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Old 11-20-2007, 07:54 AM   #166  
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Good Morning . . .

I was up way too early this morning -- terrible night last night; just could not sleep -- guess I was thinking about my fun trip to the Periodontist this morning and hoping the roads are in good condition over the top of Mount Thom. We don't have a local Perio, so every six months I have to drive about an hour to get to one in Truro which is the other side of the mountain. Getting there can be tricky at this time of year. Weather is dull and well below the freezing mark again this morning. The highway can be perfectly fine on both sides and a sheet of ice on top. Taking LouLou with me -- she shops while I suffer -- then we both eat too much and come back home. OMG, my life is so fascinating.

Hopefully I'll be back to chat later . . . have a great day . . .
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Old 11-20-2007, 09:56 AM   #167  
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Hi everyone....

Going out to do some more Christmas shopping and making sure I have everything to cook for Thanksgiving. It will just be 3 of us here but I enjoy cooking everything and having all those yummy leftovers, plus my son takes half of it home.

The temp will be like it won't seem much like the holiday season but we get use to that here in Florida, we might go up to the pool it's heated! (that's just to make everyone freezing jealous!)

I got in a slow mile walk with my dvd yesterday and my 15 min. Oxysize deep breathing and I can feel it today....I will only do 1/2 today. Trying to get back in to my routine.

I fogot who asked about acupuncture. I am doing it now for my kidneys so I don't know about it for pain but I talk to people in the office and most are there for pain and say it is helping them. It doesn't usually hurt but you can feel one every once in a while and it's more like a shock, not pain then they put on these wires and put electric on certain points. I do not like that, I think I will ask not to do that at least every time, I go twice a week. I have lots of friends that go and love it.

Ok, time to get off this computer and get busy.

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Old 11-20-2007, 10:31 AM   #168  
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Hello Mickey!! You can't have the rain!! We need it!! Although I'd love to send some of the surplus over to the SE part of the country. Can you imagine? Atlanta about to run out of water?? It's just unbelievable.

We don't do Thanksgiving on Thursday. Weird, I know, but my husband always has to work on Thanksgiving, and I'm just not going to have a special occasion when he can't be there. We always do it on Saturday. It works out great for our kids cause they can spend Thanksgiving with inlaws and there's no conflict. The food is just as good on Saturday!!

I'm using my WW recipes. I've been doing that for the last couple of years cause I just got so sick of the January coulda, shoulda, woulda!! I'm trying a new recipe for a trifle this year that really sounds great for a new dessert.

OK, time to get moving and motivated!!
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Old 11-20-2007, 12:24 PM   #169  
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Good Morning:

For the past few days my throat is very sore. Not on the inside but on the outside where the thyroid is located. I've been on thyroid medication for years but I noticed last month it was a little sore a couple days. This time it's very sore and it looks swollen. I'm trying to get in to see the endochronologist but haven't had any luck yet. I'll probably hear from him today. Has anyone every heard of this happening? I'm a little concerned.

I went over my calorie limit again. Grrrrr! I did exercise though. I guess I'm worried something is wrong with my thyroid and concerned that if that is the case I won't have health insurance after December. This isn't a time to get sick. Anyway, I'm praying it's something minor and it can be taken care of quickly and trying not to comfort myself with food.

Mickey: Have a great time with 21 people. Sounds like fun. I lived in Irving, Texas for a short time (home of the Dallas Cowboys just outside of Dallas). I managed some commercial properties and apartment complexes there for a company out of Hawaii. My ex-husband's family is from Oklahoma so I'm familiar with that area too. Everyone in Texas is so nice. I had a lovely time there.

Linda: I know how you feel about the dentist. I'm the same way. My least favorite thing to do. I finally finished all the work I had to have done and boy I'm so glad. I started out having bone surgery and it went from there. One year later and I'm finally finished. I hope everything goes okay for you. When you get home from the dentist I think you deserve a nap. Be careful on the roads.

Phyllis: Enjoy your Thanksgiving. It's just my son and I this year but I also cook everything and give the deserts to my son's friends so I they don't hang around the house and I get the urge to eat them. (so they don't go to waste).

Debbie: I think Saturday would be a good day for Thanksgiving. No one is rushed that way. Enjoy!

I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving.
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Old 11-20-2007, 02:42 PM   #170  
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Just popping in quickly to wish everyone a great Thanksgiving.
I have been so deluged with work and family stuff that I've been VERY remiss about checking in here and I miss it!

I am enjoying having my Mama here so much...she will be here until the end of sister will come to get her, so that gives me a bonus visit with my sister too. We all had a wonderful time at the Family Wedding a couple of weeks ago. Can't remember if I posted the pictures or not...they are at the end of this album...the rest are just "pre wedding pictures"..and pictures of the inside of my Grandmother's house.

Taking the afternoon off to start my Thanksgiving cooking which is food porn to the max... I decided months ago that I will NOT be on plan for either Thanksgiving or Christmas Day and plan to eat anything I want, including creme brulee! I've lost 2 lbs this week, so if I gain them back after that one day, I can just get rid of them again...

Hugs and Hugs to you all...

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Old 11-21-2007, 12:23 AM   #171  
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Hey Linda! Did you make it home ok? We're waiting to hear how your road trip went this morning....if you have to go to a periodontist, at least the roads should be good, right???
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Old 11-21-2007, 07:58 AM   #172  
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Good Morning Golden ladies, The RAIN woke me up this morning, that and my little dog scratching on the bed. He is afraid of thunder and always wakes us up when it rains. Sometimes we even get out of bed and sleep on the couch so he won't be so afraid. OK, yeah, he a bit spoiled, but so totally worth it! It's really coming down out there! We are supposed to get a snow fall today. I am now officially off work. I went to the Dr. yesterday and she gave me 2 weeks off, untill my back is a bit better. And i have to go in for another MRI. I started water therapy yesterday. Me and 2 men, one very overweight and one 90 year old. Just too much excitement.

Linda, Hope you get across the mountain safe and sound and the dentist appointment isn't too bad. I'm with you. I hate going to the dentist. Which do I hate most, doctor or dentist? Any body got a coin i can toss?

Deb, Thanks for the rain. You did send it didn't you? We won't have Thanksgiving on the day either. My son and his family go to her mom's for the day. We will have it on the weekend too. Don't know what we will do for dinner, maybe go out? It should be easy to get a table that day. What low cal desserts do you make? I am alwasy looking for good low cal desserts. I make the Sunshine cake low cal and that is really good. I make it for work all the time and everyone requests it. Doesn't taste like low cal.

LindaD, I hope everything is ok with your thyroid. It's always scary when we don't know what is going on. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and saying a prayer. I keep tract of my weight by trying on pants too. It's more acurate than the scale I think. Especially since I lift weights (when I am well). The boats are beautiful lit up. They really go all out, don't they?

Hi Mickey, Thanksgiving with 21 people sounds like home to me. I love the big crwd, all the food, the fun. I come from a very large family too, but alas, they are all down south and i am stuck up here alone!

Cat, Enjoy your time with your mom and sister. It's never long enough, is it?I understand about the food porn. My family makes a huge dinner and some of the things are about a 1000 calories a bite, but so wonderful. Like my SIL's sweet potato casserole. Heck, even the vegetables they make are fattening. Everything is full of grease or fried! and I love it!

Everyone, have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Freda
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Old 11-21-2007, 10:24 AM   #173  
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Good Morning . . .

There was snow on the top of the mountain but no driving problems yesterday. Of course . . . I overate at lunch . . . even though my mouth was sore from all the scrapping and prodding . . . guess I just can't stand that feeling of really clean teeth or something.

Today, we seem to be managing a little bit of sun to go with a lot of cold (but no SNOW -- hope I haven't jinxed it by saying that). Think I'll go shopping again . . . . . . now that the Christmas shopping is done, I woke up with a start this morning to realize I have three birthday's to buy for between now and the middle of December.

Have a great, fun day before the Turkey day, gang (or most of you who are South of here, anyway) . . . see you all later.
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Old 11-21-2007, 10:27 AM   #174  
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Happy Thanksgiving to All the GG's!

It's been the usual drill around here, more things to do than time to get it all done. Hey, at least I'm not bored eh?

Here's hoping everyone is doing well & has their holiday plans just the way they want them. We've rented a 15 passenger bus to run the tribe to more family in Jackson TN tomorrow to enjoy my inlaw's Thanksgiving. Usually, after everyone arrives we wind up setting up tables outdoors. This rain is nice but I'm all in favor of moving it on over to Atlanta.

On Sunday we do it again & spend the day in Arkansas with more family for MORE food. The good thing is that there will be so many people at these things nobody will notice if you don't eat much. This is going to be hard core Southern stuff. All of my inlaws believe in putting ONE STICK OF BUTTER in each dish of whatever they're making. The iced tea will have four cups of sugar per pitcher. Lets not discuss the desserts.

There's rumor of a cold spell coming. I'll believe it when it arrives. Meantime yes, still have the air conditioners going. I told the family they can all put on a coat, when Momma gets cold, she'll turn the things off. Menopause is such fun!

Debbie it's good to see your posts! I spent my first fifty years in Texas (All along I35, Dallas, Waco, Austin & San Antonio) and no matter where I go, Texas is still the promise land in my mind. We're thrilled to be living here in MS because now we're surrounded by around 65 family members. I'm still waiting for the rest of the country to take as active interest in dancing as we enjoyed in Austin.

Freda I don't think I've heard of a twisted disk? Then again, how on earth can anyone keep up with ALL of the medical advances out there? How are you feeling? Enjoying the water workouts? Gee, it does sound like excitement with the others in the pool. Keep us posted how that plays out. I completely understand the little dog thinking. We have two Poms and I prefer not to think of them as spoiled but living a happy, balanced life. Lately I've been trying to apply Cesar Milan's (The Dog Whisperer) principals to the guys which seems to boil down to walk them until they're too tired to make trouble. I think I'm the only one getting tired over here.

LindaD keep us posted on the thyroid. It would be a good thing for whatever the docs want to do, they get it all done before the end of the year. We're going through an insurance shift & will be without coverage for a month. Fortunately my DH's docs have agreed to prescribe three months of everything & we're collecting all of those prescriptions at one time to keep costs down. Let us know how you're doing. Don't sweat the overeating, you're not alone! If I can forgive myself for the same thing, you can easily move past this as well. I don't think anyone is as hard on a person as themselves. Guess we need to be kind to ourselves too.

Cat the pics were wonderful! Each picture was a reminder to me of a special era of Southern living. Reminds me of summers spent in MS with my grandparents. Beautiful pictures & beautiful family! Very nice pics of the chuch & stained glass windows. Loved that.

Karen, all is well? Please, inspire me. One of my MIL's (I have two of them) has a couple of Yorkies and she has reached a new level of 'they are her life'. She's reached an age where if there's something she wants, she just goes to buy it. When we ask her for gift ideas for her, she responds with anything Yorkie. Her purse has hand painted portraits of her pups, the house is stuffed full of Yorkie decorations. Got any gift ideas for a dog lover who has everything? Anyone? I'll entertain any ideas!

Linda-Meowee, Thinking of you & waiting to hear that all is well.

If I didn't mention you, it wasn't deliberate. I'm thankful for every person on this board. Everyone of you are a treasure to me. Happy Thanksgiving & have a great weekend!

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Old 11-21-2007, 07:38 PM   #175  
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We found a local Florida department store that had all the Friday sales prices in the computers today (Weds.) and we got all the 5 a.m. Friday bargins.....we saved a lot of money and have almost all the Christmas shopping finished with free gift wrapping and no crowds.

Hope everyone has a great Turkey Day......I'm not worrying about calories but will not let myself get the usual "stuffed" feeling that I hate.

I am very thankful for all my friends here, my family and all the blessings I have in my life.

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Old 11-21-2007, 07:51 PM   #176  
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Hi all!! Happy Thanksgiving Eve!! We're having a front move through today. Our high was an unseasonably warm 82F with really high humidity, and tomorrow we won't get out of the 50sF with a stiff north wind. I'm one frightened Dixie dweller, I can tell you that for sure!! You Yanks will laugh at us in our leather coats in this kind of weather!!

Marylynn - I'll PM you a recipe tomorrow. It's a trifle with angel food cake, jello, pie filling, cool whip and such. This is the promised land - except of course in June, July and August when you can fry eggs on the sidewalk or blow away in a hurricane!!

Phyllis!!! I can't believe you got those sale prices early!! Did you know they would do that?? Around here there's no way you can get the prices before the clock strikes the start time. A friend was at Walmart last year, and the sales people wouldn't even let folks put the sale items in their carts until the 6am start time.

Freda - yes, of course I sent the rain!! I was going to be selfish, but changed my mind. Glad you enjoyed it. I'll PM you the same dessert recipe tomorrow. And I think it takes special people to rearrange schedules for their families. I want my children to enjoy holidays and not let them become a battle royal. They always want to come to our house on Christmas Day cause it's just so much fun here, but on any other holiday of the year - well, I just don't care if we celebrate "on the day" or on the day after!! Just so we get together.

Y'all have a great day tomorrow!! And I wish you a "no regrets" Friday!! Who will be at the stores when the doors open???
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Old 11-21-2007, 08:40 PM   #177  
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Hello And I Hope Everyone Has A Happy Thanksgiving! I thought that I would take a minute to read the posts and also put some pictures on for you MaryLynn!! The first picture is Ginger in her Pet Pocket. She love this! The next one is Sissy in her Snuggli. She really likes riding like this and Ginger does too. The next is both of them inside the stroller. They haven't ridden in it to much since we have all dirt roads and the weather hasn't been to great to use it since I bought it. The car seats are WONDERFUL!! They both like them and can see outside while they are in them. And they aren't bouncing around in the car. They both ride in them all the time. And they both rode in them from here to PA. and back. They have a short tether leash that you can snap on their collar or harness and that keeps them pretty happy. The pet pocket and car seats I got at Pet Smart. The snuggli and stroller I bought at They also have playpens that match the stroller. A friend of mine has yorkies and she has the playpen. Anyway. hope that gives you some ideas. Ginger and Sissy have a life jacket too but it has never fit the way it should. I really need to take it and have it altered to fit them better. I also have a pattern for a sweater that I can send you if you would like it. It is knitted.

We woke up to about 3 inches of snow this morning. And it is cold! We are supposed to get down to 2 degrees tonight and a high tomorrow of 24!! It is too cold!

Well, I need to get back in and get the kitchen cleaned up. I made a cranberry-jello salad and also pumpkin/chocolate chip cookies today. Also 3 loaves of bread---- so glad that I'm taking it all to my sons house!!

Take care everyone!!! Have a Safe Holiday!
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Old 11-21-2007, 11:08 PM   #178  
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Precious, precious! I'm a cat person, but I DO think dogs should be able to live
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Old 11-22-2007, 05:32 AM   #179  
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Just wanted to pop in to wish everyone a I'm going to enjoy my dinner and not worry about calories. Hope you all enjoy your's too.
BFN, Ali
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Old 11-22-2007, 07:29 AM   #180  
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I'm with you, Aleka...plan on eating a little of EVERYTHING!!

I spent yesterday creating food porn to the max. Sweet Potato crunch, stuffed mirletons, cornbread dressing, creme brulee etc...(no mashed pototoes in this part of the world!) All I have left to do is the turkey and then torch the creme brulee...gawd I love playing with that torch. The turkey recipe is great...cooked in an oven bag with button mushrooms and wine. No south beach in site for me today, but I usually don't eat much on these "feast days" anyway after spending so much time cooking it. My son's girlfriend has her little 5 and 6 year old brother and sister here for a visit (their family will do the feasting on Saturday), so they are also coming and I'm really looking forward to that. I made a huge batch of chocolate chip cookies for them last night in case they aren't into the dessert we are having. My daughter and oldest son will not be here today...oldest son will come later for dessert and daughter is in California. Breaks my heart...most of our family is gone since the storm, but it should be a great day with little ones around.

I'm headed off to start on my floors. ugh. I hate vacuuming and mopping all these floors...yesterday I ordered my Christmas present to myself...a roomba and a scooba!! Anyone else have them? I spent a lot of time reading review/opions before I ordered them. If they are horrible, don't let me know...I want to dream of never having to vacuum and mop again at least for a few days! Imagine a robot doing that for you...tres George Jetson!

Gobble, Gobble everyone!!..And wanted to let you know how thankful I am for you great Ladies!!! I don't get to pop in as much as I'd like to, but think of you often!

Last edited by femmecreole; 11-22-2007 at 07:35 AM.
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