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Old 06-03-2016, 07:31 PM   #1  
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Default June 2016 Thread - Graduating to Lower Weights!!

Are we still here, ladies?

I'm here, but at a stand still - no weight loss for about 2 weeks. However, I am progressing in C210K, and staying off the sweets and caffeine. I've been making turkey lately - roasted, grilled turkey burgers. Also chicken breast - I made a balsamic chicken dish that was pretty good. Lots of quinoa, brown rice, veggies, fruit...

Anyhoo...going to the doctor later this week for my hypertension stuff (which has been under control). This is the doc who is a major fat shamer - so who knows - maybe I'll be back on here crying and supermotivated to lose weight after being shamed?

Hope you are all doing well....
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Old 06-05-2016, 12:04 AM   #2  
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Wow, Guac! Can't you get a doc who's supportive and not a shamer? Hugs in any case.
You're doing better than I am, in any case. My kids are stressed and I take it all on me somehow, with visible results, alas. My youngest is 14 and I will be so glad when they are out of school. I have been averaging one jog every ten days! Not really enough, I know.

I still can't get over how even though I know junk food will make everything worse, it somehow still works, in the short term. Why do cookies make me feel loved and hopeful, even if only for ten minutes?

Hope the bp is behaving! Hello to everyone else. Have your summers turned up yet? We have had cold, damp weather to the point where there are shrooms growing in my tomato pots!
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Old 06-06-2016, 12:34 PM   #3  
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Hello ladies! I am still here, cannot believe I have regained so much of the weight I lost. Working on forgiving myself and moving on. I am following a strict diet plan this time and doing my best to stay focused and on track. I am doing pretty week but the weightloss is slow or seems to be to me. I have some hip and back problems which have taken FOREVER to heal. It is better and I need to start exercising lightly again. We will all be smaller by the end of the summer!!!!

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Old 06-07-2016, 11:37 AM   #4  
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I weighed in this morning and have officially lost another 2.5lbs. Woo Hoo!! I am excited to see a loss. I am taking it one day at a time but home to be at the 10lb loss mark by next Friday. Fingers crossed!
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Old 06-07-2016, 12:51 PM   #5  
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Default's really tough losing weight in your 40s isn't it? What with getting older, health issues, and family issues... I guess we all seek relief in food.

Well, I lost another pound (yeah!), BUT, I so wanted to be at 150 for my appointment later this week - I wanted to be at a normal BMI, just as an F*** You to that doctor. Alas, it is not to be. Oh well, I just have to let any weight/food/exercise lectures/insults go in one ear and out the other, and only listen to the medical advice directed at my health issues (I am not including weight as a health issue with him).

One thing I like that NEMom said - let's all make a pact to be smaller by the end of the summer! That's something that I think is doable for all of us.

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Old 06-08-2016, 12:43 PM   #6  
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Originally Posted by guacamole View Post's really tough losing weight in your 40s isn't it? What with getting older, health issues, and family issues... I guess we all seek relief in food.

Well, I lost another pound (yeah!), BUT, I so wanted to be at 150 for my appointment later this week - I wanted to be at a normal BMI, just as an F*** You to that doctor. Alas, it is not to be. Oh well, I just have to let any weight/food/exercise lectures/insults go in one ear and out the other, and only listen to the medical advice directed at my health issues (I am not including weight as a health issue with him).

One thing I like that NEMom said - let's all make a pact to be smaller by the end of the summer! That's something that I think is doable for all of us.
I'm new here and introduced myself in the intro section. But I'm 44 yrs old and hope I can join you ladies. I am 5' 5" and 186 pounds. I am aiming at losing 16 pounds to get me to 170 and then I'll re-visit my goals.

Anyway, I wanted to address the shaming doctor. Did you know that medical doctors get ZERO course hours on nutrition and its effects on the body in medical school? Zero! Point is, it takes a lot of gall to shame someone who is one, paying your bills, and two, might just know a wee bit more about how certain foods affect them. "First do no harm" is the moniker of the oath of the medical profession. Well, is shaming someone helpful or harmful? Shame on that doctor!!!!!!
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Old 06-08-2016, 01:01 PM   #7  
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When I was 8 months pg I had gone in for my appointment and also some fasting testing. Because of the test it was 1:30 pm and I had not been allowed to eat since midnight. I was pretty shaky so I brought a clif bar with me

I expressed concern to my doctor that I was putting on weight extremely fast the past couple weeks, way more than calories could explain. She looked at my chart and said "no you've gained 10 lbs in 1 month since your last appointment, a little high but nothing concerning" I explained that i had gained 8 of those 10 in the last 7 days and she actually said that "at home weight doesn't count, your scale is probably wrong". But if I was concerned about my weight having a clif bar was WHY I was fat. It didnt matter that it was the first food I had eaten all day and that 140 calories of anything isnt WHY anyone is fat. She persisted that eating that single clif bar was completely representative of my overall unhealthy eating habits and I had no one to blame but myself for the weight gain.

24 hours later I had my baby as a result of pre-eclampsia. What is one of the symptoms? Oh yeah, sudden fluid retention. (the other is a CHANGE in blood pressure. Mine had suddenly jumped from extremely low to the high end of normal, but she dismissed that too as it was still "normal")

Dr's and weight. Sigh. Dr's and dismissing patients because we're not doctors so anything we think is crap. (same Dr. told me that i couldn't possibly know how to read litmus paper to test for urine vs. amniotic fluid leakage since I was not a doctor. I'm a chemical engineer. It was amniotic fluid)
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Old 06-16-2016, 12:25 AM   #8  
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Ennay, that doctor really deserved to be sued for malpractice!

Missybb, welcome!

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I have a baaaaad tendency to just stay away when things are not going well (everybody likes reporting successes, right?) so this time I promised myself I would weigh in every week no matter what and at least I did that... But nothing's really changed here: I'm still trying to get one daughter into school back in the US, still trying to get one daughter to graduate (she's doing well, but suffers from depression and has ADD) and the youngest is in full on "I know everything and you're an idiot" puberty.

I've also started selling my books (took up bookbinding a couple of years ago) and am trying to make time for painting writing maybe even a little exercise, but my time management skills suck and my house is a wreck- I don't see how people do it! I've seen people who can do it all at the same time, but I don't know how they do it and I never seem to be able to apply anything I've learned to my own life.

Anyway, in about two weeks we'll find out if Prima passed her exams, Middlekid will be in the states, and Thirdling, well, Thirdling will still be in puberty. Can't win them all, I guess

Hopefully then I will make more regular posts and even have something to post about. I really miss jogging and yet don't seem to be able to make time for it, so maybe the numbers on my weigh-ins will be friendlier then. In the meantime, I'll be around, complaining about the weather (incessant rain, localized flooding) complaining about my kids ...

How are the rest of you doing?
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Old 06-16-2016, 07:10 AM   #9  
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ennay - wow that sounds awful - makes me glad I had my 2 girls here in NZ the drs leave a majority of pregnancy care to trained for it midwives - there are some drs that do and they specialise in it - you don't bring up weight gain with the ones who do fasting tests - there just lab techs who haven't a clue beyond there job and I was extra lucky with my midwife in my last month 2nd pregnancy I gained 5kg in 2 weeks with hardly being able to eat - then it was daily weigh ins to see if it was changing or getting worse before going further - I had last trimester morning sickness that was fun .. (not especially with a nearly 2 year old...)
Any way quick wave hi to all thought I would catch up after being away for a bit ...
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Old 06-20-2016, 04:58 AM   #10  
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must stay focused this week - keep to points in the WW plan.... drink water or will have retention issues its TOM again... feels like it wasn't that long ago either.. ugh ...
Got home tonight hubby had cooked tea - aww nice... steak onions peas and potato ... ok not too bad apart from the onion done in butter but very nice... enjoyed the dinner - steps up more then usual for a Monday that was good ...
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Old 06-20-2016, 12:47 PM   #11  
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I lost 3.5lbs last week. This brings my total weight loss for the month I have been on MRC to 11.5lbs. I am really happy with this even though the plan is quite strict. I did eat off plan on Friday evening. Went out to dinner and I was starving so I over ate but the rest of the weekend was pretty good.

Hope everyone is doing well!!! Have a great week.
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Old 06-21-2016, 12:31 AM   #12  
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That's great, NE mom! I'm still focusing on not gaining for the next two weeks until my kids are sorted. At least it's finally stopped raining! There have been floodings and landslides here and there. What a soggy spring! I'm looking up at the sky thinking, "hey, weather! My watermelons need sun, too, not just water!"

I'm trying to scrape together the guts to go jogging again. Why is it so bloody hard to do something I think I want to do?
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Old 06-21-2016, 08:50 AM   #13  
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Hello, everyone! I am also a truant poster! Life is totally hectic right now, as the summer months make for uneven schedules with my kids, and I am running around with them at all times of the day. I am still trying to get in my weekly 10Ks (it's a 3 day a week app program), but it's not easy! I am also trying to stick to my no-sugar, low salt, whole foods plan. I've been great about the sugar, but occasionally find myself eating some off plan and high salt processed foods when there are no whole foods readily available (my house is pretty bare right now except for a pot of lentil soup and a sliced roast turkey I made yesterday, so it's time to go shopping). I've lost another pound, and am continuing the super slow weight loss progress - but at least the scale is moving down. NEMom - you are rocking it! What is the MRC plan?

My doctor's visit update from about a week or so ago - he had nothing but good things to say! Now, I can only imagine what he would have said had I come in heavier or the same as my previous visit (I doubt he underwent some kind of metamorphosis), but the first thing he said to me was that I was melting away and had lost 22 pounds since my last visit. My last blood labs were excellent, and he told me I was his star patient of the day! Also, when I asked him if he still wanted me to call in my blood pressures every month, after reviewing the BP reports I sent him, he told me that he trusts me now, and that I didn't have to call in unless they went to high or too low. He actually had to cut my medication dosage in half, because my bp was running too low, and he told me if I keep losing weight he will most likely have to cut it down even lower - a good thing!

My perspective is this - my doctor is a hypertension specialist, specifically for hypertension issues that stem from renal/kidney dysfunction. While there may be underlying health reasons why his patients suffer from hypertension, these symptoms are made worse by eating poorly and being overweight. He sees patients all day that can't get their diet and weight under control whose problems keep getting worse, and the only thing he can do is throw more medication at them and give them diet and exercise advice which he knows they won't follow or can't follow. I think it would be nice if he would give patients the benefit of the doubt that they will try to follow his advice, instead of assuming they won't. I left his office that first visit in January feeling like I was being blamed for my illness. Anyway, I have follow up instructions and need to see him again in November, and I really hope I will finally be at a normal BMI by then, if not at my goal weight.

ennay - I had preeclampsia with my youngest child, which is how my hypertension began, water retention became an issue, and an extra 80 lbs became a constant companion. I've literally been recovering from all that ever since, and yes, during the post partum period when I was no longer pregnant, but just fat and still very sick, I was treated like a stupid middle aged (I was 35) woman who had eaten her way to poor health during her pregnancy and caused her own issues.

Sorry I don't have time for more personals, but hopefully I will be back here more often. I am having back surgery in July, so when I am back home recovering I am sure I will have more time to read and post on 3FC. I am very worried about weight gain post-surgery as I won't be able to exercise or prepare my healthy foods for awhile. I don't want to fall off the wagon!

Last edited by guacamole; 06-21-2016 at 08:54 AM.
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Old 06-24-2016, 11:35 AM   #14  
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Guacamole - Sounds like you have your hands full with your kids. I am glad your doctors appointment was positive and not a bad experience. MRC is Metabolic Research Center. It is a weight loss center/diet plan where I live. It is strict and costly but I was desperate. I have gained so much weight back and I could not get myself back on track.

I weighed in today and lost another pound this week. Considering my bigger loss last week and the fact that I have indulged in a couple drinks twice this week, I am happy with the 1lb loss.

One more week and I go on vacation for a week. Gonna have to do some serious food planning so I can do my best to stick to the food plan.
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Old 06-28-2016, 08:00 AM   #15  
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Good luck with the planning, NE mom! Being busy can work for and against me, (if I'm under-busy, I snack from boredom, but if I'm over-busy, I might eat junk when pressed for time) So I think being prepared is the way to go.

Also, Guac, I hear you on the causing your own problems, but no one yells at a cyclist who crashed and injured herself, of a skater who'd just had his 10th back operation... I know it's not quite comparable, but in a way, it is. Why are they free to pursue they're lives with impunity and rack up their half-dozen health issues, and I'm not?

Stress is finally lifting. Prima kid (who has new and fascinating mental health issues cropping up every day) has nearly finished her exams and seems to be doing well. (Last year was supposed to be her final year, but she took the rest of the year off after christmas to get her **** together.)

Is this a parent thing, or just a mom thing? That our happiness is so dependent on the happiness of our kids?

Still not fitting the running in with anything even remotely approaching regularity, but doing damage control by eating lots of fruit and light food. Stay tuned to the way-in thread if you want to know how well that's working

And? How are y'all?

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