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Old 07-08-2007, 09:48 AM   #76  
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Hi Everyone,

I'm off to my gf's house - we're going to do a jigsaw puzzle today, maybe a movie and dinner this evening - I'm going to stay at her house tonight. Then, tomorrow morning I'll leave from her house to travel up to my niece's. If I get there early enough, we may be able to ride - she has 2 horses. Weather prediction is for 95+ tomorrow.

I'll check back in tomorrow night or Tuesday morning.

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Old 07-08-2007, 11:01 AM   #77  
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Hi everybody . . .

LYNN . . . have a fun day . . . see you when you get back.

CAT . . . oh it makes me sad to hear that people are still struggling so hard in New Orleans. Just doesn't seem fair that they are having such difficulty just getting back to being able to live decently.

We had another nasty little thunderstorm late yesterday afternoon. Only minor light-flickering but it did manage to rain out the children's Lobster Carnival parade. I stayed home and had salmon and salad for dinner instead of going out for lobster so, naturally the sun came out gain about 8:30 pm. This morning is looking pretty good. Hope it lasts for the wind-up of the local festivities.

Blood sugar is back to decent levels and I really think I'm going to have to change my official weigh-in day to Sunday. Nice 226.6 this morning. Wonder where it will be by Wednesday. I'd almost be willing to bet money it will be higher . . . again.

Other than that . . . SOSDD . . . Have a great day, girls . . . see you soon.
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Old 07-08-2007, 02:20 PM   #78  
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Hello long lost friends.

Saw 158 for a second today… till I ate some cereal, and drank a bunch
of water, to wash out some of the salt from Saturday.
I hope I see it again, soon.

We went to Olive garden Saturday, Wowie.
The calories I ate.
I figure it went over 2000!
That’s the first time since I started this life change in the way I eat.
The bread sticks were very good. I also had a seafood alfredo. It was very good too.

It’s a good thing for us… That It cost as much as It did. Hubby loved
his T-bone too. Said it was the best he has ever had.

then We went shopping for a new summer play outfit.
Found a pair of the kacky Capri’s that fit me well. Still a large to
fit this big tummy. Found a dressy brown t shirt and
a blue dress blouse. Still in the 16-18. again to fit my
tummy. I can’t wait for it to go away!!!
will it ever??

Gee Linda,
I am glad the phone is fixed too. One lucky thing…
when it was NOT working, one of my co-workers was
trying to get me to work extra for her. That way I did not
have to say NO.
I think you did good eating what you did.. the salad and
Scallops. yummy.
Wow you said you hit 226! keep up the hard work. And yes
it can be very hard. Your have done fantastic.

Hi Karen,
Yeah! on you 2 pounds.
Girl, you are about to pass me up.
I too have lost many a post in the vast world of the internet…
Now I mostly do a word document also.

Sounds like you had a restful day… On the swing. that is how we end most of our days, Especially if he is home too. Gives us time to catch up.

Some of our patients at work has problems swallowing to.
They have a thickner added to all their liquids that they drink. I guess it dose help a lot.
I hope Your dad feel better soon.

Check the pm I sent with the phone Number. it had my email too.
I will resend it anyway.
The thing we made for the furnace…
It holds the pipes up in the ceiling, has to be large enough away from
the pipe that the ceiling won’t catch on fire. Its called a fire stop.
Ours was a different size hole in the ceiling. So we had to make it our selves.
Its done, thank God.

One of my favorite sandwiches, right from the garden, Lettuce, tomato and
miracle whip on my favorite bread. Love Fresh garden veggies.
I had one for lunch Saturday, after reading about yours. mmm.

your retirement fairy tale sounds wonderful.
I really love antiques. I have very few at this time.
but your right...
Kids don’t always understand the real values of them.
I love vintage dishes, and glassware, among other things.
I even have collected some books to learn about them and
their values.
As far as spending YOUR money, Some kids need to learn
we are not working just to leave them an inheritance. Mine know
Where do you find all that energy? 80 min. on the bike. Wow!
I really need to get up and move more like you.

Well its time for work girls
enjoy whats left of the weekend.

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Old 07-08-2007, 08:21 PM   #79  
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Hello everyone,
Wow, feels like I've been gone for a month. I don't think I'll ever catch up on the postings.
Congratulations to those who lost weight over the holidays. That is a great accomplishment. I stayed the same so I'm a little disappointed because we were so active and I feel like I am getting thinner.
It's starting to storm again, so I'd better get off of the computer. 93 degrees here today and then the storms came and within an hour it was down to 69 degrees.
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Old 07-08-2007, 09:56 PM   #80  
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Hello GGs

It has been a busy day....I had company for supper. Strange....they like my cooking!!!!! I just made them what I had planned for me to eat....turkey burgers, carrots, & brown dessert. But man, those burgers were SOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo filling!

Tomorrow back to the hosp with my brother for same day surgery. Hope that all will be well.....will be a tiring day....I will have my drinks etc. etc. packed in the ice cooler in my car. Keeps me on my program.

ZOE......U GO GIRL.......Tell 'em like it is!! You keep up that kind of riding and we'll have to refer to you as the biker chick!!

LINDA...I hear you about wondering what day of the week it is....gotta keep up with that as I have volunteer work at the church for the next month....would really be embarassing to show up Monday morning!! I have posted a recipe for the grilled salmon on the new sticky FAVOURITE recipes. That is always so nice to have them where you can find them....thx.

Paula....I will be thinking of your hectic day while I am hospital sitting for my brother. I wish you all the luck in the world to help you make it through the day. you know EVERYONE has to splurge on over days every once in a while.....annoying to be sure.....but you're doing great..... and back in the saddle again.

Lynn....enjoy your wild riding & ...&.....&

Cat.....It is just sad to think about the devestation that you have to face every day..... Can only imagine what it must be like.... (and we only had to go without electricity for a week in below freezing temps.....thought I'd lose my mind before it was over.....only lost all my house plants though.)

Woodlily....looks like you have some bad weather brewing in your neck of the woods. It went around us to the north....and I hear that Minnesota will "get it" today.

Hello Phyllis, Karen, Bobby, Joanne & if I missed anyone I'll catch you later!!
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Old 07-09-2007, 05:52 AM   #81  
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Good morning ladies
or is it still night, After another night of hot flashes and insomnia...I am asking those of you with experience for your help.
Has anyone here tried the SAFE ALTERNATIVES? hrt- I got off mine a few months ago. As the dr prescribed.

I am looking on line and see many. but I don't like to take remedy's based on a websites info alone.
If I can't find something besides going back on the prescription med, I might go crazy.

The lack of Sleep alone can make one nuts.
add the hot flashes to a max, ugh! and then there is those things that make your hubby unhappy. lack of a sex drive. since going off my meds

I am probably calling the Dr. back this week, I can not take much more.
Thanks for listening, any help from you lovely ladies would be sooo appreciated.

sorry for crying on your shoulders. I am going to try to get a little more sleep. I have not slept most of tonight.
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Old 07-09-2007, 07:40 AM   #82  
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Another hot day for today.

Margaret- Good Luck to your brother at the hospital.

Theresa- You should have called. We could have chatted at 4 this morning. I was sleeping and the alarm went off. My hubby had set it for Sunday morning and didn't change it. 10 minutes later it went off again. He likes to have a back up alarm. I had a hard time getting back to sleep. Then at 7 this morning my daughter called asking if her work vest was here. I decided to go ahead and just get up since I have to do my calling this morning anyway and I want to have my shower done in case I have to leave at a moments notice.

We had a grill last night and we had my homegrown brocolli on it. I like my veggies a little more cooked than my hubby makes them. It was OK, but I like cauliflower better. Before long that will be ready to pick and grill.
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Old 07-09-2007, 09:24 AM   #83  
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Hi everyone,

I took a few days off from the computer...just like to shake up my routine every once in a while. Wow this is a busy group, I am reading and trying to catch up.

Happy to see Paula back and posting, Moxie and Lily too. Paula I went thru all that your going thru with my Mom....I do understand. He is lucky to have you looking after him and lots of family visiting, he will get great care. I use to pop in to see Mom at all different times and days....she didn't want to be there and hated it.

Now my mother-in-law is in assisted living and loves every minute of it! She about runs the place now! lol It all depends on their attitude about the whole situation, even if they are physically ill....I hope that when my time comes I will have learned this lesson.

Cat, that must be heart breaking to see N.O. like that, I have never been there and now I'm sorry....I thought "I can always visit N.O.". But I am glad the historic parts are mostly still there.

Zoe, I love reading your posts. Retirement is a different way of life for sure!!!
I get bored sometimes but that is my own fault, getting into ruts and lazy. I can spend hours on the computer alone.

Lynn, I have spent hundreds of dollars on card making supplies and did my Christmas cards one year but hardly ever make anymore. I didn't really have a place to be able to leave it out for a project that takes more than a couple hours. My dh bought me a nice fold up talble so I now have room and can leave out my materials for a couple no more excuses! I do enjoy making them...

Theresa, I didn't take anything when I went through the change. My night sweats weren't too bad. I know there are some herbs, your Dr. should know or look on the internet to find the brands...they sell them at K-Mart, Walmart..I just can't think of the names. Good luck.

Linda, you can make that salad without olives....I was thinking I would like some onions in it! I am on an onion kick for some strange reason.

Bobbi, I made the pizza using the Flat was quite tasty and easy to do. Didn't fill my dh up but I did fine with it. I was wanting pizza so that took care of that craving!

Off to get some healthy foods at the grocery today..........

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Old 07-09-2007, 09:41 AM   #84  
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Good Morning . . .

Another dull and cool day shaping up here in Atlantic Canada . . . the Lobster Carnival has been put to bed for another year and, as usual, the weather was less than kind.

Theresa . . . it's been quite a few years since my last period (at least fifteen) and I took HRT for a good number of them (about 10) until the big scare about heart disease came along. When I stopped my hot flashes came back with a vengeance. Try taking Soy Isoflavones (look for them in the Health Food/Supplements section). They helped me a little.

Just posted a little blurb in the "Hints" Sticky about the age old "Butter vs Margarine" debate. Which one do you use? For me -- the answer is, more or less, neither -- I like my veggies unadulterated and I seldom eat any bread (sometimes a Tortilla wrap).

Well gang . . . lots of stuff to do and places to go around 3FC and then out for some groceries. Hope everybody has a really great day. See you later.
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Old 07-09-2007, 09:43 AM   #85  
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Phyllis, I'll meet you at the grocery store...I'm getting ready to head there myself..the fridge is bare! Let's say we meet up at the produce section?

Theresa, I didn't take anything either when I did the menopause bit (twice!)..but I heard black kohosh is supposed to help.

Busy day of work here and my husband is working a very strange schedule for the next couple of is just too quiet around here for me!!
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Old 07-09-2007, 12:05 PM   #86  
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Morning GOLDEN GIRLS Like Phyllis I took a weekend away from the computer and wow everyone has been so busy. Welcome back Paula - I hope the transistion for your dad goes well this week.

I am not even going to attempt to try and catch up. I am here alone at work and need to get some stuff done this week -- soon enough summer is going to slip by and I will still be trying to catch up. Interesting weekend -- started on Friday with my oldest friend calling me to tell me her ex husband had been killed on his motorcycle (she was sure he was over his midlife crisis after he bought his Porsche). We were all close friends and I know she is happily remarried but her heart aches for her two boys. Oh and one tiny lecture everyone here -- this man (he was 58) was quite wealthy the two boys are 23 and 22 (and irresponsible) -- he died without a will. So now these two without any sense (and one is an accountant) will get a ton of money and I am dreading what the next while will bring. Hopefully everyone here has a will and doesn't make the same mistake. OH and ZOE -- you need to get the bumper sticker for your DD's sake - "I AM SPENDING MY CHILDREN'S INHERITANCE" - -won't that make you popular??

Then Saturday morning my mom called just before 9am -- the fire alarms were ringing loud and clear and she was in a panic because she is on the 10th floor with two bad knees. I can see her building from my bedroom window so I looked out to reassure her there was no smoke coming from the front. We jumped in the car and drove over to find out what was happening. Turns out a condo on the 2nd floor lost a sprinkler head and flooded (and the one below and the lockers in the basement -- YUCK). We have told her time and time again -- if anything does happen with the concrete building and everything she is safe in her unit. I went back later and by 2:30pm they had both units completely packed up and all the flooring removed -- there must have been 10 trucks from the restoration company sitting out front. I gave mom a good laugh when I yelled up to her on the balcony and told her to throw down her finance book (we call it the big blue binder) and her cheque book.

Well I have to get serious about my calorie intake -- I am stalled gaining and losing the same 5 pounds since Christmas. To make a long story short I decided to attend a wedding on Sept 1 -- my ex-best friend's daughter is getting married in Calgary -- I wasn't going to go at first because of expense -- but other friends (who also no longer talk to this woman) will be going so they convinced me to go. Its a young lady I have known since birth and her father wants us there -- so I want to look my best LOL. That said I just viewed some pictures from a baby shower yesterday -- I need a sign for my butt that says "WIDE LOAD" -- horrid pictures -- I keep telling my sweetie's mom she MUST stop taking side on pics of me and of course there is one there of me eating the cake - -ACKKKKKKKK!!!!

Well I promise to read and catch up with everyone soon.
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Old 07-09-2007, 02:08 PM   #87  
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Okay, just got back from dropping DS & his GF at the airport. cried most of the way home. Ooooh, how I HATE that he lives so far away! I'm SO glad that they're doing well out there, of course - both seem healthy & happy, etc., etc. Pictures of their apt. are sooo nice...I was expecting essentially a cookie-cutter box; you know what I mean, all those condo-type apts. with dining room/living room combos and BEIGE carpets and WHITE walls....well, theirs is fairly typical, but they have a pretty fireplace, and the lay-out is really nice. The GF has an eye for color and design, too, so I have to say I approve of the decor - even a few very nice museum-quality prints on the walls, some nice ferns in big oriental pots, nice colors, nice accessorizing. BUT I still wish they were closer!!! I just hated seeing them walk through the doors at the airport. Hated it, hated it!!!
My two daughters (maybe three, dunno) and I are going to go down in October for a visit. I can't wait 'til Christmas this year. Just can't do it.
I came home and ate a multi-grain bagel & cream cheese. BIG no-no! Especially since I haven't done all that well all the time he was home (except for the four days they were all in Philadelphia; I was right on plan, then). Well, I'm giving myself today to "wind down", and then it's back on track for me. I'm going to go for my bike ride shortly, though, and will ride for at least an hour if not more.

Theresa, my dear friend, I do SO wish that I could come up with a magic cure for that danged menopausal crapola for you. I've heard the same thing as Cat...about the black cohosh. You might do well to look into that. I remember the night sweats; only had 'em once or twice, but that was enough! I never took any kind of meds.

Oh, I just read everybody's posts and can't remember much of what I read. My mind is on that plane, I guess.

I'll be back when I have "composed myself" a bit better.

Love to all the GG's..

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Old 07-09-2007, 02:37 PM   #88  
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Hello ladies...
I have just joined today & was really unsure of where to post - as a newbie, altho there was one place that said newbies there had been no post there for some time. So after flitting around a bit- I lit here. Anyway, I was sure pleased to find that there is a place for ladies in the "prime" of life ( gee,that sounds so much better than it feels Anyway, 50+ catagory is a real comfort to find other women who can understand this weight loss thing at my age. Like a few others I read- losing it is soooo much more difficult for me now. This is in my life about the 3rd time I have actually gotten serious about losing this weight. And like another lady said- I am doing it for ME this time. When I started back last Oct. I knew the mechanics of it well. I am (or thought I was) a past master at losing weight. And initially I started out very well. I started at 223 & have gotten down to 182 by the usual methods of diet & exercise. It is fortunate for me that my fav food is fish- any kind & believe me I have eaten a lot of it. And I dearly love veggies. I always drank enuf water to float a small vessel for years- so the diet part has been easy. In fact I guess I have a bit of prob getting in enuf calories a day & they say that can be a prob. After bkfst ( usuall egg sandwich or lowfat cereal or oatmeal) I am full most of the day. I do eat a handful of nuts & apple & drink huge cup of green tea during hte afternoon. And fish baked & a couple veggies & s/f jello & ff coolwhip for eve snack. Pretty much that everyday- with very little variation I exercise 5-6 days a week. Arobiic (stationary bike) up to 6.5 miles & strength train after for about 15 mins. All this is leading somewhere- I promise. Here it is- I have stopped losing. NOT just a pleateau. We r talking I been at 182 for 3+ months. THe exercises I have increased- & vary ( walking couple miles up/down hills & dancing for 30 minutes) And I have been interjecting a bit of variety -l.f into my diet. during the day. I have tried everything known to man & the daggone scale WILL NOT budge. It has even gone up a time or 2. I am so daggone depressed about it- I KEEP trying to tell myself- that in a couple more days it will go down. I'm getting tired of being wrong. Does ANYONE have any advice- anything I could try. I am getting so desperate. I will not give up or ever gain back what I've lost. I feel to good & I love the way I'm eatting. But is it possible that I am doomed to be 182 the rest of my life? I am 5' 3 1/2" My ideal weight is 150.
Sorry this was so very long.
Betty H
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Old 07-09-2007, 03:17 PM   #89  
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Hello again,
I am sorry if I sounded nuts this morning. That was after another sleepless night in Ohio.
I went back to bed, and slept till 8:30.

Today, I called the dr’s office. I must find something. Or start taking meds-again. with sleeping pills.

Ok, I am done for today. no more complaining! Really.

Thanks for all your words of wisdom, I am just waiting to hear back from the dr.

Welcome Betty,

I see you have lost a great deal of weight, so don’t beat yourself up so much.
As far as breaking platuea’s… I have not had that misfortune, yet. I am sure it will happen.

To me it sounds like you are doing everything a person can do. So right now all you can do
is keep on keeping on. Don’t give up!


I hope I NEVER have to see one of my kids move that far away. I would truly break my heart too.

Where did you say one can get that bumper sticker?

I am so glad to hear your mom was ok. We have seen enough bad things like fires, etc on tv. Its why I don’t like to watch the new. Its good you could make her laugh with the Big blue book too.

Only 15 yrs… Its been since I about 18+ yrs… the last TOM. for me. I had a partial hysterectomy, at the age 32. Don’t miss a thing.
If the dr. can’t come up with something, soon. I am going to the health food store to see what I can find. Its just to much for one girl to take.

I would have cried at 4 am… on the phone. Got up for the millionth time about then. And was near tears.
but you made me smile.

Well dear ladies, If I missed you… sorry, will be back later this evening. after work.
hugs to all
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Old 07-09-2007, 04:26 PM   #90  
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Default Back from the Cape

Hi all GGs, took me over an hour to skim through all your posts. So many had a great June wt-loss-wise! Great.!!

The Cape was wonderful. Had a few good beach days and just relaxed with my 2 sisters....the one who lives in China most of the year is doing very well...she has lupus and her symptoms have disappeared for now. She has put on about 20# since I last saw her 3 years ago and actually in her case I think it helped her. Also the Chinese herbal medicines and her faith. She is doing missionaly work in China (undercover sort of). I enjoyed spending time with my neice (13 years) and nephews (twins 19 years). We did eat very well, and I'll know the damage when I weigh in tonite at TOPs.

I'll post a few photos soon.

It's very very warm here. I walked for an hour at lunch and melted.

Sorry I can't repond to each of you...I did IM my information to Lynn. Welcome to our newest members!!

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