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Old 08-16-2006, 03:22 PM   #1  
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Default 300+ and Ready to Try Again #981


We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

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Old 08-16-2006, 03:47 PM   #2  
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ha, just had to chuckle at Valerie's "stop" message on the last thread
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Old 08-16-2006, 03:47 PM   #3  
aka Valerie
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at the age of about 2 he saw a guy with long dark hair and said "There's Duncan McCleod of the Clan McCleod!" (And he knew by age 4 that the surest way to kill anything was by decapitation...I don't know what his pre-school teachers thought of that!)
You totally cracked me up! *** I understand how frustrating it can be to see the weight loss hang up. From January until recently I didn't lose anything, and what I've lost is fighting to come back on. It's so infuriating when you KNOW what it's like to be on a roll, what you need to do to keep it going, and are perhaps even DOing it, but the scale just sits there and sneers at you. You HAVE done extraordinarily well, and you WILL again!

As for Highlander, well, I just converted my closest friends. The guys all used to tease us for settling in with our popcorn every Saturday night at 11, but they used to watch it sometimes too. After all, we had the remote.

Well, by this time tomorrow my car should be feeling like a whole new machine. I'll have changed the tranny fluid, flushed the radiator, and gotten new brakes and shocks all the way around. Ugh.

I did work out today, time to go shopping...
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Old 08-16-2006, 03:51 PM   #4  
aka Valerie
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Hi Jilly! Glad you were amused!
NOW, doesn't it feel good to be outa the closet on this Highlander thing? I still think my favorite episode was about the first one where he has the sword fight with Connor McLeod.
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Old 08-16-2006, 04:01 PM   #5  
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I never got into Highlander because the continuity stuff really got me boggled, but I just did a check on imdb and it looks like there is a new Highlander movie slated for later this year. Maybe I'll have to check it out and forget there ever were any movies. I do like sword fighting.
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Old 08-16-2006, 04:16 PM   #6  
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Originally Posted by NotTheCheat View Post
I just did a check on imdb and it looks like there is a new Highlander movie slated for later this year. Maybe I'll have to check it out and forget there ever were any movies. I do like sword fighting.
Well, the new Highlander movie coming out in 2007 is actually anime, not live action, so it will probably be quite different--but if you like animated sword fighting, then it's perfect
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Old 08-16-2006, 04:46 PM   #7  
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Closet Highlander fan too. I used to watch it on USA every evening. Absolutely loved it! And, I have the theme song too. I used to have it as a ringtone, but no longer have that phone.

The scale hasn't been nice to me in months. Probably because I haven't been nice to my body in months. I'm just fed up. I'm having family issues, financial issues, school issues, work issues, etc etc. I've decided it's a test of my resolve, because up until now I've used all those issues as an excuse to not do my best. Obviously the issues aren't going away so to **** with it. Have to deal with it despite the issues.

Anyway, I'm grouchy and emotional today (and it's not even TOM.. no fair), so I'm going to go read my book and probably even take a nap. I'm guessing the depression is setting in, but I'm going to wallow in it today and then start completely new tomorrow. That's about the only thing I can think of to do.

Hope you ladies are having a great week. Congrats on all the losses. Happy belated b-day to Patti.

See ya later chickies.
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Old 08-16-2006, 04:48 PM   #8  
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Actually it looks like there are two movies coming out - one is anime (Highlander: Vengence) and the other is not (Highlander : The Source).
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Old 08-16-2006, 04:55 PM   #9  
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Originally Posted by NotTheCheat View Post
the other is not (Highlander : The Source).
Oooh, I didn't see that one--I'll have to check it out
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Old 08-16-2006, 05:05 PM   #10  
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Hello all! Valerie- I love your stop message, it made me laugh

I'm not a highlander fan--but I do remember watching it a couple times, and liking it, I just don't tend to keep up with any TV series, it seems I get to like it, and then my work schedule changes, and i miss it.

I'm feeling really sleepy today, I don't know why, as i worked just a long as normal (11hours) and slept the same (6 hours), I'm thinking of taking a nap, but afraid it will mess up my sleep tonight.

I've done good with staying OP today, although I'm a little behind on my water, i'll have to drink a lot in a bit. I plan on going to by Hip Hop workout class tonight, I haven't been in a few weeks, so i'm pretty excited.

I think I am going to take that nap...I'll post later, when I'm not so tired.
Hope everyone is having a good day!
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Old 08-16-2006, 05:09 PM   #11  
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Hi Ladies - Doing good at the moment...some of the water weight came off, but not all of it, so I think I might ignore the scales for a few days and see what happens. Not much news right now...just dropping in. Going to try to get in a walk tonight; probably after DH gets home from work.
Stay OP chickies!!

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Old 08-16-2006, 05:11 PM   #12  
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Hi All,

It was bliss to go out today. I bought some greetings cards for some upcoming occasions, had a nice stroll around the shops before going to ASDA (part of Walmart) to do our grocery shopping. It was so lovely to be out and about again. Tomorrow we will be in, but then on Friday we are going to go clothes shopping, we all need a nice outfit to wear to a show in London

Missy - don't migraines just SUCK! When I have them I get disturbed vision first, then a numb mouth, nose and arm, and then the headache hits and I spend the next 24 hours trying to sleep it off but can't sleep because the pain's too bad, and I keep having to throw up. That's if the migraine takes full hold. Thankfully because I have the warning signs I have some pretty strong meds to take and they stop the migraine getting too bad. Thank goodness I don't get many a year. What about you, how often do you get them?

Sharon - I had a great day out thank you. Guess what? You know those really stretch jeans you sent me? For a laugh last night I decided to try them on. I just wanted to see how far I could get them up so that as I lose weight I will appreciate more how far I have come when I can get the jeans on properly. I thought I would just get them over my knees. BUT....I got them right up over my backside!! Ok so they were like hipsters, and I couldn't do them up, but wow, can't believe I got them up that high. They looked good too, so I can't wait til I fit into them properly. That's my NSV goal and I will be so thrilled to get there!

How were the boys today? I hope they didn't get up to too much mischief

Jill - sounds like you are doing brilliantly on you new plan, down another half a pound I am sure that you will cope just fine on your 3 days off, you have the control I love icecream too. I bought some for Beth and Caleigh, and I decided to figure out the points the other day. It's only 3.5 points for 100 grams, which is about 3 scoops. So now I share the icecream too, it's a delicous dessert and not too high in points. Yummy

I did have a lovely day out today, just a change of scenery really made my day. Beth was happy to be out too. I am glad you and Jeff had so much fun at the miniature golf. There is a Putt Putt course not far from the Mumbles. If the weather is nice we might have a turn there on Friday.

Kimberly - that's great news that you are taking to the Nutrisystem diet. I really hope that you see a good loss following it!

Oh boy I couldn't cope with getting up at 4.30 every morning. It must be awful for you not being able to have a lie in even when you can have one. I think maybe the anticipation of today did get me up early. I was suffering by 3 this afternoon and had to have a nap,

Patti - that's so great that you had a wonderful birthday, what was the new game you had that kept you up late?

Sorry that your sinuses were so bad today, I hope you felt much better when you got up after your sleep.

Valerie - you are pencilled in, it would be lovely to meet you How's the wedding ring fitting now, I hope it's less tight now. I had an NSV with my watch today. Daren bought it for me 2 years ago. It fit when I had it, then I gained weight and it was too tight. I tried it on today and it fits again. I am so glad because it's gorgeous and expensive. While I have been waiting for it to fit again I have just worn a cheapy one, so yay I can stop wearing that now!!

You always write such great things, I love how you ended your post saying "Remember why your doing this today – for you. For your health. For your loved ones. For the fun of it!!!" That is so spot on!!

Oh and loved your end of thread post, very funny

Misti - wow more weight gone, that's brilliant, only 2 more lbs to go until you reach your mini goal!!

Kenya - hope you are having a great day, how's the dancing going?

Heather - it is so brilliant that you could go out and have a date night with your hubby. Even better that you could eat what you wanted without guilt, and yet know you at least ate a smaller portion. I think we can safely say you have made a lifestyle change

That's great that you haven't gained any weight since you were away. I am inspired by what you said about knowing you can allow yourself some indulgences now and again because you know you can lose any gain you have. I can't wait to be that confident myself. I will get there, and my trip to London will be my first test!

Sabrina - did your new scales arrive? Did you weigh more, less or the same as what you weighed on your last scales?

Nelie - sorry that you have been feeling unwell, but glad to hear you are on the mend now.

Lilion - 82 lbs lost, brilliant, just 18 lbs away from the big 100!!! Bet you can't wait I am sure you will get those scales moving downwards again. Don't let it depress you that you are still the same weight as you were in March, at least you aren't what you would have weighed the March before that

Nancy - I loved the Highlander films, but I don't know anything about a series. I wonder if it was only shown over there, or if I just have never noticed it being shown over here

Brenda - woohoo you updated your blogg I enjoyed reading it. Hope you are having a good day.

Brandnewme - there's some hugs because you sound like you need some. I am sorry you are feeling so low. But amongst all that I can hear a determination to get back on track despite the issues you are having to deal with. You should be proud that you are going to try to take control. Well done :hugs:

Just a heads up for those that have been missing and/or worried about Annie (dogpal). She hasn't been very well, but she was well enough to email me today, so I am glad to be able to say that she is on the mend and hopefully she will post here again soon

Ok off to sort out some online banking now. Take care all,



Last edited by AmmiUK; 08-16-2006 at 05:49 PM.
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Old 08-16-2006, 05:22 PM   #13  
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Ammi - I am glad you had such a nice time on your day out. That is so cool about the jeans too! Thanks for the update on Annie. I hope she feels better soon.

That also got me thinking, where the heck is Kayley?

Kim - I find there are a lot of factors that go into my tiredness levels. Exercise (length and intensity) is a big one, as are vitamins. Carbs can play a big factor for me too - too many refined carbs and I am snoozing at my desk.

Brandnewme - Sorry to hear things are so rough. It is hardest when there is no safe haven to retreat to, when things everywhere feel unsettled. Hope you enjoy your book and nap and feel somewhat refreshed.

Oh, I have been so bad today. I have spent WAY too much time here and other places and didn't finish the report I wanted to get done. I should be able to complete it first thing tomorrow, so it is ok, but I have been slipping back in the habit of too much internet time at work. Since I am the only one in the office there is no one here to worry about seeing so I have to police myself.
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Old 08-16-2006, 05:53 PM   #14  
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Nancy - I forgot to mention in my post to Sharon, well mainly because she knows, but just because it thrills me I want to add that the jeans are a size 20

I think I would be the same as you if I had a job and Internet access there, I would be too tempted to be on there too I am just as bad at home, I tell myself not to spend too long online, then between emailing, catching up here and Pogo, am addicted to that lately the hours just whiz by. Anyway I hope you get your report done in the morning.


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Old 08-16-2006, 06:15 PM   #15  
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Ammi glad you had such a great day today.. we all need one now and then. i was playing Radiata Stories.. an Rpg. i can see where Darin might stay up all night playing his games lol. i feel for the time being this evening. not much hungry which is good after yesterday lol!
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