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Old 02-18-2010, 09:56 AM   #61  
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I don't know what is going on with me completely but I woke up this morning and felt like some sort of cloud had lifted off me. Probably mostly hormonal but maybe a little bit seasonal as well? Yesterday I also got so frustrated about not losing weight for so long that I thought about just giving up and eating sugar. I didn't give in to that urge but I did eat fried chicken for dinner which is one of those red light foods for me. I went to the grocery store intending to buy a rotisserie chicken and they were out so I bought fried chicken instead. There were still other choices I could have made. At any rate, I woke up this morning and decided I am going to rehire my weight loss coach I used a few months ago. It will give me some extra accountability and she will be able to help me think of things I am obviously not thinking of myself. I can afford it so no reason not to do that. I have to get myself out of this hole!

I also realized that part of the reason the BF has been on my nerves has been the mood I have been in recently but I also think there is something fundamentally not right with that relationship. I'll have to explore that a little more but I still think it has to go.

Annie-I am SO proud of you for passing up the majority of the drug rep poison!! I know that was a big victory for you. Remeber that nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

Bellafonte-I went to med school in Hershey. I've not been up in that part of PA much. I went to Creation one year. I suspect you are familiar with that.

Lamb-10 miles! That is amazing. You are going to do great with your half marathon.

I have rabbit on the menu this weekend. This is my first experiment with rabbit. I hope I like it. I'm making a Greek dish called Rabbit Stifado. If not I have several other rabbit recipes. Hopefully I can find one I like. I think I may also buy some more goat this weekend.

I really don't feel like going to work today. I'm back on call. This call schedule is getting really old.
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Old 02-18-2010, 09:57 AM   #62  
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I live in Ocean Springs
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Old 02-18-2010, 11:10 AM   #63  
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Hello everyone! I'm sorry I don't really do personals on every single member, sometimes my brain just can't take it! I do read all of your posts and cheer for you and and am inspired by each on of you.

Wizzie-Tootsie checked out better than the vet expected and is scheduled for surgery next Friday.

LambChop-10 miles is unimaginable to me! You should be very proud.

Petra-It is always so interesting to hear about your dishes. Is the game meat a new thing for you? I have never had anything "exotic" except for venison steak once several years ago. It was good! I am thinking about going wild and trying to work some healthy fish into our diets.

I woke up feeling very happy today!

I got my butt out of bed this morning and really tried to talk myself out of exercising. It didn't work, so I did my 1 mile WATP workout. I am going to do that for a week and work up to a more strenous one next. There are 5 different workouts on the DVD, so I should be able to mix it up a bit. Nothing longer than 30 min. I am hoping that building up stamina with the DVD may help me to be able to get back on the elliptical at some point. I'm not sure if I just hate it, or am just too out of shape currently to enjoy it. If I can't ever get used to doing it, I am not going to get down on myself. Like some of you have mentioned, it may just not be "my thing". I am still having some twangs and twinges in my right knee. I am going to give it another week. If not better, may schedule an appt. with the orthopedist for a possible cortisone injection. Hard to make time away from work for dr. appts, etc.

Packed healthy foods for lunch today, mostly. I had some left over fried chicken (me too, Petra!) from supper Monday night. I sliced it and threw it in with the salad because I felt guilty letting it go to waste. I may pull off the crust before I eat it. The crust is kind of soggy now anyway.

Hope everyone has a happy day!!

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Old 02-18-2010, 11:13 AM   #64  
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P.S. I have been meaning to mention that at my belly dance class, there is a certain move that we do....and every time I see myself doing it, I think of Ed Grimley from SNL in the eighties. I almost get the giggles! Just to remind you who Ed Grimley is, here is a video!

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Old 02-18-2010, 11:57 AM   #65  
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Hello chickies! The sun is out, February is more than half gone (go, shoo, amscray!), and I have lost another pound!

All right - so I bought a cheap generic version of those Yak Trax thingies, and what happens? The weather warms up!! The sidewalks are now wading pools instead of skating rinks. Now I gotta go dig through my closet and find some hip waders (ok, so they're not really hip waders - they're bright pink rubber boots with roses all over them. Very not me, so they shock the heck out of people when they see me wearing them (they are so bright you could probably use them as road flares if you ever needed to))

I have to head out to do some ho-hum errands today. Bank, groceries, yadda yadda yadda. I have to remember to buy that zipper to finish my skirt (I wonder how many calories I burn trying to remember all this stuff...). So lots of walking around (or should I say wading around - maybe I should add a canoe to my list of purchases to make!).

Lambchop - on the size change! It's a real morale booster to see the difference properly fitting clothing makes! You've probably built up some muscle too, with all your running - that relly will change your shape on top of the weight loss

Petra - Ugh! I hate the winter blahs! Once the light levels trend back up, I always feel better, but it's not until I can shed my heavy coat and boots that I really feel like I'm starting to wake up. Good idea to rehire that coach. It's always nice to get a fresh idea or two. Hope you get through your latest on call period without too much stress!

Annie - I LOVED Ed Grimley. I always got a good giggle out of his hopping around. Man, if I only had half that energy!! I'm glad you're still going to the dance class . How are you finding it?

Bellefonte - It's hard to accept that some foods have so many more calories than we think! Nuts, dried fruit, avocados, all these healthy foods...

Wlw - I think switching to a healthier lifestyle is a great approch to take! Once you get in the habit of making good choices, the weight will come off anyway. You'll be in a better position to maintain a loss if you're in a better place all 'round!

Newleaf - I'm glad you're starting to shake your funk! I know it's hard not to think about problems when they're so big and 'there'.

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Old 02-18-2010, 12:05 PM   #66  
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interesting that so many people woke up in a good mood today! I haven't been feeling terribly down, but I do feel more committed to my weight loss plan. Not that I wasn't saying on track, I'm just a lot happier and more excited about it right now.

Maybe we are all catching it from each other?
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Old 02-18-2010, 12:33 PM   #67  
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Part of my plan includes drinking at least 64 oz. water daily. I have recently been exceeding that. This is unusual for me, as I have never been much of a water drinker. Seems like the more I drink the more my body wants. I am, of course, using the restroom more often. But I don't want to drink too much and retain the water. I have read the threads on here about "how much is too much" and I don't think I am over-doing it. I just wonder what might happen if I miss a day of drinking my average amount. (If I know I am going to be out in public, I plan water drinking around that as I have a diversion to using public facilities unless necessary. Weird, I know.) Any input?
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Old 02-18-2010, 01:16 PM   #68  
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Annie -

I normally drink a LOT of water - like over 100 oz. Water is a diuretic (mild but still) and it's unlikely you would retain it from drinking too much, although, as you say, you'd need to visit the restroom a lot.

As for what happens when you don't drink enough - I had that happen a couple of days earlier this week and in 2 days, I put on about 4 pounds of water weight and that's when I started retaining it. I could tell it was water because my hands and feet swell up. I made sure to get in plenty of water after that, and all that weight is back off - 3.5 lbs in one night on Tuesday! So I think it's possible that you could have a fluctuation if you did break your normal habit for a day, but it should get back to normal once you get back to your normal level that you drink.
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Old 02-18-2010, 01:55 PM   #69  
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Thanks PeanutsMom!

I've also found myself craving less diet soda. I'm a caffeine-free Diet Pepsi fuh-reak!

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Old 02-18-2010, 02:51 PM   #70  
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WLW, congrats on a better schedule at work. It’s hard to work weekends when everyone else is off even with the two other midweek make up days. Sometimes it’s just nice to be normal.

Congrats Annie, you’re making progress with the drug reps. If they complain, just point out that you don’t want to be their guinea pig for the loads of obese related disease drugs and that you’ve already lost 10 pounds.

BP, great time isn’t quite right. Not totally miserable would be better. The moments of beach sure do make up for the hours in the hotel room. Great job on sprucing up the bathroom with minimal expense as well as the funky skirt.

ICU, it’s cloudy today so no sunny beach pics. But I will look at yesterday’s pics since the dr. visit took a couple hours. I hope the swim perked you up.

Cindy, timing is everything. We just bought into the timeshare at Playa del Carmen. But wow on the slideshow from the link. I don’t know if DH would want to retire here because of the humidity (he likes our desert air) but who knows. If the Scuba becomes a little more successful, who knows?

Elizabeth, WAY TO GO on getting to your slim in 6 yesterday, not waiting a day. That is the right mindset. BTW, salmon is supposedly (I hate seafood) extremely good for you so if you went over cals, it wasn’t on junk.

Newleaf, I’m glad you’re “righting” yourself. I’m definitely a SADD person. I love my light therapy box at home. It’s made winter way more tolerable the last few years.

WLW, I’m so happy you found a place that will help guide you spiritually, at least for now. You have been on such a rollercoaster with your son and your accident, peace would be the best step.

Lamb, congrats on the 10 miles. How did you manage not to doze off on a treadmill for 3 hours. Me, I would have brought a pillow and leaned over the console. And more than Newleaf, I’ve never done 10 miles running. One mile was my highest before my lungs refused to work any longer so you are my goddess. Congrats on the narrower you. I remember sitting on a chairlift with my legs pulled down (skis and boots) and seeing the width of my thighs. I was blown away – I was narrow and there was a gap between the upper thighs and knees. Congrats on your NSV!!!

Newleaf, I’m glad that you’re doing a bit better today. Even if tomorrow the problems are your first thought, remember that today they weren’t. You are a strong person and will come through this.

Kitteh, so you’re a Seattle girl? I was blessed to adopt my Sasha (husky) in Tacoma last October. On the drive up I-5 the leaves were so beautiful. On my other trips to Seattle area, I wasn’t overwhelmed but I have the best memories from that trip – could be my beloved Sasha joined my pack that day but it still was pretty.

Wizzie, no daffadils in NC??? I realize 49 of the states had snow over the weekend, but you should be seeing the spring flowers. Someone needs to find spring and quick.

DH's SCUBA lesson yesterday wasn't 100% successful. It was windy and chilly (74). The boat rocked and rocked and when he was in the water, he rocked and rocked. He's the king of motion sickness... On the second dive he puked in the water. OK, I'm trying not to laugh... But think about it, he puked in the water - he had to take a breath, remove the regulator, puke, rinse his mouth, then replace the regulator. I'm impressed he didn't drown. He's back at it today for a deeper dive but with a good dose of dramamine in his system. So we shall see.
There, comedy relief for your reading enjoyment. [IMG]file:///Users/marie/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/msoclip/0/clip_image002.png[/IMG]

Nearly all my stitches were removed yesterday. The ones behind my ears weren't healed enough and will be taken out on Saturday. But the stomach and arms - they're gone. The swelling is horrible and I swear I'm four months preggo considering how hard my stomach is between the tuck and the swelling. It's sort of funny. I chucked the compression garments (don’t scold Petra). I woke up and my left wrist and hand were a balloon from the arm garment. The left wrist was 2 cm swollen and I had trouble moving my fingers. DH and flew to the drugstore and bought compression wraps. At last reading, it was only .5 cm swollen and feeling has returned. I ordered an ab garment that I believe I’d like better and it should be at my house on Tuesday – the day I get home. I haven’t had Tylenol since yesterday early afternoon. I am definitely having asthma problem with the lack of exercise and inability to cough/deep breath. Thank heaven for abuterol – although I should have used it earlier. The dr. was not pleased with the healing and was sure I lied saying I didn't smoke. Something about sulfarizing (I really don’t know the term) but it’s common with smokers. I remembered the asthma and he said that was certainly the possible cause. My pulse ox is a little low at the moment. Any insights Petra??

OK, off to look at the pics from yesterday. We did a beach run this morning with a Starbucks mocha but sat on a deck since my hands/wrists were so uncomfy. Tomorrow I will have new pics if it’s not raining.

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Old 02-18-2010, 02:58 PM   #71  
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Annie, we're sisters!!!! I'm caffeine free diet pepsi worshipper as will (btw none here in Cancun). I drink well over 100 oz of water a day - I LOVE iced water. One thing I have noticed, my bladder can hold a lot of water but very little soda. The soda stimulates my "need to go" where water doesn't. Why I don't know but I'e heard it from others so there must be a reason.
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Old 02-18-2010, 03:51 PM   #72  
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I used to drink about two to three litres of soda water a day - no calories, but still not good for you. I probably drink less than a litre of water a day if I'm not exercising, but on most days, I'll easily drink a couple of litres. I know if I don't drink enough on a day when I need it, my body seems to want to hold on to the extra I drink the next day - I can easily gain and lose a couple of pounds per day from that 'bounce'.

I'm afraid I could never give up my caffeine though! I can't stand coffee, and don't care much for Coke or Pepsi, but you can only have my tea pot when you pry it from my cold dead hands! I drink five or six cups a day probably! It doesn't seem to cause insomnia in me unless I have it an hour or less before bedtime, so I'm lucky that way. Tea and tasty adult beveradges (wine and whisky) are my two major vices I can't give up.

Your poor hubby Marie! I must admit I laughed at his SCUBA misadventure! I hope he has a better dive today. I've been snorkling, but never tried SCUBA. Sounds like fun! I'm sorry you're having problems with swelling! This may or may not apply to you, but it's possible to have an increase in asthma symptoms from being near the beach. 'Red tide' algal blooms can trigger symptoms in some people. Even if there's not an official 'red tide' warning out, there's often enough in the air to bother some sensitive people (I'm *really* sensitive to it - if I plan on going to a tropical/subtropical beach, I have to double my steroid dose beforehand).

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Old 02-18-2010, 04:04 PM   #73  
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BP, hmmmm on the beach asthma link. I remember reading that once. For the first two days after surgery I couldn't use my Advair inhaler because I just could hardly inhale. Then I started using it again but the inhales were/are still pretty shallow. Yeah for forced abuterol.

I was a caffeine addict and would get voracious headaches if I missed my morning diet pepsi. Then I started getting rapid heartbeats and lightheaded. Removed the caffeine and all the symptoms went away. The best part is I have LOADS more energy, I can have water instead of soda in the morning, and I rarely ever have a headache. Traveling abroad is more difficult because sugar-free and caffeine-free don't go on the same can.

I put a link under my ticker for the Cancun photos. I will update them when I can. I would have put the two or three shots pre-surgery but DH is out on the boat and I have no idea where he hid the camera.

And BP, I laughed at the story - ok mild chuckle as laughing is painful. But it was funny. It's sort of a payback after the many rollercoaster rides he refused to join me on because of his tender tummy.
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Old 02-18-2010, 05:39 PM   #74  
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Marie-Thanks for posting pics! I kept finding myself seeing the waves behind you and thinking, "I hope they don't knock her down!" Hee hee!
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Old 02-18-2010, 08:19 PM   #75  
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Marie: love the pics, you look great! may start a new fashion trend with the bandages : ) that water is an incredible blue.

Went to see my gastroenterologist today, he's thrilled with my liver counts and the fact that I lost weight instead of gaining it on the metformin. I asked how "normal" the results were, if they are on the high side of normal. He said they are "stone cold normal". He thinks slower weight loss is good and I'm more likely to keep it off as opposed to losing it really quickly. I'm not convinced : ( The other NSV I keep forgetting to mention is theat I've been able to stop taking the medication for gerd. However he did some poking around when I told him that I have the same pain w/ vs w/out the medication and I'm not having an issue w/ heartburn so there's no point. Apparently I have some kind of inflammation in my diaphram area that he's not really concerned about...have an appointment w/ my family doc next week so we'll look into that.

Several of you were talking about teas earlier, I've been drinking Numi's White Orange Spice and White Nectar. The nectar one is good, it has a pleasant flavor, but I really like the spice one.

Still negotiating w/ DS18 about moving back home tomorrow. He's already on my last nerve! May be easier in person than via text message.

Back to work tomorrow, going to go cook myself a pork chop w/ applesauce and steamed asparagaus. And some stove top stuffing : )
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