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Old 11-03-2007, 11:59 AM   #31  
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Good Morning everyone, I am slowely beginning to recognize names. I will eventually get to know everyone, and in the mean time, please forgive me if I miss someone.

I did get my exercise in yesterday, but I have problems with my leg hurting last night. so i suppose I will have to do less untill I either build up strength. I am still doing my weights though. Last night was my grandson's birthday party and I got to go. I didn't think I was going to. I was schuled for work but at the last min. one of the other nurses said she would fill in for me. it was fun and i only had 1 slice of pizza. Not too bad. No birthday cake or ice cream.

Lyn, I read your post about using the cream for reddened skin. Eucerin makes a moisturizer, actually an entire line, for that. It's called Eucerin redness relief.

Rosey, I'm sorry to hear about your mother. I know what it's like having family far away and not being able to be there. I'm in Michigan and my family is in Kentucky. Prayers for her and for you.

Meowee, I hope the winds aren't too bad. Stay safe.

Lynn, I love salmon too. the meal sounds fine, i'm sure the weight gain is just the sodium. And salmon has all that good fat that makes us healthy too.

Phyllis, Yeah!! for you for losing the pound and getting back on the right tract. Not easy to do once you slip.

Everyone, have a great day, Freda
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Old 11-04-2007, 07:55 AM   #32  
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Good Morning Everyone,

Last night I had my dd and sil over for dinner. I served the Scallops Gratin that I liked so much - I put the recipe up in our Sticky Recipe Thread. We started looking at B&B's in England. I had ONE glass of wine & felt tipsy! I gave up drinking (except for an occasional glass of wine) many years ago.
Today, I'm going to meet with my South Jersey friend to walk, have lunch (a salad) and go to the movies. I will most likely NOT like the movie - something with "language and violence" (I assume that "language" means foul language). However, Morgan Freeman is in it so it can't be all bad.

Hi Cat, I ordered the Marlene Koch Splenda cookbook & another by Graham (forget his last name - some tv chef). Try the scallops recipe - I think you'll like it.

Hi Ali, I went to mall to get a pair of NB running shoes. I was VERY disappointed. I've worn them for years & the kind that I found were NOT of the same level of quality as those I've had in the past. On Monday, I'm going to a sports shoe store near me & see what I can find. Either NB has a new cheap line, or they've downgraded the quality of their shoes.

Hi Lyn, so, what are you up to (other than being cold)?

OK Karen & Linda - just what is "gadzella" and why do you two like it so much?

Hi Joanne, Oooops - I already ordered the book. But thanks anyway.

Hi Rosey, I'm so sorry about your not being near your mother. Get out of the kitchen and walk off your stress. [Look who's talking - I'm having trouble getting myself to exercise. How about we each try to do some exercise every day this week?]

Hi LindaD, I hope your neck feels better today. Enjoy your weekend.

Hi Phyllis, CONGRATULATIONS on losing the post-vacation pound! See my note to Ali about the NB running shoes.

Hi Linda (Meowee), since I cut back on my exercising my blood sugar numbers have been up. In order to keep the numbers where I want them, I MUST exercise & eat a VERY low-carb diet. I'm back to checking my numbers several times a day until I get them back where I want them.

Hi Freda, Good for you avoiding the birthday cake and ice cream at your grandson's party!

I've attached photos of my grandson and his little doggie from last Sunday - better late than never. They both move so fast, it was REALLY difficult to get any good photos.

Hope we all have a Happy and Healthy day,


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Old 11-04-2007, 09:45 AM   #33  
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Good Morning, World . . .

We had a pretty scary night with the wind rattling windows and shaking the house and the rain pounding down relentlessly . . . but, as of right now, Nova Scotia is still attached to North America (there were times last night I would not have been surprised to find that we'd been blown out to the mid-Atlantic somewhere ). It has stopped raining and the sun is actually trying to break through the clouds from time to time. Forecasters are saying the wind should die down sometime this afternoon; we are still having gusts at 85 mph (140 kph). All in all, not too bad -- at least not right around my area, anyway.

Good job on staying away from the cake and ice cream, FREDA.

Gadzella is the name I gave to my Tony Little Gazelle (a Glider), LYNN. I like it because it gets my heart rate up there without putting any stress on the knees and ankles. BTW, that's Graham Kerr (aka The Galloping Gourmet) that I think you are talking about.

Hi to everybody else . . . have a great day and I'll see you soon . . .
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Old 11-04-2007, 11:17 AM   #34  
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This morning's flight was cancelled; guess yesterday was a pretty bad day at the airports hereabouts what with all the wind and rain. So now I'm on a flight tomorrow morning at 6:00 AM!!!! Omigawd, right? Close to an hour & a half to get to the airport (maybe less with virtually no traffic), then have to park in the long-term lot, negotiate myself over to the terminal with my rolling suitcase, carry-on & purse, get through I'm figuring to leave my house by 3:00. That would be AM. Naturally, DH & the kiddos all have to work on Monday morning, so I'm on my own getting my flight and all. And to think I planned to fly on Sunday just to AVOID having to drive much for my plan to get dropped right at the terminal, no pain, no strain...huh?

I've done okay with eating this week (ok, except for Hallowe'en night, but that's over & done with, right?)

Rosey, I'm so sorry about your mother. It's so hard when you can't be with a loved one when they're ill.

I REALLY have had a hard time packing for this darned trip. I think I have enough clothes stuffed in there for a month!!!! The thing is that I don't have a clue what DS has planned, and so I pretty much need to be prepared for whatever, you know? And about a dozen pairs of shoes. And all my cosmetics and jewelry and pills and whatever stuff, toothpaste/brush....good grief! Now I remember why I don't much care whether I ever travel or not!

We're going over to DD3's for dinner this afternoon and then home so I can get to bed early, early, early!

I'll take pics, Phyl....

Back to organizing & packing...take good care, spa girls & GOLDEN GIRLIES every one!!!!


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Old 11-04-2007, 08:38 PM   #35  
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Zoe, sorry your flight was canceled but you really don't want to fly in all that bad weather. Sorry you have to drive yourself. See if I was there I could drive you being the retired lady of leisure that I am!

Lynn, your grandson is adorable....he has such big eyes..
Thanks for sharing.

Linda, that is terrible wind. Hope it's over with for you now.

Will try to attach a couple photos of our trip which includes my 2 grandsons.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg 565393-R1-046-21A_022.jpg (45.0 KB, 17 views)
File Type: jpg Seaworld-09.jpg (37.1 KB, 18 views)

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Old 11-05-2007, 06:55 AM   #36  
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Hi everyone,

Hope everyone had a great weekend. The weather here was gorgeous, in the low 80's with no humidity. It was really great being able to shut the a/c off and open up the whole house. It is 50° here this morning. I've already been outside with Lacee and it's pretty chilly. It's long pants and a jacket for my walk today.

Phyllis, both your grandsons are really cute. Thank you for sharing the photos.

Zoe, you're probably flying over some state by now. I'm sorry your flight was cancelled and you had to drive yourself into Boston. Hope it all wasn't too much of a nightmare. Last year when DH & I flew into Boston with Lacee, I was glad he was with me. Depending on when you read this, hope you are having or had a great visit with your son.

Linda-meowee, how did you make out with Noel? Hope you made out alright and didn't lose any power.

Lynn, your grandson and his little doggy are so cute. Thank you for sharing the photo with us. Sorry about the NB running shoes. I hope they're not starting to make a cheaper shoe. Hope you find something you like. I usually buy walking shoes, so I don't know much about running shoes. The walking shoe has numbers and the higher the number the better the shoe. I also buy better inserts than what is in the shoe.

Freda, that's great you didn't have any ice cream and cake for your grandson's birthday.

Rosey, I'm sorry your mother is ill and you can't be with her. I know how you feel. I'm here in FL and all my family and friends are all up in the New England area. I miss them terribly.

Gotta run, it's time for my walk.

A big and to the GOLDEN GIRLS I missed.

Have a great day everyone.
BFN, Ali

Last edited by aleka; 11-05-2007 at 06:56 AM.
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Old 11-05-2007, 07:44 AM   #37  
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Good Morning Everyone!

A quick fly-by. Had a wonderful weekend at the wedding. It was just perfect. I was a bit worried about food, but it all worked out well. cheated a bit with ONE bite of bread pudding at the rehearsal dinner (had a wonderful fish dish..had to scrape off the sauce, and didn't eat the potatoes) The reception had all kinds of food including roasted vegetable platter. I also had ONE bite of wedding cake (it tasted way too sweet). Weighed in this morning and didn't gain an ounce! I've attached a pic my husband took friday night at the hotel before the rehearsal dinner.

We had a VERY SAD Friday morning. Had to have our 9 year old blind/deaf maltese, Murphy, put to sleep before we left on the trip. His eyes had degenerated so badly that it was causing him too many problems. I won't get graphic on what was happening with his eyes, but it had to be done.I miss him terribly.

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Old 11-05-2007, 08:03 AM   #38  
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Good Morning everyone, It looks like another cold day. The sun did come out yesterday and it was confortable in a light jacket. But I did see some people in coats. At least the sun was out and that always makes you feel better.

I did well yesterday, diet wise. Not so much exercise though, unless you count walking the malls shopping and walking across the field at my grandon's football game. I'm going to try to fit some walking in today. Actually, I simpley can't walk as much as I would like to yet. My back pain is just not allowing it.

Lynn, your grandson and his dog are lovely. Thanks for sharing with us. What movie did you decide to see, and was it any good. I have seen the new one with Morgan Freeman advertised and it looks good.

Linda, Glad the winds didn't get too bad there.

Phyllis, Your grandchildren are adorable too. Aren't they fun?

Aleka, (sorry, I don't know your name yet), Sounds like the weather there is just perfect. Those are the temperatures I like.

femmecreole, I'm so sorry to hear about Murphy. It's so sad to lose somone we love.
Glad to hear that you had fun at the wedding and sounds like you did fine with your diet. They did have some good choices at the wedding party. Roasted vegetables? Love um, but i've never seen them served at a party before. I hope it's something new they are starting. It will give us a new choice when chosing food.

Everyone have a good day, Freda
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Old 11-05-2007, 08:44 AM   #39  
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Cat, I'm sorry to hear about Murphy. We just put down our 13 1/2 yrs. old Doberman a week I really do understand your loss. We have no animals now and the place is so very quiet. Your looking nice and slim in your photo.

Freda, don't push the exercise until your ready. My foot (heel) made me stop walking and I love doing my walking dvd. I did walk outside about 1/2 mile last night and seemed to do ok, take babysteps.

Ali, isn't this weather wonderful!!!! To be able to turn off that AC is so nice.
I did take a short walk last night will try and go a mile today. It's actually a little cool here this a.m.

Well, I'm off to for my second treatment with the acupuncturist. My foot was better after one treatment so I know it is working. Won't know if it is helping my kidney function for a couple months. Maybe I can relax today as I now know what to expect there.

Down another lb. but I'm not counting it yet until it's off a couple days. Crossing my fingrers.

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Old 11-05-2007, 01:49 PM   #40  
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Good Morning:

My back is feeling much better. I think I'll live after all. I had a good weekend but found out my transmission is going out in my car. I was trying to keep my car until spring but it looks like I'm going to have to break down and buy another car. Everyone thinks my car is fairly new, however, it's 9 years old and has 125,000 miles on it. I've always taken very good care of it. Oil changes and checkup every 3,000 miles. I'll start looking and will have to get something before I lose my job in December. I hate to have another debt but I will put my trust in the Lord to provide.

Linda: I sent you my information. I'm still not too savvy with 3FC web site and didn't even know I had personal messages.

I have returned your email and also Lynn's.

Lynn: Cute pictures. Love his big blue eyes. Thanks for sharing.

Zoe: I hope you have a wonderful trip. Next time you travel to CA I'd love to meet you. I'm just like you. When I travel I look like I'm going on a month long trip because I have so much luggage and have to pay extra because it's over the weight limit. I think it's a woman thing.

Phyllis: Cute grand children. Looks like everyone is having fun.

Cat: Your photo is lovely. Bread pudding is my downfall. I love it and make it around the holidays each year. I'm so sorry about Murphy. It's so hard when we lose a family member.

Hello to all I missed. Have a good day.

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Old 11-05-2007, 04:02 PM   #41  
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Hi GOLDEN GIRLS its a beautiful day on the west coast. My anxiety over finding a wedding venue is over. I booked a lovely place -- right back where I wanted to be just not the exact building - oh well we most likely will end up on the other side of the park at the other Boathouse that day buying a round of drinks after lunch.

Freda - nice to meet you.

Linda -- glad you are safe and sound I saw lots of pictures from Nova Scotia on the news this weekend.

Lynn -- glad you are on the mend -- gorgeous picture of your grandson. The Splenda book was asked for quite early on - I wish I had one for everyone.

Zoe - have a great trip although you might not see this until you get back.

Phyllis -- fabulous pictures of you -- looking good there gramma!!!

Ali -- enjoy the weather sounds lovely

Cat - sorry about Murphy - I had to put down my 9 year old golden last year and it still breaks my heart. Just the other night I put some chicken bones on the ottoman and for a fleeting second I thought about how I can't put those there that the dog might snatch them.

LindaD - glad you are feeling better -- its horrid with a bad back. I was up in another building today doing some work and I realized it was the first time this term that I wasn't in pain doing something. 8 weeks of agony was enough. I am now on day 7 without taking pain killers. Not bad considering I was taking close to 2600mg of Advil every day.

So I am hoping to get back to normal with week with my eating and exercise. I am only going to look back with my goals not set them for in the future. So far today I have done a great breakfast and lunch and its so beautiful that I hope to go for a walk after work. I have two months to lose my muffin top before we head off to Maui.

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Old 11-05-2007, 04:59 PM   #42  
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Hi there . . .

Wowee this day just disappeared in a blur . . . and I've really got next to nothing to show for all the activity . . . Weird. Cold and overcast today and the wind is so calm, the quiet is deafening. Counted 7 trees down and 3 fences knocked over on my five minute drive to the post office when I went out this morning. Lots of people I talked to in my travels were still without power this morning. I really did get lucky.

Have a great 'rest of the day' gang . . .
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Old 11-06-2007, 08:23 AM   #43  
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Good Morning Everyone,

Today would have been my dh's 71st birthday. We generally went to FL during the week of his birthday. Used to stay on the East Coast - north of Ft. Lauderdale, south of Boca Raton - I don't remember the name of the town. There was a motel right on the ocean that we liked.

Feeling kind of blue today.

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Old 11-06-2007, 08:55 AM   #44  
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Hi All, Another gloomey day. I think it's going to rain again. Everyone in the family has a cold. Both grandkids, my son, and now I am coming down with one too. Kids are just so generious, at least with things like that.

Phyllis, Sorry to hear that you are having problems with your feet. They are using acupuncture for a lot of problems these days. i hope it works for you. I miss the exercising too.

Have a good day everyone, Freda
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Old 11-06-2007, 09:18 AM   #45  
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Good Morning, Good Morning . . . etcetera . . .

We have but we also have cold. Hey it is that time of year, I guess; so I'm very willing to settle for the sun.

Sorry to hear you've got the 'blues' LYNN . . .

Sorry to hear you're getting a 'cold' FREDA . . .

Big for everybody else -- see you all later.
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