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Old 05-02-2007, 10:21 AM   #16  
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Thumbs down Push ups? Not me.

...from Jay Jay....I did 26 pushups and 47 crunches but I was going for style not speed (my story and sticking to it LOL).

Oh my goodness, Jay-Jay...I can't do more than about 5 push-ups myself! Nice job. Keep up the good work at Boot Camp!

We have kick boxing class today at lunch - I'm going to try it.

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Old 05-02-2007, 10:56 AM   #17  
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Wow, JayJay that is amazing, maybe I could do 3!!!!!!

Lyn, I don't know much about kick boxing, let us know how you like it.

Bobbi, I would think you can join in the challenge any way that fits your schedule....Lynn will let you know, it would be good for vacations too. We will be gone on a mini trip this week-end so I have no idea what we will be eating or doing but I could try to post when I get back. We will be gone a couple of times during the challenge so I'm in it for the fun and support and weight loss will be my reward.

Well, I finally did the 2 mile walk with my DVD....wasn't too bad but I did get tired towards the end....only doing 1 mile today but will try for 2 tomorrow before we leave on our week-end get-a-way.

Had fish last night when we ate out but caved and had 2glasses of WINE!!!!!

Drinking lots of water today....Phyllis
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Old 05-02-2007, 11:22 AM   #18  
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Happy Wednesday to all the GOLDEN GIRLS so I am thrilled I put together two great calorie days and exercise. I see all the shows that say exercise exercise exercise but I just couldn't wrap my brain around it. LOL and lets see how enthusiastic I am tonight -- its raining and miserable and camp runs rain or shine outside.

Ella - I use the age card all the time. When we do definition class at work I use 3 pound weights -- I see some girls with up to 8 that's CRAZY!!!

Karen - never discount the walks you get with the dogs -- so you can get in your minutes!!!

Theresa - LOL camp wasn't so bad - ok yes it was -- but not really if that makes any sense. The variety of exercise and running around the park made it so interesting.

Lynn - Thanks for remembering this Lone Canuck and the challenge looks great. I can definitely join in except for my week in Oregon -- but that might make me more eager to do things right. Very cool about the Awareness evening that was inspired by your husband -- I know you are coming close to your year of losses. I remember back after my first year was over - got through all the first losses it was like I could let my breath go. PM me if you want to talk more. Also just last week I saw Dr Oz on Oprah and they were discussing the high percentage of African Americans with High Blood Pressure it was incredible and it was all about their genes. For the African American's whose ancestors came over in the slave ships -- the slaves that survived were the ones that could hold on to their salt. So through the years what helped the slaves survive causes blood pressure thus strokes to this current generation. I tried to find a link but was unable.

Lyn - you might surprise yourself. See I will NOT go to the kickboxing classes here at work -- so you GO GIRL!!!!

Phyllis - again until you push yourself you never know what you can do. I have been taking the strength and definition classes here at work for about 5 months. This combined with my core classes (yoga pilates fusion) has really helped my strength -- trust me I was positive I couldn't do 10

Have a great day!!!!

Last edited by Jayjay55; 05-02-2007 at 11:34 AM.
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Old 05-02-2007, 11:55 AM   #19  
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I did a copy/paste for Cheryl, she posted on April's thread.

Hi All!

Have been working in the garage and out in the yard for the last several days! Whew! There's ALMOST room for one car in our garage now! Woo! Hoo!

I planted three hydrangea bushes out back and also put in a scalloped brick edging for my new rock garden. I've been wanting to clear out that area out back FOR YEARS! Ain't retirement wonderful?

My abs were sore for several days after my double workout. THEN I was lifting those brick edgings and digging the holes for those bushes. My body said, "Hey, Cheryl! What ARE you doing to me?!" I just take my two Arthritis Strength Tylenol, wait about twenty minutes, and my body thinks everything is good again!

Oh, and I have been worrying about my VERY unsightly spider veins and purple bruise marks and bumpy balled veins in my legs. Ugh! I bought Banana Boat Light to Medium self-tanning lotion and tried it yesterday. The veins and bumps and purple blotches are there, but they don't stand out quite so much now. I can wear my capri pants to the track meet today without being so embarassed about the looks of my poor legs!

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Old 05-02-2007, 01:30 PM   #20  
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Thanks, Bobbi! I must have had too much garage dust in my head. I thought I put this in the MAY thread!

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Old 05-02-2007, 02:44 PM   #21  
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Here is my average for the month of April.

Cal: 1464
Fat 26%
Carbs: 47%
Fiber: 38
Protein: 27%

I started the month at 179 pounds. I am at 171 now.
8 healthy pounds.
Add 2 meds That I am done with this month also!

So this is probably the healthiest I have been in 5 yrs.
My hubby is just as proud as I am.

I hope that Banana boat does not come off onto your clothes when you work out. Thats Why I have been afraid to use it this year. Some of them melt when you sweat.

Congrates on the 2 miles. that is great.

how do you do it? I have never been able to do push ups. Guess I should give it a try too. You are a Good role model!

Please join the Challenge, Even if you do it a day behind us! Its about accountablilty. And fun! The more the merrier.

well I have to go make dh lunch for work and then dd and I are going out!
back later.

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Old 05-02-2007, 06:51 PM   #22  
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Hi Bobbi, Whatever works for you. For me, I need to post the day before so that I have a goal to strive for. Without the goal, I will make the wrong decisions.

Hi Lyn, Kickboxing sounds tough to me. Do you get kicked?

Hi Phyllis, Don't you remember? We decided that 1 glass of wine = 1 fruit!

Hi Joanne, I'm all about fairness. Can't have you celebrating the wrong holiday!

Hi Theresa, Congratulations on a Healthy Month!

I went scrapping today (my Fun), and I ate as I had planned (my Food). However, I did not get to the gym (my Exercise) - didn't get to sleep last night until 3am and just couldn't get up this morning to do the gym at 7:30. I'm on my way down to the exercise room in my condo to do the recumbant bike.

I'm looking forward to watching American Idol this evening - any other AI fans in our group? If so, I'm betting on Melinda Dolittle. What do you think?

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Old 05-02-2007, 07:02 PM   #23  
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Hmmmmm. I don't KNOW about this challenge business, girlies. I'm not very good at them, I don't think. Mostly, I'm not good at planning out exercise - unless you want to call my bike rides adequate exercise (and 2 1/2 minutes on the Trim Rider on the days I don't ride 'cuz of rain or something). I guess I could do MEALS, because I actually do know the night before what I'll be eating the next day., exactly, is the challenge??? A certain number of pounds? <groan - remember; I'm doing it veeeeerrrry slowly, here - a pound a week so far, yanno? What if I hit a plateau, and then get all discouraged and start eating just any old way again? > My fragile psyche may not survive if I weighed myself at the end of the month and hadn't lost enough to satisfy the challenge???.
Would y'all mind if I just stuck to our regular GOLDEN GIRLS thread for May? OR does it just sound like I'm rationalizing and making excuses????? If so, please inform me of such, and I shall attempt to re-adjust my thinking on the matter. Don't make me play the *age* card, please!!!!
Worked today, rode my bike when I got home for the regular 30 minutes (Yay, me!!! TRUST me: this is SUCH an improvement for me. Three months ago, the most exercise I ever got was lifting my fork from the plate to my mouth.
I'm feeling like I've got to do this whole fitness thing gradually. Really. I'm getting nervous, now, because maybe I'm sounding whiny...okay....I'm NOT whining, honest! (much, anyway).
Well, anyway, now I'm making my world-famous chili that nobody knows is low cal/high fiber. How kewl is that? And brown rice. Can you tell I'm starving??? I usually make myself some popcorn when I get home - that Smart Pop Orville Reddenbacher kind that's only 15 calories per cup - and I used up my last package yesterday. I KNEW I didn't have any, but I just didn't feel like stopping at the market tonight. So, I didn't have any kind of snack, because supper will be about 450 calories, and that's all I can have for the rest of today.
Well, be safe on your trip, Karen...and have a nice, relaxing time for yourself. Both you and your DH can use a break, I'm sure.
Jay, you're doing boot camp AND some kind of exercise program at work? Lynn, you're doing kick-boxing? Theresa's got some big ole' piece of equipment to work out on (Congrats on the great job you've done this month, incidentally )....OH. MY. Goodness. What an incredible bunch! (I know a lot of others are doing great stuff, too, and I'm proud of you, too, but I'm tired, here, so please forgive me, okay?)
Hi Bobbi!
Hi Phyllis & Paula!
Hi, hi, and hi Thrifty, Moxie, Cheryl (you're an exercise queen, too!), Wulf, Mickey, Luflic, Lyn, and Flutterby!

Okay - off to stir my chili, hopefull eat soon, and collapse into bed - have a great evening, everyone!!


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Old 05-02-2007, 07:19 PM   #24  
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Thank you and count me in, I'll post my "Yesterday's" menu, exercise, etc" today. Ella had a good question, what are we doing?
Quote:, exactly, is the challenge??? A certain number of pounds?
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Old 05-02-2007, 10:33 PM   #25  
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The challenge is simply to post exercise, fun, and food goals everyday. Whoever posts on the most days gets a prize.

There is NO weight goal attached to this challenge.

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Old 05-02-2007, 11:35 PM   #26  
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I have been MIA for almost a week. We were out of town and then I just got busy...I need to make myself post every day that I am home for the accountablilty. We are gone a lot in the summer, but will pledge to post when I am home.
I have read the posts, but don't have time right now to address them all...sooo I will just say Sounds like you are all doing good! Staying on program with a goal in mind! Keep up the good work.
I will be back tomorrow!!!
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Old 05-03-2007, 08:14 AM   #27  
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Good Morning!
It's so refreshing to sleep with the windows open at night, I think it invigorates me upon waking. Yesterday I made some Black Bean soup posted on the Fiber Fanatics thread, it was really good. She used smoked turkey wings for the flavor in it. I purchased a smoked turkey breast and used that instead. I get grossed out by the skin on chickens and turkeys, we used to eat fried chicken, skin and all when we were little. I can't imagine doing that now, yuk!
Thanks for letting me join the challenge and I'm glad it doesn't have a weight loss number to strive for. I'm just the opposite about planning my meals the day before, it would put too much thinking into it for me. I like to fly by the seat of my pants, DH and I tend to agree on everything and we usually see what we're in the mood for when we get up in the morning. I do most of my supper preparing in the mornings so my afternoons are free for what ever. Lunches usually includes left-over if we have them so that would be hard to pre-plan for me. My food goal will be to stay at 1200 calories until I drop the last couple of pounds.
The challenge is simply to post exercise, fun, and food goals everyday. Whoever posts on the most days gets a prize.
There is NO weight goal attached to this challenge.


Hi Bobbi, Whatever works for you. For me, I need to post the day before so that I have a goal to strive for. Without the goal, I will make the wrong decisions.
A question for everyone, do you dream in black and white or color or both?
Inquisitive minds want to know, me!
Last night I dreamt in both black/white and color and I drudge up people I haven't seen in years and years, what's that all about? Toward the end it turned into a nightmare where I lost my credit card and when I called the Visa people they told me it would cost $16,000 to get a new number! Geezzzzzzzzz, glad I woke up. I was really invigorated, maybe all that fresh air.

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Old 05-03-2007, 08:45 AM   #28  
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Good Morning!

I thought I would stop in this morning before I get busy and say Hello to all!
I agree that "bootcamp" sounds like I would just be exhuasted!! Way to go Jay!! I don't think that I would be able to tackle that!

Bobbi--- I guess I dream in both color and black and white too! Everybody used to tell me that you really didn't dream in color but I knew better!! How else would I have known what color someones clothes were in my dream???

Ella, Glad you decided to join the challenge too! I think it is a great way to stay focused and motivated. Sometimes life gets to busy!!

Wanda, Lynn, Lyn, Theresa, Cheryl, Phyllis, --- Goodmorning to all of you and I hope everyone has a great day!! Karen
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Old 05-03-2007, 08:56 AM   #29  
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Default Good Morning Everyone!

Theresa -Thanks for the warning about the sunless tanner! The Banana Boat took quite awhile to dry on my legs -probably because I was still sweaty from my shower. I just kept myself wrapped up in a short towel and cleaned the sinks in the bathroom, did my hair, took off my nailpolish and gave myself a manicure, and by THEN my legs were dry. I applied a second coat later on in the day which dried MUCH faster than the first. I still waited a good half hour before I put my jeans on. The applications look very good! I don't have any streaking, and the color looks natural. It was SO nice being able to feel a bit less subconscious about my varicose veins. The "tan" DOES make them A LOT less noticable. My time applying the sunless tanner and the wait involved were a small price to pay! I will definitely use the product again later this week. I haven't had any trouble with it rubbing off on my clothes or when I exercise.

Ella - I don't think I'm an "Exercise Queen", but I DO LOVE exercise DVDs! My confidence is building as I become better at moving and less clutsy. I'm STILL pretty uncoordinated, but I think I feel that way mostly because I am SURROUNDED by a whole family of athletes! I've always been the reader and the writer -pretty nerdy overall. It has been an OUTSTANDING ADVENTURE for me as a 50+ gal to do yoga and Pilates, and DANCE to HipHop music and feel comfortable doing so! I am so very thankful that I took a chance and started walking and then branched out to Leslie Sansone's WATP! From there I tried DVD after DVD at the library and bought those that I loved. They have made a HUGE impact in my fitness and health! A BY-PRODUCT has been losing these 84 pounds!

Bobbi - My dreams are often extravaganzas in radiant color! Sometimes I can even wake up and go back to sleep and pick up where I left off when I am having a particularly wonderful dream! My nightmares always come in black and white! The good thing is that over the last few years I have somehow been able to reach into my nightmares with my conscious mind and tell myself that they are "just" a nightmare and I can just wake up, walk around for awhile, get a drink, and then go back to sleep and get a DREAM instead! I LOVE being able to do that!!!!! In a way it's like returning a lousy movie to Blockbuster and getting a free rental! Wouldn't THAT be nice?!!!!

What's everyone doing today? I'm headed to exercise and then have to shower and get ready to take in my Jeep for maintenance and a recall notice on the ball joints. Hmmm! Who knew that cars get arthritis?!!!

Have a great day everyone!

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Old 05-03-2007, 09:38 AM   #30  
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I can't believe I didn't write yesterday. I remember reading the posts.

The weather here is so nice. It was a little cool yesterday, but it was perfect for walking. Today I'm planning on doing a little yard work. I want to get the flower beds ready for planting. There's plenty of weeding that need done.

Phyllis- : I look forward to seeing the ticker change to 4 pounds.
I remember the May Pole when I was in school too. Do they do that anymore? I know that our schools are working on the achievement tests this week. They are just testing these kids to death. I just don't know how we all survived in our day and age when we went to school to just learn!! I sure don't remember taking as many tests as these kids have to take.

Joanne- Your Boot Camp sounds exhausting. There is no way I would have been able to do as well as you did. I don't do push-ups at all. I hate sit-ups. I can't run to save my live. Your Go Girl!!!

Karen- When do you leave for your trip again? I guess I should write it down so I don't forget.

Lynn- Don't worry. I don't actually start my holiday shopping until December unless I hear about a great on-line special that I can't resist. It just seems like the time goes so fast these days that December will be here again before I turn around once or twice. Summer just isn't long enough anymore. I really hate cold weather and snow. The hotter the better. My hubby hates it because we don't have air conditioning (yet).
When is the stoke event? How nice for you to get such a special invitation.
BTW- Thanks for starting the challenge. Anything to keep me on task is very helpful.
I am an Idol fan. I LOVE Blake. The girls are good too. I really think the top 4 are the ones that deserve to be there. It's going to be hard to vote unless someone really has a bad week.

Lyn- How was the Kick-boxing class? Did you try it?

Cheryl- LOL- We have a 2 car garage and we've only been able to park one car in it since shortly after we moved here 5 years ago. My hubby goes out to "straighten" it up and it never looks any different. Of course he found room on his side to squeeze 3 of his motorcycles and 2 of the kids in it. Our lawn mower is now sitting outside.

Theresa- You are doing GREAT. Keep it up girl!

Ella- Of course you count your bike rides as exercise for the challenge. There's no mention about weight loss on the challenge. A pound is a pound. Right now I would be happy with that. I don't think you should join the challenge if you really don't want to though.

Wanda- Welcome back.

Bobbi- We had the windows open a crack last night too. My hubby was complaining this morning that he was cold, but I was all comfy under my blankets.
I really don't know if I dream in black and white or color. I'm guessing color since when I remember them they seem to be real life. I don't remember a lot of my dreams. Of course I have the dreams that you are back in school and can't find you locker or can't remember the combination to the lock. I wander around during the while dream and never go to any classes. Strange how I'm a student there, but my kids are there too. I don't remember dreaming last night.
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