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Old 11-18-2007, 08:25 AM   #151  
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Good Morning Everyone,

Hi Trish, pre-October, I was doing wt machines one day & the eliptical the next. Sometimes - on nice days - I'd skip the gym and take a walk on the canal or in the state park. In October, I had a dental problem & didn't exercise for the whole month. Since then, I've had a lot of problems getting back into the swing of exercising.

Here's my new strategy - I made a rule - no computer until after I exercise. I'm pretty good at following rules (maybe my Catholic school training?). So far, so good. I went to the gym & did 21 minutes on the Eliptical before I came home and got online.

Hi Debbie & Freda & Linda, I thought about your advice to "pick a good time." When I was working on my dissertation, I had to write VERY early in the morning - before I did anything else. So, I decided that from now on, exercise has to be first thing. That's what I did this morning - was at the gym when it opened at 7am.

Hi Ali, I wish I had someone to walk with. None of my neighbors is into walking. My friend and I meet around once a week to walk, but we live over an hour away from each other - too far to meet everyday.

For you mystery fans - have you watched "Life?" A new series this season. Here in PA it's on Wednesday nights at 10 pm. I REALLY like it.

Hi Phyllis, glad you had a good vacation. I've been home too long - getting bored. On Friday, I'm going into NYC for a weekend with my sister. I'm looking forward to that.

Any of you familiar with "Franklin-Covey Planning?" Basically, it's about generating your daily "to-do list" based on your values. I used to rely on it when I worked. I decided I need to get back to it. Being retired, it's really easy to get into bad habits. I need to get my life on a different track.

Hope we all have a Happy and Healthy day,

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Old 11-18-2007, 09:10 AM   #152  
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Hello everyone,

Lynn, NYC is one of my favorite places. My cousin and I used to go with a tour group just before Christmas. We went to Radio City Music Hall to see the Christmas show everytime we went. NYC looks so magical this time of year. Will you be doing some shopping while you're there?

Phyllis, glad you had a good time in Key West and glad that your back.

Debbie, unfortunately I don't get the Oxygen channel on my cable. That series sounds like it would be good one to watch. I also don't care for the heat and humidity we have, but I prefer that to the 30's & 40's.

Hope everyone has a great day.
BFN, Ali
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Old 11-18-2007, 03:09 PM   #153  
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Hi, y'all!! Boy did we have rain last night!! Thunderstorms and upwards of 3"!! We needed it, though. We're way over for the year, but we haven't had rain for the last 2 months. It takes about 1-1/2 hrs to water all my plants, and I hate having to pay that water bill!!

You know, I love cooler weather, too. But one thing our heat and humidity has going for us - my skin!! It never really feels dry except during the couple of weeks a year that we actually have what we call winter!!

Linda - Nova Scotia!! It must be so beautiful there. Puts me in mind of Anne of Green Gables!! 2 years ago we actually had measurable snow on Christmas Eve. It was simply magical! And it was still there the next morning! Of course we have no idea how to drive in the stuff, so the whole city came to a dead stop!! You can stop laughing now....

Phyllis ~ I'll bet the sunsets in Key West are gorgeous!! We're so close to Galveston, but the water is always so dirty. I can't stand on a pier and watch the waves without getting seasick, so we don't go there often. But the sun rise/sunsets are so lovely.

Ali - I don't really have anybody to walk with, but it's just so hot and humid most of the time anyway. How do you do it? Even early in the morning most of the year the temps are in the 90sF. I just don't tolerate that.

Lynn - congrats on the determination! You inspire me! I'll hold your feet to the fire if you'll do the same for me
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Old 11-18-2007, 04:05 PM   #154  
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Originally Posted by aleka View Post
Hello everyone,

Lynn, NYC is one of my favorite places. My cousin and I used to go with a tour group just before Christmas. We went to Radio City Music Hall to see the Christmas show everytime we went. NYC looks so magical this time of year. Will you be doing some shopping while you're there?
Hi Ali,

Not if I can help it. I HATE shopping.

We plan to do walking, dining, shows, museums & whatever else interesting is going on that weekend.

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Old 11-18-2007, 05:29 PM   #155  
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Hello Golden Girls

Hope you all are having a nice weekend. It is flying by too fast here.

Just kind of relaxing and enjoying it.

Got stranded at my daughters last night. I had stayed with the kids in the evening while they went to a wedding. It was rainy all evening, and when they came home, she said ~ you're not going home, you're gonna stay here. It was coming down really hard and she said it was hard to see while driving. I wasn't worried as much about that as I was about flooding. I didn't want to strike out and end up in trouble.

I will have to catch up with everyone on another day.

Take care all
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Old 11-18-2007, 06:33 PM   #156  
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Hi Gayle! Small world, huh?? I'm in Pasadena, and I heard all that rain last night. My husband had to drive to work in it this morning. We got about 3". How much did you get???
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Old 11-19-2007, 08:55 AM   #157  
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Well, I am having a very hard time getting back into eating less and exercising since our trip. I think my ankle is OK now so I should be able to start my walking and maybe I may have TAPE my mouth shut!!!!

I have just been so hungry since we returned and I'm not sure why.

I signed up on line for the Duke diet but am going to cancel keeps you at 1200 - 1500 calories daily and the food is just too time consuming to fix and I know my dh wouldn't like it. I can do the calorie range on my own and just need the exercise to drop a few more lbs.

Like Lynn, I need to set a time and do my walking in the mornings otherwise I won't do it. So today I will start with 1/2 mile for 2 days and then up it to 1 mile on Weds. That's the plan and I'm sticking to it!

Hey Gayle, good to see you posting....missed ya.

Hello to all the new members....I'll post more later.


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Old 11-19-2007, 09:40 AM   #158  
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Good Morning all you lovely Golden Girls . . .

Why am I in such a good mood this morning? Especially since the day is cold and pretty overcast and flurries are definitely in the forecast? Well, maybe because I just did a little inventory and . . . drum-roll, please . . . . . . other than a few books yet to arrive from Amazon and a couple of gift certificates . . . my Christmas Shopping is done . Although, I can't find one item I know I purchased earlier in the year and tucked away somewhere -- hope it turns up soon (instead of the day after I decide to replace it. ). Not too much on my agenda for today (other than looking for that missing gift) -- must do that laundry I sloughed off yesterday in favour of more shopping --

BTW DEBBIE . . . Prince Edward Island is "ANNELAND" and it's resisdents are often called ANNELANDERS. . . one of their main tourist attractions (along with beaches, golf courses, and the gorgeous green and purple potato fields) is the area made famous in the Anne of Green Gables stories and the house is still standing and open to the public. Nova Scotia is the home of the "BLUENOSERS", but nobody really knows why the locals are called that. -- the famous racing schooners (Bluenose I and Bluenose II) were named after the people, not vice-versa?

BTW, just a little bit more Atlantic Canadian trivia -- I am an 'Uppity Canadian' (Ontario native) who comes 'from away' (anyone not born in the Maritimes). The 'Maritimes' refers to only the three Provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and PEI. Atlantic Canada also includes Newfoundland/Labrador -- two totally separate areas (physically), but one Province.

Now that I've bored you all to tears . . . guess I'd better finish my 'rounds' and then get doing something semi-constructive with my day -- that laundry is calling my name -- see you all later . . .
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Old 11-19-2007, 11:04 AM   #159  
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Good Morning ladies, Hope your day is going well. I just got back from Physical therapy evaluation. It was worse than I though. The therapist said one of my disc was "rotated" what ever that means. Doesn't sthye thound good, does it? I'm a nurse but i'm not sure what that entails. Anyway, I start therapy tomorrow. Basically massage and ultrasound and water therapy. She also recomended accupuncture. Anyone ever tried that? I know it's now recognized by the medical field but they are very jealous of anything that is accupuncture or chiropractor.

Ali, Aren't computers the most annoying things when they don't do what you want them to do? i am totally computer illiterate so they mess up a lot for me! I did get to go to my Grandsons football game yesterday, thanks. It was fun. I only have the one son and two grandchildren and we are very active in their lives. I babysit 2 days a week and look forward to it. After the game the coach told the kids to go thank all the parents for being there, and bringing them to all the games. Chandler thanks his parents and then came and thanked us. Moments like that make it all worth it!

Phyllis, Good to see you back. Looking forward to seeing some pictures.

Lynn, Exercise is a habbit, like lots of other things. Once you get out of the habbit it's hard to get started again. Something you just have to make yourself do untill it becomes a habbit again.

Gail, That was some rain! We could sure use some of it. it has been so dry here this year.

Debbie, I'm sure you posted your name before, and it's on your signature, for heavens sake. Another senior moment? One of many! You and Gail must live close to be getting the same rain fall.

Linda, I am so envious! You are done with your Christmas shopping and i'm just getting started! I promise myself every year I won't wait untill the last min. but every year i'm out there running around like a crazy person, trying to find last min. gifts.

to all you other Golden Girls, where are you???

go make it a good day, Freda
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Old 11-19-2007, 01:01 PM   #160  
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Good Morning!! Geez- this weekend was oe of those weekends that seemed to be very busy all weekend but really didn't get much done! I seemed to stay busy doing things but nothing that really showed. Oh well, at least I got some stuff done even if it doesn't show!

Freda, the physical therapy doesn't sound like to much fun at all. I hope it goes good for you. I've never tried the accupuncture but back in 1995 I had a car accident and ended up going to a nueromuscular masage therapist and a chiropractor for over a year. I had a soft tissue injury to my back. But I was also the manager of a Wendy's restaurant at the same time so after a year of trying to keep working and going the massage then directly to the chiropractor and back to work--- I finally had to stop work. It was just UNdoing evrything that the massage and chiropractor treatments were doing. I still have problems with my back once in awhile even now.

Linda-- WOW! I haven't even started thinking about Christmas shopping yet! You must feel so good to have it done. I'll bet you have lots of "goodies" for your furbabies too! I know I will!

Phyliis, Have you checked with the slimfast site? They have some really good recipes on there and you might find them pretty interesting. I know I have used several of them. And they give you all the nutrition info. on the recipes too. I have been using the shakes for breakfast now and usually a French Vanilla shake with 1 cup of strawberries in the blender for lunch then I just have a decent supper with Tim at night. You may want to check them out-- they aren't just 2 shakes and a sensible meal anymore. And it is also free! I also need to get back to my regular routine of exercise.... It is so hard to get back to it once you have been away. And I know I feel better afterwards!

Gayle and Debbie--- Sounds like you all got the rain!! We are expecting snow here in the next few days and our high temperature for Thanksgiving is only supposed to be in the 20's!! Not very warm here at all... but today the sun is out and I have the front door open. A little windy but not to bad. I could really do with out the snow though!!
Debbie, Have you tried the Walk Away The Pounds Videos? They are really pretty good and you can walk no matter what the weather is. I enjoy mine but need to get a few more for variety!

Lynn, Enjoy your trip to NYC.. I've never been there even though we have gone from Colroado to Pennsylvania several times we just have never taken the time to go and visit. We ususally feel that we need to HURRY and visit family in PA. then HURRY back to MO. to visit family. Gosh, when it comes right down to it I dont' think we have ever really had a vacation for just us!

It really sounds like a lot of us are having a hard time with our exercises and eating right at this time. I'm just going to try to do my best and not worry to much about it. I will work a lot harder between Thanksgiving and Christmas but those Holidays are really for family and need to be enjoyed! And it is only 2 days out of 365 so that can't totally ruin everything that we have put into it already!

To all the Golden Girls out there I hope everyone is doing fine and look forward to hearing from you when you get a chance. Take care and have a good day!
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Old 11-19-2007, 02:20 PM   #161  
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Good afternoon everyone,

I got back from shopping a little while ago. I decided to do some Christmas shopping before it gets crazy the day after Thanksgiving. I did manage to get everything I had planned on getting today.

Freda, glad that you got to go to your grandson's football game. That was a nice thing the coach did having the kids thank their parents. It sounds like you have a very thoughtful grandson. I'm computer illiterate too. DH & I each have our own side of the computer so to speak. He can't understand why this always happens on my side.

Gayle, please send some rain our way. We need it desperately. Our lawn is so dry that it's brown and crunchy underfoot. Glad that you stayed at your daughter's and didn't venture out.

Lynn, have a wonderful time in NYC. Hope you can get to see the Radio City Music Hall's Christmas show. It's their 75th year and from what I read online it's going to be a quite a show. Like you I have to exercise first thing in the morning, otherwise I won't do it. As soon as I get out of bed I get dressed for my walk.

Debbie, walking this summer was awful. We left at 6am, cut our walk by 1/2 mile and walked a bit slower than normal. We are now back to our normal walk.

Hi to the GOLDEN GIRLS I missed.

Enjoy your afternoon & evening.
BFN, Ali
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Old 11-19-2007, 02:49 PM   #162  
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Where are you getting those cute little clock/thermometres????
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Old 11-19-2007, 02:54 PM   #163  
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Hello GG's:

It's supposed to be 70 degrees most of the week. So, I think Fall is officially here now and time to start wearing a sweater. I belong to a woman's group and we meet a couple times a month and usually plan one outing a month but ended up planning a lot activities through January. I can't believe time moves along so quickly. So, my calendar is full and I'm looking forward to the holidays.

One of the things I really enjoy doing during the holidays is going to the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade. I always take a thermos of hot chocolate (sugar free this year) and watch the boat parade on the beach. Afterwards, I walk around the beach neighborhood because there are parties going on, music, and all the homes are decorated for Christmas. I usually walk the area for about an hour or so and have such a lovely time and it puts me in the Christmas spirit.

Here is the link and you can click on the 'Winners' tab and the 'photos' tab if you want to see how the boats are decorated. It's pretty spectacular.

Another thing I enjoy is going to Arrowhead to walk in the snow. In the past I've been to Arrowhead in the snow in the morning and to dinner on the beach by evening. The best of both worlds.

Rosey: 4 pounds gone forever. Yeah!!!!

Karen: Thanks for Bisquick receipe. I know you wanted to see a loss on those scales but at least you didn't gain. I plan to fix turkey breast, green beans, salad, corn on the cob, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. I love stuffing but I'm limiting myself to 1 cup and a small piece of pumpkin pie. I plan on walking on the treadmill Thanksgiving morning and evening.

Trish: Way to go on the 2 pound loss. That's terrific!

Linda: Glad you're feeling better. Your Christmas shopping is done and I'm jealous. You've inspired me to get busy and get it finished this week.

Marylynn: I'm glad your husband got a job. Peace, at last.

Debbie: I'm glad to meet you. You'll love it here. Everyone is so kind and very helpful in our struggle to get our figure back. I don't weigh but twice a month. I also have slacks in a smaller size so I just keep trying them on until they fit. I've moved down two sizes and it's always thrilling when I can get into a smaller size. Good luck and congratulations on the 80 pound loss. When I don't want to exercise I put on some good music and dance around the house for at least 30 minutes. Since I love to dance, that gets me motivated to get on the treadmill.

Trish: I'm envious of your talents. My sister was the piano player at the church where my father pastored when I lived in WVA. My other 8 brothers and sisters were musically inclined but I never had the desire to learn. Now that I'm older and single again I've been thinking about taking piano lessons. I love music and I thought the piano would be something fun to learn.

Freda: We all have those days when we eat too much. Try to just move on and let it go and don't beat yourself up over it. I'm so sorry about your back. I hope the therapy helps you. I've heard that accupuncture really works. Someone in my office had it done but I don't know how long it took or remember what it was for. I'm sending all my good wishes.

Phyllis: I'm so glad you had fun in Key West. I want to see the pictures.

Lynn: I will check out 'Life'. I don't recall seeing the show listed yet. I've used Franklin Covey planning for years. When I worked for my church Franklin Covey gave a seminar on planning and was I was given the binder and the planning system. I've loved using it all these years and wouldn't know what to without it. I just ran across the reorder form this weekend and plan on ordering again. Enjoy your trip to NYC.

This month I've eaten more than I usually do. I'm supposed to eat 1200 calories a day but have been going over that. So, I guess a lot of us are struggling in some way. Exercise is hard when you don't like to exercise and I have never liked it and still don't. I usually work out when I get home from work. I can't prepare dinner, return a phone call, or turn on the television until my workout is finished. I have to do this or I would never do it.

Hello to all I missed.

Have a wonderful day and I hope the good fairy drops fairy dust on us and makes us stay on program.

Last edited by LindaD; 11-19-2007 at 02:58 PM.
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Old 11-19-2007, 02:59 PM   #164  
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Thanksgiving Feasting

When the Halloween pumpkins are gone,
And the leaves have all fallen to ground,
When the air has turned windy and cold,
Then Thanksgiving will soon be around.

Thoughts of loved ones all feasting together,
Pleasant pictures from past times appear
To dwell in each heart and each mind--
Then Thanksgiving is finally here!

The kitchen has scrumptious aromas,
The dining room looks oh, so fine,
Decorations with pilgrims and turkeys,
And now we are ready to dine!

First the napkins are placed on our laps;
Now the prayer for the meal to be blessed,
Then we stuff the good food in our tummies,
And we hope for it all to digest!

By Joanna Fuchs

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Old 11-19-2007, 09:58 PM   #165  
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Are you all getting ready for the big day? I have some errands to do tomorrow and then I will cook on Wednesday and finish up on Thursday morning! I think I will have a house full! Last count was 21!!!
I haven't been on the computer much lately, however I have tried to post my calories each day and my exercise.
You all seem to live such exciting lives! I have not been to NYC in about 20 years, would love to go again. We just seem to never get far from home anymore.
I do go to Dallas about twice a year. And to Houston (Deer Park)at least once a year. I see we have a couple of Texans on now. I live in the North Central part of the state, about 2 miles from the OK border. Houston, you can send us some of your rain...we are so dry. My dh watered the lawn today. We are supposed to get some cooler weather, at least fall like weather, for Thanksgiving. It is about 65 degrees here now. Was near 80 this afternoon!
I am trying a couple of low calorie desserts on my family this year. Hope they turn our good. One I have made before and I like it, the other will be a first.
You all have a good night and a wonderful tomorrow.

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