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Old 11-08-2007, 12:53 PM   #61  
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Hi everyone. Another busy week for me - I am doing my best to eat right but it seems at least once a day I have a small slip. I guess that is better that slipping all day long. I did my class yesterday and sure hope I can keep going regularly.

I found a dress online (believe it or not) that I would dearly love for my wedding. Trouble is they won't ship to Canada - that horrid foreign country LOL. At least I can call them and use my visa and have it shipped to my fiance's aunt in Oregon -- they come up a couple of times a year and she was more than thrilled to bring it up. I am going to order a size 16 and I have access to a marvelous seamstress if I am lucky enough to be a smaller size then. I know my goal was to shop in a normal size store but when I see something I LOVE I want to at least try and then modify if needed.

Sorry I just don't have time to do a catch up. I hope all is well with everyone - we are heading to winter and its time to be safe and healthy.
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Old 11-08-2007, 01:17 PM   #62  
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Good Morning:

I'm thrilled son found a job and begins work on Dec 1. The title company he did work for downsized because of the mortgage industry crash and they kept him as long as they could before they closed his office. He wanted to take a couple months off before he looked for another job. He's been off for 5 weeks now.

His friend works for a computer company and my son has helped him out many times when his work load was heavy. So, his friend recommended him for a position and he went for the interview on Tuesday and was hired on the spot. Yeah!!! I'm so glad because my company is closing on Dec 28 and I really didn't want both of us out of a job at the same time. Thank God for friends.

Rosey: Brrrrrr......sounds cold. Yesterday morning I was complaining about being cold because it was in the upper sixties until about 10 am and then it warmed up to the upper 70's. I'm such a baby when it comes to being cold. I guess it has to do with my thyroid problem. So sorry about your mother. It's always scarry when our parents get ill. I hope everything works out for her.

You asked how I spend the holidays:
Since all my family live in the south or northeast and only have my son living in CA with me, I usually cook a small Thanksgiving dinner and afterwards we go to the movies. On Christmas we open gifts and go out to eat then my son visits friends and I either visit a friend or stay home and watch Christmas movies and relax.

I grew up in West Virginia with 10 brothers and sisters and also have lots of nieces, nephews, (about 40 now) and cousins. My father was a pastor and a lot of people from the congregation whould show up for holidays along with family and it pretty much looked like a small army in our home. My mother would bake pies, etc the day before the holiday and get up very early to get the turkey in the oven. We went to church, ate, played board games and my sister would play the piano, one brother on the steel guitar, one on a guitar, and another on the banjo and everyone would sing. It was like having a revolving door on our house during holiday time. It was a lot of fun and I miss those times but the memories still warm my heart.

Freda: I actually visit three libaries because they have different books at the used book stores. Some I read and return and others I keep. I collect cookbooks too. I don't cook much anymore since I live with my son and he is always gone. But I have cookbooks beginning from the 1800's and even have receipe boxes with the handwritten receipes which I pick up at antique stores. I love the handwritten receipes and the personal notes that are included in the boxes. I have some cookbooks from the 1800's which have handwritten soap receipes, cake receipes, etc. The old cookbooks are very interesting to read because some say to take the dough to the cellar to let it rise till morning. It's almost like a story. Also it says to use a teacup, etc to measure instead of our typical kitchen utensils we use today. Another one I have has handwritten instructions to knit a baby blanket and potporri receipes. One of the cookbooks was written by a Women's Society out of New York and throughout the book there are advertisements for different stores in New York. I remember one advertisement says that if you purchase at least $200 worth of furniture there is free shipping via train. It's a lot of fun and kind of like taking a peek into someones life who lived such a long time ago.

It seems like there are some people missing around here. I know Zoe is here in CA but is the rest of the gang gone too? I used to have to read a couple pages of postings each day to keep up and now I only read one page.

To everyone I missed, I'll talk to you next time.

Have a nice day.

Last edited by LindaD; 11-08-2007 at 01:28 PM.
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Old 11-08-2007, 01:23 PM   #63  
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Hello all

Just popping in to say hi. Having a day off. A little bit chilly here. I was looking forward to cooler weather to be able to get out and enjoy the out of doors, but it seems like it went right from too hot to do stuff outside to too chilly. Oh well.

I worked on designing my work paper (had a hand written one, but wanted a typed one). Got that done ~ cutting and pasting (the old fashioned kind) ~ I'm good at that ~ cutting, pasting, coloring. I could be a good kid ~ LOL.

Guess I'd better get off here and get some more stuff done.

Take care all
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Old 11-08-2007, 01:38 PM   #64  
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Hi everyone,

We have a cool day here in southern New England. It went down to the 40's last night. I guess it's in the high 50's today.

I was looking in my closet yest. and don't have a coat for this kind of weather. For winter I do, and for warmer weather I do. Guess I had better buy one real soon here. They are either too small (from years ago), or too big (from more recent).

Lyn, I will add you to my prayers.

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Old 11-08-2007, 04:34 PM   #65  
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Hi everyone, some nice fall weather here in beautiful sunny Florida, 75 today.
I love it. Been walking outside about 1/2 mile each day trying to build it up slowly so my foot won't start hurting again.

We are off to Key West for 3 nights/4 days with our good friends next week, looking forward to a relaxing time. I love the drive to the Keys it is so beautiful, it takes us about 6 hrs. from our condo.

Hi Gayle, good to see you post and Welcome to Dina, nice to have you with us and also on the Nov. challenge. I hope we have one in Dec. also, during the holidays I need all the encouragement I can get.

Joanne, how exciting you found your wedding dress so quickly. Hope you can post a photo for us.

Good news Linda D for your son, that is great he found a job so quickly. Your Thanksgiving sounds a lot like ours.....I make a small turkey and all the fixings for us and my son that lives near us, just the 3 of us. I love having all the leftovers! Yummy.

I'll have to look at that scallop recipe I think that Cat dh loves them.

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Old 11-08-2007, 04:40 PM   #66  
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G,day everyone just thought I would drop in and say hi, my name is Julie and I,m from downunder I will hit the big 50 on Sunday but I don,t feel it a bit, I,m mum to 5 and Nan to 10 my DH and I moved to a little country town about 5yrs ago after we got married we both decided it was time for a change of pace, this is my 3rd marriage and I think I finally got it right LOL. Well I just thought I would jump in I have been reading a few posts around and you guys sound like easy going people hope you don,t mind.

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Old 11-08-2007, 05:41 PM   #67  
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Hi everyone a very busy day for me here so this is a fly by.. with a retired husband underfoot sometime my time is not my own but hoping u all are having agreat day((()))) rosey
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Old 11-09-2007, 12:03 AM   #68  
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Hello to everyone!

I hope everyone is doing fine tonight. LindaD-- I would love to have your “chilly weather” we had 20 degrees this morning! But it did get up to about 60 this afternoon. We should stay pretty nice through Sunday when they are saying to expect snow overnight into Monday! I am finding it so hard to get back to doing some sort of “intentional” exercise everyday. I walked on the treadmill for a few days but that just didn’t stick, then yesterday I decided to take Ginger and Sissy and walk to the mail box. It is quite a little walk but I wasn’t sure how far. Then today since the weather was fairly nice this afternoon we did it again but this time I wore my pedometer and found out from my front porch to the mailbox and back is .784 miles. Which I just figured as ¾ mile to round it off. So that isn’t too bad. Now if I can just add in the treadmill or something else everyday…. So happy that your son found work so soon! I hope he will be happy with his new job.

Marylynn, I hope your hubby finds work soon. Mine has been home for 6 months and the good thing is that we haven't killed each other yet!! I enjoy watching the Dog Whisperer too! I think if I walk much further than to the mail box and back I would either need to put the girls in the stroller or use the snugglis for them. Ginger has bad knees on both her back legs so I know she wouldn’t be able to walk to much further. Although, running and playing in the house and yard you would never know it. Good going on the marathon! I’ll be anxious to hear about it.

Hi Rosey, I know how you feel about being so far away from your Mom. I lost my Mom about 5 years ago and my Dad is 87, diabetic and just had quadruple bypass surgery last year. So I am so hoping that we can get our home sold and moved back there soon. All the family used to live out here and then after Dad retired he and Mom moved to MO. Then one by one my two brothers and one sister followed them back there. Now I’m the only one out here but still hoping that things move quickly and we can get moved soon.

Freda, my “fun” day consisted of watching some TV and then we went and bought groceries! I told my hubby, “Just think how much money we could save if we didn’t have to eat!” Especially when you buy groceries and come home, put them away and then try to figure out just how you spent $130 and on what??

Joanne, I just sent you an email with pictures of Wedding Dresses made out of toilet paper!! Can you believe that?? Some of them look pretty good though! But I am anxious to see the one that you picked out. I’ll bet it is just Beautiful!!

Gayle, How are you doing? How is Madison doing? Do you have more pictures to share yet? I imagine she is growing way to fast!

Hi Dina and Welcome!! We are looking forward to getting to know you. Here in Colorado we never put Summer or Winter clothes away. In the middle of Winter you may be shoveling snow in just your shirt sleeves and in the middle of Summer you could very well need a coat! I remember one year on the 4th of July we shot off fireworks in the middle of a snowstorm!! The weather get crazy here!

Phyllis, glad to hear you are getting back into the walking. Maybe we can both keep each other motivated enough to push a little further each day! My weigh in is tomorrow so I’m anxious (nervous) about seeing what the scales say tomorrow.

And Welcome to you too Juls ! I’m sure you will like it here. Be sure to come back often and let us get to know you

Bobbi, Paula, Margaret, Cat, Lyn, Linda (meowee) Lily, Trish, Theresa and Lynn ---- I hope all of you are doing well. Zoe, I know you are probably still having a wonderful time with your son! Hope you have taken lots of pictures!

Well, Guess I’ll close this for tonight. Anybody I missed I’m sorry and will try to catch you next time.
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Old 11-09-2007, 06:01 AM   #69  
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Popping in quickly to say a group "hey" to everyone! I need to get some (client) work done before I can start getting ready for school..under the gun.

I'm going to try to take the afternoon off for a couple of hours and take my Mom on a field trip to Baton Rouge to go see my oldest son's new apt and we are going out to eat and then hit Whole Foods. Don't see that much I can eat on the menu of the restaurant, guess I'll stick with raw oysters and the Blackened Shrimp Remoulade salad.

My daughter called last night and said she got accepted into "central casting" to be an extra in movies on her days off of her "day job"..which is actually at night. She's always liked to play "dress up" and now she can get paid for it (and eat free too!)

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Last edited by femmecreole; 11-09-2007 at 06:01 AM.
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Old 11-09-2007, 09:32 AM   #70  
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Welcome Julie, just jump in and start posting, great group of women here. I have a wonderful Ausse iternet friend, her weather is just crazy at times with freezing one day, warm the yours like that?

Karen, no news on the condo ... I don't think it will sell. I was talking to a realtor (not mine) she said 2009 before we see a big change at least here in FL. Hope your area will recover sooner. Yep, I am doing OK with the exercise but can't wait to walk at least 1 mile a day again but going slow and steady.

Marylynn, sorry about your dh and the job. I'll tell you it takes some adjusting getting use to them being around 24/7. Since we are retired and have now lost the dog my dh seems lost. I told him he will have to get a part time job a couple days a week or find a hobby, he chose a hobby! lol

Rosey I know you understand about the dh underfoot! Mine is really pretty good but I get so aggrevated when I get the kitchen cleaned up and go in there and find a bunch of crumbs from a snack he made....I am keeping my mouth shut for now as that is not really such a big deal. He helps me clean the townhouse witch is a great help.

Lyn, you must be busy are you doing? I am sorry you gained a couple lbs., maybe it's just water. I'm up today but I know it's just water so I don't panic anymore. Do you still walk outside when it's cold?

Linda, how are all those kittens doing? Sure is quiet here with no animals...very strange. Good going on staying away from the dreaded cool whip!

Freda, we should have a little group for people that can't lose weight without exercise, it's the same thing for me. It's hard to make exercise part of the daily routine....once you miss a few days it's hard to get back on track. Keep trying.

Lynn, how are you doing with more calories? I can't seem to get much lower than 1200 except for a odd day here and there. Under 1000 isn't really good for a long period of time. Listen to me Dr. Phyllis...Ha Ha. I hope your feeling better....

Paula, where are you??? Anyone heard from her? Hope she is just relaxing after making all those costumes.

Hi to all that I have missed....catch you next time.

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Old 11-09-2007, 09:42 AM   #71  
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Good Morning Golden Ladies,

I didn't do too well eating yesterday. Having a bad spell with my back and I think I try to eat for comfort. Now, realisticly, I know I can't do that, but it's a habit and I still try. I didn't terribly over do, but didn't do as well as I wanted to. But every day is a new day, a new start.

Joanne, How exciting that you found "the" dress! Any way you can share a picture of it with us?

Linda, I know you must be happy and relieved that your son found a job so quickly. I don't know how the job market is there, but here in Michigan they are hard to come by. And I go to about 3 different librarys too. I am amways reading. And I listen to books on tape in the car too. I go online to order library books now, and have them sent to my library. makes it much easier than running around. But I still visit the different ones to see what kind of books they have for sale. I see from your post you're a southern girl too. I am from Ky. originally. And my grandpa was a preacher. And I come from a large family too. My grandma had 10 kids and my mom had 8. and we lived the "next house down" from my grandparents. so Christmas was always a huge affair, as was any holiday.

Hi Dina, You get to go shopping for a new coat! In a smaller size!

HI Glynne, is it Glynne or Gayle? Sorry, i'm still just getting aquainted with everyone.

Phyllis, Enjoy your trip to the Keys. Sounds like fun.

Rosey, I know what you mean about husbands being underfoot. I can't get anything done when mine is home!

Karen, The walk to the mail box was still a walk. It's hard to get an exercise plan going. I walk on the treadmill in the winter time. I can't say it's an exciting thing . I have the treadmill in the basement, in front of the TV. I will either tape a show I want to watch while i'm exercising or exercise while some there is something on that I want to watch. Makes it a little more doable. If there is a certain program on that you watch every day, maybe make that your exercise time. I used to watch Dr. Phil. I could only watch Dr. Phil if I was on the treadmill. I moved from Ky to Mich with my husband when we got married. A lot of his family was living here at the time. Since then, they have all moved away and we are the only ones still here. I understand your wanted to move.

Cat, Your daughter must be thrilled! What fun! Have a good time visiting with your mom and son.

Have a good day everyone, Freda
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Old 11-09-2007, 09:59 AM   #72  
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Hi gang . . .

OMG . . . I am so far behind . . . I'm going to post this little story about why and then I'll go back and catch up on everything I've missed.

I was missing yesterday. Started out having to do a bunch of work for that good old Company I'm retired from; then it was the normal "shop 'til you drop" day with LuLu. When I finally did get home, I just couldn't take my eyes off one of my "purchases" long enough to even think about doing anything else.

Yep . . . I'm back up to six cats again . . . all LuLu's fault; she decided she wanted a second cat (bringing her menagerie to 2 cats and seven dogs). So one of our stops was the local SPCA where she picked out a very sweet black and white kitten, about 4 months old, which she has named Casey and I picked out a very sweet white male with two little grey spots on his forehead (look like parentheses - one by each ear), about 10 months old that I have named BLIZZARD.

Next stop, the Vet where we found out they both have fleas and they got the 'supposed to kill all the critters within half an hour' treatment. Don't know if that flea treatment worked, because he seems to be doing a lot of scratching -- when he isn't terrorizing Purrecious by chasing her around the house . . . hey she needs the exercise.

Just proves once again that the bullies of the world eventually meet their match . . . First there is Mouse who used to terrorize poor little Goldi . . . then along came Purrecious who constantly bullies Mouse . . . and now, Blizzard is taking her to task. Actually Blizzard doesn't seem to like anybody (but me -- he's a cuddler) right now, but he's just trying to find his 'place' in the pecking order so I imagine things will settle down fairly soon. Actually -- both of the kittens (Frick and Frack) and Mouse are in hiding at the moment. I had to go out first thing this morning (for lab work) and I haven't seen any of those three all day -- maybe Blizzard flushed them all down the toilet. I imagine they'll wander out when they get hungry enough. Anyway, will take some pictures of the newest addition as soon as I get a minute.

Well . . . I'd better get moving and get caught up with the posts here and in some of my other normal spots . . . See you all later, guys . . . hope you all are having a good day . . .
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Old 11-09-2007, 12:04 PM   #73  
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Good Morning!
Just a quick pop in this morning! I weighed and was pleasantly surprised with a 3 pound loss this week!! I was so excited! Now I just need to keep it up ALL THE TIME!!

Meowee--- I'm so happy that you found a new kitty! I can hardly wait to see the pictures! Blizzard sounds so pretty!

Well, I really do need to get going and get some stuff done around here and Tim wants me to make an apple pie for him!! Guess this will really test my

Have a good day everyone and I'll try to get back here later this afternoon or this evening!
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Old 11-09-2007, 12:06 PM   #74  
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Oh wow . . . I am back, I've done my 3FC rounds and I've gotten caught up on the reading . . . but . . . the day is now running right on by me again, so I'm not going to even try to talk to each of you -- just know that you are definitely in my thoughts . . .

Great big to each of JULS and DINA. So glad you have joined us and hope that we will be hearing from you regularly now that you've found us. Hope you have a great birthday JULS -- any big plans? We love to hear abut all the fun bits, you know.

Well, better go find out why all these felines are so quiet and then try to get something constructive done with this lovely sunny afternoon. See you later.
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Old 11-09-2007, 01:50 PM   #75  
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Karen, just wanted to say for the weight loss! Way to go girl!!! and keep away from that apple pie. Actually, it's it easier to resist temptation after a weight loss? When you are doing good you don't want to mess it up!

Meowee. can't wait to see pictures of your new "baby"
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