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Old 11-09-2007, 02:16 PM   #76  
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Happy Friday & Hello Yall!

First, Welcome Jules & Dina! These ladies are wonderful, looking forward to more of your posts so we can get to know you too.

Freda, I'm a nurse as well & starting to wonder... do ALL nurses in this age group have issues with their backs? I had my surgery ten years ago & the back is the first thing to tell me that I weigh too much. Between keeping the BP down & the back pain at bay, I'm motivated. Interesting how we shift from wanting to wear the little black number (yeah I'd love to get into it anyway) to wanting to be healthy & avoid chronic problems.

LindaD! Yay for your son finding a position so quickly! Networking has worked for us in the past & we still heavily rely on it to get where we're headed. I collect cookbooks as well but not really for the recipes. Just as you described, you can see a slice of another life in those things. A couple that had me rolling out of my chair laughing was the Big A.. Cookbook for the Sweet Potato Queens by Jill Conner Brown & White Trash Cookin'. If I actually ate the stuff I'd probably be in serious trouble with a cardiologist but love the stories.

Seem to be in a rhythm here. Get out of bed & go to the gym w/ DH (yes he's still here, another story) & see how fast I can tackle 3.25 miles then back to the gym in the evening for Jillian's Torture Hour . Lately not losing weight but looking like some inches are coming off. Pretty much have decided that if I weigh 300 but can fit into a size ten, no complaints here. Zumba is a couple of times a week & have to add two more classes to keep DD happy. We're starting a boot camp month at the local Y that includes four fitness classes per week on top of our current workouts. The plan is to ramp up the activity during the holidays. Good thing it's temporary, we're progressing to insane.

Karen congratulations on that three pounds!!! You're so disiplined & that's fantastic! Your mailbox sounds like it's in the next county & you actually walked the girls further than I take the boys. We have a couple of half mile hikes that I've been taking them on & it really does seem to mellow them out for at least an hour or so. Today was bathe the dogs day, subsequently it's progressed to wash all of my towels day. Now I need to fortify myself for 'bathe the thirty pound cat day' which could result in 'call the plumber to fix the drains day' What fun. Good luck with the apple pie. In retrospect I should have put the duct tape over my mouth when I was doing all of that baking last week. We live & learn.

Husband seems to think he'll get an offer on Monday afternoon. For his sake, I sure hope so. I'd hate to actually express myself to him when he's suddenly decided to be Chef in the kitchen with produce flying everywhere while he's reorganizing my cabinets. After he cooked (a really good pasta meal) the kitchen was a disaster zone, including the cabinets & ceiling. (a few times he's run the blender without the lid on it.... imagine that) I suggested he go find a girlfriend to fill his spare time & he didn't comply. Sweet guy but he's making me nuts.

Gayle! Hi! Work paper? What work paper? huh?

Gotta go, more laundry & the babe alert is about to sound again. Hugs to everyone & if I didn't mention you, still thinking about you too!

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Old 11-09-2007, 09:10 PM   #77  
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Thanks for all the lovely welcomes ladies, well I,m off to Sydney and I,ll catch up and tell you all the gory details of my 50th LOL Yeah Phylis our weather in the country is crazy we get all 4 seasons in 1 day sometimes I,ll talk to you all when I get back I,m going to sit down and read heaps of post so I can get to know each of you a bit better this sounds like a nice place to be.

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Old 11-09-2007, 11:09 PM   #78  
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Hello everybody, Well, I ended up having a sliver of a piece of the apple pie with 2 TBS. of Frozen vanilla yogurt on it! I just had to have a bit!! But told Tim that he gets the rest of it now!! If I'm feeling hungry for something sweet now I'll have some sugar free/fat free pudding or something else.

Well, I hope you all had a good evening and I'll catch you all tomorrow.
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Old 11-10-2007, 08:25 AM   #79  
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Default Happy Birthday Juls!!

Happy Fiftieth Birthday Juls! Have a wonderful day!
Now you can really start having fun without worrying what other people think of you, they'll blame your age. It's priceless!

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Old 11-10-2007, 08:42 AM   #80  
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Jules and Dina. Glad to meet you both and I'll be looking forward to getting to know the both of you.

HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY JULES! You're going to love being in your 50's. Hope you have a fabulous day!

A big HELLO to the rest of the GOLDEN GIRLS!

Hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend.
BFN, Ali
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Old 11-10-2007, 09:43 AM   #81  
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Congrats Karen.....3 lbs.....way to go!

Happy Birthday Jules.....enjoy your day!

We ate out last night and I have no idea the calories, but it I believe it was the 2 glasses of wine that put me over the top!!!

Linda, your kitten sounds sooooo cute. Back in my college days I had a cat named Mouse! Yep, the new kittens seem to want to terrorize the older ones, one of them will put him in his place more than likely. But you never know he might end up being the

Everyone have a great week-end. I'll be walking a mile later to work off last nights splurge.


Last edited by floridarusty; 11-10-2007 at 09:44 AM.
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Old 11-10-2007, 10:18 AM   #82  
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Good Morning Everyone,

My df - gym partner - is in the hospital having emergency gallstone surgery. Her family are more "takers" than "givers" and she has no visitors. I was there this morning before the surgery & will go back this evening when she gets back to her room - I asked her room-mate to call me when she gets back.

Hope we all have a Happy and Healthy day,

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Old 11-10-2007, 11:16 AM   #83  
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Good Morning all you wonderful ones . . .

Boy did I sleep in this morning . . . didn't get up until after eight. Luckily nothing too much on my agenda for the day other than a little shopping.

Blizzard seems to have made peace with the other two males. He is still chasing Purrecious who has gone into hiding. Frick and Frack (the remaining Bengal kittens) are giving him a very wide berth and looking at him fearfully. He just tends to ignore them. Oh well, I imagine all this will pass fairly soon. I've included a couple of pictures.

Anyway . . . it's afternoon already so I'd better get myself moving . . . See you later, gang . . .
Attached Images
File Type: jpg blizzard1.jpg (19.1 KB, 8 views)
File Type: jpg blizzard2.jpg (26.8 KB, 10 views)
File Type: jpg Mouse & Blizzard.jpg (33.3 KB, 8 views)
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Old 11-10-2007, 06:37 PM   #84  
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Hi all,

I was out building houses yesterday - for Habitat for Humanity. I went with a group of 9 other J&J employees. I ended up with a pretty easy job of sanding dry wall and then painting 2 bedrooms. Met the future owner of the house a young single mom. She has to put in at least 250 hours of work on her house as well. I hadf a great time and met an interesting 24 year ol recent college graduate who is doing an internship at J&J. We were the only 2 females! Yikes! Gald we didn't end up pouring concrete.

My DD is here for the weekend from NC. We're about to go and see my DH in a production of Pirates of Penzance. He is a pirate and has been singing the music all over the house for 1 month now. We just had dinner where all four of us (2 DDs and DH) were at the table - haven't had that since last Xmas.

Wecome to the 2 newest Goldens. Sorry I haven't had time to post too much lately. Meowie, Blizzard looks bigger than a kitten. He's cute.

Karen - congrats on the 3# loss.

LindaD- glad your DS found a job!

Happy Birthday Jules! (and welcome)
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Old 11-10-2007, 09:05 PM   #85  
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Happy Birthday Juls!!! Hope you had a Wonderful day!

Lyn -- Enjoy your visit with your DD! Sounds like you had fun building the house for habitat! I'll bet that is so rewarding!

Meowee-- Blizzard has some really nice markings on him. I'll bet they all settle down and start getting along just fine. How is the flea situation? I'm still fighting them somewhat here.. still find one or two on both girls but have some Frontline Plus on the way!! I tried to use the Hartz stuff but it jsut wasn't going to work--- and I also found out that if you have cats that the Hartz flea stuff can kill them! Just a heads up for everybody out there. That is what my vet told me. Pretty scary stuff!

Lynn, I hope your friend feels better real soon--- will keep her in our prayers

Well, I just wanted to pop in for a few minutes tonight.. Thanks everyone for the congrats on the 3 pounds lost--- i just hope I don't find them again!!!

Have a good night!
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Old 11-11-2007, 07:53 AM   #86  
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Good Morning Everyone,

It's another chilly day here in PA. My df is recovering from her surgery. The surgery was yesterday & they're sending her home today.

It's been a challenge for me to get up to 1200 calories/day. Friday night I had 300 more calories to go - made a pumpkin bread from one of the Splenda books - and ate 2 pieces!

I'm off for a walk on the canal with my friend.

Have a nice rest of your weekend,

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Old 11-11-2007, 07:54 AM   #87  
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Originally Posted by Karen31 View Post
Happy Birthday Juls!!! Hope you had a Wonderful day!

Lyn -- Enjoy your visit with your DD! Sounds like you had fun building the house for habitat! I'll bet that is so rewarding!

Meowee-- Blizzard has some really nice markings on him. I'll bet they all settle down and start getting along just fine. How is the flea situation? I'm still fighting them somewhat here.. still find one or two on both girls but have some Frontline Plus on the way!! I tried to use the Hartz stuff but it jsut wasn't going to work--- and I also found out that if you have cats that the Hartz flea stuff can kill them! Just a heads up for everybody out there. That is what my vet told me. Pretty scary stuff!

Lynn, I hope your friend feels better real soon--- will keep her in our prayers

Well, I just wanted to pop in for a few minutes tonight.. Thanks everyone for the congrats on the 3 pounds lost--- i just hope I don't find them again!!!

Have a good night!
Hi Karen,

I just realized I finally caught up to you weight-wise. Think there's any chance we'll be at 150 by the end of the month?

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Old 11-11-2007, 08:43 AM   #88  
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Good Morning Golden Girls . . .

The weather is very ugly today -- worse than last Sunday's brush with Hurricane Noel -- it's been raining since late afternoon yesterday and it's very windy and it's cold -- the worst part is that the great and glorious prediction is for up to six inches of heavy, wet, SNOW. Personally, I think it will probably stay mostly rain but I have been wrong before. Very unfortunate, because it will certainly put a crimp in church attendance today and every denomination has something special planned because of Remembrance Day.

I'm going to be sticking pretty close to home today anyway . . . maybe I'll get some sewing done. The menagerie is still being silly. Mostly the fault of the females who are still being very fearful and therefore lots of hissing and growling aimed toward Blizzard. He seems to have made his peace with the other two males.

LYN . . . Blizzard is about 10 to 12 months old and, although he is only about 7.5 pounds, guess he qualifies for adulthood. He goes for his 'oppy' on Wednesday -- maybe the girls will feel better about him once he doesn't smell quite so 'male'.

KAREN . . . Haven't seen any more fleas (and they do have trouble hiding on a white cat ); but he is still scratching more than I like. Time will tell.

LYNN and KAREN . . . You are both doing sooooo very well . . . Have I told you lately how jealous I am. . . . Just kidding (well sort of) . . . I am really very happy for you both.

Well, guess I'd better get myself moving and shaking. Have a great day everybody . . .
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Old 11-11-2007, 08:54 AM   #89  
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Good morning
Karen, congratulations on your 3 lb. loss!! I missed the post where you mentioned it.

Linda-meowee, loved the photo of Blizzard, he's a handsome cat (he'd probably be offended if I said he was pretty or beautiful)

Hope all of you have a good day.

BFN, Ali

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Old 11-11-2007, 09:28 AM   #90  
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Good morning on this beautiful Sunday morning....

Ali, aren't you loving this Florida weather. I actually had to put on LONG pants last night! We are heading to Key West Tuesday and it is suppose to warm up to 82....should be about perfect down there with no rain.

Lynn, your friend is very fortunate to have you and I am glad she is doing well. Hope you make 150. I seem to be stuck again and not going to worry about it much until we return from the Keys.....I'll eat a lot of fish!

Linda, love the new cat.....cats are strange, some of yours just might not like him ever but glad the males have accepted him. I love his name, hope you don't really get one!

Lyn, how wonderful you helped build a have much more energy than I do for sure. Our church just helped build one not very long ago. So you dh is a fun, let us know how the play goes.

Karen, you really did well with the pie. I just hardly ever bake anymore with my dh being diabetic. I don't hardly ever want anything sweet anymore since I went to the hypnotist.

I believe that we have come to terms that we will probably not be moving to Ohio for maybe another year. The market is just dead down here but that is OK we love it here and now that we have no more animals we are free to stay on longer visits up north and that will help. (I'd still rather have the animals)

Hope y'all have a nice day....Phyllis
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