3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Cheryl120 07-11-2007 08:18 PM

Evening Ladies...Another day of packing, I'm beginning to think there is no end to ir, but my hubby says we are making progress. :D Should be able to start painting inside the house in the next couple of days, then I might relax a little.
Today was weight watchers and I was down 1.8 pounds, needless to say I'm happy. :carrot::carrot:

Linda...My hubby went in for his 3 month checkup and the doctor started him on a insulin inhaler. I'm trying to talk him into taking the shots. The inhaler I know will be very expense since it is new, and I'm sure doing the shots is alot cheaper. Hope you are having a great day,and it is not too hot for you.


settie 07-11-2007 10:14 PM

Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a good day. We had one of those thunder shower/sunshine/thunsershower/sunshine.... kind of days. I opened and closed the windows too many times.

Cheryl - Wow 1.8 loss while you're in the middle of packing. Good work. :cheer:

Meowee - -0.2 doesn't seem like much but +0.2 would seem worse. Keep at it. One day the hare will win.;)

Time to go read a bit before bed. Talk again tomorrow.

meowee 07-12-2007 09:28 AM

Good Morning . . . :grouphug:

Wow . . . what a difference a day makes . . . Naturally, now that it isn't 'official' anymore, the scale is back to 226.6. This does get frustrating. :mad: Oh well . . . nobody ever promised us "easy".

Hi Settie . . . glad you got a chance to visit the new "Sticky". Hope the rest of you get there soon, too.

Hi Cheryl . . . the inhaler will be great IF (1) it works well (2) it is going to be covered by your insurance (3) if your DH is particularly 'needle-phobic'. However, IMHO, I don't think it has been around long enough to have a really proven track record, but maybe I'm just being overly cautious. Congratulations on another nice weight-loss. I'm so jealous, I'm turning green :p

I found the full list of trivia that went with the word D I E T --

D I E T is a four-letter word . . . that really means . . .

Disallowing Imperfection Equals Trouble
Dangerously Inadvisable Eating Tactics
Deprivation Inevitable Everything Taboo
Don’t Imagine Eating Treats
Definitely Inviting Eternal Torment
Deceptive Industry Eating Trap
Desperately Impossible Eating Targets
Doomed Investment Every Time
Determined Initial Enthusiasm Temporary
Done In Every Time
Deny Ingesting Everything Tasty
Did I Eat Today

Anyway, better get about my 3FC rounds; I'm definitely running late this morning . . . Hope you all have a great day planned . . . See you soon . . . :carrot:

Donna72664 07-12-2007 03:26 PM

Hi there chickies, I hope all are having a great day.

CHERYL: Congrats on your 1.8 lb loss :hug:that is super duper. All that packing and cleaning is accomplishing some great rewards. Sure hope your hubby will get along better with his insulin inhaler. Happy Painting, keep cool

LINDA: :cheer2:I know how you feel about that scale 0.2 seems almost silly but hey I found a quote just for that "If you add a little to a little, and then do it again, soon that little shall be much" Hesiod. Well I'm counting on that ! I haven't made it over to the new "sticky" yet but I always enjoy them even tho I'm not diabetic, that info is good for anyone watching their weight. Thanks for the trivia about D-I-E-T had to laugh at some of them, so true.

:rain: Hi DENISE: Sure hope your weather has straightened up somewhat. They just issued severe thunderstorm watches for our area until 8 this evening hope it holds off I want to go for a walk after work.

Had to go get my drivers license this morning, didn't want to wait too long and forget before my birthday passes, not until August, but knowing me I'd forget then I'd have to take the written test and drive, YIKES don't want that.

Have a good weekend girls, I probably won't be back until Monday.

Donna :wave:

meowee 07-13-2007 07:47 AM

Good Morning everybody . . . :wave:

Another humid day shaping up for Atlantic Canada. Kind of glad it's also Friday the 13th . . . Gives me an excuse to hibernate inside where it's not so sticky. OMG, I hate the humidity, even when it isn't terribly hot, it just seems so totally enervating. My BGL definitely does not like it either. :mad: Yuckie. Maybe I'll knit or crochet a new pair of slippers. Mine all seem to be suddenly too big. at least my feet are losing weight. :D

Donna . . . :hug: . . . Thanks for the encouraging quote.

Here's a little FFFF for today . . . maybe it will help us all feel cooler just thinking about it???????? At least it fits in with the slipper idea. :lol3:

In the early 1900's, people were advised to sprinkle a little cayenne pepper in their socks to help keep their feet toasty warm during cold weather.

Hope everybody has a great day . . . Keep doing the good stuff, gang and I'll see you all later . . . :carrot:

hyacinth merry 07-13-2007 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Cheryl120 (Post 1770645)
Today was weight watchers and I was down 1.8 pounds, needless to say I'm happy. :carrot::carrot:


Cheryl that is fantastic!!!!! Good going there! :hug:


hyacinth merry 07-13-2007 12:20 PM

I'll be MIA for a while longer as my mom is in the hospital. Staying on course with my program and times like these are ones that help you learn that you CAN do it!

Hugs :hug:

settie 07-13-2007 05:47 PM

Hi Everyone,

I've been too busy to post the last couple of days so I hope everyone is doing fine and the scales are moving in the right direction.

My dad had been suffering from back pain for a few days and then it seemed to get better. Yesterday it came back with a vengance so I took him to emergency. We got there at 2:30pm waited in the waiting room (with him sitting up in a wheelchair) until 8:30pm when he finally got a bed. My sister came to 'relieve' me at 11:00pm - still no doctor!! She said the doctor came into see him at about 1:00am. Can you imagine. He's 86 years old.

This morning he had a physiotherepist look at him. She thinks it's tense muscle and maybe some nerve pain (doesn't surprise me after waiting 6 hours in a wheelchair). Anyway they now think he's bad enough to keep in for a couple of days until it settles down. AAhhhh...... Sorry for the venting but I needed it.

Other than that I've been doing okay except for a mini-binge when I got home this morning.

Hy - I hope things work out with your Mom. :hug:

Hi Donna :hug:

Hi Meowee :hug:

Talk soon,

Cheryl120 07-13-2007 07:16 PM

Evening Ladies...It's been one of those days when I had half a million things I needed to get done and never got to it. :mad: Woke up to no power, and that lasted for 4 1/2 hours, so I couldn't vacuume out the window sills or the upstairs. I had to be in town for a meeting at 2:30 and never got home till 4:30.
Going out pretty soon to help hubby scrape buildings, hope the biting flies leave me alone!!!! Good news...the scales were down 4 lbs this morning!!:carrot::woohoo::dance::dancer:

Marsha...We will support each other while doing Weight Watchers. It really is a great program and I've done the best at loosing weight with this program than any others I had followed.

Denise...Hope your Dad is doing better. I hate big city hospital for the fact you have to wait so long to be seen. It's almost worth calling 911 and let the rescue unit take you in. You have every right to vent! 5 hours for your 86 year old Dad to sit is outrageous!!!

Hy...Hope your Mother is doing better also.

Linda...It is hot and miserable here. We are suppose to be back to the 90's by Sunday. Like you, I don't do well with the heat and humidity!! I just wilt!!
Maybe I will start painting my kitchen cabinets and let hubby deal with the outside.:D

Donna...I think I should of thought about moving a year ago. I can't believe the weight I'm dropping with all of the packing, cleaning, and painting I'm doing. As you can imagin, I was doing the happy dance this morning. It has taken me a year to get back to this weight. I am not going to yo-yo back!!

Well gang, I better go out and help my hubby, so we can start painting the house sometime this weekend. Hug's to you all. :hug::hug::hug:


meowee 07-14-2007 07:52 AM

Good Morning . . . Good Morning . . . :grouphug:

Well . . . I'm certainly glad that Friday the 13th has passed into history again . . . definitely not one of my better days yesterday. Today is already feeling better because the humidity has dropped back down to more tolerable levels.

My BGL has also dropped to a more tolerable level . . . wonder if it was because of the 700 extra calories of Aero Dark that I inhaled yesterday afternoon? Better not be, because my waistline certainly cannot handle that too often. Tasted pretty wonderful though . . . and that brings us to . . .

. . . a little semi-related FFFF for today . . .

Between the ages of 30 and 80, we lose 64% of our tastebuds, but our sense of taste still manages to outlast the accuity of all our other senses over our lifetime. Our taste buds are so finely tuned they can detect sweetness at 1 part in 200 and sourness at 1 part in 130,000. The sensitivity to sour probably developed as a protective measure since poisonous foods are more often bitter or sour than sweet

Congratulations CHERYL . . . All the work you are putting in is really paying off for you right now, girl . . . Wowee that's great. :high:

Good :goodvibes going out for the rest of you. Hope you all have a great day. See you again really soon . . . :carrot:

Cheryl120 07-14-2007 01:37 PM

Hi Gang...Just a quick fly-by. Taking a quick lunch break before I go back out and finish scraping the garage. Got the house done except for the high place I left for my hubby to do. Only one more side to do on the garage and it is done.:carrot: Last night, my hubby and I scaped one side of his shop. Wish all of the buildings would be so esy to do like this one was. Going to take a broom and brush the siding of the house and garage of cobwebs/dirt, and then it is ready to paint.

My hubby found out this morning that he is on the list for the job in Oregon, just need to wait for them to call us for an interview, then get hired. Seem's to be all falling into place. Would really be happy if we move sometime in Sept/Oct.

More good news ladies...Down another pound this morning, so I'm changing my ticker. :goodscale:woohoo:

Linda...Glad you are having cooler weather. Needless to say, we are going to be hot and humid for the next couple of days.

Well I need to get back out and finish the garage before it get's so hot I won't be able to stand it.


meowee 07-14-2007 01:50 PM

Hey there, Disappearing Cheryl, if you run out of things to do around there, maybe you could schedule-in a nice little trip to Atlantic Canada :s:

Really just wanted to stop in and let you know we've undergone a tiny name change to the "Age 50+ Forum" . . . Hopefully it will deter those sweet young things who drop by thinking our name means 50 or more lbs.

Later . . . :carrot:

settie 07-14-2007 09:57 PM

Hi everyone,

Hope you're all enjoying your weekend.

Ready2 - Welcome. I follow WW as well. Hope we can share some good ideas. :hug:

Cheryl - How many pounds is that this week? I can't keep track. When will your hubby find out about the job? Wishing you luck. :hug:

Meowee - I'm glad things are getting back to normal for you. :hug:

My dad is still in the hospital - they now think his sacro-illiac joint has arthritis. It won't suprise me as he's had both hips and one knee replaced because ot it. He seems to be doing better but he's on some pretty good pain pills so you never know.

Hope all is good.;)
Talk soon,

meowee 07-15-2007 08:31 AM

Hi there everybody . . . :wave: . . . this is NOT shaping up to be a good day for me so far . . . Grrrrrr . . . :mad:

Kittens are absolutely insane. Just when I was thinking that Frickle had finally figured out the kitty litter, she did it on the couch again. I've been trying to crochet a little and they keep stealing my work. They've knocked everything off the top of the 8 foot long bookcase - twice (by 8 am). :( The grocery store flyers didn't come yet so I was checking the specials on-line and they were loading soooooo slowly it was agony. :( My weight is up again this morning (rather than down) but it is lower than Wednesday was . . . so, who knows, maybe that means WWI will be good for a change. :) At least my BGL is okay and the weather looks pretty good, so far. So, hopefully things are going to improve. :^:

Here are some FFFFs for today that will hopefully get us thinking diet-friendly thoughts this morning . . .

Romaine lettuce derives its name from the Romans who admired its healthful properties. In fact, the Emperor Augustus (for whom the month of August is named) put up a statue praising the lettuce for having cured him of an illness. In 1924, another Italian (actually American-Italian), chef Caesar Cardini (who owned a string of restaurants in Tijuana) created the salad that features romaine and still bears his name. He did not include the anchovies that usually appear in the modern Caesar Salad; in fact he considered their inclusion to be a silly perversion.

Anyway gang . . . . Hope you all have a great moving and shaking kind of day planned. See you later . . . :carrot:

Cheryl120 07-15-2007 10:31 PM

Evening Ladies...Thought I would pop-in before I head off to bed. Today is my 35th wedding anniversary.:D Hubby and I spent the afternoon washing the north side of our house, so he can start painting it tomorrow afternoon. I am so sore and tired, even my eye lids hurt.:rofl:

Had an email from the realtor we are working with from Oregon. He sent 38 pictures of the house we want to buy. I'm hoping my hubby get's a call in the next week or so to come out for an interview so we can go and look at this place and make an offer.

Linda...Kitties can be so much fun. Hope Frickle learns to use the litter box real soon. Do you use a regular litter box or a electronic one? I have a Litter Maid, and I love it!!!! I just have to empty the waste tray once a week and add some more litter. I clean it out once a month. It was great when I had 3 cats, no smell.

Well I'm going to get ready for bed. Chat with you gals tomorrow.


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