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Old 10-30-2007, 09:13 AM   #301  
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Good Morning . . .

The sun is mostly shining today although it is cold -- just above freezing -- but no snow yet. I had a decent night's sleep for a change and feel sooooo much brighter because of it. Amazing how much that helps.

Have a great day, gang . . . see you all later . . .
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Old 10-30-2007, 09:30 AM   #302  
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Good Morning to all, and yes Linda, a good nights sleep is the cure of a lot of ailments!

Busy day today with a lot of temptations along the way. I have to go to work this morning for the party of one of the ladies that is retiring. She's been a nurse for 30 years. I made an ambrosia salad to take, that is what the cordinator asked me to bring. I know there will be all kinds of goodies there. I just have to have lots of resolve. And then, later this evening, my grandson will be here, with his family, for his little party. I can't go to the official party, which is Friday, so i'm making a pie for him and giving him his gift now. Plus dinner, his choice. More temptations.

I haven't been walking the way I would like. It's been a slow process. I got the script from my rehab Dr. for Water exercise but haven't been able to start yet due to work schedule. This is the end of this schedule so I'm hoping that I can work something out with the next schedule. I am so hoping that this helps. I don't lose weight well unless I can exercise. Just way too slowely. Plus, I feel so much better when I exercise. What kinds of exercise do all of you do? Sorry, I know you have probably posted it many times.

It's cold here but hopefully it will warm up this afternoon. But tomorrow is supposed to be cold again. I was hoping for warmer weather for the trick-or-treators. We bought a case of chips last night. Hadn't really planned on getting anything. We were going to my son's house to go with the grandkids. But I have to work 12 hours and won't get home untill around 8 so Hubby will give out the chips. We got those so that, if they weren't all given out, he could take them in his lunch. We don't get many kids and end up with way too much candy left over.

Everyone have a great day. Freda
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Old 10-30-2007, 09:30 AM   #303  
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Thank you all for your support.......

It is a rainy/windy day here in south Florida, glad we had our reunion last week in Orlando.

I will post some photos but our camera didn't work and we had to buy disposable ones so we will get those put on disks this week, then hopefully I can post off those.

Well, I will be back to WW today.....popped up a pound with my comfort eating since Sunday. Did well on the vacation and with all the walking didn't gain anything. We had some amazing wine at a couple of resturants and thankfully couldn't afford more than one or two glasses, so many calories too.

I see a new member or two, welcome to our group.

I'm off to start doing all the laundry from the trip, I need some clothes to wear......

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Old 10-30-2007, 01:35 PM   #304  
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Good Morning:

Beautiful day here in CA. The smoke has finally cleared and the sky is blue with swirls of clouds. It looks like God took a paintbrush and brushed beautiful swirls of white in the sky. Very, very pretty.

After having the free day this weekend I noticed it was hard to stay on program yesterday. I guess the cravings will go away in a couple of days. I felt like I did when I first started dieting. The next time I want a break from the strict program I'm on I will keep it at one meal instead of two free meals. Anyway, I guess this helps me to learn more about my body.

I hope everyone has a wonderful and successful day.

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Old 10-30-2007, 09:00 PM   #305  
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We finally have cool weather. I've had my winter coat on the past 2 days. The mornings are about 32 degrees.

I got a call yesterday. My doctor wants to see me tomorrow afternoon. I'm a little nervous. I know something is not right---I just am a little afraid to find out what is going on.

I caught up with most of the posts. The GG's make me more calm!!

Meowee: I hope you feel better soon. I’m sorry to read of the loss of Freckle.

Phyllis---I’m sorry about the loss of Rusty. Your Florida vacation sounded a lot like one that we had when the children were small. In my case, DH and DD got sun poisoning! EWWW! was that a mess

I thought I would write a long one....but it has turned into a flyby!


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Old 10-31-2007, 06:02 AM   #306  
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Good Morning Everyone,

Happy Halloween!

Hi Marylynn, sounds like your halloween party was a great success.

Hi Freda, what kinds of books do you like to read? About exercise - I walk, do the eliptical, weight machines & water aerobics.

Hi LindaD, good luck de-toxing. You'll be back to normal shortly. Drink a lot of water.

Hi Rosey, did you win at Bingo?

Hi Phyllis, how was your foot with all the walking on your vacation?

Hi Trish, good luck at the doctor's today.

Hi Zoe, Karen, Linda (Meowee) & all the rest of the Golden Girls.

Today I'm home for the day - no special plans. Just straighten up the house & pay bills.

Hope everyone has a Happy and Healthy day,

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Old 10-31-2007, 06:37 AM   #307  
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Good morning and

Our coffee maker made its last pot of coffee yesterday morning before it died. That meant a trip to the mall to buy another one. We decided to go with one of those single cup coffee makers where you put the pods in. The coffee maker came with pods of different coffee brands, pods of cocoa, and pods of tea to try. You also can buy a coffee filter, which I did, so you can brew your own coffee.

Trish, good luck with your Dr. appt. this afternoon. I'm sending good vibes your way.

Linda D., after all you went through last week, I am glad that you had such a nice day yesterday.

Phyllis, we hardly got any rain at all in our corner of FL. All the rain seemed to have gone north of us so all we got was an occasional shower. We really need the rain.

A big hello and to the GG's I missed.
Enjoy your Halloween!
BFN, Ali
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Old 10-31-2007, 08:37 AM   #308  
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Happy Haunting . . .

According to all weather reports so far, we are going to have a better than normal October 31. High temp predicted to be about 10C / 50F and to stay up there all evening, too. Sun is shining right now and all seems pretty good with the world. Especially since the scale emerged from the corner in a fairly good mood and let me move my ticker two pounds further east. He's now going away again until the end of November because I just don't trust him. If he's too handy, he'll keep trying to sneak under my feet all the time and we'll only start fighting again.

Hope everybody has a great day . . .
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Old 10-31-2007, 09:18 AM   #309  
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Ali, we could send some of this rain and wind your way....geezh it's almost like feeder bands from a hurricane. The past 2 days weren't even caused by the tropical storm down by Cuba, can't wait until today and tomorrow to see what that brings! Let me know how you like that coffeepot....I've been looking at them too.

Linda sleep can be a blessing. I have had a lot of nervous energy and been very very hungry since Rusty died stuffing myself with comfort foods. Yesterday I felt myself coming down, trying to get back into a normal routine, of course coming back from a vacation also causes some of the same symptoms. Thankfully sleep has been pretty good.....I think I pass out!

Lynn, my foot did just great with all the walking. Think it was the tennis shoes. After a full day in a theme park it would start aching but I was amazed. Yesterday I just did things around the house, grocery shopping and it was killing me last night.........maybe I'll start wearing the tennis shoes all day and see if that helps.

Fredia, I love Ambrosia salad, I have my Grandmothers recipe. We are having a pot luck at our clubhouse and I just might make that but use Splenda what do you think, that should work well. I do the walking dvd's but have had a foot problem and had to stop for a month now. It helped me lose, I also do the Oxysize deep breathing tape, 15 mins. I went to a hypnotist for several sessions and it helped me so much with making exercise a daily routine and I don't want sweets anymore and always think hard about my food choices, but it was expensive.

Trish, I hate when the Dr. wants to see me....hopefully it's nothing terrible, please let us know. Good to see you posting again, missed you.

Rosey, my Mom was a bingo player also. They are having a game and pot luck next week here at our Condo clubhouse and I think we will go, sounds like fun. Good Luck!

Marylynn, I'll have to go back and read about your Halloween Party....we missed ours here but they are usually so much fun. You seem to do a lot of fun things....still doing the Rumba?

Linda D, glad your safe and the smoke is clearing. That was just a terrible fire, I was concerned how you were doing but didn't have computer access to check in....happy all is well. Your doing great on your eating plan.....

Karen, no news on the house front down here either. We really don't expect anything until January. My son did NOT get his move to So. Carolina, his boss pulled the company bid off the table so he is stuck here for the time being....he really wanted the move. Just been a really crappy week all around.

Hey Zoe, don't work so hard woman....what a wonderful surprise from your son. When do you go out to see him? Next week. I know your excited. Oh, I was in a store in another town next to us yesterday and found the perfect bathing suit, a bit on the tighter side but I bought it now I have one ready for my next smaller size and won't have to have that dreaded bathing suit hunt for quite a while! How's that for a positive outlook!!!!

Joanne, how are you doing my dear...miss you. Theresa you too, how is the job and that sweet GD? Lyn, hope the scale treated you well this month, I know your still walking.

Hi to all I missed this time.....catch you next time.

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Old 10-31-2007, 04:45 PM   #310  
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Happy Halloween everyone.. its cloudy and rainy here.. and i was a winner at bingo..always fun to come home with more than u spent..we are going to my daughters house tonight.. we live in a rural area and dont get any tricks or treaters anymore.. they have made a haunted house tunnel leading to their front door with lots of spooky stuff and sound affects.. we are going to watch the fun and help scare little kids.. im feeling alot better and my appetite came along with it.. and im sry to say i have been feeding that awful monster the last few days.. meowee congrats on the loss wtg..Trish good luck with the dr..hope u all have agreat and "fun" day ttfn ((((hugs))) rosey
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Old 10-31-2007, 07:40 PM   #311  
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Default Haaaaaaappppppppyyyyyy Hallowe'en, Chicklets!!!!!

Booooooooooooooooooooooo! Hi, 'tis me, Z, just dropping by to wish you all an eerie, and happily haunted Hallowe'en...

Remember, Tricks allowed, but watch those treats, Golden Girlies! We all want to be streamlined, svelte and slinky witches tonight, right? (Riiiiggghhht. Mumbled as she crams a Reese's peanut butter cup into her mouth). What? <looking around> Well, it's like THIS.....we didn't get many trick-or-treaters, and we have this great BIG BOWL of Reese's Peanut Butter cups! Woe is me!

Oh, back to my changed lifestyle again tomorrow! Honest! I SWEAR! Omigawd...I have to go get another Reese's.....auuuuurrrrgh! HELP! HELP!


Happy Hallowe'en, folks......hehehehehehehehehehehe!!!!!!


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Old 10-31-2007, 07:46 PM   #312  
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Happy Halloween Golden Girls! So far we haven't had any Trick or treater here but we very seldom do. I always buy a little candy just in case but make sure it is something that I really don't care for.
Zoe, If I had peanut butter cups they would all be gone before the night is over!! Just can't pass them up!

I tackled the treadmill this afternoon and did 2.77 miles in 60 minutes. I know it wasn't very fast but at least it is a start! Hopefully I will just make myself do it again tomorrow!

Guess I'd better go and get the kitchen cleaned up after supper now. It was cold and gloomy here all day and I fixed some spaghetti tonight. Just sounded good---- Good thing I walked those 2.77 miles!!

Have a Safe & Happy Halloween!
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Old 11-01-2007, 02:27 AM   #313  
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Happy Halloween:

I tried to post this morning at work but the internet was down so I'm wishing you a Happy "H" a little late. I had two little tootsie rolls this evening. I bought candy that I didn't like but the tootsie rolls were on sale so I bought those too.

After going to the store and getting the candy, I didn't even get to pass it out to the little munchkins. Before it got dark I went to the Christian Book Store to pick up a couple of books I've been wanting to read and when I bent over my back went out. I very carefully and very slowly stood up and waited for a few minutes until I didn't feel too much pain before I hobbled over to the register to pay for the books and actually made it home without too much strain on my back. I took some pain medicine and and I'm taking it very slow right now. I pulled my back out about 15 years ago when I bent over to take a head of lettuce out of the refrigerator and was in bed for two weeks on muscle relaxers. Ouch!!! I'm sure I'll be fine but it really scared me for a minute. I think I may skip exercising tomorrow. I'll have to see how I feel in the morning.

My total weight loss for October is 5 pounds. Not great and I feel I should have lost more with the workouts I've done but I am happy to be able to lose what I did.

I'm going to change my workout routine beginning in November and reduce my calorie intake to 1,000 per day for a while. Hopefully, I'll see a good result.

I have to see my endochronologist in two weeks and the last time I went to him he told me I was morbidly obese and recommended stomach stapeling. I always thought you had to be over 100 pounds to have the surgery and I believe my weight was 225 and I was 80 pounds over weight at that time. I've lost 30 pounds since I saw him about 6 months ago. He's a grouch so I wonder if he will even notice that I'm a bit smaller. He better not tell me I need to think about the surgery again or I'll have to say something because it's not going to happen.

Well, I've got to get ready for bed. I'll talk to everyone in the morning if the internet is fixed at work, otherwise, I'll catch up with you all tomorrow evening.

Last edited by LindaD; 11-01-2007 at 02:28 AM.
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Old 11-01-2007, 07:41 AM   #314  
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Good Morning all, Hope you all had a Happy Halloween. I had to work and didn't get home untill 7:30 and all the little ghosts and gobblins were gone by then. We don't get too many on our street any way, but I do like to see the little ones dressed up. We bought a case of chips to give out. Usually we buy candy but Ron (husband) said he would rather take chips in his lunch, which is what we usually end up doing with the extras. And there are going to be lots of those to take, because over half the case was left. My son, who lives about 6 miles from me, had over 100 kids.

I was fairly good at work yesterday. Our temporary manager did bring a huge bag of candy in, but I was pretty good. I had one minature snickers. And they had the large sized snickers bars too, so not too bad. I never totally deprive myself when there is something like that. But I do try to make wise choices.

Trish, I hope your visit to the Dr. was ok. Please let us know. It's always a bit scary to be called back in.

Linda, Sorry about your back. I can surely understand that. I have had a bad back for the last 6 years. And if that Dr. doesn't notice the weight that you have lost, and applaude your effort, find another Dr. Those surgery's don't always work either. You still have to have resolve.

Karen, congratulations on your exercise yesterday. Walking on the treadmill for an hour is wonderful. Don't worry about the speed for now. Go for time and the speed with increase with time as you get stronger. I read anything but perfer mysteries

Phyllis, We must have different Ambrosia salads because mine doesn't call for sugar at all. But I use splenda in almost anything and it works pretty well. I always put it in my coleslaw. How do you make your ambrosia?

Meowee, congratulations on those 2 pounds. that is great!

Sorry if I missed anyone, I am still getting aquainted.

Make it a good day, Freda
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Old 11-01-2007, 08:54 AM   #315  
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Good Morning . . .

It's that time again . . . here's a link to the new monthly chat thread . . . . . .

See you all over there, gang . . .
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