Atwood, John Lescroat….oh, loads of others, but can’t think of them at the moment. I love your descriptions, sometimes, of those weekends when you’ve purposely not planned anything except relaxing, reading, and enjoying your time to yourself. Next time I get out to the left coast, I should think we ought definitely to have lunch – or something – together. Interestingly, my son’s GF is from Massachusetts! She & he were each other’s first little romances when they were maybe 13 & 14 years old. They broke up, she went out to Cali to school, he stayed in Massachusetts, had innumerable girlfriends through high school and college, and then went out to L.A. to work on a master’s degree (which somehow fell by the wayside), met up with her again, and Vavoom! They’ve been back together ever since. This young lady can’t blame her lack of domesticity on west coast standards! But, I hear what you’re saying, too, Freda. I know I didn’t know how to boil water when I got married either. I guess the difference is that I didn’t LIVE with my ex before we got married, either. Once I married him and had my own house, I learned all that domestic stuff pretty quickly, and I dare to say I turned out to be a pretty decent mother, as well. I wanted my son to be able to do for himself, too – made sure he could cook for himself, do laundry, knew how to pick up behind himself, etc. I wanted him NOT to have to get married just to have someone to pick up where I left off. My plan wasn’t for him to take care of himself AND the girlfriend as well. Ahhhh, well, you know what they say about “the best laid plans of mice and men…”.
Lynn, what is the family name in Massachusetts? The one from the 1630’s, I mean? My dad’s family came to Massachusetts a few years after the Mayflower, and then bought up land in Little Compton and Sakonnet (Newport County) Rhode Island. There were a lot of intermarriages between those first families. Wouldn't it be a kick if we were related way back when?
Oh, Phyl….you must be driving along through the Keys right about now. It must be beautiful! Well, I’m thinking about you, and hoping you’re having a great time!
Thanks for the compliments, Meowee-Linda…..nice, isn’t it, the way that size 3 is positioned slightly in front of me so that she shaves off a few of MY inches???? (At MY age, you learn how to work WITH the camera …. I’m glad your weather is staying on the mild side thus far. Coming back to 40 degrees after 70 degree days was a real culture shock, and one that I could’ve done without. I was going to get my winter clothes out of the cleaners when I got home on Saturday, but was just too bushed. I’m putting together “transitional” outfits this week, and will get the winter stuff out (kicking & screaming) this weekend.
Hi Ali – yup, we always fly out of PVD now, and if not PVD, then Bradley in CT. Getting to & from Logan, especially since the Big Dig mess and the increased tolls is a pain in the neck as well as the wallet. Plus, long term parking, if you need it, is WAY more than at PVD. I shouldn’t get started on the Big Dig, tho. Just one more example of how our tax (and toll) monies are abused and misused by the powers that be. AND, to add insult to injury, the tolls are increasing in January for MY side of the ‘pike! Not only do we drive in bumper-to-bumper traffic over poorly-planned highways, but we pay through the nose to do it! NOBODY should stay in Massachusetts! Maybe if everybody moved out, the politicians would wake up, eh?
Rosey, your little puppy is adorable! Daisy is our big fluffy gray cat’s name, too! I think “Daisy’s” have nice, pleasant personalities, which is more than I can say of our BLACK KHAT, Yoko, who is a snooty little monster.
Congrats on pounds lost, Karen! You’re doing great! Especially with all the stress of trying to sell the house and all. I swear I would have eaten my way up to some serious tubbiness if I was dealing with that! You are a strong woman, my dear.
Still keeping busy, I see, MaryLynn…just reading about all that exercise has me feeling dragged out and exhausted! I don’t allow DH in my kitchen to cook, period. He cleans up just fine (cleans up every night after dinner, in fact: I cook, he cleans up) BUT he cannot cook, and that’s the truth. A yummy pasta meal? Hah! His idea of cooking a yummy pasta meal would be Campbell’s tomato soup over elbow macaroni…and THEN he’d wonder why it didn’t taste like mine! So, you’re actually a tad ahead of the game, wouldn’t you say? I mean, yours cooks EDIBLE stuff, at least?
Lyn, I wish I had your stamina. I think that it’s admirable – your charity work, and all the other things you fit into your lives. I feel downright lazy and complacent in comparison. I had a good giggle for myself, thinking about your DH performing with a “dead parrot” on his shoulder. Shades of Monty Python or what?
Love to the Spa Girls, and mucho hugs to all you Golden Girlies, wherever you may be!

(Oh, I know it's not Easter, but I really LOVE this little bunny)
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Old 11-13-2007, 12:00 PM   #105  
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Hey ZOE . . . instead of the "I don't care if it takes me another year to lose that 18 pounds" line . . . try telling yourself (and everybody else) that "I'm practicing maintenance right now while I decide how much more I'd like to lose". A slightly different midset can make a world of difference sometimes . . . yes, indeed.

Guess I bragged about our weather too soon -- it is SNOWING WILDLY out there right now and it is sticking, too.
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