3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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meowee 06-04-2007 10:09 AM

Good Morning . . . :wave:

Wow . . . I slept in again this morning -- didn't see the light of day until 9 am. Anyway . . . the menagerie is fed (including me) and I just have time for a few quick HI's in a few 3FC places before I hve to get into the shower and get ready for my opthamologist appointment.

HY . . . :hug: Yep . . . Definitely think you will like the book. She does a great job of stressing good healthy eating and provides a nice (and complete) list of the super healthy stuff (including her own take on the 12 best). She surprised me a little by including a pretty extensive list of supplements she likes as well. (Nothing distressing about them - Guess I was just expecting a more "purist" approach.) About the only thing that I really didn't agree with was that she suggests not eating after 6 pm. I agree, we should avoid ending the day with a heavy meal, but my blood glucose level would really be in trouble with nothing after 6 pm. :dizzy: But that's just from the point of view of a diabetic, of course.

Anyway, everybody . . . have a great time moving and shaking today . . . see you later . . . :carrot:

Donna72664 06-04-2007 10:37 AM

:hug: WELCOME TO OUR NEW GALS, MiddleSister and HB216, we are always gald to have new chickies join us. Hope you will visit often, I know you can add information to our group.:comp:

MEOWEE: Thanks for holding my hand, it's always good to know that someone is there to help when you start to fall. Glad your new glasses are working out for you. I too like to read when I watch tv,drives DH crazy.

HY: Your goals for June sound very doable. I agree you can't ever read too much on the subject of diet and exercise and better health. I wish I could be as dedicated as you to the non processed foods. Went grocery shopping yesterday and our produce leaves a lot to be desired, seems we just don't get very good produce in this area,think we are just so small and we don't use as much. Good luck on your goal.

To our new gals there is no right or wrong way to do this each person has to find what works for them. We try to support what ever it is that you find
works best for you and believe me we will be with you the whole way.
MiddleSister, please take everyone's advice about checking out this surgery
very thoroughly before you consider going through with it. It will be a life long commitment. I do know of a couple of gals that have had it done and they seem to be doing ok with it. They both have said that it is a real mental process and you have to be mentally ready to accept the changes you have to make after the surgery. The idea of finding a support group and talking with both sides of the surgery is a great idea.:goodluck: in which ever way it turns out.

HB216 you have my support all the way. There is so much good information out there and all you have to do is ask for our help and you have it. We have all been struggling with weight loss and we help each other.

I had a great weekend, got some more flowers planted so my yard is finally looking pretty good. Started on getting windows washed and those awful
mini blinds cleaned. I really hate those things but don't like curtains too much either. It was awfully windy all weekend but I did manage to set out in the sun for a short time, it feels good on my tired old bones ;) Did go for
a mile and a half walk too. Enjoyed looking at everyones yards, the flowers are just getting pretty. Still have lots of shingleing and siding companies in town and they were working feverishly this weekend, all you could hear were hammers. Last evening we had the pleasure of watching a mama and daddy robin teaching their 4 young ones how to pick worms out of the lawn.Daddy sat on a fence close by and chattered and mama had the little ones by her on the ground, she would pull up a worm and take it to the driveway and the little ones would all come running to pick it apart. If they noticed us they would all fly off, then in a little bit they would be back. a What great sight it was.
I weighed in on Saturday morning and I lost a half pound, not much but it is in the right direction. Hope all of you have a great day, I hope to talk with you tomorrow.

:coffee: DONNA


meowee 06-05-2007 08:41 AM


Oh DONNA . . . :hug: I just love that quote. . . I'm going to have to steal it to post in a few other places -- hope that's okay. :^:

BTW, you are the second person to mention sharing the "reading while watching TV" habit. That, and your DH's reaction to it, is a perfect example of the difference between the genders . . . women are better than men at multi-tasking; but, men do tend to be better at delegating tasks to someone else . . . :D

Definitely did not sleep in this morning . . . was up and down all night worrying about the kittens . . . their 'play' got a little extra rough last night and Freckle got a tail bite from one of his sisters that was bleeding quite badly. Didn't seem to be slowing him down any and he also didn't really mind getting it cleaned up, but I kept waking up all night expecting to find a tail-less baby lying dead in a pool of blood. :yikes: He seems to be fine this morning . . . no bleeding, no pain, no lack of appetite or energy . . . so guess I won't be rushing him to the vet.

Found this little cutey in my e:mail this morning and just loved it . . . also decided to start a STICKY on our little forum for various helpful tips and recipes and put it in there too . . . http://www.everydayhealth.com/photog...shame.aspx?p=1 . . . the best part of it is the alternative recipes for healthy versions of the Snacks they listed in the "Hall of Shame". Enjoy. ;)

Well, I'd better get a move on. Have a few things I really must get done today even though the weather is dull and drooly. Hope everybody has a great moving and shaking bunch of stuff on the agenda for today. Hope to be seeing you all again really soon . . . :carrot:

Donna72664 06-05-2007 10:56 AM

MEOWEE: Please feel free to use that quote, I liked it a lot. Glad to hear that your baby kitty didn't lose his tail and is feeling better today. Isn't it crazy. we get our kids out of the house so we don't have to stay awake all night worrying about them and then we get pets and it's the same routine all over again! My kids think I treat my little dog better than I did them ;)
Thanks for the link, ran over just to see and it looks very informative, will get back to it when I get a chance.I'm working this morning so I can have the afternoon off as I have to go out of town to my dr. and get my MAM done. Not looking forward to that, but the shopping afterwards will make me feel better, I'm sure.LOL Better get busy, 2 hours goes by way too fast when I'm here trying to get something accomplished. Have a wonderful day.:wave: DONNA

meowee 06-05-2007 01:30 PM

Thanks DONNA . . . when I get comments like that from the kids I remind them of two things . . . (a) the pets are easier to toilet train, and (b) they don't talk back nearly as much . . . that usually shuts them up. ;)

hyacinth merry 06-05-2007 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by meowee (Post 1719048)
HY . . . :hug: Yep . . . Definitely think you will like the book. She does a great job of stressing good healthy eating and provides a nice (and complete) list of the super healthy stuff (including her own take on the 12 best). She surprised me a little by including a pretty extensive list of supplements she likes as well. (Nothing distressing about them - Guess I was just expecting a more "purist" approach.) About the only thing that I really didn't agree with was that she suggests not eating after 6 pm. I agree, we should avoid ending the day with a heavy meal, but my blood glucose level would really be in trouble with nothing after 6 pm. :dizzy: But that's just from the point of view of a diabetic, of course.

Meowee, exactly why each individual has to determine what is best for them when reading these books, following programs, etc. What works for a lot, or even a few (lol) usually doesn't work for ALL. I have a friend that had a lot of problems with the low-carb SBD because of hypoglycemia issues...now you would have thought low-carb would have been great for that, but in her case, nope!!

I agree with you.

Also can understand why in your situation the no eating after 6 would be a problem. I have done this using 7 PM as my cut-off time and I have to say for me, once I got into the habit, I felt a lot better. BUT I don't have diabetes or hypoglycemia either...

I do take a lot of supplements (well I think it's a lot, but I think more than one is a lot - lol) My MD is also a Naturopath so that's what they do :D I take probably 20 capsules of supplements a day, but of course my multi-vitamin alone require 6 capsules for the full daily requirement!! I split that up and do two caps, three times a day.

I'm looking forward to checking out the book - it sounds interesting!


hyacinth merry 06-05-2007 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Donna72664 (Post 1719080)
:hug: I weighed in on Saturday morning and I lost a half pound, not much but it is in the right direction. DONNA

Donna That's great news!! :bravo: You are so right -that half pounds DOES count and is in the right direction!!


hyacinth merry 06-05-2007 08:04 PM

I'm doing my morning workout CD (my June goal: Monday through Friday for the month) and haven't had anything "Important" come up where I had to skip a session - lol!! The CD is gentle and has lots of stretches...while I'm doig them I just think "WHY did I stop doing this???" It feels great to get all the kinks out and stretch and all :sunny:

That's my goal achievement report for today :D


meowee 06-05-2007 08:41 PM

Hi again HY . . . :hug:

Actually, I'm not sure (after rechecking) that she is trying to say "no eating after 6 pm". It is mentioned in one place in connection with a list of things we do that prevent us from absorbing all the nutrients in our foods. However, in another place in the book (a more prominent place) she recommends a bedtime snack. I like that part a lot better. :D

BTW . . . what supplements do you take on a regular basis? I usually take a Vitamin (one a day kind), some extra calcium, and Glucosamine. Plus, a little sporadically, COQ10, CLA, Soy Isoflavones, and Cod Liver Oil tablets - I had to stop those before the surgeries and kind of keep forgetting them on and off ever since. :o

meowee 06-07-2007 09:29 AM

Morning . . . :coffee:

It's cold and raining in Atlantic Canada this morning . . . yesterday was sooooo gorgeous . . . oh well. :(

Everything is not all bad, though. My friend LouLou just won a dozen lobster in a draw and is going to give a couple of them to me . . . :D . . . Lobster and asparagus for dinner tonight . . . yum.

Have a good time moving and shaking today, girls . . . see you later. :carrot:

settie 06-07-2007 10:24 AM

Yum - fresh lobster - we don't get that too often in Winnipeg. It's raining here too and high winds. A nice day to stay in and read:) - or do houswork:?:

Have a great day everyone.


hyacinth merry 06-07-2007 06:39 PM

Beautiful here in PHX today :sunny: Temps in the 90's, which for us is great!!! It will head back up to the triple digits this weekend but a reprieve is a reprieve :D

Unfortunately I spent a lot of the day indoors (so far) but hope to get outside this evening for a bit. My yoga each morning is going well. I already feel more energetic throughout the day. It's a very simple and a pretty short program - nothing fancy or difficult.

Meowee that lobster dinner sounds wonderful!!

OK, I have GOT to get some laundry done, but just wanted to check in and say hi...I was thinking about Cheryl last night as I was watching a DVD on great road trips - I bet her train journey was interesting. Can't wait to hear what she thought about it all!

Hugs :hug:

meowee 06-08-2007 09:47 AM

Good Morning . . . :grouphug:

The Lobster dinner was marvellous -- of course, I did have to keep beating the cats away from my plate -- and, of course, I did manage to eat far too much. Once you get to that "OMG, if I eat one more bite, I'll probably explode" stage, it really doesn't matter that everything was low calorie and very, very healthy . . . :o . . . too much of a good thing is still too much.

Anyway, gang . . . gotta get a move on . . . many places to go and things to do. Starting with finally replacing my cracked windshield. Looks like we have a nice sunny (but still somewhat coolish) day shaping up here in Atlantic Canada. :cool:

Hope you all keep things moving and shaking today . . . see you again really soon . . . :carrot:

Donna72664 06-08-2007 12:11 PM

Good morning ladies, it is a beautiful day in the neighborhood. finally. For the last 2 days it has been:yikes:WINDY !!!! It has blown 30-40 mph with gusts of 50-60 mph. I'm pooped ! Needless to say it hasn't done the flowers or gardens much good. But today is :sunny:and a little cool, just right.

HY: You are doing so well with your June goals, I'm so proud of you. Keep up the good work and don't get sunburned in those triple digit temps,which by the way you may keep.

MEOWEE: Oh, lobster, that makes my mouth water. Of course here in central Nebraska the closest we get to lobster is the "Red Lobster" restaurants. It's just not the same as freshly caught, but it sounds yummy. My DH and I usually go to the RL on our anniversary, which is next month.
I'll bet the kitties were howling for a bite.
You were talking about supplements the other day, I take a multi vitamin,
glucosamine/chondrotin/msm, calcium and fish oil. Sometimes I take niacin to help bring my cholesterol down some. Sure hope it is all doing what it is supposed to do.

SETTIE: So did you do the housework? I liked the idea of reading better;)

Do all of you have great plans for the weekend. Sounds like we are going to finally have a nice one, without wind and rain. Would like to get my windows all washed again. Maybe get out and do some fishing with DH.
Want to go see my little GS but they are gone this weekend so will have to wait for a couple of weeks.
I hope Cheryl is having a wonderful vacation and getting rested up. It will be fun to hear about her trip when she returns, I think we have a whole week to wait yet, I miss her.:(

I will talk to you again on Monday, have to get the gym vacuumed before we see patients this afternoon. Have a GREAT weekend everybody !!!!


meowee 06-09-2007 09:11 AM

Good Morning everybody . . . :wave:

Well . . . yesterday was beautiful . . . although I spent most of it waiting for them to get that windshield installed . . . never though it would take over 3 hours. :( Needless to say, did not get all my other stuff done yesterday afternoon, so guess I'll just pick up where I left off, today. Today, the sun is flickering on and off and it's supposed to be about 25C/77F.

Happy to say, I had a much more restrained eating day yesterday . . . put everything together and things are almost on track for a decent week (my week runs from Wednesday to Tuesday).

Yep, HY . . . :hug: I've been thinking about Cheryl too . . . hope she is having a really wonderful time. Wow, I'd like a little warmer but you can keep that heat level.

Glad the wind has settled down, DONNA . . . :hug: Hope it stays calmer and that the vegetation puls through okay.

Hope everybody has a great moving and shaking time today . . . keep doing the good stuff, gang, and I'll see you later . . . :carrot:

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