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Old 04-22-2008, 06:20 PM   #1  
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Angry Feeling Hopeless

I am new here. I am feeling pretty much hopeless at this point on ever losing weight. I have had goals that go back to last summer that I never reached, I thought this summer was a no brainer, I had plenty of time to shape up for this summer, and here we are, April and I have gotten nowhere. I am so addicted to stuffing my face it's stupid. It is a sort of anestetic for me. Even while I could feel my stupid fat belly hanging out of my seatbelt, I still stopped at Burger King telling myself that I would only eat 1/2, but besides one half of the bun, i ate the whole thing, and now I am bloated and thirsty from all the sodium. I don't even know how to start. Thanks for listening. -Kim
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Old 04-22-2008, 07:55 PM   #2  
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Been there Kim.

I am a self proclaimed fast food junkie. Oh it is bad. And like you, i planned on being MUCH thinner by summer...only to pull out my fat shorts and even those were too tight. Wow. talk about depressing. To beat it all, a couple years ago i lost 110 pounds, only to gain it back by eating fast food again. How stupid was that?! So here i am again. Starting over. But ask yourself, what is the alternative? being even bigger by fall?

So lets start over...just know, you arent startig over alone. There are many many folks on here that are starting over. This time next year, we could be looking svelt.
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Old 04-22-2008, 08:23 PM   #3  
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Thanks Stacy, I needed to hear that. You are right, I don't want to be even bigger come fall. It's so damn aggravating not being able to get thin by summer, I totally expected it, looked forward to it, and I too had to pull out my fat shorts last week. That fast food is so enticing, all the fat, sugar, salt, i know i'm addicted to it, and it's everywhere I go. I'm goona stick around here, thanks!! -Kim
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Old 04-22-2008, 10:32 PM   #4  
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Pink welcome to the 40 something's.

There's lots of support on here. Pop in the chat thread.
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Old 04-24-2008, 05:59 PM   #5  
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Hi Pink, I am in the same boat but maybe a little longer. When I was going to turn 44 I was angry at myself because I had gained so much weight and I promised myself I was going to lose it before I turned 45. I am about to turn 46 and guess what? The weight is still there! Oh, well.
I have decided to start again and found this website, just joined today. So I start, again, today. But what I won't do is look back and beat myself up for what could have been. (not anymore anyway!lol) Now is now. So here I go...and here you go! Kick butt, (literally!lol), and take names!
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Old 04-25-2008, 08:41 AM   #6  
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Like Clydegirl said, come over to the 40's chat thread. It is amazing how much support you can get there! We're all in the same boat, so come on over and we'll all paddle together!
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Old 04-25-2008, 09:49 AM   #7  
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thanks for your replies ladies! It does feel good not to be alone in my misery. I will join in on the 40's chat thread. thanks again.

Last edited by pinknixon; 04-25-2008 at 09:50 AM. Reason: typo
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Old 04-28-2008, 09:04 AM   #8  
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Hi Pinknixon!!
Guess what???? You aren't alone!! I'm 48 and I've been so addicted to food lately it isn't even funny. Just starting to go thru menopause or peri, and I can't stop eating. I've gained so much weight in the last few months and my midsection is now a tire around my waist. How did this happen??? Yikes!! I even started a blog to help me talk thru things. I know this is a great place to come for support, so type away!! We can get control over steps!!
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Old 04-28-2008, 09:42 AM   #9  
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Omg Di I can't believe what peri menopause is doing to my midsection. All my life I would gain weight in the legs and upper arms until i hit 44, then BAM, i am getting a genuine Homer Simpson belly, it is freaking me out. I have actual rolls around my middle, YUCK!! So midsection firestone's are common with menopause huh? wonderful! Thanks for the welcome!
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Old 04-28-2008, 11:22 AM   #10  
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Pinknixon.....I used to just gain in my abdomen, legs, and I'm hit with the upper arm, back and midsection. When I turn sideways it's like I'm preggo.....
Let's try to work on this!!
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Old 06-22-2008, 07:05 AM   #11  
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hi guys!

i was reading thru the thread.. and wanted to tell you how i deal with the cravings for fast food and other off program food. My program is low carb and i replace 2 meals a day with soy or whey protein shakes... But i have chosen 1 day a week and only at 1 meal i can have whatever i want for that meal...

oh and if you go off program during the week you don't get your "whatever" meal.... so during the week you will stop and this _____ (insert cheat item) worth losing my whatever meal????.... also I think its just the idea of knowing that if you really want something you can have it but just on your specified "whatever" meal day...

if you tell yourself.. ok I am dieting and I can never have________ again you are bound to fail.

It's also kinda fun dreaming or planning what I am going to eat at my "whatever" meal....

but you also have to be strong and jump back op after that meal!

and what I have noticed is that after eating op for 6 days.. that when I sit down to have my "whatever meal" I usually eat smaller servings than what I may have planned to... its like a little serving is as satisfying as a larger one...

p.s. I have learned... cuz i was dieting w/o taking a break and when I fell off the wagon I just stayed off for @ a year and gained back 30 of the lbs I had lost.. i have been following this new plan and have lost 13 lbs again..

Last edited by curlylocks; 06-22-2008 at 07:07 AM.
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Old 06-22-2008, 12:18 PM   #12  
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Congratulations Curlylocks! It looks like you're doing great!

My plan also calls for a "night off" where you can eat whatever you want. It makes sense to me. And I've only been on it for a short time, but I already see the thing about not wanting/needing as much of the "bad" foods coming true.
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Old 06-26-2008, 03:44 PM   #13  
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Hey this is kinda how I was feeling Thank you all for the support!!
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Old 06-27-2008, 12:56 PM   #14  
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I have a question for you all. I would really like to wear shorts and capris and dresses that aren't floor length except I have these humungus varicose veins. Seriously, anyone wanting to get to Daytona from Los Angeles could use my legs for road maps. My question is, as my legs get thinner and healthier what can I do to get rid of or hide these stupid veins? Any ideas?
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