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Old 07-28-2006, 09:25 AM   #16  
Not Snoozing... Losing!
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Hey everyone... I am still around. Just very busy, unfortunately.

I am in the midst of trying to figure out if either my thyroid or hormones are "off." I just have not been feeling good, I am cold all the time, and have NO energy. My blood test came back in the normal range for the thyroid but I have heard that blood tests for TSH can be misleading.

I have been eating well, moderation... not too much but have been creeping up in weight again which really stinks and is quite discouraging -- that is why I want to have things checked out... something just does not seem right.

I will keep you posted.

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Old 07-28-2006, 09:47 AM   #17  
Staying Positive!
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Thanks everyone for the kind words after I "broke my ball"

Nightkatt -- congrats on your weight loss. You are doing so good.

Kayley- congrats on your promotion!

Esmaraude- Hello and congrats on the weight you have lost so far.

Everyone have a great day. I am going to dance, dance, dance today and then start reading for this upcoming semester
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Old 07-28-2006, 10:03 AM   #18  
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Hi all,
This week is challenging to say the least. TOM is making me feel ravenously hungry for anything and everything. I've been able to control it by giving into a few extra healthy snacks but still eating more than I would like to eat. I read recently something that made sense which basically was: Hunger is a natural part of weight loss. Hunger is your body telling you that it has fat cells that have room to be filled. So I am trying not to give into the hunger but it is hard.

Last night, I made a veggie pizza using whole wheat pizza dough from Trader Joes. The pizza had eggplant, mushrooms, onions, bell peppers and olives. I sauteed the eggplant, mushrooms, onions and bell peppers in garlic and olive oil first, then topped them on the pizza. With the sauce, cheese, veggies and dough, I estimate it was around 400 calories per large slice (basically 2 slices). Tonight leftovers will be pizza. I'm glad that I figured out how to make pizza myself because it has been an occassional treat for me.
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Old 07-28-2006, 11:02 AM   #19  
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Hello All,

Thankfully it's a cooler day today, still warm, but not too bad. I only need to have one fan on in the bedroom instead of two

Idril - looks to me like you are one very cool aunty. I wish I had an aunty that was as fun as you look. Mine were all old fuddy duddies

Thanks for the compliments on my photos, I can't believe I was brave enough to post them, but now the really bad ones are my before pics I don't feel so ashamed of them.

Sorry that you have had some emotional things to deal with, I guess one of them was deciding if you were going to forgive that guy and still meet him. I am glad that you are still going and I hope you will enjoy meeting him in person

Misti - glad to hear that it was a bit cooler there for you. Hot summers are lovely, but a little break now and then is always welcome

Glad you liked the photos, of course there isn't as noticeable a difference in my pics as your progress ones, but I am getting there

Kayley - glad to see you posting, well done on your promotion You haven't been there long so you must really be impressing them to get a promotion so quickly

I hope Andrew's vasectomy goes well and that he won't be too sore afterwards. I am sure you will be there to give him plenty of as he recovers.

Not so sure about looking 'svelte' lol, but I am definitely smaller now that I have 50 lbs gone. More importantly I FEEL so much healthier which is a huge bonus!

NightKatt - did I read correctly that you possibly had a gain rather than a loss at WI? If I misunderstood I am sorry, if I got it right, then I am glad that you are happy that you have made an achievement being under the 140Kg mark and that you are thinking positively towards the next WI

Newsnerd - I can't say that I have had the kind of upper back pain that you described. I sometimes get pain between my shoulder blades and I need to round my back to ease it. I get that from standing upright too long, but funnily enough not when walking. If you don't hear from anybody here who can assure you that what you experienced is nothing to worry about I think you should get it checked out by your doctor.

Karen - hello and welcome back. I remember you from before and am glad you have made it back here again. Well done on not gaining any weight back while you weren't dieting, just goes to show that you are going to easily maintain your weight loss when you get to goal. I looked at your photos WOW what a difference. You look so great. If I looked as good as you do now I don't think I would bother dieting anymore

You mentioned in your bio that you love Sailor Moon, my hubby and his daughter love it too. I haven't ever seen it but Caleigh has a DVD set of the show so I could give it a go one day

SugarKube - sounds like cleaning your place is a lot of fun. I barely have the energy to do cleaning the boring way don't think I am quite ready to add in a bit of dancing and silly stuff

Patti - that's rough that you are on that plateau again, maybe we need a digger to come and make a big hole in it so that you go down down down Seriously, keep on doing as you are and I am sure that you will weigh soon and have a loss to make up for the no losses you sometimes see. I read on the main part of 3FC that if you exercise you need to change what you do, or the way you do it every 5 weeks. It helps to prevent plateaus. Can you vary how you use the treadmill, maybe, speed up for 5 minutes of the time you do, or if you already go fast, then leave the spurt of speed for the end rather than the start etc.

Heather - sorry to hear you have been having a rough week. I am glad that you have your head screwed on the right way though and despite an undeserved gain on the scales, and feeling a bit fed up with it all, you are keeping on trying. You are an inspiration to me, and I know you will get past this rough patch and see those lbs coming off soon

Brenda - you inspired me to start my own blog. I noticed yesterday that I couldn't put photos with my post, have you had an problems with that? I wanted to put a birthday pic on there and am disappointed I couldn't.

Claire - I am sorry that you aren't feeling right. Dieting is hard enough when we are well, but it's so much more difficult when something is wrong. Don't feel to bad about your weight gain. Get your health sorted out and there will be time enough after that to put your all into losing the weight again

I see you use the same blog as me, and that you posted recently with a photo, is there some secret to doing so. I have posted before with a pic, but yesterday I couldn't add one to my post no matter how hard I tried.

Rkrs - seems that you are in a much better mood today. I am glad that exercise ball thing didn't get you down for too long. Hope you enjoy your dance dance dancing today

Nelie - sorry to hear that you are feeling hungry today, I like the idea of hunger proving your diet is working though. I hadn't heard that before.

That pizza you made sounds delicious. I used to make my own pizzas, bases and all when I was in my 20s. I should make some nice low fat ones because the whole family like pizza. I might give it a go if the weather ever cools down

Annie - Earth calling Annie, come in Annie? Are you ok, hope you are just busy. Take care and let us know how you are asap

Gotta go now, so take care all and I shall be back later


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Old 07-28-2006, 11:25 AM   #20  
It's gotta be the glasses
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sugarkube- good luck to you and no worries. . . as long as you're exercising and making overall healthy choices you're on the right track. . . the scale is only a number and is not always an accurate reflection of your progress (especially on a day-to-day basis).

Nightkatt- thank you so much!!! I was letting myself get more than a little down recently, and when I dug out those pics it reminded me of how far I've gotten. I still have a long ways to go, but I'm on my way.

toofatforu- Good morning! I'm in plateau city as well, but we all know the drill. It'll work out.

wyllen- I'm sorry to hear you're a little down, hope you feel better soon.

going to lose- thanks! And no worries about being a "slacker," we all do it. I've been like that for months. . . but here we all have each other to stay motivated!

cc- hope everything's going ok with you.

rkrs- thank you very much!

nelie- ooh, that pizza sounds really, really good! I've been meaning to look for whole wheat pizza crust dough.

Oh, I wish this heat and especially the humidity would go away. . . it makes me so lazy (we have no air conditioning).
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Old 07-28-2006, 11:33 AM   #21  
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plateaus are so irritating.. its not like i have been eating non stop! i just dont feel well this week maybe that has something to do with it. Ammi looks like you need to threaten the fat fairy again lol!
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Old 07-28-2006, 11:39 AM   #22  
trying again!
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ammi ~ No i havent had a problem.. i wonder what the problem is
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Old 07-28-2006, 12:46 PM   #23  
It's gotta be the glasses
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AmmieUK- Ah, I totally missed your post whilst I was busy typing out my reply! Anyway, thank you so much, it's great to be back!!!

Yep, I'm a big Sailor Moon fan. . . the show has been a big influence on my art. I've just posted a piece of fan art of her in the picture thread here, hope you guys enjoy:

I've hit a plateau in more ways than one. . . I've been having a severe case of artist's block lately. I'm hoping I'll find the energy and interest in it again once I get rolling on this diet and exercise plan.
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Old 07-28-2006, 01:17 PM   #24  
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What Ways To Some Of You Use To Take Your Mind Of Diet Besides Exercise? I Do Video Games Which Works Pretty Good For Me I Dont Tend To Get Hungry When I Get Into Them. Ammi How Is Darin Doing On His Games?
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Old 07-28-2006, 03:59 PM   #25  
aka Valerie
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Wow! Missed a few threads again. WELCOME BACK to some returning members I see, and WELCOME to our new friends! I've skimmed thru and I know I missed a lot, but CONGRATS to those who have stayed OP, whether you've lost yet or not, because you WILL! And BRAVO to everyone who is taking steps to be healthier & live longer! We're all winners that way!!

I've had a long couple of days at the county fair. My girls, both those I've been working with and those I just met in the last few days, have had a wonderful time and won a rainbow of ribbons. One particular tiny angel has stolen my heart, and she won High Point in her division, Walk-Trot Hunter. My dear Nina is 19 and this is her last year in 4-H, and she won Reserve High Point in Advanced Hunter. All the kids did great and I'm proud of them!

I, on the other hand, did not do well diet wise. Too much of the wrong things have bumped the scale back up a few pounds. I'm cutting myself some slack today to work thru some personal things and recover from exhaustion, but tomorrow I'm back O.P. For the moment I'm off to the barn for some quiet time with my own boys.

Sorry I've not done any personals - I'm rooting for you all, whether it's winning a National Contest, or defeating the Day One munchies, or anywhere on the journey in between!!
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Old 07-28-2006, 06:16 PM   #26  
Registered loser... :)
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I'm still pretty new here, but I wanted to say hi. Ammi asked if I was coming back (I've known her from the WW message boards for five years!). So... here I am .

I've had a weird week. In my first four weeks back OP, I used most of my Flex points over the weekend. This past week I've been using a few here and a few there... and I don't like it. I've just been so hungry. I know I can use them however I want, but I'd rather eat them for special events/treats over the weekends. Plus, I seem to lose better if I do that, rather than have a few every day. Who knows why?

Valerie, I have to confess... one of my strongest motivators to lose is so I can ride a horse I adopt someday. There's a rescue/rehab organization in the area I've just moved to and I'm going to volunteer there. It's been a lifelong dream of mine to own a horse... my grandmother, who died in 2001, loved horses like crazy and I inherited all of her horse memorabilia when she left us. I think of her every time I see a horse and feel, strangely enough, that I have to own one in part for her. I'm not a religious person, so it's not motivated by that... I just feel like I'll be closer to her when I have one. Silly, maybe... but I've decided if I adopt a female horse I will name it Ella, after her. Anyway, I just wanted to share that because though I haven't posted a lot, I've read several of your posts and you remind me of one of the many main reasons I'm doing this! So, thanks !

To everyone else... I'm still learning who is who, but I hope you have a lovely weekend and happy OP eating !
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Old 07-28-2006, 06:31 PM   #27  
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Karen - WOW WOW and WOW again. I am so impressed, that picture you drew is fantastic. My step daughter loves to draw, her enthusiasm is better than her talent but she still likes to do it. I showed her your pic and she was in her words 'gobsmacked'. She wants me to print it out so she can try to copy it, is that OK? If it's not that's fine, I'll tell her it's copyrighted to you! It's a shame you have a block in both your art and diet. Let's hope both get up and running again, I look forward to seeing your ticker go down, and see more of your wonderful drawings!

Patti - for you my friend I will definitely threaten the fat fairy again. I think the heat is slowing her down, so maybe I will bribe her with a nice supply of icecream and a fan

Daren's still loving his gaming and is killing plenty of weird and wonderful creatures I am glad gaming helps to keep your mind off being hungry. For me it's emailing, catching up here, chatting to friends, still haven't caught you on yahoo! and playing on Pogo of course.

I am sorry you haven't been well this week, I think you are right about that being a reason behind no weight loss this week. I hope you will feel better soon.

Brenda - thanks for letting me know that you are having no problems with posting photos. I have posted pics before, so I know what to do, it just isn't working. Oh well I will keep persevering!! Did you get your fajita salad tonight

Valerie - glad to see you posting. Sounds like you had an emotional and enjoyable time at the country fair.

Sorry to hear you have had a small gain on the scales but I am sure now you are back OP those lbs will soon come off again.

Juliet - yay glad to see you posting again, I thought you had done a runner

I am sorry that you have been feeling hungry and have been using your flex points rather than saving them as you like to do. I reckon it's all that fresh mountain air making you feel hungrier!! Well at least you are sticking OP so you should be proud of yourself. When is your WI day? I can't wait to hear what loss you have had this week

Ok time for me to go get a cuppa. Take care all, have a great weekend and I shall be back tomorrow. Bye for now,


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Old 07-28-2006, 06:43 PM   #28  
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Hi Ladies - Haven't posted in a bit...just in to say no news, lol. And WTG to all the 'losers' and to those who need it.
Have a good one and stay OP chickies!!

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Old 07-28-2006, 07:40 PM   #29  
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Hello ladies.
Andrew went in for the vasectomy today...and I'm over here to be his nurse...heh. He's feeling a lot of pain, because the numbing didn't work 100%, so he ended up feeling EVERYTHING on one side. Poor guy.
Just posting really quickly, before we watch The Producers. I've been wanting to see it since it was in the theaters, so I rented it for us, since he has to stay laying down for a few days. It's going to be a lazy kinda weekend for us.
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Old 07-28-2006, 08:53 PM   #30  
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Hi everybody! Happy Friday! Hope you are all hanging in there!

I am so glad it was cooler today but the sun came out again this afternoon so I decided to wait and go to the pool early tomorrow morning; it is sooooo crowded and hard to do my workouts when it is hot and sunny.

It was a good day too in that the local fruit market FINALLY got in a new supply of my dehydrated veggies... oh YUM those things are SO good and that is the only place I have found them. I am going to have to learn to make them before the market closes for the winter!!! They are made by a very small company in Oregon, and I may even call and see if I can order them directly. They are my favorite snack of all time; LOL in fact I may just have them for dinner tonight.

Hugs to everyone!
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