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Old 11-29-2007, 04:13 PM   #226  
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oops . . . Forgot to even say HI in here when I stopped by earlier this afteroon . . . So . . . I'm on the second day of feeling . . . Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
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Old 11-30-2007, 07:30 AM   #227  
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Good Morning GG, I miss "talking" to everyone! Where are You? I know this is sucha busy time of year it's hard to find the time to do anything. But it's also a dangerious time of year, with all the parties and holidays coming up. we really need to be focused.

LindaD, Glad to see you back. I'm sorry to hear about your job. We're seeing way to much of that lately. But with your positive outlook and trust in God I'm sure you'll find something else.

It's pretty cold here. The weather man said it was 26 this morning. That's 10 degrees colder than normal for this time of year. I guess we will be using the firplace a lot this winter.

Hope eveyone is doing well, Freda
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Old 11-30-2007, 07:52 AM   #228  
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I averaged 1112 calories/day during November & managed to gain a pound & a half!!! VERY frustrated.

I'm going to get my hair cut today - maybe I'll lose a couple of ounces!

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Old 11-30-2007, 08:09 AM   #229  
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Hi my name is Cathy, and I just signed up
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Old 11-30-2007, 08:53 AM   #230  
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Hi CATHY . . . to the Golden Girls and the Age 50+ Forum and too . . . hope you will love it around here as much as the rest of us do. It's really a great place for support and friendship as you travel the long and often bumpy road to better health and fitness.

Good Morning to everybody else, too.

Well, here it is the last day of November and I'm still feeling a little 'iffy'. Hope tomorrow I get to start the month feeling normal -- or as close to normal as I ever get.

See you later . . .
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Old 11-30-2007, 11:16 AM   #231  
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Good Morning!! Welcome Cathy! I hope you like it here and come back often. We really try to support each other in all ways! Looking forward to getting to know you.

meowee-- I sure hope you get to feeling better real soon. It is always so hard to not feel good in the Winter and then especially during the Holidays. I keep thinking that I'm trying to "catch" something but so far I've managed to escape it. But the thing that really makes me think that is I'm craving potato chips and I only do that when I'm getting sick or sick! I never keep them in the house so that is good. But if I end up getting a sore throat I usually buy a bag and then try to use them like medicine---LOL!! I know, I know---but I really do--- I will just take like a cup and eat them slow since I guess it is the crunch and salt that makes the throat feel better. So far I've not bought any.

Lynn, I know how you feel about gaining weight. I gained 3 pounds over the Thanksgiving and I refuse to move my ticker! I just need to get the motivation back and get walking again--- either the treadmill or WATP's or BOTH!! Both wouldn't hurt me a bit!!

LindaD-- good to hear from you and you keep your chin up and keep smiling!! Things will work out.... they always do I know that-- just not always on our time table! SO it can be a little frustrating but know that we are here for you to talk to anytime.

Good Morning Freda. It is cold here too. I guess everyone must be busy with all the holiday shopping and all. At least this year I won't have to worry about going to Tim's company Christmas party!! Which they always had and way to much really good food and drink! But since he still hasn't found work there won't be any parties to go to. I may have to splurge one night here and make some egg nog but other than that--- nada!

Well, I need to get going this morning. We want to go and get groceries this morning-- we are supposed to be having some very bitter cold and snow coming in this afternoon into tomorrow.

Hello to all that I have missed and hope to see you all back here soon. Enjoy your Holidays.
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Old 11-30-2007, 02:16 PM   #232  
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Hi Everyone!

Welcome Cathy! These ladies are absolutely the best! Looking forward to reading your posts & getting to know you better. Love your avatar!

Fast flyby here, stuff going on & all systems are go to walk that marathon in the morning. I've been told the police protection stops after six hours & that the finish line goes away at seven. I'm set to walk a 12-14 minute mile & jog the downhills. My wonderful husband says he'll be at the finish line with our insurance information & an ambulance ready to take me outta there. Who can fail with that kind of support!

Lynn, here's a thought. Ramp up to 1400 a day. Add some resistance and expect nothing for 3 weeks. It takes time for your body to understand that it's not starving and for new muscle growth to bump up your metabolism. I know that 1400 sounds like a lot but truly it's not.

Read an interesting study last night that claimed that the first step into the aging spiral was loss of lean muscle mass (therefore plummeting the metabolism & causing loss of functionality) It further delved into how calories need to be calculated based on the needs of the fat free body mass. VERY interesting stuff. Reinforces why the scales are truly unreliable in terms of measuring your fitness.

LindaD, sending special vibes your direction for just the right position to come together for you. You're so gregarious I would expect good things to just float your way. Thinking of you.

Karen, you feeling okay? That cold stuff would have made me nuts by now. I remember days of being in a tiny apartment in Boston watching the walls of snow getting higher & higher. I didn't know that I could go out in that stuff (Southerners really don't understand snow) thus I stayed indoors & went crazy.

Did anyone catch Oprah with the lady who lost over 500 pounds without medications or surgery? It was a wonderful show & makes me look more than silly. Things like that make me want to redouble my efforts to be healthy.

Everyone take care & I'll check back later when I can peel this number thinghey off my shirt.

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Old 11-30-2007, 07:02 PM   #233  
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Hi all

Just a quick check-in I'm afraid. I have had a busy week and like Karen am up 3 pounds for Nov and am refusing to move my ticker too. It's so darned cold and windy here I don't feel musch like going out at all. Did go to the fitness center all but 1 day this week, though.

Marilyn - WOW. I'm impressed with your marathon walk/jog tomorrow. Good luck.

Lynn, Yes I know that frustration....of stying on-track and not showing up on the scale. I agree with Marilyn...hang in there and be patient.

Meowwie - Yes. Brrr Cold and very very windy here. We had a couple of inches of snow today and more expected this weekend.

I'll check in with more later.

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Old 11-30-2007, 11:05 PM   #234  
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Hi all! Welcome Cathy!!

I know I've been MIA, but I've gone into an acute pain phase and it's hard to sit up for very long at the puter. typing is even harder...

I'm actually down 1 lb for Nov, but my goal was 4 bls, so so I'm not happy!! Went to walmart today and spent over $300, so I really not happy, but at least I got caught up on some stuff. My grandbabies are coming to spend 4 days with us next week while our daughter has the lining of her uterus burned out. What a blessing to have that procedure instead of a hysterectomy. Anyway, that's what ran the walmart cost up - had to buy everything the kids are used to eating!!! And some new things to play with, too, of course!!!

I can't wait to catch up on all of y'all in a couple of days when this pain level subsides.....

Take care and hugs,
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Old 11-30-2007, 11:30 PM   #235  
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Well, ladies it has been just a lazy night around here. Still don't know if I'm trying to get sick or if I'm just sick and tired!! We did go and get groceries but I stayed away from the potato chips again!

Marylynn, I really hate the cold and snow!! So why do I live in the moutains of Colorado???? Mmmm! As far as I'm concerned it could snow on Christmas Eve and then be white for Christmas then be done with it! It is so hard to get the motivation going when it is cold and dreary. But I am going to find the somewhere and get back on this plan.

I've been watching the craigslist for either a Gazelle or an elliptical at a reasonable price. I know meowee has the gadzella and I was just wondering what you all felt was better of the two. I think I would like to get one or the other but then again when the house sells that is one more thing to pack to move. Guess I'm needing to find a jumpstart somewhere.

Marylynn, I did watch the Oprah show with the lady that has lost 500 pounds but I wished they would have spent more time talking to the people on the show. It seemed like they just hurried them through. But it makes my 40 or so pounds seem so little in comparison. Got to just do it! Good Luck on your marathon tomorrow. We'll be anxious to hear how that went.

Hi Lyn, I'm glad I'm not alone in the gaining dept. this month! But I get so aggravated to have to move my ticker--- If it doesn't change in the next couple weeks I guess I'll have to change it BUT I don't want to!

Hi Debbie, Sorry to hear that you are in so much pain. Hope you are feeling better real soon. Enjoy those grandbabies. Gosh they grow up way to fast!

Well, Think I'll probably call it and evening here. They are calling for snow and blowing snow for her tomorrow--- sounds lovely doesn't it!! Take care everyone.
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Old 11-30-2007, 11:41 PM   #236  
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Default Is it still Nov! ha

Hello everyone! I have been busy but I have all my shopping done and the next thing I have to do is cook for a Christmas party next Thursday.

Well, I came out even for the losses, but no gains! I am unhappy about that, but guess it is better than gaining, so I'll take what I can get!
Are we going to have a Dec. challenge? I think that helped me, having to post my calories each day. Even if I didn't get started at the first of the month and didn't post at the end of the month.

However, we are starting a new month tomorrow... so ladies...let's be aware of what we put in our mouths. And if you bite it, write it. I find that writing in a journal or posting on here helps me.

I will just say hello to everyone...and get off and get to bed. I have a meeting early in the AM.
This is my wish for all of us, each day.
So let's keep on running toward that goal we have set for the month.
Goodnight to all!!!
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Old 12-01-2007, 08:57 AM   #237  
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Hi . . .

It's a new month so we've got a new home for December . . . see you over there . . .
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